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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Thu, 1 Jan 2015 10:04:20 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Administrivia: Happy New Year 2015

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Happy New Year Colleagues;

Welcome to the another year of operation of the Microscopy ListServer
a free service to the world wide microscopy community, sponsored
jointly by your Friendly Neighborhood SysOp and the Microscopy Society
of America.

During 2014, the ListServer delivered 1124 messages to more than 3900 subscribers
around the world, with minimal hassels (that I know about). For those of you that are
statistics junkies this year you generated ~ 217+ Gbits of Email traffic and ~ 4.3 Million
Email messages were sent out this year by my tired little server.

As usual you don't want to know how much Junk Mail and spam has been filtered out.

The complete Microscopy ListServer Archives for 2013-1994 (~ are on-line at


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If you leave on vacation/holiday use the on-line form to UNSUBSCRIBE
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Your Friendly Neighborhood SysOp

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20, 14 -- From microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com Thu Jan 1 10:04:20 2015
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20, 14 -- for {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Thu, 1 Jan 2015 10:04:20 -0600
20, 14 -- Message-ID: {54A57004.1030702-at-microscopy.com}
20, 14 -- Date: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 10:04:20 -0600
20, 14 -- From: MicroscopyListserver-NoReply {microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com}
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20, 14 -- Subject: Administrivia: Happy New Year 2015
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Fri, 2 Jan 2015 18:33:07 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Offline TIA viewer for windows

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: ravi.thakkar369-at-gmail.com

This Question/Comment was submitted to the Microscopy Listserver
using the WWW based Form at http://microscopy.com/MLFormMail.html
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please copy both ravi.thakkar369-at-gmail.com as well as the Microscopy Listserver

Email: ravi.thakkar369-at-gmail.com
Name: Ravi

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Offline TIA viewer for windows.

Message: How to see .emi and .ser file on windows.?
Is there any offline TIA viewer for windows available.?

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Listserver Email Form V - 20120416

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==============================Original Headers==============================
11, 17 -- From microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com Fri Jan 2 18:33:07 2015
11, 17 -- Received: from mac22.zaluzec.com (mac22.zaluzec.com [])
11, 17 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id t030X73P019812
11, 17 -- for {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Fri, 2 Jan 2015 18:33:07 -0600
11, 17 -- Message-ID: {54A738C3.8090206-at-microscopy.com}
11, 17 -- Date: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 18:33:07 -0600
11, 17 -- From: MicroscopyListserver-NoReply {microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com}
11, 17 -- Reply-To: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
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11, 17 -- MIME-Version: 1.0
11, 17 -- To: MicroscopyListServer-Forward {microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
11, 17 -- Subject: viaWWW:Offline TIA viewer for windows
11, 17 -- References: {201501021738.t02HchTB029960-at-ns.microscopy.com}
11, 17 -- In-Reply-To: {201501021738.t02HchTB029960-at-ns.microscopy.com}
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From: colijn.1-at-osu.edu
Date: Fri, 2 Jan 2015 19:41:32 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: viaWWW:Offline TIA viewer for windows

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hi Ravi,

This won't help entirely, but ImageJ has a plugin which can open the
.SER files. You need to be sure that you point to the correct file
which contains the image. Most of the experimental information is
stored in the .EMI file.

The FEI website has a link to an off-line version of ESVision
(http://www.fei.com/service-support/es-vision/) which is the original
version of TIA. You may be able to run it and analyze the data
directly. (I've not tested it.)

Good luck,

On 1/2/2015 7:35 PM, microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com wrote:
} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
} The Microscopy ListServer -- CoSponsor: The Microscopy Society of America
} To Subscribe/Unsubscribe -- http://www.microscopy.com/MicroscopyListserver
} On-Line Help http://www.microscopy.com/MicroscopyListserver/FAQ.html
} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
} X-from: ravi.thakkar369-at-gmail.com
} This Question/Comment was submitted to the Microscopy Listserver
} using the WWW based Form at http://microscopy.com/MLFormMail.html
} ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
} Remember this posting is most likely not from a Subscriber, so when replying
} please copy both ravi.thakkar369-at-gmail.com as well as the Microscopy Listserver
} ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
} Email: ravi.thakkar369-at-gmail.com
} Name: Ravi
} Title-Subject: [Filtered] Offline TIA viewer for windows.
} Message: How to see .emi and .ser file on windows.?
} Is there any offline TIA viewer for windows available.?
} Login Host:
} Listserver Email Form V - 20120416
} ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


Hendrik O. Colijn

*C*enter for *E*lectron *M*icroscopy & *A*nalysi*S*

1305 Kinnear Rd, Suite 100, Columbus, OH 43212

colijn.1-at-osu.edu {mailto:colijn.1-at-osu.edu} 614.643.3458 Office


"Time is that quality of nature which keeps things from happening all at
once. Lately it doesn't seem to be working."

==============================Original Headers==============================
14, 49 -- From colijn.1-at-osu.edu Fri Jan 2 19:41:32 2015
14, 49 -- Received: from na01-bn1-obe.outbound.protection.outlook.com (mail-bn1bon0114.outbound.protection.outlook.com [])
14, 49 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id t031fTqV010018
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14, 49 -- 2015 20:41:27 -0500
14, 49 -- Message-ID: {54A748C4.70905-at-osu.edu}
14, 49 -- Date: Fri, 2 Jan 2015 20:41:24 -0500
14, 49 -- From: Henk Colijn {colijn.1-at-osu.edu}
14, 49 -- User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.3.0
14, 49 -- MIME-Version: 1.0
14, 49 -- To: {ravi.thakkar369-at-gmail.com} , {microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
14, 49 -- Subject: Re: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Offline TIA viewer for windows
14, 49 -- References: {201501030035.t030Zbt3021439-at-ns.microscopy.com}
14, 49 -- In-Reply-To: {201501030035.t030Zbt3021439-at-ns.microscopy.com}
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==============================End of - Headers==============================

From: guosheng.liu-at-usask.ca
Date: Mon, 5 Jan 2015 14:39:37 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] The data screen/monitor turns black in our Philips CM10 TEM---need

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Happy new year EM community!

When coming back from holidays, I found our CM10's monitor display was completely dark :(
A small part of data display on a corner of the screen has been disappeared (fainted) for a while but the machine was operational without any problem. Now the whole screen was black out. The Data Dim and Panel Dim knobs were usually set at low or off during non-usage times. Other panel lights are all normal.

It seems like a small part (bulb or circuit board?) wearing out. Is there any simple way to check or order/replay the part?

Your expertise on this is much appreciated. Thanks you in advance.

Guosheng Liu
University of Saskatchewan

==============================Original Headers==============================
6, 36 -- From guosheng.liu-at-usask.ca Mon Jan 5 14:39:36 2015
6, 36 -- Received: from smtp.usask.ca (smtp.usask.ca [])
6, 36 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id t05Kda7Y018234
6, 36 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Mon, 5 Jan 2015 14:39:36 -0600
6, 36 -- Received: from conversion-daemon.usask.ca by usask.ca
6, 36 -- (Oracle Communications Messaging Server 64bit (built Oct 14 2014))
6, 36 -- id {0NHQ007001CC0Q00-at-usask.ca} for Microscopy-at-microscopy.com; Mon,
6, 36 -- 05 Jan 2015 14:39:23 -0600 (CST)
6, 36 -- Received: from CAMPUSCAS4.usask.ca (campuscas4.usask.ca [])
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6, 36 -- with ESMTPS id {0NHQ0042E1DNL560-at-usask.ca} for Microscopy-at-microscopy.com; Mon,
6, 36 -- 05 Jan 2015 14:39:23 -0600 (CST)
6, 36 -- Received: from CAMPUSMB4.usask.ca ([fe80::f90b:9124:ecc1:45ed])
6, 36 -- by CAMPUSCAS4.usask.ca ([::1]) with mapi id 14.03.0195.001; Mon,
6, 36 -- 5 Jan 2015 14:39:22 -0600
6, 36 -- Date: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 20:39:21 +0000
6, 36 -- From: "Liu, Guosheng" {guosheng.liu-at-usask.ca}
6, 36 -- Subject: The data screen/monitor turns black in our Philips CM10 TEM---need
6, 36 -- help.
6, 36 -- X-Originating-IP: []
6, 36 -- To: "Microscopy-at-microscopy.com" {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
6, 36 -- Message-id: {569262A9A49BF84695B7BFAE3D8E2A201795B657-at-CAMPUSMB4.usask.ca}
6, 36 -- MIME-version: 1.0
6, 36 -- Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
6, 36 -- Content-language: en-US
6, 36 -- Accept-Language: en-US
6, 36 -- Thread-topic: The data screen/monitor turns black in our Philips CM10
6, 36 -- TEM---need help.
6, 36 -- Thread-index: AdApJ687OIaT+yDFR1KAXCrWuAYUFQ==
6, 36 -- X-MS-Has-Attach:
6, 36 -- X-MS-TNEF-Correlator:
6, 36 -- x-pmwin-version:, Antivirus-Engine: 3.53.0, Antivirus-Data: 5.09
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==============================End of - Headers==============================

From: js51-at-princeton.edu
Date: Mon, 5 Jan 2015 15:13:02 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] The data screen/monitor turns black in our Philips CM10 TEM---need

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives


One thing you can try is to shine a bright light up in the upper left corner of the Data Monitor and see if the characters show up. The Data monitor intensity circuitry is a little strange. When you adjust the Data Dim knob it controls the intensity of a bulb on a circuit board behind the panel. There is a light absorbing diode that is next to the bulb which measures the intensity and adjust the circuitry that controls the Data brightness. If this bulb is burned out, then the monitor goes black.

Good Luck,

-----Original Message-----
X-from: guosheng.liu-at-usask.ca [mailto:guosheng.liu-at-usask.ca]
Sent: Monday, January 05, 2015 3:58 PM
To: John J. Schreiber

Happy new year EM community!

When coming back from holidays, I found our CM10's monitor display was completely dark :( A small part of data display on a corner of the screen has been disappeared (fainted) for a while but the machine was operational without any problem. Now the whole screen was black out. The Data Dim and Panel Dim knobs were usually set at low or off during non-usage times. Other panel lights are all normal.

It seems like a small part (bulb or circuit board?) wearing out. Is there any simple way to check or order/replay the part?

Your expertise on this is much appreciated. Thanks you in advance.

Guosheng Liu
University of Saskatchewan

==============================Original Headers==============================
6, 36 -- From guosheng.liu-at-usask.ca Mon Jan 5 14:39:36 2015 6, 36 -- Received: from smtp.usask.ca (smtp.usask.ca [])
6, 36 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id t05Kda7Y018234
6, 36 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Mon, 5 Jan 2015 14:39:36 -0600
6, 36 -- Received: from conversion-daemon.usask.ca by usask.ca 6, 36 -- (Oracle Communications Messaging Server 64bit (built Oct 14 2014)) 6, 36 -- id {0NHQ007001CC0Q00-at-usask.ca} for Microscopy-at-microscopy.com; Mon, 6, 36 -- 05 Jan 2015 14:39:23 -0600 (CST) 6, 36 -- Received: from CAMPUSCAS4.usask.ca (campuscas4.usask.ca []) 6, 36 -- by usask.ca 6, 36 -- (Oracle Communications Messaging Server 64bit (built Oct 14 2014)) 6, 36 -- with ESMTPS id {0NHQ0042E1DNL560-at-usask.ca} for Microscopy-at-microscopy.com; Mon, 6, 36 -- 05 Jan 2015 14:39:23 -0600 (CST) 6, 36 -- Received: from CAMPUSMB4.usask.ca ([fe80::f90b:9124:ecc1:45ed]) 6, 36 -- by CAMPUSCAS4.usask.ca ([::1]) with mapi id 14.03.0195.001; Mon, 6, 36 -- 5 Jan 2015 14:39:22 -0600 6, 36 -- Date: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 20:39:21 +0000 6, 36 -- From: "Liu, Guosheng" {guosheng.liu-at-usask.ca} 6, 36 -- Subject: The data screen/monitor turns black in our Philips CM10 TEM---need 6, 36 -- help.
6, 36 -- X-Originating-IP: []
6, 36 -- To: "Microscopy-at-microscopy.com" {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} 6, 36 -- Message-id: {569262A9A49BF84695B7BFAE3D8E2A201795B657-at-CAMPUSMB4.usask.ca}
6, 36 -- MIME-version: 1.0
6, 36 -- Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii 6, 36 -- Content-language: en-US 6, 36 -- Accept-Language: en-US 6, 36 -- Thread-topic: The data screen/monitor turns black in our Philips CM10 6, 36 -- TEM---need help.
6, 36 -- Thread-index: AdApJ687OIaT+yDFR1KAXCrWuAYUFQ== 6, 36 -- X-MS-Has-Attach:
6, 36 -- X-MS-TNEF-Correlator:
6, 36 -- x-pmwin-version:, Antivirus-Engine: 3.53.0, Antivirus-Data: 5.09 6, 36 -- x-puremessage: [Scanned] 6, 36 -- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit 6, 36 -- X-MIME-Autoconverted: from QUOTED-PRINTABLE to 8bit by ns.microscopy.com id t05Kda7Y018234 ==============================End of - Headers==============================

==============================Original Headers==============================
17, 41 -- From js51-at-princeton.edu Mon Jan 5 15:13:00 2015
17, 41 -- Received: from Princeton.EDU (ppa03.Princeton.EDU [])
17, 41 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id t05LCxv5007434
17, 41 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Mon, 5 Jan 2015 15:13:00 -0600
17, 41 -- Received: from csgsmtp201l.Princeton.EDU (csgsmtp201l.Princeton.EDU [])
17, 41 -- by ppa03.princeton.edu (8.14.5/8.14.5) with ESMTP id t05LCwte008008
17, 41 -- (version=TLSv1/SSLv3 cipher=DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA bits=256 verify=NOT)
17, 41 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Mon, 5 Jan 2015 16:12:59 -0500
17, 41 -- Received: from CSGHUB209W.pu.win.princeton.edu (csghub209w.Princeton.EDU [])
17, 41 -- by csgsmtp201l.Princeton.EDU (8.13.8/8.12.9) with ESMTP id t05LCw95028402;
17, 41 -- Mon, 5 Jan 2015 16:12:58 -0500
17, 41 -- Received: from CSGMBX204W.pu.win.princeton.edu ([]) by
17, 41 -- CSGHUB209W.pu.win.princeton.edu ([]) with mapi id
17, 41 -- 14.03.0174.001; Mon, 5 Jan 2015 16:12:58 -0500
17, 41 -- From: "John J. Schreiber" {js51-at-princeton.edu}
17, 41 -- To: "guosheng.liu-at-usask.ca" {guosheng.liu-at-usask.ca}
17, 41 -- CC: "Microscopy-at-microscopy.com" {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
17, 41 -- Subject: RE: [Microscopy] The data screen/monitor turns black in our Philips
17, 41 -- CM10 TEM---need
17, 41 -- Thread-Topic: [Microscopy] The data screen/monitor turns black in our
17, 41 -- Philips CM10 TEM---need
17, 41 -- Thread-Index: AQHQKSpaN5c4gssm1kytWb/5J777E5yyBEEg
17, 41 -- Date: Mon, 5 Jan 2015 21:12:57 +0000
17, 41 -- Message-ID: {3C628C43B600C14EB700249D43D718D30E7497B9-at-CSGMBX204W.pu.win.princeton.edu}
17, 41 -- References: {201501052058.t05KwQuc005842-at-ns.microscopy.com}
17, 41 -- In-Reply-To: {201501052058.t05KwQuc005842-at-ns.microscopy.com}
17, 41 -- Accept-Language: en-US
17, 41 -- Content-Language: en-US
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Mon, 5 Jan 2015 20:04:40 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:CSU Summer School on Electron Diffraction

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: roy.geiss-at-colostate.edu

This Question/Comment was submitted to the Microscopy Listserver
using the WWW based Form at http://www.microscopy.com/MLFormMail.html
Remember this posting is most likely not from a Subscriber, so when replying
please copy both roy.geiss-at-colostate.edu as well as the Microscopy Listserver

Email: roy.geiss-at-colostate.edu
Name: Roy H. Geiss

Organization: Colorado State University

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Summer School on Electron Diffraction

Message: We are happy to announce the second edition of the CIF Summer School, which this year will
feature a 3-day workshop on electron diffraction methods for materials analysis (May 19-21, 2015).
Registration will open mid-January to both CSU and non-CSU students and researchers. For more
information, go to: http://cif.colostate.edu/cif-summer-school/.

Thank you.

Karolien Denef
Associate Director/Research Scientist
Central Instrument Facility (CIF)
Department of Chemistry - Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1872
970-491- 3832 (o); 970-556-4846 (cell)

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Listserver Email Form V - 20120416

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the Microscopy Listserver NO-REPLY forwarding
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==============================Original Headers==============================
17, 17 -- From microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com Mon Jan 5 20:04:40 2015
17, 17 -- Received: from mac22.zaluzec.com (mac22.zaluzec.com [])
17, 17 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id t0624eGX004992
17, 17 -- for {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Mon, 5 Jan 2015 20:04:40 -0600
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Mon, 5 Jan 2015 20:05:27 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Job Opportunity- Leidos Biomed

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X-from: jennifer.korrell-at-nih.gov

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Email: jennifer.korrell-at-nih.gov
Name: Jennifer Korrell

Organization: Leidos Biomedical Research, Inc.

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Job Opportunity- Leidos Biomed

Message: Leidos Biomedical Research Inc. is seeking a dedicated, driven Research Associate II to
join their Electron Microscopy Laboratory. This position is located in Frederick, MD.

Below is a link that will take you directly to the job description on our website. If interested,
please apply using the "apply" button at the bottom of the page.


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From: bicarbaj-at-mtholyoke.edu
Date: Mon, 5 Jan 2015 21:02:20 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] EM service contracts-Negotiating prices?

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hello everyone,

I am in the early stages of my career as a facility director and was
wondering if you could lend some tips for negotiating service contract

Our facility has a TEM and SEM, both of which are under service
contracts with FEI. The increase in price has been pretty steady over
the years, i.e. ~$200 for the SEM and ~$500 for the TEM. This year,
however, the increase in price for the SEM contract is ~$1,300!! This
was even after the mutli-contract discount.

I did not expect such an increase this year so my budget was not
adjusted accordingly. I would say that I was pretty unhappy with the
SEM service this past year. Despite contacting my field service
engineer multiple times, I never heard back or it took over a month to
hear back. We are also still having low vac problems that have
resulted in countless hours of down time. Should I mention these
points to my sales rep?

I'm new to the whole business side of science and I am wondering if
anyone has any suggestions. I wouldn't want to say something

Thank you in advance!


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7, 28 -- From bicarbaj-at-mtholyoke.edu Mon Jan 5 21:02:20 2015
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From: oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu
Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2015 07:07:16 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: Ask-A-Microscopist: DIC light microscopy of 2 rubber compounds

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} realname - Ondrej Kotecky
} Email - ondrej.kotecky-at-gmail.com
} EDUCATION - Graduate College
} LOCATION - Brno, Czech Republic
} QUESTION - Hello,
} i had rubber sample made from two rubber components/compounds. The interface between the components was not visible in reflected light on a guillotine cut, and it was not visible on a polished section. (Polished similarly as a metallurgical sample. Polishing resulted in a nearly plane and slightly inclined surface.) Neither dark-field nor polarized-light could resolve the interface -- one colour across the whole sample.
} } From the above, i was assuming that there is no step in between the components (dark-field) and that the compounds give the same reflection in polarized light. So DIC should not show the interface. I tried anyway and was surprised to see two different colours on both sides of the interface.
} I'd like to understand why DIC shows a different colour. The literature did not help. I must be missing something. Could you help to explain why DIC results in two homogeneous regions with a distinct colour contrast?
} Many thanks,
} Ondrej Kotecky

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4, 33 -- From oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu Wed Jan 7 07:07:14 2015
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2015 07:55:44 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW: never used filaments genuine spare part JEM 100SX

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X-from: guy.vermeildeconchard-at-fr.netgrs.com

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Title-Subject: [Filtered] genuine spare part JEM 100SX

Message: To be given 8 never used filaments type K (tungsten) Jeol part No. 804500070 - type
MA113008(03) for Jeol transmission microscope type 100SX.

please, contact by mail.

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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2015 07:56:32 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Recycling old EM negatives

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X-from: Gregory.Hendricks-at-umassmed.edu

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Email: Gregory.Hendricks-at-umassmed.edu
Name: Greg Hendricks

Organization: University of Massachusetts Medical School

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Recycling old EM negatives

Message: A colleague of mine found several boxes of old (from her dissertation) EM negatives while
cleaning out her basement. She contacted me and asked if we could recycle them. It never crossed
my mind that these could be recycled but apparently there are hundreds of them and it does seem kind
of a waste to just through them out. Does anyone out there no of/or if Old EM negatives (Kodak
4489) can be recycled?
Happy New year to you all

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From: ben.micklem-at-pharm.ox.ac.uk
Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2015 08:13:03 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: viaWWW:Recycling old EM negatives

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from a quick google, Kodak have a document called KES-60, which has a list
of scrap film buyers, the most recent version I could find in Google was



On 07/01/2015 14:04, "microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com"
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10, 30 -- Subject: Re: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Recycling old EM negatives
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From: bicarbaj-at-mtholyoke.edu
Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2015 11:45:33 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] EM service contracts-Negotiating prices?--update

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hello everyone,

Thank you very much for all the helpful advice and kind words. I
learned about many alternatives for service that I will definitely be
considering in the future.

I found out what the issue was with FEI. Apparently, we were being
given an unusual 5% multi-tool discount which was reduced to 2% this
year. However, we were not given notice of this reduction last year
when we were preparing our budget (this happened before I started the

FEI was kind enough to negotiate to a 3.5% discount for this year,
mostly because our budget was prepared with a 5% discount in mind.

More good news: I contacted our service engineer about the continued
low vac problem. His response this time was prompt and he is coming
out to inspect the instrument at the end of the week.

Before my post, I was not aware that the best plan of action was to
voice my concerns to the service manager when I found myself
dissatisfied with the service. Thank you for letting me know. Maybe
now I won't have issues with obtaining prompt replies.

Thank you,


Blanca Carbajal Gonzalez, M.S.
Director of Microscopy
Science Center
50 College St
Mount Holyoke College
Clapp Laboratory 123
Office: 413-538-3118
Cell: 559-905-7138

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9, 28 -- From bicarbaj-at-mtholyoke.edu Wed Jan 7 11:45:33 2015
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From: axelsson-at-acc.umu.se
Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2015 17:34:04 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Recycling old EM negatives

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

There are people around the world that recovers silver from both
unexposed film and negatives. Many have gathered together on the
http://goldrefiningforum.com/ forum. There you could probably find
someone close-by that can recover the silver from the films.
The process is also described on several places on the forum for anyone


ben.micklem-at-pharm.ox.ac.uk skrev den 2015-01-07 15:13:
} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
} The Microscopy ListServer -- CoSponsor: The Microscopy Society of America
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} X-from a quick google, Kodak have a document called KES-60, which has a list
} of scrap film buyers, the most recent version I could find in Google was
} this:
} http://www.kodak.co.uk/ek/uploadedFiles/Content/About_Kodak/Global_Sustaina
} bility/Health,_Safety_and_Environment/HSE_Support_Center/Product_End_of_Lif
} e_Management/KES-60_Scrap_Film_Buyers.pdf
} Ben
} On 07/01/2015 14:04, "microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com"
} {microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com} wrote:
} }
} }
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} } X-from: Gregory.Hendricks-at-umassmed.edu
} }
} } This Question/Comment was submitted to the Microscopy Listserver
} } using the WWW based Form at http://www.microscopy.com/MLFormMail.html
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} } Remember this posting is most likely not from a Subscriber, so when
} } replying
} } please copy both Gregory.Hendricks-at-umassmed.edu as well as the
} } Microscopy Listserver
} } --------------------------------------------------------------------------
} } -
} }
} } Email: Gregory.Hendricks-at-umassmed.edu
} } Name: Greg Hendricks
} }
} } Organization: University of Massachusetts Medical School
} }
} } Title-Subject: [Filtered] Recycling old EM negatives
} }
} } Message: A colleague of mine found several boxes of old (from her
} } dissertation) EM negatives while
} } cleaning out her basement. She contacted me and asked if we could
} } recycle them. It never crossed
} } my mind that these could be recycled but apparently there are hundreds of
} } them and it does seem kind
} } of a waste to just through them out. Does anyone out there no of/or if
} } Old EM negatives (Kodak
} } 4489) can be recycled?
} } Happy New year to you all
} } Greg
} }
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} 10, 30 -- From ben.micklem-at-pharm.ox.ac.uk Wed Jan 7 08:13:02 2015
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} 10, 30 -- Subject: Re: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Recycling old EM negatives
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2015 06:54:37 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Compresser problem in RMC RFD-9010CR freeze fracture machine

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: leex3870-at-umn.edu

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Email: leex3870-at-umn.edu
Name: Han

Organization: University of Minnesota

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Compresser problem in RMC RFD-9010CR freeze fracture machine

Message: Hello

I have a RMC RFD-9010CR freeze fracture machine and its compressor (Mitsubishi super line SP-KR) is
not working. I checked fuses in the mainboard, and none of them is blown. I'm wondering that
anyone had similar problem with RMC freeze fracture machine can give some advice so that I can start

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12, 17 -- From microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com Thu Jan 8 06:54:37 2015
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12, 17 -- Date: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 06:54:37 -0600
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12, 17 -- To: MicroscopyListServer-Forward {microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
12, 17 -- Subject: viaWWW:Compresser problem in RMC RFD-9010CR freeze fracture machine
12, 17 -- References: {201501072320.t07NKinB016338-at-ns.microscopy.com}
12, 17 -- In-Reply-To: {201501072320.t07NKinB016338-at-ns.microscopy.com}
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2015 06:55:39 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:AFM Training course 2015 - Portugal

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: afmhelp-at-gmail.com

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Email: afmhelp-at-gmail.com
Name: Peter Eaton

Organization: UCIBIO-at-Requimte / University of Porto, Portugal

Title-Subject: [Filtered] AFM Training course 2015

Message: Dear All,
The 4th Porto Atomic Force Microscopy Training Workshop will run during Easter 2015, from the 30th
March to 2nd April in the historic city of Porto, Portugal. Following the successful courses that
ran in 2011, 2013 and 2014, the course will include several hours hands-on training in acquiring
images with the atomic force microscope as well as AFM data processing. Other topics covered in
lectures include AFM modes, AFM instrumentation, sample preparation, and applications. The course
will also feature advanced topics lectures from guest scientists in biology and materials science.
Those interested in attending are encouraged to register as soon as possible, as the course usually
fills quickly. More details can be found at http://afmhelp.com/course, and enquiries can be sent to
Dr. Peter Eaton

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14, 17 -- From microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com Thu Jan 8 06:55:39 2015
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14, 17 -- Subject: viaWWW:AFM Training course 2015 - Portugal
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From: jkrupp-at-deltacollege.edu
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2015 12:42:57 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Curriculum suggestions

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

You may recall that I asked the list about what to include in a bachelor's level EM curriculum.

I received many responses, mostly directly to me, and a few that were shared on the list.

I am still working on this project and want to thank everyone who has contributed. Keep those cards and letters coming, more ideas are always better.

I got several requests to post the replies to the list, but the page count is now up to 11 and I think that's too long to post. So, if you would like to receive a copy of the replies, send me a request and I will send a PDF to you. Fear not, I think I have sanitized the responses so you have nothing to fear from the thought police. If you sent a reply and do not wish to have it shared, let me know and I will take care of it.


Jonathan Krupp
Applied Science, Business & Technology
San Joaquin Delta College
5151 Pacific Avenue
Stockton, CA 95207
(209) 954-5284

Find us on Facebook at Electron Microscopy at SJ Delta College


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9, 40 -- From prvs=1443692d67=jkrupp-at-deltacollege.edu Thu Jan 8 12:42:57 2015
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9, 40 -- Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2015 10:42:52 -0800 (PST)
9, 40 -- From: Jonathan Krupp {jkrupp-at-deltacollege.edu}
9, 40 -- To: microscopy-at-microscopy.com
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2015 18:19:10 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Post-doctorate or senior electron microscopist / Krakow, Poland

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: czyrska-at-agh.edu.pl

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Email: czyrska-at-agh.edu.pl
Name: Aleksandra Czyrska-Filemonowicz

Organization: Centre of Electron Microscopy for Materials Science, AGH University of Science and
Technology, Krakow, Poland

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Post-doctorate or senior electron microscopist

Message: The Faculty of Metals Engineering and Industrial Computer Sciences and International Centre
of Electron Microscopy for Materials Science (IC-EM) invite applications for an experienced
Post-Doctorate Scientist in materials science and/or physics to strengthen and further develop an
eleven people team.

The present research frame is focused on quantitative characterisation of micro/nanostructure and
properties of various materials, structure-property relationship as well as tailoring microstructure
for desired properties. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is the main investigation tool around
a probe Cs corrected Titan Cubed 60-300 with a ChemiSTEM, Merlin Gemini II SEM and comprehensive
preparation laboratory with FIB and NanoMill 1040. More details are given on the Centre website:

This offer aims at a person with a PhD degree in materials science or physics. Proven ability to
conduct academic research (mainly using TEM), ability to make clear oral and written presentations
as well as self-motivation are prerequisite. Ability to write publications in international
journals, fluent English (spoken and written) are expected. Teaching ability in English and in
Polish is required. Female scientists are encouraged to apply.

The successful candidate will take the responsibility for research within existing projects and is
expected to develop her/his own projects on a longer perspective based on national, international
and industry funding.

The call is open immediately and will be closed on 10th of February, 2015.
The University position will be open from 1st of March 2015 and secure for the next two years with a
possibility of further prolongation.

Please send your application (CV and publications list) together with the names of two referees
(phone, e-mail and website addresses) by e-mail to:

Prof. Dr. Aleksandra Czyrska-Filemonowicz
AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland
Tel. +48 12 617 2929 or +48 12 617 2587 (secretary)
email: czyrska-at-agh.edu.pl

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797 Bonnie Brae Ct.
Bolingbrook, Illinois 60440, USA
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25, 17 -- From microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com Thu Jan 8 18:19:10 2015
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25, 17 -- Date: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 18:19:10 -0600
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25, 17 -- To: MicroscopyListServer-Forward {microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
25, 17 -- Subject: viaWWW:Post-doctorate or senior electron microscopist / Krakow, Poland
25, 17 -- References: {201501081527.t08FRFu3027322-at-ns.microscopy.com}
25, 17 -- In-Reply-To: {201501081527.t08FRFu3027322-at-ns.microscopy.com}
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2015 18:20:13 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Cross-section Preparation of mesoporous silica

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: chilan.ngo-at-ucla.edu

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Email: chilan.ngo-at-ucla.edu
Name: Chilan Ngo

Organization: UCLA Materials Science

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Cross-section Preparation

Message: Dear all,

I'm looking for input on preparing some very testy powder samples of mesoporous silica embedded with
small metal nanoparticles. The goal is to get cross-sectional HRTEM to show that the particles are
embedded into the walls of the silica, instead in the pores/surface. Imaging the material as powder
doesn't show any of the tubular bundles in the correct orientation (looking down the pores), so I've
tried cross sections.

FIB chewed up the material, so the next approach was to embed in epoxy and microtome slices. My
collaborator used a general procedure from the technical guide, 19:21:1.2 Araldite502:DDSA:BDMA with
powder mixed in, at 60C for 24h after degassing, in BEEM capsules. The epoxy slices (70-200nm) were
relatively soft, had a couple bubbles, and often split lengthwise during cutting. The admin of our
facility suggested that the polymerizarion was unfinished. Under our FEI Titan beam at both 80kV and
300kV, the slices crumpled & broke immediately at medium magnification (3800X) with a spread beam
(spot size 4), and including after exposure/pre-warming at low mag, which was ok.

Assuming that microtoming is the way to go, can anyone suggest modifications to the embedding
procedure to make the slices more robust? Or TEM tricks to prevent breaking? Or, what techniques
might be able to cross section powder better? The silica pores/channels (~10nm diameter) also
present a challenge because they swell under the beam, and being embedded makes the ~5nm nps harder
to find...

Thanks to anyone who read all that! Those of us on this projects are new at the microtome, so all
input is very appreciated.


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18, 17 -- From microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com Thu Jan 8 18:20:13 2015
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18, 17 -- Subject: viaWWW:Cross-section Preparation of mesoporous silica
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18, 17 -- In-Reply-To: {201501081858.t08IwhZo018915-at-ns.microscopy.com}
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From: jkrupp-at-deltacollege.edu
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2015 21:38:52 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Curriculum PDF

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

If you asked for a PDF of the replies I got to my question about EM curriculum, sit tight.

The file is on my other computer and I won't get to it for about a week. Will send out when I can.


Jonathan Krupp
Applied Science, Business & Technology
San Joaquin Delta College
5151 Pacific Avenue
Stockton, CA 95207
(209) 954-5284

Find us on Facebook at Electron Microscopy at SJ Delta College


==============================Original Headers==============================
6, 40 -- From prvs=14449114bc=jkrupp-at-deltacollege.edu Thu Jan 8 21:38:52 2015
6, 40 -- Received: from mailin.deltacollege.edu (mailin.deltacollege.edu [])
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6, 40 -- for {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Thu, 8 Jan 2015 21:38:51 -0600
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6, 40 -- by zmail.deltacollege.edu (Postfix) with ESMTP id 08EAEF7FABD5
6, 40 -- for {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Thu, 8 Jan 2015 19:38:48 -0800 (PST)
6, 40 -- Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2015 19:38:47 -0800 (PST)
6, 40 -- From: Jonathan Krupp {jkrupp-at-deltacollege.edu}
6, 40 -- To: microscopy-at-microscopy.com
6, 40 -- Message-ID: {975147978.20437307.1420774727829.JavaMail.zimbra-at-deltacollege.edu}
6, 40 -- In-Reply-To: {1946574499.20437251.1420774673983.JavaMail.zimbra-at-deltacollege.edu}
6, 40 -- Subject: Curriculum PDF
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6, 40 -- Thread-Topic: Curriculum PDF
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From: matthew.weyland-at-monash.edu
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2015 23:03:07 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: viaWWW:Cross-section Preparation of mesoporous silica

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hi Chilan,

I've looked at many specimens of mesoporous silica embedded with
nanoparticles in my time, as well as a fair few microtomed specimens -
and have a few suggestions;

1) Stop using TEM - use STEM instead, preferably some flavour of ADF
imaging as the contrast from the metal nanoparticles will be strong, and
there will be no phase contrast making interpretation harder.

Also both mesoporous silica and the embedding polymer undergo damage via
electron beam heating and/or electrostatic charging induced tearing. As
the total dose rate is much lower in STEM (and a moving probe means no
area is exposed for long) damage will be much less of a problem. Also
note this means high voltage means LESS damage for the silica - as the
inelastic cross section drops with increasing voltage. As such 300kV is
orders of magnitude more stable than 80kV for these materials.

2) Coat your sections with a monolayer of carbon after microtoming. As
heating/charging is the damage mechanism this will provide a conduction
path for removing charge and heat. (In some microtomed sections this
converts specimens from being unusable in STEM to perfectly stable).

3) To make it easier to see end on pores in the powder you should grind
the sample before dispersing it in alcohol - and sonicate it well. The
raw material tends to form in micelles that are 'sausage' shaped with
the pores along the long axis of the sausage. This is what makes it
unlikely to come across end on pores in an unground specimen.

4) Tilt! If you cant see end on pores when flat your microscope has a
double tilt stage - use it. Even better carry out tomography as you'll
be able to resolve internal/external and particle positions in the
reconstruction. Note that whatever your specimen prep technique only the
tilting approaches will allow you to say with any certainty where your
nanoparticles are in relation to the silica - all other imaging
techniques will be limited by projection.

Hope that helps,


On 9/01/2015 11:39 AM, microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com wrote:

} Organization: UCLA Materials Science
} Title-Subject: [Filtered] Cross-section Preparation
} Message: Dear all,
} I'm looking for input on preparing some very testy powder samples of
} mesoporous silica embedded with small metal nanoparticles. The goal
} is to get cross-sectional HRTEM to show that the particles are
} embedded into the walls of the silica, instead in the pores/surface.
} Imaging the material as powder doesn't show any of the tubular
} bundles in the correct orientation (looking down the pores), so I've
} tried cross sections.
} FIB chewed up the material, so the next approach was to embed in
} epoxy and microtome slices. My collaborator used a general procedure
} from the technical guide, 19:21:1.2 Araldite502:DDSA:BDMA with powder
} mixed in, at 60C for 24h after degassing, in BEEM capsules. The epoxy
} slices (70-200nm) were relatively soft, had a couple bubbles, and
} often split lengthwise during cutting. The admin of our facility
} suggested that the polymerizarion was unfinished. Under our FEI Titan
} beam at both 80kV and 300kV, the slices crumpled & broke immediately
} at medium magnification (3800X) with a spread beam (spot size 4), and
} including after exposure/pre-warming at low mag, which was ok.
} Assuming that microtoming is the way to go, can anyone suggest
} modifications to the embedding procedure to make the slices more
} robust? Or TEM tricks to prevent breaking? Or, what techniques might
} be able to cross section powder better? The silica pores/channels
} (~10nm diameter) also present a challenge because they swell under
} the beam, and being embedded makes the ~5nm nps harder to find...
} Thanks to anyone who read all that! Those of us on this projects are
} new at the microtome, so all input is very appreciated.
} -Chilan

Dr M.Weyland, Associate Professor & Titan Manager
Monash Centre for Electron Microscopy
Bldg 81
Monash University
Victoria 3800
Ph: (+61) 3 990 59026 --- Fax: (+61) 3 990 53600

==============================Original Headers==============================
13, 41 -- From matthew.weyland-at-monash.edu Thu Jan 8 23:03:06 2015
13, 41 -- Received: from na3sys009aog124.obsmtp.com (na3sys009aog124.obsmtp.com [])
13, 41 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id t09535V2008403
13, 41 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Thu, 8 Jan 2015 23:03:05 -0600
13, 41 -- Received: from mail-pd0-f172.google.com ([]) (using TLSv1) by na3sys009aob124.postini.com ([]) with SMTP
13, 41 -- ID DSNKVK9hCEGWqGRuEgORF/rrdAYXLncB/XOB-at-postini.com; Thu, 08 Jan 2015 21:03:06 PST
13, 41 -- Received: by mail-pd0-f172.google.com with SMTP id y13so15335057pdi.3
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13, 41 -- X-Received: by with SMTP id qn5mr21011936pdb.118.1420779784129;
13, 41 -- Thu, 08 Jan 2015 21:03:04 -0800 (PST)
13, 41 -- X-Received: by with SMTP id qn5mr21011914pdb.118.1420779783964;
13, 41 -- Thu, 08 Jan 2015 21:03:03 -0800 (PST)
13, 41 -- Received: from [] (ppp118-209-72-8.lns20.mel4.internode.on.net. [])
13, 41 -- by mx.google.com with ESMTPSA id xl12sm5889037pac.41.2015.
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13, 41 -- Thu, 08 Jan 2015 21:03:03 -0800 (PST)
13, 41 -- Message-ID: {54AF60F6.6060807-at-monash.edu}
13, 41 -- Date: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 16:02:46 +1100
13, 41 -- From: Matthew Weyland {matthew.weyland-at-monash.edu}
13, 41 -- User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.3.0
13, 41 -- MIME-Version: 1.0
13, 41 -- To: Microscopy-at-microscopy.com
13, 41 -- CC: chilan.ngo-at-ucla.edu
13, 41 -- Subject: Re: viaWWW:Cross-section Preparation of mesoporous silica
13, 41 -- References: {201501090039.t090dA9c006083-at-ns.microscopy.com}
13, 41 -- In-Reply-To: {201501090039.t090dA9c006083-at-ns.microscopy.com}
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==============================End of - Headers==============================

From: oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 15:53:12 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Ask-A-Microscopist: SEM service available in Brooklyn NY area for

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Forwarded from "Ask a Microscopist"
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ealname - Francoise Marga
Email - fmarga-at-modernmeadow.com
ORGANIZATION - Modern Meadow
EDUCATION - Graduate College
LOCATION - Brooklyn, NY, USA

Our company would like to look at our samples by SEM. We need to go up
x15,000 to visualize collagen fibers. As a business, we have trouble to
find a SEM accessible to a private company. Does anyone know a facility
or a private service in our area (Brooklyn, NY) that could help us.
Thanks for your help. Kind regards,


==============================Original Headers==============================
6, 31 -- From oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu Mon Jan 12 15:53:10 2015
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6, 31 -- To: micro {microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
6, 31 -- Subject: Ask-A-Microscopist: SEM service available in Brooklyn NY area for
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 19:27:08 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:MSNO 2015 meeting

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: nxa157-at-case.edu

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Email: nxa157-at-case.edu
Name: Nanthawan Avishai

Organization: Microscope Society of NE Ohio (MSNO)

Title-Subject: [Filtered] MSNO 2015 meeting

Message: MSNO 2015 Winter Meeting

MSNO 2015 Winter Meeting - Wednesday, March 4th, 2015, 3:00 – 8:30 p.m.
at Cleveland Museum of Natural History (1 Wade Oval Drive, University Circle, Cleveland, OH 44106)

Lillian A. Kuri from Cleveland Foundation will give a lecture on "ClevelandÂ’s Greater University
Circle Initiative" and John Hemsath - Retired Director of Theater Operations will give a lecture on
"The History of Playhouse Square"

Registration including dinner will be $20 for MSNO members, $25 for non-members and $5 for student
members, $10 for student non-members. Preregistration is available at
http://www.msneo.org/meetings.html, or registration and payment at the door will also be available
(additional 5$ for all). Preregistration is required so we can get a good head count.

Please see more detail at

Please contact nxa157-at-case.edu for more information.

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21, 17 -- From microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com Tue Jan 13 19:27:08 2015
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21, 17 -- Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 19:27:08 -0600
21, 17 -- From: MicroscopyListserver-NoReply {microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com}
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21, 17 -- To: MicroscopyListServer-Forward {microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
21, 17 -- Subject: viaWWW:MSNO 2015 meeting
21, 17 -- References: {201501132040.t0DKeu7t003559-at-ns.microscopy.com}
21, 17 -- In-Reply-To: {201501132040.t0DKeu7t003559-at-ns.microscopy.com}
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 06:56:34 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Research Fellow in Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: laure.bourgeois-at-monash.edu

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please copy both laure.bourgeois-at-monash.edu as well as the Microscopy Listserver

Email: laure.bourgeois-at-monash.edu
Name: Laure Bourgeois

Organization: Monash University

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Research Fellow in Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy Imaging and
Simulations of Interfaces in Light Alloys

The following position is currently available:

Research Fellow in Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy Imaging and Simulations of Interfaces
in Light Alloys

Department of Materials Engineering, Monash University, Australia

Application closing date: 15 February 2015


A/Prof. Laure Bourgeois
Associate Professor - Microscope Manager
Monash Centre for Electron Microscopy -- Department of Materials Engineering
Building 81, 10 Innovation Walk
Monash University, VIC 3800, Australia
Tel: +61-(0)3-9905-5368 -- Fax: +61-(0)3-9905-3600

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23, 18 -- From microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com Wed Jan 14 06:56:33 2015
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23, 18 -- Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 06:56:32 -0600
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23, 18 -- To: microscopyListServer-Forward {microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
23, 18 -- Subject: viaWWW:Research Fellow in Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy
23, 18 -- Imaging and Simulations of Interfaces in Light Alloys
23, 18 -- References: {201501140517.t0E5Hpqe000633-at-ns.microscopy.com}
23, 18 -- In-Reply-To: {201501140517.t0E5Hpqe000633-at-ns.microscopy.com}
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 06:57:14 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:CRESSINGTON 108 CARBON COATER

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: grottigni-at-areialab.com

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Email: grottigni-at-areialab.com
Name: Rottigni V. Guglielmo


Title-Subject: [Filtered] CRESSINGTON 108 CARBON COATER

Message: Hi to all.

I use a Cressington 108 Carbon Coater to make carbon strata on polycarbonate filters, following ISO
13794 (the filters, after coating, are used to filter suspensions containing asbestos fibers), but _
while mantaining the same conditions (usually 4.5 V qnd three shots of " seconds each), the quantity
of carbon deposed vary very much, and randomly. Sometimes I obtain 20 nm, sometimes only 10.
Is there someone using the same Cressington Coater who may give me some advice qbout the best way to
obtain carbon films of constant thickness?

Thanks in advance

Guglielmo Rottigni
AREIA LABORATOIRES www.areialab.com

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From: lists-at-nexperion.net
Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 11:15:26 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Advanced Course on Cryo-Electron Tomography, Vienna, June 2015

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Dear Colleagues,

The Electron Microscopy Facility of the Campus Science Support Facilities (Vienna, Austria) and Nex­pe­rion - Solutions for Electron Microscopy (Vienna, Austria) are jointly organising an international

Advanced Course on Cryo-Electron Tomography
Vienna, Austria, Europe
June 6–7, 2015: Optional Pre-Course
June 8–12, 2015: Main Course

for students, post-doctoral staff, scientists, and group leaders from academia and industry. While this course targets an advanced audience pre-existing knowledge in electron tomography, data processing and/or Cryo-TEM), a weekend pre-course will be offered for less experienced participants to catch-up.

The main part of the course will cover

Immersion freezing for cryo-electron tomography
Low-dose data collection with Seri­alEM
Processing of low-dose tilt series with IMOD
Modelling and interpretation of cryo-electron tomography data
Subto­mo­gram averaging with PEET

Instructors and Organisers

Dr. Thomas Heuser, Campus Science Support Facilities, Vienna, Austria
Dr. Johanna Höög, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Dr. David Mas­tronarde, University of Colorado, Boulder, United States
Dr. Rein­hard Rachel, University of Regensburg, Germany
Dr. Guenter Resch, Nex­pe­rion e.U. - Solutions for Electron Microscopy, Vienna, Austria

Sponsored Guest Lectures

Dr. Andreas Kas­ten­müller, Gatan GmbH, Munich, Germany
Dr. Ruwin Pandithage, Leica Microsystems, Vienna, Austria

For details about on-site infrastructure, the registration procedure and fees, see


We are looking forward to seeing you there, best regards,

on behalf of all organizers

Dr. Guenter Resch
Nexperion e.U. - Solutions for Electron Microscopy - www.nexperion.net
Mattiellistrasse 3/17, 1040 Vienna, Austria - Phone +43 664 94 17 210
Registered at Commercial Court Vienna, FN 397677w - VAT Reg. ATU67962234

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7, 25 -- From: Guenter Resch {lists-at-nexperion.net}
7, 25 -- To: Microscopy-at-microscopy.com
7, 25 -- Subject: Advanced Course on Cryo-Electron Tomography, Vienna, June 2015
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From: zaluzec.microscopy.com-at-gmail.com
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 19:06:25 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Feed back on SEM-EDS systems

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: javaidqazi-at-kemet.com

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Email: javaidqazi-at-kemet.com
Name: Javaid Qazi

Organization: Kemet Electronics

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Feed back on SEM-EDS systems

Message: All,

I am planning to buy a SEM with EDS. I would like to get feedback from the group.

I am interested in knowing pros and cons between the two Hitachi SU3500 and JEOL IT300LV to decide
which one to get.

In terms of EDS which systems are better, any recommendation both in terms of detector size and
software usage.

The equipment will typically be used by 3-4 users who do have experience using the SEM-EDS.

I will take the feedback offline.

Thanks for your help.


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From: g.esteban.fernandez-at-gmail.com
Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 00:50:12 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Changed dimensions of OSRAM mercury bulb 103 W/2?

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hi everyone,

I just ordered the same OSRAM 103 W/2 bulbs I've been using for years
in a Zeiss HBO 100 unit. The cathode (top) of all 3 bulbs that
arrived is too wide to fit into the HBO 100's clamp (bottom cathode is
OK). Comparing with the old bulb I ordered 9 months ago, the anode is
indeed wider now than before. Has anyone else received OSRAM 103 W/2
bulbs recently and were the dimensions OK? I got mine from
Bulbtronics.com. How about with the similar USHIO 103D?


==============================Original Headers==============================
3, 27 -- From g.esteban.fernandez-at-gmail.com Fri Jan 16 00:50:12 2015
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3, 27 -- Subject: Changed dimensions of OSRAM mercury bulb 103 W/2?
3, 27 -- From: "G. Esteban Fernandez" {g.esteban.fernandez-at-gmail.com}
3, 27 -- To: Confocal Microscopy List {CONFOCALMICROSCOPY-at-lists.umn.edu} ,
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From: Edelmare-at-miamioh.edu
Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 10:16:34 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Looking for Diatablis imaging plate system

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Does anyone have a TEM digital imaging plate system - the Ditabis system, any
others? - sitting around no longer being used? And looking to get rid of it?

A couple have come up on the list over the years, as we all move to digital cameras,
but have a unique imaging experiment system we've been playing around with and
these plates might serve really well.

No need to clog the list so just contact me offline.

Thank you!

Richard E. Edelmann, Ph.D., Director
Center for Advanced Microscopy & Imaging
9C Upham Hall
Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056
Ph: 513.529.5712 Fax: 513.529.4243
E-mail: edelmare-at-miamioh.edu

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13, 27 -- From: "Richard E. Edelmann" {Edelmare-at-miamioh.edu}
13, 27 -- To: Microscopy-at-microscopy.com
13, 27 -- Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 11:14:09 -0500
13, 27 -- MIME-Version: 1.0
13, 27 -- Subject: Looking for Diatablis imaging plate system
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From: PhillipsT-at-missouri.edu
Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 10:41:54 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Changed dimensions of OSRAM mercury bulb 103 W/2?

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

The specifications of the bulb including dimensions of the anode are given at this link file:///C:/Users/phillipst/Downloads/ZMP_56327.pdf - it would be interesting to see whether the match your old bulb or the new one. Let us know the result since I also use those bulbs.

Thomas E. Phillips, Ph.D
Professor of Biological Sciences
Director, Molecular Cytology Core
2 Tucker Hall
University of Missouri
Columbia, MO 65211-7400
573-882-4712 (office)
573-882-0123 (fax)


-----Original Message-----
X-from: g.esteban.fernandez-at-gmail.com [mailto:g.esteban.fernandez-at-gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, January 16, 2015 12:51 AM
To: Phillips, Thomas E.

Hi everyone,

I just ordered the same OSRAM 103 W/2 bulbs I've been using for years in a Zeiss HBO 100 unit. The cathode (top) of all 3 bulbs that arrived is too wide to fit into the HBO 100's clamp (bottom cathode is OK). Comparing with the old bulb I ordered 9 months ago, the anode is indeed wider now than before. Has anyone else received OSRAM 103 W/2 bulbs recently and were the dimensions OK? I got mine from Bulbtronics.com. How about with the similar USHIO 103D?


==============================Original Headers==============================
3, 27 -- From g.esteban.fernandez-at-gmail.com Fri Jan 16 00:50:12 2015 3, 27 -- Received: from mail-yh0-f51.google.com (mail-yh0-f51.google.com [])
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3, 27 -- Subject: Changed dimensions of OSRAM mercury bulb 103 W/2?
3, 27 -- From: "G. Esteban Fernandez" {g.esteban.fernandez-at-gmail.com} 3, 27 -- To: Confocal Microscopy List {CONFOCALMICROSCOPY-at-lists.umn.edu} ,
3, 27 -- microscopy-at-microscopy.com
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13, 31 -- From PhillipsT-at-missouri.edu Fri Jan 16 10:41:54 2015
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13, 31 -- Fri, 16 Jan 2015 10:41:51 -0600
13, 31 -- From: "Phillips, Thomas E." {PhillipsT-at-missouri.edu}
13, 31 -- To: "g.esteban.fernandez-at-gmail.com" {g.esteban.fernandez-at-gmail.com}
13, 31 -- CC: "'microscopy-at-microscopy.com'" {microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
13, 31 -- Subject: RE: [Microscopy] Changed dimensions of OSRAM mercury bulb 103 W/2?
13, 31 -- Thread-Topic: [Microscopy] Changed dimensions of OSRAM mercury bulb 103 W/2?
13, 31 -- Thread-Index: AQHQMVjGp+WDzlBxfECFzUQtfF9CaZzC82MA
13, 31 -- Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 16:41:51 +0000
13, 31 -- Message-ID: {CB463A8DE3499A4CA204087E4EEB363DE701C2F8-at-UM-MBX-T02.um.umsystem.edu}
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 19:23:07 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:JEOL 6100 repair

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X-from: rowland-at-matsys.com

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Email: rowland-at-matsys.com
Name: Rod Rowland

Organization: MATSYS, Inc.

Title-Subject: [Filtered] JEOL 6100

Message: We have a JEOL 6100 which needs the magnification power supply board replaced. Our chiller
stopped working the other day for about an hour and the mag. power supply got so hot half of the
wires melted. We are trying to repair it in house but it's not looking good. If anyone can suggest a
source for either repair it would be greatly appreciated.
The JEOL 6100 model is SM111040-154. The power supply model is SM111040-7A.

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14, 17 -- From microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com Fri Jan 16 19:23:06 2015
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14, 17 -- Subject: viaWWW:JEOL 6100 repair
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 19:24:03 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Senior Electron Microscopy Scientist Needed!

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X-from: evan.francis-at-schafercorp.com

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Email: evan.francis-at-schafercorp.com
Name: Evan Francis

Organization: Schafer Corporation

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Senior Electron Microscopy Scientist Needed!

Message: To whom it may concern,

My name is Evan Francis and I'm a recruiter with Schafer Corporation. We're looking to hire a
qualified Electron Microscopy Senior Scientist at our lab out in the Sunol, CA area. When you get
this, if you're interested, please give me a call at 703-516-6051 or shoot me an email at
evan.francis-at-schafercorp.com. Here is the position description on our company website:


Evan Francis

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13, 17 -- From microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com Fri Jan 16 19:24:03 2015
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13, 17 -- Subject: viaWWW:Senior Electron Microscopy Scientist Needed!
13, 17 -- References: {201501161648.t0GGmMCA007483-at-ns.microscopy.com}
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From: Nicolas.Stephant-at-univ-nantes.fr
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 04:12:11 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: viaWWW:JEOL 6100 repair

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hy Rod,

According with my expérience you'll have to change this power supply
because it's hard to repair when such problem occurs. This part contains
many power transistors and, for this reason, it's water cooled. The most
common accident occurs when water flow inside hose and power is switch
off. The gradiant between room temperature and cooling water temperature
may causes condensation of water (from air humidity) on the surface of
power supply and finally destructive short-circuits when power supply is
switch on. Week-end and hollydays are dangerous periods where the SEM
can be shut down but not water cooling supply.
Normally there is a small detector that shut off the board when
temperature exceed 70°; it seems this security has not worked for your
SEM or this was shorted on the past of your SEM (it's very easy to do
from outside of the board and very easy to forget later).
Probably JEOL has not such parts in spare because the JSM 6100 is rather
old. Another solution is to find this part from a scrapped 6100 (there
is today one 6100 on EBay for 12000 dollars). Last solution is to change
all the broken parts of the board (there is probably many). This is
possible for a good electronics engineer if you can supply him the
Hope this is help.


Université de Nantes
Institut Jean Rouxel
Service de microscopie électronique à balayage et microanalyse
2 rue de la Houssinière
BP 92208
44322 Nantes cédex 3

Tél : 02 40 37 64 26
Mél : nicolas.stephant-at-univ-nantes.fr
Web : http://cnrs-imn.fr

"Le monde n'existe que pour autant que nous sommes capables d'en produire une image"
C.G Jung

Le 17/01/2015 02:41, microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com a écrit :
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} please copy both rowland-at-matsys.com as well as the Microscopy Listserver
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} Email: rowland-at-matsys.com
} Name: Rod Rowland
} Organization: MATSYS, Inc.
} Title-Subject: [Filtered] JEOL 6100
} Message: We have a JEOL 6100 which needs the magnification power supply board replaced. Our chiller
} stopped working the other day for about an hour and the mag. power supply got so hot half of the
} wires melted. We are trying to repair it in house but it's not looking good. If anyone can suggest a
} source for either repair it would be greatly appreciated.
} The JEOL 6100 model is SM111040-154. The power supply model is SM111040-7A.
} Login Host:
} Listserver Email Form V - 20120416
} ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

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8, 25 -- From Nicolas.Stephant-at-univ-nantes.fr Tue Jan 20 04:12:09 2015
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8, 25 -- Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 11:12:59 +0100
8, 25 -- From: Nicolas Stephant {Nicolas.Stephant-at-univ-nantes.fr}
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8, 25 -- Subject: Re: [Microscopy] viaWWW:JEOL 6100 repair
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From: stefan.diller-at-t-online.de
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 06:21:41 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Zeiss DSM 960 manual

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Dear all,
anybody out there who has a Usermanual for the Zeiss DSM 960 SEM available in PDF?

Best wishes,


Stefan Diller - Scientific Photography
Arndtstrasse 22
D - 97072 Wuerzburg Germany
++49-931-7848700 Phone
++49-931-7848701 Fax
++49-175-7177051 Mobile

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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 07:07:41 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Libra 120. Problem with screens not moving

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X-from: jlribas-at-us.es

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Email: jlribas-at-us.es
Name: Juan Luis Ribas

Organization: Microscopy Facility. Univ of Seville. Spain

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Libra 120. Problem with screens not moving

Message: Good morning everybody,
We are having problems with the moving of the small and large screens in our Libra 120.
Sometimes (even 3-4 a day) the small screen stay in up position and the large screen in down
position and the system (Wintem or iTEM) hangs. That means that neither through the left touch
pannel (Small screen or M8) nor the software Wintem buttom have any action when pressed. Also, there
is no way to get them back trough iTEM. The rest of the buttons and actions in Wintem are fully
The only way to unblock them is to go to off with Libra and on again. Even going to standby has no

Someone with more experience in Libra120 handling has experimented this situation before?
Thank you very much in advance.
Best regards

Juan Luis Ribas

Microscopy Facility. Univ of Seville. Spain

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15, 17 -- From microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com Tue Jan 20 07:07:40 2015
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 07:08:58 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:'FEI' ESEM Quanta 3D

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X-from: rashmi_mehata-at-yahoo.com

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Email: rashmi_mehata-at-yahoo.com
Name: Rashmi

Organization: DBT

Title-Subject: [Filtered] ESEM

Message: Hi!

Does any one is having service manual of 'FEI' ESEM Quanta 3D


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13, 17 -- From microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com Tue Jan 20 07:08:58 2015
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13, 17 -- Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 07:08:57 -0600
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13, 17 -- To: microscopyListServer-Forward {microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
13, 17 -- Subject: viaWWW:'FEI' ESEM Quanta 3D
13, 17 -- References: {201501201300.t0KD0tvp008944-at-ns.microscopy.com}
13, 17 -- In-Reply-To: {201501201300.t0KD0tvp008944-at-ns.microscopy.com}
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 21:00:16 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Lehigh Microscopy School 2015

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X-from: SLC6-at-Lehigh.edu

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Email: SLC6-at-Lehigh.edu
Name: Sharon Coe

Organization: Lehigh University

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Lehigh Microscopy School 2015

Message: Now accepting registrations for the 45th annual Lehigh Microscopy School which will be held
June 7-12, 2015. All courses, lecturers, and instrument suppliers will be together for what
promises to be a phenomenal week. Course offerings include: Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-ray
Microanalysis • Introduction to SEM and EDS for the New Operator • Focused Ion Beam Instrumentation
and Applications • Problem Solving: Interpretation and Analysis of SEM/EDS/EBSD Data • Quantitative
X-ray Microanalysis: Problem Solving using EDS and WDS Techniques • Scanning Transmission Electron
Microscopy: From Fundamentals to Advanced Applications. Register and pay in full by April 14 for
an Early Bird Discount! Contact: Sharon Coe (sharon.coe-at-Lehigh.edu or 610-758-5133). See
www.lehigh.edu/microscopy for prices.

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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 21:01:09 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:how to stream the in-situ TEM video to another computer

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X-from: 13qw9-at-queensu.ca

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Email: 13qw9-at-queensu.ca
Name: Jason Wang

Organization: Queen's University

Title-Subject: [Filtered] how to stream the in-situ TEM video to another computer?

Message: Hello all, what are the normal ways you use for streaming or capturing the in-situ TEM
videos by another computer? Since the computer directly connected to TEM is not allowed to install
any other software on it, we are not able to take the in-situ video easily. So does connecting to
another computer having a Video Capture Card will solve this problem? Thanks for you time!

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10, 17 -- From microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com Tue Jan 20 21:01:07 2015
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10, 17 -- Subject: viaWWW:how to stream the in-situ TEM video to another computer
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 21:02:05 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Stage position upon microscope moving/storage

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: gciambrone-at-comcast.net

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Email: gciambrone-at-comcast.net
Name: Gary Ciambrone

Organization: Foothill College

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Stage position upon microscope moving/storage

Message: I'm in the process of beginning to teach some community college students the proper way to
use a microscope. I have used microscopes in the past and have always moved the stage down away
from the objectives (after swinging the low power objective into place) for moving or storing the
scope. But then I have run across some information online that implies that this is incorrect. My
question therefore is: what is the recommended position for the stage when moving or storing a
microscope? Should the stage be moved as far from the objectives as possible, or should the stage
be moved all the way to the top position after the low power objective is swung into place? Thank
you very much.

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From: oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 07:07:41 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: Ask-A-Microscopist: any flow cytometers with microscopes?

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

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} realname - hatem alharbi
} Email - hatem.alharbi-at-my.mcphs.edu
} EDUCATION - Graduate College
} LOCATION - boston,MA,USA
} SUBJECT_OF_QUESTION - flow cytometry + microscopy
} QUESTION - Do you have comparison between flow cytomety devices please
} how many flow cytometry + microscopy devices there and what is the best one of them

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5, 32 -- From oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu Wed Jan 21 07:07:39 2015
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From: CGorman-at-hookecollege.com
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 10:44:46 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Scanning Electron Microscopy short course March 23-27, 2015

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives


Hooke College of Applied Sciences, located in Westmont, IL, is offering a Scanning Electron Microscopy short course March 23-27, 2015. In addition to lectures, this course emphasizes hands-on training using state-of-the-art equipment.

For further SEM training details and registration information, please follow the link below:


Chris Gorman | Admissions Specialist
Hooke College of Applied Sciences, LLC . 850 Pasquinelli Drive . Westmont, IL 60559
P. 630.887.7100 | F. 630.887.7412 | www.hookecollege.com

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8, 41 -- Subject: Scanning Electron Microscopy short course March 23-27, 2015
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From: eikonika-at-otenet.gr
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 10:50:05 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] JSM5600LV beam alignment problem

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

We cannot align the aperture in the JSM5600LV - SEM . Using the wobbler tool
we cannot correct horizontal movement, in all 3 aperture positions.. Looks
like the alignment point lies outside the aperture openings. The problem
worsens with increasing tilt angle and affects the resolution (5K looks like
15K). I cleaned the upper column up to the aperture level and the aperture,
but didn't help (it was not dirty anyway). However, last time I changed
filament I noticed some little white crisps around the Wehnelt.orifice.
Is it likely to have contamination of the lower parts of the column or
somethig else? Any advise will be much appreciated

Dr Yorgos Nikas
Athens Innovative Microscopy
Skra 36 Voula 16673 GREECE

Tel/fax +30 210 8957677
mobile +30 6945 107477
www.eikonika.net www.aim.cat

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4, 22 -- From eikonika-at-otenet.gr Thu Jan 22 10:50:05 2015
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4, 22 -- From: "yorgos nikas" {eikonika-at-otenet.gr}
4, 22 -- To: {microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
4, 22 -- Subject: JSM5600LV beam alignment problem
4, 22 -- Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 18:49:58 +0200
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From: stefan.diller-at-t-online.de
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 11:49:56 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: JSM5600LV beam alignment problem

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hi Yorgos,

I don`t expect the dirt on the wehnelt aperture to be much of a problem, but better clean it away.
Are you sure your final aperture strip (or do you have single apertures?) are not moving in the aperturestrip-holder?
Did you check that the holder is perfectly clean?
Since you say you have the same problem with all three aperture openings it might also be a problem with the astigmatism
correction voltage going to the coils.
If you have the schematics, you can measure this at the plug.

All the best,

Stefan Diller - Scientific Photography
Arndtstrasse 22
D - 97072 Wuerzburg Germany
++49-931-7848700 Phone
++49-931-7848701 Fax
++49-175-7177051 Mobile

Anfahrt: http://Mail.map24.com/Stefan.Diller

Am 22.01.15 um 17:54 schrieb eikonika-at-otenet.gr:
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} Hello
} We cannot align the aperture in the JSM5600LV - SEM . Using the wobbler tool
} we cannot correct horizontal movement, in all 3 aperture positions.. Looks
} like the alignment point lies outside the aperture openings. The problem
} worsens with increasing tilt angle and affects the resolution (5K looks like
} 15K). I cleaned the upper column up to the aperture level and the aperture,
} but didn't help (it was not dirty anyway). However, last time I changed
} filament I noticed some little white crisps around the Wehnelt.orifice.
} Is it likely to have contamination of the lower parts of the column or
} somethig else? Any advise will be much appreciated
} Thanks
} yorgos
} Dr Yorgos Nikas
} Athens Innovative Microscopy
} Skra 36 Voula 16673 GREECE
} Tel/fax +30 210 8957677
} mobile +30 6945 107477
} www.eikonika.net www.aim.cat
} ************************************
} ==============================Original Headers==============================
} 4, 22 -- From eikonika-at-otenet.gr Thu Jan 22 10:50:05 2015
} 4, 22 -- Received: from echidna.otenet.gr (smtp-out33.otenet.gr [])
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} 4, 22 -- Received: from pegasus (ppp-2-84-173-165.home.otenet.gr [])
} 4, 22 -- by echidna.otenet.gr (ESMTP) with SMTP
} 4, 22 -- for {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Thu, 22 Jan 2015 18:50:01 +0200 (EET)
} 4, 22 -- Message-ID: {8879A4BBAFB44336B6364198CE575588-at-pegasus}
} 4, 22 -- From: "yorgos nikas" {eikonika-at-otenet.gr}
} 4, 22 -- To: {microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
} 4, 22 -- Subject: JSM5600LV beam alignment problem
} 4, 22 -- Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 18:49:58 +0200
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9, 23 -- From stefan.diller-at-t-online.de Thu Jan 22 11:49:56 2015
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9, 23 -- From: Stefan Diller {stefan.diller-at-t-online.de}
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9, 23 -- Subject: Re: [Microscopy] JSM5600LV beam alignment problem
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From: oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 15:46:34 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: Ask-A-Microscopist: manual, software, and cables for Spot Insight

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Forwarded from "Ask a Microscopist"
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} Below is the result of your form, submitted on Thursday, January 22, 2015 at 03:33:32 PM.
} realname - Giovanni De Caro, MD
} Email - neurostar-at-outlook.it
} ORGANIZATION - Museo Scienze Naturali Montalbo´
} EDUCATION - Graduate College
} LOCATION - Campobasso, Italy
} SUBJECT_OF_QUESTION - Spot Insight QE digital camera
} QUESTION - Hi all,
} I have acquired secondhand a SPOT Insight QE digital camera , model 4.2 , S/N 221276. The camera appears to be in good overall shape, it powers up and the fan goes; unfortunately I do not have the manual, the software and the data cable. Hs someone of you experience in operating this camera and can give me some hints about how to find the lacking components? The manual is available online on the Spot website, but I do not know if this is the monochrome or the color camera model; about the data cable, maybe it can be found on the web and , to end, maybe there is a shareware software that can be used to get pictures from this camera on my PC.
} I look forward receiving answers form you and remain.

==============================Original Headers==============================
5, 33 -- From oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu Thu Jan 22 15:46:34 2015
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5, 33 -- From: Ask a Microscopist {oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu}
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5, 33 -- Subject: Re: Ask-A-Microscopist: manual, software, and cables for Spot Insight
5, 33 -- QE camera
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 07:24:27 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:chirality identification using TEM tomography

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hi Guys

May I suggest you take out the aperture strip and see if you can align the
instrument to your satisfaction. The problem may be in another part of the
column resulting in an apparent aperture problem. I too do not expect the
dirt on the wehnelt to be a real problem.

Try this and let us know what happens. You will need to use small spot
sizes to obtain a reasonable image quality in the test.



Steve Chapman FRMS
Protrain for Consultancy and Courses in Electron Microscopy
Mobile +44 (0) 7711 606967 Fax +44 (0)1280 814007

-----Original Message-----
X-from: stefan.diller-at-t-online.de [mailto:stefan.diller-at-t-online.de]
Sent: 22 January 2015 17:51
To: protrain-at-emcourses.com

X-from: huixin.xiu-at-googlemail.com

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Email: huixin.xiu-at-googlemail.com
Name: Helen Xiu

Organization: FEI

Title-Subject: [Filtered] chirality identification using TEM tomography

Message: Dear all,

We would like to identify the chirality of their spiral material using TEM tomography in a FEI
Tecnai F20 with Explore 3D software. After TEM tomography acquisition, we used Inspect3D 3.1 to
reconstruct the data, however, we found using different direction (Y direction or Z direction) to
reconstruct volume, we got opposite chirality of their spiral. We compared with the chirality got
from SEM image, finding that reconstructing along Y direction gives the right chirality, but as far
as I know, Inspect3D4.0 will reconstruct the volume along z direction as a default. Can anybody
share your expertise with tomography reconstruction or any related experience? Many thanks!

Best regards,

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From: jehrman-at-mta.ca
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 07:26:43 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] osmium tetroxide

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Sadly, it might become even more difficult to buy and transport osmium
tetroxide after this incident, especially in Canada.




James M. Ehrman
Digital Microscopy Facility
Mount Allison University
63B York St.
Sackville, NB E4L 1G7

phone: 506-364-2519
fax: 506-364-2505
email: jehrman-at-mta.ca
www: http://www.mta.ca/dmf

Barium: What you do with dead chemists.

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From: steven.spurgeon-at-pnnl.gov
Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 10:48:47 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] STEM-EDS - Accessing JEOL EDS data for use in CSI

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hello everyone,

I'm trying to analyze some STEM-EDS data acquired using a JEOL ARM-200CF. The data includes maps of several edges and is stored in ".img" and ".map" formats. I would like to import this data into the Cornell Spectrum Imager (CSI) program for analysis using PCA and other routines, but there doesn't seem to be a way to do so.

Can anyone offer advice on dealing with JEOL EDS data? Are there any viewers or ImageJ plugins that I could use to read/convert this data into the proper format?

Thanks for your help!

Steven R. Spurgeon, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Fundamental and Computational Sciences Directorate
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Tel: +1-509-371-7123 
Email: steven.spurgeon-at-pnnl.gov
Web: www.pnnl.gov

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8, 25 -- From prvs=461d66be1=steven.spurgeon-at-pnnl.gov Mon Jan 26 10:48:43 2015
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8, 25 -- Subject: STEM-EDS - Accessing JEOL EDS data for use in CSI
8, 25 -- Thread-Topic: STEM-EDS - Accessing JEOL EDS data for use in CSI
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From: John.Mardinly-at-asu.edu
Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 13:20:52 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] STEM-EDS - Accessing JEOL EDS data for use in CSI

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Cornell Spectrum Imager is for EELS, not EDS.

John Mardinly, ASU

-----Original Message-----
X-from: steven.spurgeon-at-pnnl.gov [mailto:steven.spurgeon-at-pnnl.gov]
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2015 10:07 AM
To: John Mardinly

Hello everyone,

I'm trying to analyze some STEM-EDS data acquired using a JEOL ARM-200CF. The data includes maps of several edges and is stored in ".img" and ".map" formats. I would like to import this data into the Cornell Spectrum Imager (CSI) program for analysis using PCA and other routines, but there doesn't seem to be a way to do so.

Can anyone offer advice on dealing with JEOL EDS data? Are there any viewers or ImageJ plugins that I could use to read/convert this data into the proper format?

Thanks for your help!

Steven R. Spurgeon, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Fundamental and Computational Sciences Directorate Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Tel: +1-509-371-7123
Email: steven.spurgeon-at-pnnl.gov
Web: www.pnnl.gov

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8, 25 -- To: "Microscopy-at-microscopy.com" {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
8, 25 -- Subject: STEM-EDS - Accessing JEOL EDS data for use in CSI
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16, 39 -- From John.Mardinly-at-asu.edu Mon Jan 26 13:20:51 2015
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16, 39 -- From: John Mardinly {John.Mardinly-at-asu.edu}
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16, 39 -- Subject: RE: [Microscopy] STEM-EDS - Accessing JEOL EDS data for use in CSI
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From: PhillipsT-at-missouri.edu
Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 17:36:23 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Staff position in LM core

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The University of Missouri - Columbia is looking for a new staff member for our Molecular Cytology Core (MCC) facility. The MCC is an instrumentation resource and service facility for all type of light microscopic imaging. Last year the MCC served approximately 200 clients from over 80 different labs located in 30 departments on our campus. Information on our facility can be found at http://biotech.rnet.missouri.edu/mcc/

The ideal candidate will have extensive experience in confocal microscopy. We are particularly interested in individuals with experience making use of FLIM or FLIM/FRET technology.

Job responsibilities include:

* Supervise and train users (faculty, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate students) in the use of sophisticated microscopy instruments and software.
* Develop new protocols involving single photon and multi-photon confocal microscopy and FLIM/FRET applications.
* Maintain instruments and a clean, safe and orderly work environment.
* Assist in some service work for clients.
* Prepare monthly billing statement; maintain inventory and order supplies, dispense materials to clients.

Although some applicants to this position may hold a PhD degree, it is not a requirement for those with significant experience in a core or imaging lab. To apply for the job, visit http://hrs.missouri.edu/find-a-job/staff/index.php and search for "Research Specialist II" - the job ID number is 15116. If you have questions, you can contact either the MCC's Director, Dr. Tom Phillips (phillipst-at-missouri.edu) or the core's Associate Director, Dr. Alexander Jurkevic (jurkevica-at-missouri.edu). The job will remain open until a suitable candidate is found.

Thomas E. Phillips, Ph.D
Professor of Biological Sciences
Director, Molecular Cytology Core
2 Tucker Hall
University of Missouri
Columbia, MO 65211-7400
573-882-4712 (office)
573-882-0123 (fax)

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7, 30 -- From PhillipsT-at-missouri.edu Mon Jan 26 17:36:22 2015
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 18:57:45 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Fixation of mitochondria

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X-from: sameesh-at-uga.edu

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Email: sameesh-at-uga.edu
Name: Sam Gonzalez

Organization: University of Georgia

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Fixation of mitochondria

Message: Okay I am very confused about how to go about fixing a sample of isolated mitochondria for TEM.

All the procedures seem to be very vague about "washing the pellet". To me, this implies
resuspending the pellet in buffer and then spinning it back down. But the procedures I have looked
at never mention the g force for this step, but does specify the time So I would assume just use the
g force of the last centrifuge step performed, but this step involves addition of agarose solution
to enrobe the pellet, so it seems like this would be a distinct and unrelated step.

Also, the addition of agarose is never mentioned again, so would I add it to the buffer for the
washing steps, assuming washing involves more centrifugation?

Alternatively, does washing the pellet just mean inundating the pellet with buffer and then pouring
it off? If that is the case, how do i do this for 20 minutes? Just let the buffer sit on the pellet
for 20 minutes then pour it off?

Very confused masters student

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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 18:58:43 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Holder Insertion/Extraction problems JEOL 2100

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X-from: robernal-at-u.northwestern.edu

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Email: robernal-at-u.northwestern.edu
Name: Rodrigo Bernal

Organization: Northwestern University

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Holder Insertion/Extraction problems JEOL 2100

Message: Hello All,

We have a custom holder for the JEOL 2100 but have been having problems with insertion and
extraction. The holder does not get "sucked in" by the vacuum after the first and second rotations.
It actually requires a little pushing, and sometimes extraction is very difficult, requiring more
force than standard holder. The puzzling thing is that the holder works perfectly in a JEOL 2010F.

The holder manufacturer has rechecked all physical dimensions of the holder and the o-rings, finding
them within tolerance. JEOL also has taken back the goniometer on repeated occasions but has not
found a solution. Oddly, a loaner goniometer JEOL installs when they take ours away, happens to work
without problems.

Last incident we had, the vacuum was breached upon holder extraction. While pulling the holder, the
outer gasket on the goniometer was extracted too. What is the most possible cause for this? We see
wear marks on the alignment pin of the holder.


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From: Nicolas.Stephant-at-univ-nantes.fr
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 02:30:51 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: viaWWW:Holder Insertion/Extraction problems JEOL

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hello Rodrigo,

It sounds like a goniometer problem. Wear marks on the alignment pin is
not good because the inner tube of the goniometer can be scratched. This
tube is a rotating part that moves with the holder and a scuffing is
possible between this tube and the internal wall of the goniometer.
Scratchs on the inner tube can weak the vacuum sealing during the
movement of the holder.
If this hypothesis is the good one it's necessary to remove this tube
(It's a job for JEOL engineer) to get it into shape of the goniometer
wall (by soft abrasion with Pikal for example). If there is scratchs
this inner tube must be replaced. This is a tricky job and expensive part.
Each vacuum leak during holder push/pull movement is bad experience for
the ion pump.
Hope this is help.


Université de Nantes
Institut Jean Rouxel
Service de microscopie électronique à balayage et microanalyse
2 rue de la Houssinière
BP 92208
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"Le monde n'existe que pour autant que nous sommes capables d'en
produire une image"
C.G Jung

Le 27/01/2015 02:13, microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com a écrit :
The Microscopy ListServer -- CoSponsor: The Microscopy Society of America
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X-from: robernal-at-u.northwestern.edu
} This Question/Comment was submitted to the Microscopy Listserver
} using the WWW based Form at
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} please copy both robernal-at-u.northwestern.edu as well as the
} Microscopy Listserver
Email: robernal-at-u.northwestern.edu
} Name: Rodrigo Bernal
} Organization: Northwestern University
} Title-Subject: [Filtered] Holder Insertion/Extraction problems JEOL
} 2100
} Message: Hello All,
} We have a custom holder for the JEOL 2100 but have been having
} problems with insertion and extraction. The holder does not get
} "sucked in" by the vacuum after the first and second rotations. It
} actually requires a little pushing, and sometimes extraction is very
} difficult, requiring more force than standard holder. The puzzling
} thing is that the holder works perfectly in a JEOL 2010F.
} The holder manufacturer has rechecked all physical dimensions of the
} holder and the o-rings, finding them within tolerance. JEOL also has
} taken back the goniometer on repeated occasions but has not found a
} solution. Oddly, a loaner goniometer JEOL installs when they take
} ours away, happens to work without problems.
} Last incident we had, the vacuum was breached upon holder extraction.
} While pulling the holder, the outer gasket on the goniometer was
} extracted too. What is the most possible cause for this? We see wear
} marks on the alignment pin of the holder.
} Thanks!
} Login Host: Listserver Email Form V - 20120416

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7, 26 -- From Nicolas.Stephant-at-univ-nantes.fr Tue Jan 27 02:30:50 2015
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7, 26 -- Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 09:30:46 +0100
7, 26 -- From: Nicolas Stephant {Nicolas.Stephant-at-univ-nantes.fr}
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7, 26 -- Subject: Re: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Holder Insertion/Extraction problems JEOL
7, 26 -- 2100
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From: nsa2-at-leicester.ac.uk
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 04:58:09 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Fixation of mitochondria

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hi Sam,

Liquid agarose is added to make processing easier. Processing some samples such as cell suspensions and organelles can be tricky, especially when it a very small quantity, as the majority of the sample gets lost during all the washing steps - plus it can get very hard to pellet them in the thick embedding resins. Adding liquid agarose in the earlier stages - then leaving it to cool so that it sets hard - embeds the samples in a larger, gel like pellet that can then be processed through as if it were a larger sample - without the need for centrifugation at each step.

When I process organelles, I usually fix in primary fixative, wash in buffer, centrifuge it down into a good pellet, remove as much supernatant as possible, then add a small drop of warm (not too hot) agarose (3%), making sure there is no air bubbles between it and the pellet, leave in a warm waterbath for 10 minutes to allow the agarose to infuse with the pellet, then move to the fridge until the agarose is completely set. I then carefully remove the agarose/sample from the tube, and if necessary, use a razor blade to cut it into 1mm2 pieces for further processing. You should then have some nice cubes of agarose/sample (or maybe just a small smear of sample in the tip if you're processing organelles or a difficult sample) that you can process through without the need for further spinning.

Sometimes, despite all my best efforts, the sample pellet gets left behind in the Eppendorf when I remove the set agarose gel. In this instance, I carefully slip the pellet onto a glass slide, and sandwich it between the agarose that way. If anyone has any helpful hints to combat this, it would be much appreciated!

Hope that makes more sense Sam?


Miss Natalie Allcock
CBS Electron Microscopy Facility
College of Medicine, Biological Sciences and Psychology
Adrian Building
University of Leicester

+44 (0)116 2523370


-----Original Message-----
X-from: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com [mailto:microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com]
Sent: 27 January 2015 01:21
To: Allcock, Natalie S.

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Email: sameesh-at-uga.edu
Name: Sam Gonzalez

Organization: University of Georgia

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Fixation of mitochondria

Message: Okay I am very confused about how to go about fixing a sample of isolated mitochondria for TEM.

All the procedures seem to be very vague about "washing the pellet". To me, this implies resuspending the pellet in buffer and then spinning it back down. But the procedures I have looked at never mention the g force for this step, but does specify the time So I would assume just use the g force of the last centrifuge step performed, but this step involves addition of agarose solution to enrobe the pellet, so it seems like this would be a distinct and unrelated step.

Also, the addition of agarose is never mentioned again, so would I add it to the buffer for the washing steps, assuming washing involves more centrifugation?

Alternatively, does washing the pellet just mean inundating the pellet with buffer and then pouring it off? If that is the case, how do i do this for 20 minutes? Just let the buffer sit on the pellet for 20 minutes then pour it off?

Very confused masters student

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15, 17 -- From microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com Mon Jan 26 18:57:44 2015 15, 17 -- Received: from mac22.zaluzec.com (mac22.zaluzec.com [])
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33, 32 -- From nsa2-at-leicester.ac.uk Tue Jan 27 04:58:07 2015
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33, 32 -- Subject: RE: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Fixation of mitochondria
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 07:10:34 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:RMS Electron Microscopy Spring School

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X-from: alice-at-rms.org.uk

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Email: alice-at-rms.org.uk
Name: Alice Pyper

Organization: Royal Microscopical Society

Title-Subject: [Filtered] RMS Electron Microscopy Spring School

Message: The Royal Microscopical Society Electron Microscopy Spring School is talking place at Leeds
University, England, from 23rd to 27th March 2015.

The School offers education on the theory and practice of scanning and transmission electron
microscopy. The course covers, imaging, diffraction, and chemical microanalysis, as well as the
important area of specimen preparation. It consists of lectures, demonstrations and hands on
practical periods, as well as offering plenty of opportunity to ask questions, and to arrange time
for specific demonstrations. There are two basic streams, Physical and Engineering Sciences, and
Life Sciences, with an additional stream for those wishing to concentrate on TEM.

The course is designed to suit both beginners and experienced microscopists from all areas of
academia and industry.

We are pleased to have Steve Chapman give us an insight into a life in electron microscopy, by
presenting the annual lecture which he has entitled "50 years and a Million Miles"

The contact for more information is alice-at-rms.org.uk

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From: LettJ-at-ent.wustl.edu
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 10:35:22 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] LM -- Leica RM2065 rotary microtome

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives


Does anyone have a PDF of the Leica RM2065 operator's manual? We need to set up and use our old unit but the manual is missing.

Thank you,


Jaclynn Lett
Senior Research Technician, EM Facility
Research Center for Auditory and Vestibular Studies
Department of Otolaryngology
Washington University School of Medicine
660 S. Euclid Ave., Campus Box 8115
St. Louis, MO 63110
Office: 314-747-7257
Fax: 314-747-7230
Email: lettj-at-ent.wustl.edu
Website: http://otocore.wustl.edu

The Research Center for Auditory and Vestibular Studies is supported by the National Institutes of Health NIDCD Grant P30DC04665. We kindly ask that all publications and presentations utilizing data obtained through our facilities (provided by, prepared by, or imaged using our equipment) include a statement acknowledging such.

The materials in this email are private and may contain Protected Health Information. If you are not the intended recipient, be advised that any unauthorized use, disclosure, copying, distribution or the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please immediately notify the sender via telephone or return email.

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11, 26 -- From lettj-at-ent.wustl.edu Tue Jan 27 10:35:22 2015
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11, 26 -- Subject: LM -- Leica RM2065 rotary microtome
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From: LettJ-at-ent.wustl.edu
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 16:51:29 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] TEM -- Reichert Knifemaker II

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives


My second question of the day: Does anyone have a PDF of the Reichert Knifemaker II? (I guess the Reichert-Jung 705202 is almost identical.)

Thank you,


Jaclynn Lett
Senior Research Technician, EM Facility
Research Center for Auditory and Vestibular Studies
Department of Otolaryngology
Washington University School of Medicine
660 S. Euclid Ave., Campus Box 8115
St. Louis, MO 63110
Office: 314-747-7257
Fax: 314-747-7230
Email: lettj-at-ent.wustl.edu
Website: http://otocore.wustl.edu

The Research Center for Auditory and Vestibular Studies is supported by the National Institutes of Health NIDCD Grant P30DC04665. We kindly ask that all publications and presentations utilizing data obtained through our facilities (provided by, prepared by, or imaged using our equipment) include a statement acknowledging such.

The materials in this email are private and may contain Protected Health Information. If you are not the intended recipient, be advised that any unauthorized use, disclosure, copying, distribution or the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please immediately notify the sender via telephone or return email.

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12, 26 -- From lettj-at-ent.wustl.edu Tue Jan 27 16:51:27 2015
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12, 26 -- From: "Lett, Jaclynn" {LettJ-at-ent.wustl.edu}
12, 26 -- To: "Microscopy-at-microscopy.com" {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
12, 26 -- Subject: TEM -- Reichert Knifemaker II
12, 26 -- Thread-Topic: TEM -- Reichert Knifemaker II
12, 26 -- Thread-Index: AdA6g3f4VMmJQJPIT0ufOKfkLLThhA==
12, 26 -- Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 22:51:23 +0000
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 20:03:10 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Spot microscope camera - help needed

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X-from: neurostar-at-outlook.it

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Email: neurostar-at-outlook.it
Name: Giovanni De Caro

Organization: Museo Scienze Naturali Montalbo´

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Spot microscope camera - help needed

Message: Hi, I am the scientific director of a no profit Science Museum for youngsters based in
Southern Italy (http://web.tiscali.it/exploratorium).
We have been given an old SPOT Insight QE color digital camera , model 4.2 , S/N 221276 (Diagnostic
Instruments inc.) and we would like to use it for our educational programs. The camera came to us
with its power supply, it powers up fine and the fan runs, the only problem is that we did not get
the data cable and the proprietary PCI card to run it.
We did contact Diagnostic Instruments but they asked about 2000 USD for the card and the cable, so
we are looking for a different solution.
May you help us? Are there universal PCI cards that can be modified to work with this camera?
Thank you for your kind help, I look forward receiving your reply and remain
Giovanni De Caro, MD

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From: jerry.biehler-at-gmail.com
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 20:34:32 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: viaWWW:Spot microscope camera - help needed

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

I wouldn’t be surprised if it is a pretty generic RS-422 parallel interface like AIA. You might talk to the guys at EDT (Engineering Design Team, Inc), they make interfaces for a lot of cameras.

There is a card on ebay that is probably for your camera, search fir "Diagnostic Instruments Inc P/N 0457†and it should come up. Make them an offer.


} On Jan 27, 2015, at 6:21 PM, microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com wrote:
} SPOT Insight QE

==============================Original Headers==============================
7, 36 -- From jerry.biehler-at-gmail.com Tue Jan 27 20:34:31 2015
7, 36 -- Received: from mail-ig0-f180.google.com (mail-ig0-f180.google.com [])
7, 36 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id t0S2YV8v002997
7, 36 -- for {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Tue, 27 Jan 2015 20:34:31 -0600
7, 36 -- Received: by mail-ig0-f180.google.com with SMTP id b16so8562202igk.1
7, 36 -- for {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Tue, 27 Jan 2015 18:34:30 -0800 (PST)
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7, 36 -- X-Received: by with SMTP id d3mr1178748icw.56.1422412470714;
7, 36 -- Tue, 27 Jan 2015 18:34:30 -0800 (PST)
7, 36 -- Received: from [] (static-50-53-94-149.bvtn.or.frontiernet.net. [])
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7, 36 -- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
7, 36 -- Mime-Version: 1.0 (Mac OS X Mail 8.2 \(2070.4\))
7, 36 -- Subject: Re: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Spot microscope camera - help needed
7, 36 -- From: Jerry Biehler {jerry.biehler-at-gmail.com}
7, 36 -- In-Reply-To: {201501280221.t0S2LeE8002157-at-ns.microscopy.com}
7, 36 -- Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 18:34:28 -0800
7, 36 -- Cc: neurostar-at-outlook.it
7, 36 -- Message-Id: {CE776AD7-7A17-45CD-939C-E5223A4FCCC7-at-gmail.com}
7, 36 -- References: {201501280221.t0S2LeE8002157-at-ns.microscopy.com}
7, 36 -- To: microscopy-at-microscopy.com
7, 36 -- X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.2070.4)
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7, 36 -- X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by ns.microscopy.com id t0S2YV8v002997
==============================End of - Headers==============================

From: rdpierce-at-pobox.com
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 23:27:49 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] SEM: Vacuum hose source?

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

First, thanks to everyone for all the excellent advice I've received in
the past on this list. I've got the rather unique task of running an SEM
program accessible to the general public at a makerspace in Chicago, as
a volunteer with no formal training and a shoestring budget. As far as I
know, our circumstance is rather unique. There's no way I could have
managed this long without all the help I've received here.

I managed to track down and repair the problem with wildly fluctuating
vacuum readings (an extremely dirty Penning gauge) and the reason the
vacuum was really bad after I fixed it (a leaking air admit solenoid.)
But a bad shaft coupling on our Edwards E2M12 rotary pump was causing it
to overheat and burn its oil, and, unfortunately, splattering said burnt
oil up the rubber vacuum hose. I secured funding to get the pump
overhauled, but now I need to know what to do with the hose. I figure it
needs to be replaced, seeing as it reeks of burnt oil.

What I'm measuring seems to be about 7/8 I.D. and 1/4" wall thickness,
so about 1 3/8" O.D. It's difficult to get a good reading as the hose
ends were either clamped around something or stretched. Looking at
http://www.pchemlabs.com/subcatagoryb.asp?pid=Pure-Gum-Rubber it looks
like the gum rubber vacuum hose they sell jumps from 13/16" I.D. with
3/8" walls (listed as used for KF16) 1" with 1/2" walls (listed as used
for KF25). The pump has a KF25 fitting, and the hose slips over a copper
pipe in a concrete block as a vibration damper. But that size seems like
it would be too large.

McMaster-Carr is local for us, so I checked
http://www.mcmaster.com/#abrasion-resistant-gum-rubber-tubing/ and see
vacuum rated red and tan tubing. (I have no idea what the color means.
For reference, the tubing that came with the SEM was black.) The tan
jumps from 3/4" with 5/8" walls to 1" with 1/2" walls. The red does come
in 7/8" but it has 1/2" walls too. I'm not even sure if that would fit
out the opening in the back of the SEM.

There's a good chance the vacuum hose is original to the scope, which is
a Leica S430. Any help would be appreciated. Alternately, am I incorrect
in assuming the hose should be replaced?


==============================Original Headers==============================
6, 16 -- From rdpierce-at-pobox.com Tue Jan 27 23:27:47 2015
6, 16 -- Received: from elna.mackenziegems.com (dsl253-036-183.chi1.dsl.speakeasy.net [])
6, 16 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id t0S5RkTw024307
6, 16 -- for {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Tue, 27 Jan 2015 23:27:46 -0600
6, 16 -- Received: from [] (localhost [])
6, 16 -- by elna.mackenziegems.com (Postfix) with ESMTPSA id 38A576E0A42
6, 16 -- for {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Tue, 27 Jan 2015 23:27:44 -0600 (CST)
6, 16 -- Message-ID: {54C8734F.2000009-at-pobox.com}
6, 16 -- Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 23:27:43 -0600
6, 16 -- From: Ryan Pierce {rdpierce-at-pobox.com}
6, 16 -- User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.3.0
6, 16 -- MIME-Version: 1.0
6, 16 -- To: microscopy-at-microscopy.com
6, 16 -- Subject: SEM: Vacuum hose source?
6, 16 -- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
6, 16 -- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
==============================End of - Headers==============================

From: vitalylazar-at-att.net
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2015 01:14:42 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: SEM: Vacuum hose source?

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

good "standard" supplier is
http://duniway.com/catalog/su-tubing-clamps.php (many components, not
just the hose)

a cheap-cheap option is more work but you can make whatever diameter
hose plus it can be easily compressed around a (much) smaller diameter
tube since support spring is separate. Components:
a) braided PVC of suitable diameter, either Home Depot etc. or
McMaster Carr;
b) continuous spring for supporting hose from collapsing, Again
McMaster Carr.

http://www.mcmaster.com/#standard-high-pressure-pvc-tubing/=vnotog then
select "clear"
or from home page enter "High-Pressure PVC Tubing" in search line, then
select "clear"

http://www.mcmaster.com/#cut-to-length-springs/=vnp0wo then
select "extension spring"
or from home page enter "Cut-to-Length Extension Springs"
stainless springs softer and won't rust. They sold in 20" pieces and
will easily extend 10+ times. Springs made with wire 0.04" to 0.08"
thick are best for diameters around 1".

3/4" to 1" ID vac. hose made in this fashion costs between $2 and $5 per
foot depending on source of materials. It is transparent so oil
accumulation can be seen before problems begin plus PVC will outlast
rubber hands down. The oldest still in use I installed in 1998.

Use standard common hose-clams as long as they flat and at least close
to 1/2" wide. Wire clamps not recommended.

Thin-wall-soft-not-braided low pressure PVC is even cheaper but less
durable and unforgiving wrt vac. leaks at installation. Same longevity
unless stressed.

For long straight connections use large diameter thin-wall copper tube,
again from Home Depot, just ensure adequate cross-section for very long

Vitaly Feingold
2773 Heath Lane
Duluth GA 30096
Ph. 770-232-7785
Fax 770-232-1791

On 1/28/2015 12:29 AM, rdpierce-at-pobox.com wrote:
} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
} The Microscopy ListServer -- CoSponsor: The Microscopy Society of America
} To Subscribe/Unsubscribe -- http://www.microscopy.com/MicroscopyListserver
} On-Line Help http://www.microscopy.com/MicroscopyListserver/FAQ.html
} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
} First, thanks to everyone for all the excellent advice I've received in
} the past on this list. I've got the rather unique task of running an SEM
} program accessible to the general public at a makerspace in Chicago, as
} a volunteer with no formal training and a shoestring budget. As far as I
} know, our circumstance is rather unique. There's no way I could have
} managed this long without all the help I've received here.
} I managed to track down and repair the problem with wildly fluctuating
} vacuum readings (an extremely dirty Penning gauge) and the reason the
} vacuum was really bad after I fixed it (a leaking air admit solenoid.)
} But a bad shaft coupling on our Edwards E2M12 rotary pump was causing it
} to overheat and burn its oil, and, unfortunately, splattering said burnt
} oil up the rubber vacuum hose. I secured funding to get the pump
} overhauled, but now I need to know what to do with the hose. I figure it
} needs to be replaced, seeing as it reeks of burnt oil.
} What I'm measuring seems to be about 7/8 I.D. and 1/4" wall thickness,
} so about 1 3/8" O.D. It's difficult to get a good reading as the hose
} ends were either clamped around something or stretched. Looking at
} http://www.pchemlabs.com/subcatagoryb.asp?pid=Pure-Gum-Rubber it looks
} like the gum rubber vacuum hose they sell jumps from 13/16" I.D. with
} 3/8" walls (listed as used for KF16) 1" with 1/2" walls (listed as used
} for KF25). The pump has a KF25 fitting, and the hose slips over a copper
} pipe in a concrete block as a vibration damper. But that size seems like
} it would be too large.
} McMaster-Carr is local for us, so I checked
} http://www.mcmaster.com/#abrasion-resistant-gum-rubber-tubing/ and see
} vacuum rated red and tan tubing. (I have no idea what the color means.
} For reference, the tubing that came with the SEM was black.) The tan
} jumps from 3/4" with 5/8" walls to 1" with 1/2" walls. The red does come
} in 7/8" but it has 1/2" walls too. I'm not even sure if that would fit
} out the opening in the back of the SEM.
} There's a good chance the vacuum hose is original to the scope, which is
} a Leica S430. Any help would be appreciated. Alternately, am I incorrect
} in assuming the hose should be replaced?
} Thanks,
} Ryan
} ==============================Original Headers==============================
} 6, 16 -- From rdpierce-at-pobox.com Tue Jan 27 23:27:47 2015
} 6, 16 -- Received: from elna.mackenziegems.com (dsl253-036-183.chi1.dsl.speakeasy.net [])
} 6, 16 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id t0S5RkTw024307
} 6, 16 -- for {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Tue, 27 Jan 2015 23:27:46 -0600
} 6, 16 -- Received: from [] (localhost [])
} 6, 16 -- by elna.mackenziegems.com (Postfix) with ESMTPSA id 38A576E0A42
} 6, 16 -- for {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Tue, 27 Jan 2015 23:27:44 -0600 (CST)
} 6, 16 -- Message-ID: {54C8734F.2000009-at-pobox.com}
} 6, 16 -- Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 23:27:43 -0600
} 6, 16 -- From: Ryan Pierce {rdpierce-at-pobox.com}
} 6, 16 -- User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.3.0
} 6, 16 -- MIME-Version: 1.0
} 6, 16 -- To: microscopy-at-microscopy.com
} 6, 16 -- Subject: SEM: Vacuum hose source?
} 6, 16 -- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
} 6, 16 -- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
} ==============================End of - Headers==============================

==============================Original Headers==============================
11, 27 -- From vitalylazar-at-att.net Wed Jan 28 01:14:29 2015
11, 27 -- Received: from fmailhost01.isp.att.net ([])
11, 27 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id t0S7ETbk013797
11, 27 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Wed, 28 Jan 2015 01:14:29 -0600
11, 27 -- DKIM-Signature: v=1; q=dns/txt; d=att.net; s=dkim02;
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11, 27 -- /DZS5iAkIsM2dLf1gGOygptlG5iWJilXjc=
11, 27 -- Received: from [] (adsl-74-190-43-54.asm.bellsouth.net[])
11, 27 -- by worldnet.att.net (frfwmhc01) with ESMTP
11, 27 -- id {20150128071404H01001mt25e} ; Wed, 28 Jan 2015 07:14:05 +0000
11, 27 -- X-Originating-IP: []
11, 27 -- Message-ID: {54C88C37.6000105-at-att.net}
11, 27 -- Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2015 02:13:59 -0500
11, 27 -- From: Vitaly Feingold {vitalylazar-at-att.net}
11, 27 -- User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.4.0
11, 27 -- MIME-Version: 1.0
11, 27 -- To: rdpierce-at-pobox.com, Microscopy Listserver {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
11, 27 -- Subject: Re: [Microscopy] SEM: Vacuum hose source?
11, 27 -- References: {201501280529.t0S5Trkd025747-at-ns.microscopy.com}
11, 27 -- In-Reply-To: {201501280529.t0S5Trkd025747-at-ns.microscopy.com}
11, 27 -- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed
11, 27 -- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
==============================End of - Headers==============================

From: wtivol-at-sbcglobal.net
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2015 02:14:27 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: SEM: Vacuum hose source?

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

On Jan 27, 2015, at 9:43 PM, rdpierce-at-pobox.com wrote:

} First, thanks to everyone for all the excellent advice I've received
} in
} the past on this list. I've got the rather unique task of running an
} program accessible to the general public at a makerspace in Chicago,
} as
} a volunteer with no formal training and a shoestring budget. As far
} as I
} know, our circumstance is rather unique. There's no way I could have
} managed this long without all the help I've received here.
} I managed to track down and repair the problem with wildly fluctuating
} vacuum readings (an extremely dirty Penning gauge) and the reason the
} vacuum was really bad after I fixed it (a leaking air admit solenoid.)
} But a bad shaft coupling on our Edwards E2M12 rotary pump was
} causing it
} to overheat and burn its oil, and, unfortunately, splattering said
} burnt
} oil up the rubber vacuum hose. I secured funding to get the pump
} overhauled, but now I need to know what to do with the hose. I
} figure it
} needs to be replaced, seeing as it reeks of burnt oil.
} What I'm measuring seems to be about 7/8 I.D. and 1/4" wall thickness,
} so about 1 3/8" O.D. It's difficult to get a good reading as the hose
} ends were either clamped around something or stretched. Looking at
} http://www.pchemlabs.com/subcatagoryb.asp?pid=Pure-Gum-Rubber it looks
} like the gum rubber vacuum hose they sell jumps from 13/16" I.D. with
} 3/8" walls (listed as used for KF16) 1" with 1/2" walls (listed as
} used
} for KF25). The pump has a KF25 fitting, and the hose slips over a
} copper
} pipe in a concrete block as a vibration damper. But that size seems
} like
} it would be too large.
} McMaster-Carr is local for us, so I checked
} http://www.mcmaster.com/#abrasion-resistant-gum-rubber-tubing/ and see
} vacuum rated red and tan tubing. (I have no idea what the color means.
} For reference, the tubing that came with the SEM was black.) The tan
} jumps from 3/4" with 5/8" walls to 1" with 1/2" walls. The red does
} come
} in 7/8" but it has 1/2" walls too. I'm not even sure if that would fit
} out the opening in the back of the SEM.
} There's a good chance the vacuum hose is original to the scope,
} which is
} a Leica S430. Any help would be appreciated. Alternately, am I
} incorrect
} in assuming the hose should be replaced?
} Thanks,
} Ryan

Dear Ryan,
If you make a cut through the tubing, you should be able to measure
ID and OD accurately.

==============================Original Headers==============================
8, 35 -- From wtivol-at-sbcglobal.net Wed Jan 28 02:14:26 2015
8, 35 -- Received: from nm22-vm6.access.bullet.mail.gq1.yahoo.com (nm22-vm6.access.bullet.mail.gq1.yahoo.com [])
8, 35 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id t0S8EQKS001410
8, 35 -- for {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Wed, 28 Jan 2015 02:14:26 -0600
8, 35 -- DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=sbcglobal.net; s=s2048; t=1422432865; bh=XSzdTAvSYETMXTQ53+oUZDvC9ZbjugpUTZz3OgZm7Yo=; h=From:To:In-Reply-To:Subject:Date:References:From:Subject; b=BOlRe1orBdvJoLk327YPQGl57UODLpHKdmgYHPGf7wmUJRMr52Nvh9BAtSSLzpyEYYdVwCiFJbdCzoleNB54I0AnJg5YCngi5zoVy2v0a2S06OeANA2HxDAiom+05ksqvQk0mStCtxq2FyUpboKNquZEBaYNTPcK7tUchXXDZ9qpE/i3FcpqpZyxMCgY3IF8bcljYBo+uUhpcntTzDkoRDpHAMpFUvGmYZxyFUnTCnH00XsSKDBu9jDnGl1YbZCyEzPytNxj2v43cHxe6iTl0dtr/SjQSX4Jk394aBieFqrKojbw+MjmDkg9dbvKWnBEJnXnc+Iti/hh2fRiAxCWPQ==
8, 35 -- Received: from [] by nm22.access.bullet.mail.gq1.yahoo.com with NNFMP; 28 Jan 2015 08:14:25 -0000
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8, 35 -- Received: from [] by smtp111.sbc.mail.gq1.yahoo.com with NNFMP; 28 Jan 2015 08:14:25 -0000
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8, 35 -- Message-Id: {84196C3C-87E7-4830-B1E7-3F5EF198B635-at-sbcglobal.net}
8, 35 -- From: Bill & Sue Tivol {wtivol-at-sbcglobal.net}
8, 35 -- To: microscopy-at-microscopy.com
8, 35 -- In-Reply-To: {201501280543.t0S5hjYw006423-at-ns.microscopy.com}
8, 35 -- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed; delsp=yes
8, 35 -- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
8, 35 -- Mime-Version: 1.0 (Apple Message framework v936)
8, 35 -- Subject: Re: [Microscopy] SEM: Vacuum hose source?
8, 35 -- Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2015 00:14:23 -0800
8, 35 -- References: {201501280543.t0S5hjYw006423-at-ns.microscopy.com}
8, 35 -- X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.936)
==============================End of - Headers==============================

From: microwink-at-gmail.com
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2015 10:06:07 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Now Hiring: Focused Ion Beam Instrument Specialist at Virginia Tech

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives


Virginia Tech is seeking an Instrument specialist for its Nanoscale
Characterization and Fabrication Laboratory. The selected candidate
will: Operate instrumentation in the Nanoscale Characterization and
Fabrication Laboratory. Maintain and operate the FEI Helios Nanolab
600 Focused Ion Beam (FIB) in the NCFL. Keep the laboratory up to date
in the methods and techniques used with these instruments. Perform FIB
analyses and provide assessments of the results, support individual
research with training on the instruments and guidance on the
techniques. Provide analytical service to industrial clients. Maintain
logs of all equipment usage and provide info to accounting monthly for
timely billing through the service center. Comply with all
Environmental Health and Safety regulations for proper lab operation.
Keep up to date in the field on current techniques and procedures.
Provide demonstrations for classes and visitors, and assistance on
other instruments as needed. Virginia Tech is an Equal
Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution.

For further information or to apply, please go to:

Thank you,
Christopher Winkler, PhD
Senior Research Associate
Nanoscale Characterization and Fabrication Laboratory
Virginia Tech

==============================Original Headers==============================
4, 26 -- From microwink-at-gmail.com Wed Jan 28 10:06:02 2015
4, 26 -- Received: from mail-yh0-f42.google.com (mail-yh0-f42.google.com [])
4, 26 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id t0SG62AV027570
4, 26 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Wed, 28 Jan 2015 10:06:02 -0600
4, 26 -- Received: by mail-yh0-f42.google.com with SMTP id a41so9103890yho.1
4, 26 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Wed, 28 Jan 2015 08:06:02 -0800 (PST)
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2015 19:14:47 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:manual for JEOL HCD

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X-from: hailstone-at-cis.rit.edu

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Email: hailstone-at-cis.rit.edu
Name: Rich Hailstone

Organization: Rochester institute of Technology

Title-Subject: [Filtered] manual for HCD

Message: Does anyone have a manual for a JEOL hollow-cone diffraction unit? Specifically, it's
labeled HCID 10 and is part of a JEOL 2010 TEM. Thanks in advance!


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12, 17 -- From microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com Wed Jan 28 19:14:46 2015
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12, 17 -- Subject: viaWWW:manual for JEOL HCD
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Thu, 29 Jan 2015 17:39:47 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:SAVE THE DATE: NESM's Annual Spring Meeting @ Bruker!

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X-from: info-at-nesmicroscopy.org

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Email: info-at-nesmicroscopy.org
Name: New England Society for Microscopy

Organization: New England Society for Microscopy

Title-Subject: [Filtered] SAVE THE DATE: NESM's Annual Spring Meeting -at- Bruker!

Message: Dear fellow microscopists,

This is a reminder to SAVE THE DATE for the New England Society for MicroscopyÂ’s annual Spring
Meeting, which will take place on Thursday, March 5th at Bruker Corporation in Billerica, MA. The
meeting will consist of facility tours, a buffet dinner and two technical talks showcasing
microscopy application and innovation in the materials and life sciences. Stay tuned – more
information, including speaker abstracts and bios, will follow in the coming weeks.

We hope to see you in March!

NESM Board

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16, 17 -- From microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com Thu Jan 29 17:39:47 2015
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16, 17 -- Subject: viaWWW:SAVE THE DATE: NESM's Annual Spring Meeting -at- Bruker!
16, 17 -- References: {201501291629.t0TGTfQJ024811-at-ns.microscopy.com}
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2015 07:02:54 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Analysis of Pb in the SEM-EDS

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X-from: sniper711220-at-hotmail.com

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Email: sniper711220-at-hotmail.com
Name: Gary

Organization: University of Oxford

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Analysis of Pb in the SEM-EDS

Message: Hi
I have several copper-tin-lead alloy standards with varying Pb contents(5, 10, 15, 20).
I analyzed them by the SEM-EDS, but it keeps giving me lower Pb concentrations(around 2, 5, 7, 10
The totals are good around 100 precents, but just inaccurate(tin is the same, bur Pb is lower and Cu
is higher than their real values.
I use the default internal calibration (leaded glass) to calibrate Pb element.
It is known that Pb in the copper alloy will form a separate phase.

Have anyone encountered such a problem and how to solve it ?


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15, 17 -- From microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com Fri Jan 30 07:02:53 2015
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15, 17 -- Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2015 07:02:53 -0600
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15, 17 -- Subject: viaWWW:Analysis of Pb in the SEM-EDS
15, 17 -- References: {201501300509.t0U59pqm004683-at-ns.microscopy.com}
15, 17 -- In-Reply-To: {201501300509.t0U59pqm004683-at-ns.microscopy.com}
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From: wesaia-at-iastate.edu
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2015 09:03:53 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Analysis of Pb in the SEM-EDS

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

How flat is the surface? What is the phase distribution on a micro-scale? If the Pb is present as a second phase it might well be preferentially polished away changing the volume (and mass) fraction and skewing the results.

Also, EDS correction routines are written to process intensities from homogeneous analysis volumes. If you are trying to lower the magnification and scan an area, you will present the sum of the phase intensities to the analyzer. However, Pb probably had nothing to do in determining the interaction volume in the regions where the Cu and Sn are nor did the Cu and Sn x-rays undergo absorption by Pb atoms. Once in a while, EDS might give the right answer in such cases, but I would not count on it being the right.

BTW, the same issue would be true of WDS too. The matrix corrections are much the same. They assume a homogenous sample volume.


-----Original Message-----
X-from: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com [mailto:microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com]
Sent: Friday, January 30, 2015 7:04 AM
To: Straszheim, Warren E [BIOTC]

X-from: sniper711220-at-hotmail.com

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please copy both sniper711220-at-hotmail.com as well as the Microscopy Listserver

Email: sniper711220-at-hotmail.com
Name: Gary

Organization: University of Oxford

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Analysis of Pb in the SEM-EDS

Message: Hi
I have several copper-tin-lead alloy standards with varying Pb contents(5, 10, 15, 20).
I analyzed them by the SEM-EDS, but it keeps giving me lower Pb concentrations(around 2, 5, 7, 10 individually).
The totals are good around 100 precents, but just inaccurate(tin is the same, bur Pb is lower and Cu is higher than their real values.
I use the default internal calibration (leaded glass) to calibrate Pb element.
It is known that Pb in the copper alloy will form a separate phase.

Have anyone encountered such a problem and how to solve it ?


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15, 17 -- for {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Fri, 30 Jan 2015 07:02:53 -0600
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15, 17 -- In-Reply-To: {201501300509.t0U59pqm004683-at-ns.microscopy.com}
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23, 47 -- From wesaia-at-iastate.edu Fri Jan 30 09:03:49 2015
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23, 47 -- From: "Straszheim, Warren E [BIOTC]" {wesaia-at-iastate.edu}
23, 47 -- To: "sniper711220-at-hotmail.com" {sniper711220-at-hotmail.com}
23, 47 -- CC: "Microscopy-at-microscopy.com" {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
23, 47 -- Subject: RE: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Analysis of Pb in the SEM-EDS
23, 47 -- Thread-Topic: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Analysis of Pb in the SEM-EDS
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23, 47 -- Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2015 15:03:41 +0000
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From: drhull-at-zoominternet.net
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2015 10:13:17 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Analysis of Pb in the SEM-EDS

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

I would not use the Pb in glass standard for this analysis. You should
try to use a standard as close to your unknown composition. Pb in SiO2
is not close. I would try using one of you CuSnPb standards as the
standard and see how the results turn out. You say you 'use the default
internal calibration (leaded glass) to calibrate Pb element', did you
use the same operating conditions? kV, take off angle. Also which lines
for each element did you use? K L M? Be careful of background too.

wesaia-at-iastate.edu wrote:
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} How flat is the surface? What is the phase distribution on a micro-scale? If the Pb is present as a second phase it might well be preferentially polished away changing the volume (and mass) fraction and skewing the results.
} Also, EDS correction routines are written to process intensities from homogeneous analysis volumes. If you are trying to lower the magnification and scan an area, you will present the sum of the phase intensities to the analyzer. However, Pb probably had nothing to do in determining the interaction volume in the regions where the Cu and Sn are nor did the Cu and Sn x-rays undergo absorption by Pb atoms. Once in a while, EDS might give the right answer in such cases, but I would not count on it being the right.
} BTW, the same issue would be true of WDS too. The matrix corrections are much the same. They assume a homogenous sample volume.
} Warren
} -----Original Message-----
} X-from: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com [mailto:microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com]
} Sent: Friday, January 30, 2015 7:04 AM
} To: Straszheim, Warren E [BIOTC]
} Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Analysis of Pb in the SEM-EDS
} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
} The Microscopy ListServer -- CoSponsor: The Microscopy Society of America To Subscribe/Unsubscribe -- http://www.microscopy.com/MicroscopyListserver
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} X-from: sniper711220-at-hotmail.com
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} please copy both sniper711220-at-hotmail.com as well as the Microscopy Listserver
} ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
} Email: sniper711220-at-hotmail.com
} Name: Gary
} Organization: University of Oxford
} Title-Subject: [Filtered] Analysis of Pb in the SEM-EDS
} Message: Hi
} I have several copper-tin-lead alloy standards with varying Pb contents(5, 10, 15, 20).
} I analyzed them by the SEM-EDS, but it keeps giving me lower Pb concentrations(around 2, 5, 7, 10 individually).
} The totals are good around 100 precents, but just inaccurate(tin is the same, bur Pb is lower and Cu is higher than their real values.
} I use the default internal calibration (leaded glass) to calibrate Pb element.
} It is known that Pb in the copper alloy will form a separate phase.
} Have anyone encountered such a problem and how to solve it ?
} Thanks
} Gary
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} Listserver Email Form V - 20120416
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} 15, 17 -- In-Reply-To: {201501300509.t0U59pqm004683-at-ns.microscopy.com}
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} 23, 47 -- From wesaia-at-iastate.edu Fri Jan 30 09:03:49 2015
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} 23, 47 -- 15.01.0065.013; Fri, 30 Jan 2015 15:03:41 +0000
} 23, 47 -- From: "Straszheim, Warren E [BIOTC]" {wesaia-at-iastate.edu}
} 23, 47 -- To: "sniper711220-at-hotmail.com" {sniper711220-at-hotmail.com}
} 23, 47 -- CC: "Microscopy-at-microscopy.com" {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
} 23, 47 -- Subject: RE: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Analysis of Pb in the SEM-EDS
} 23, 47 -- Thread-Topic: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Analysis of Pb in the SEM-EDS
} 23, 47 -- Thread-Index: AQHQPI1fprqTSG+pr02aw+LOK7/ARpzYwKsA
} 23, 47 -- Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2015 15:03:41 +0000
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4, 28 -- From drhull-at-zoominternet.net Fri Jan 30 10:13:15 2015
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4, 28 -- Message-ID: {54CBAD53.4090405-at-zoominternet.net}
4, 28 -- Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2015 11:12:03 -0500
4, 28 -- From: David Hull {drhull-at-zoominternet.net}
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4, 28 -- Subject: Re: [Microscopy] RE: viaWWW:Analysis of Pb in the SEM-EDS
4, 28 -- References: {201501301522.t0UFMJvh018648-at-ns.microscopy.com}
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From: bryan-at-systap.com
Date: Sat, 31 Jan 2015 10:49:47 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] backscatter detector element for the Hitachi S-800?

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Does anyone have a spare backscatter detector element for the Hitachi S-800?

If so, kindly reply off-list to minimize traffic.



4501 Tower Road
Greensboro NC, USA

==============================Original Headers==============================
5, 28 -- From bryan-at-systap.com Sat Jan 31 10:49:47 2015
5, 28 -- Received: from mail-ig0-f170.google.com (mail-ig0-f170.google.com [])
5, 28 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id t0VGnkQE001501
5, 28 -- for {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Sat, 31 Jan 2015 10:49:46 -0600
5, 28 -- Received: by mail-ig0-f170.google.com with SMTP id l13so9242697iga.1
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5, 28 -- Subject: backscatter detector element for the Hitachi S-800?
5, 28 -- From: Bryan Thompson {bryan-at-systap.com}
5, 28 -- To: microscopy-at-microscopy.com
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==============================End of - Headers==============================

From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Sun, 1 Feb 2015 12:52:21 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Looking for a used EDS system

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: hailstone-at-cis.rit.edu

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Email: hailstone-at-cis.rit.edu
Name: Rich Hailstone

Organization: Rochester Institute of Technology

Title-Subject: [Filtered] EDS system

Message: I am looking to purchase a used Si(Li) EDS system for a JEOL 2010 (horizontal EDS port). It
seems the vendors have abandoned this technology for the SDD, but these systems are beyond our
budget justification for such an old scope without STEM. If you are interested in selling such a
system, please contact me offline.


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12, 17 -- From microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com Sun Feb 1 12:52:20 2015
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12, 17 -- Date: Sun, 01 Feb 2015 12:52:20 -0600
12, 17 -- From: MicroscopyListserver-NoReply {microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com}
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12, 17 -- MIME-Version: 1.0
12, 17 -- To: MicroscopyListServer-Forward {microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
12, 17 -- Subject: viaWWW:Looking for a used EDS system
12, 17 -- References: {201502011739.t11HdYp2030471-at-ns.microscopy.com}
12, 17 -- In-Reply-To: {201502011739.t11HdYp2030471-at-ns.microscopy.com}
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Mon, 2 Feb 2015 08:20:05 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Job opening for an experienced Electron Microscopist - Univ.

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: lamiller-at-illinois.edu

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using the WWW based Form at
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please copy both lamiller-at-illinois.edu as well as the Microscopy Listserver

Email: lamiller-at-illinois.edu
Name: Lou Ann Miller

Organization: Materials Research Laboratory, University of Illinois

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Job opening for an experienced Electron Microscopist

Message: Research Scientist(s) position
Please see the link below for the job information and to apply electronically online:


*Note for those unfamiliar with University jobs here, a common question: Is the job for only one
year with the "12 month appointment"?

All academic positions at the University are appointed on a 9- or 12-month service basis, eligible
for annual renewal based upon mutual agreement and the annual performance review process. This
Academic Professional position is a regularly recurring staff scientist role not subject to grant
funding. See http://ap.illinois.edu for more information.

{ { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { {} } } } } } } } } } } }
Lou Ann Miller
Biological Electron Microscopy
Frederick Seitz Materials Research Laboratory
Lab Room 125 Office 374 MRL
104 South Goodwin Ave
Urbana, IL 61801
Campus mail code: MC-230


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23, 18 -- From microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com Mon Feb 2 08:20:04 2015
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23, 18 -- Date: Mon, 02 Feb 2015 08:20:03 -0600
23, 18 -- From: MicroscopyListserver-NoReply {microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com}
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23, 18 -- MIME-Version: 1.0
23, 18 -- To: MicroscopyListServer-Forward {microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
23, 18 -- Subject: viaWWW:Job opening for an experienced Electron Microscopist - Univ.
23, 18 -- of Illinois
23, 18 -- References: {201502021411.t12EBfYo002745-at-ns.microscopy.com}
23, 18 -- In-Reply-To: {201502021411.t12EBfYo002745-at-ns.microscopy.com}
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From: lamiller-at-illinois.edu
Date: Tue, 3 Feb 2015 06:08:51 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Job posting: no job

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Greetings fellow Microscopists!

I had several questions from folks on the list serve about another job posting. I did not see it yesterday, but it appears to be a resend of the … maybe now 15-16 month ago email that somehow got retransmitted a while back.

I’m sorry, I do not know where in cyber this came from, but there is no TEM job opening at MRL laboratory at this time. ( They updated our Lync system, perhaps it was somehow caught in that action)

Thanks to those who asked, so I became aware, and many apologies for those looking for a job, that this has resurfaced. We filled both spots a year ago.

Lou Ann

{ { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { {} } } } } } } } } } } }
Lou Ann Miller
Biological Electron Microscopy
Frederick Seitz Materials Research Laboratory
Lab Room 125 Office 374 MRL
104 South Goodwin Ave
Urbana, IL 61801
Campus mail code: MC-230


==============================Original Headers==============================
14, 40 -- From lamiller-at-illinois.edu Tue Feb 3 06:08:50 2015
14, 40 -- Received: from pps02.cites.illinois.edu (pps02.cites.illinois.edu [])
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14, 40 -- Tue, 3 Feb 2015 06:08:44 -0600
14, 40 -- From: "Miller, Lou A" {lamiller-at-illinois.edu}
14, 40 -- To: "Microscopy-at-Microscopy.com" {Microscopy-at-Microscopy.com}
14, 40 -- Subject: Job posting: no job
14, 40 -- Thread-Topic: Job posting: no job
14, 40 -- Thread-Index: AQHQP6ooTBddvjHQ4U6zfkgHcQd4iA==
14, 40 -- Date: Tue, 3 Feb 2015 12:08:44 +0000
14, 40 -- Message-ID: {1373757B-5764-497E-9EE9-986C4C5588AA-at-illinois.edu}
14, 40 -- Accept-Language: en-US
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Wed, 4 Feb 2015 07:14:03 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:advice on new camera for Zeiss Axioplan 2

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: lou.howell-at-live.com

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please copy both lou.howell-at-live.com as well as the Microscopy Listserver

Email: lou.howell-at-live.com
Name: Louise

Organization: Institute of Cancer Research

Title-Subject: [Filtered] advice on new camera for Zeiss Axioplan 2

Message: Dear all,

IÂ’m looking into upgrading some software for my Zeiss Axioplan 2 microscope (currently have very old
SmartCapture software). We look at protein expression levels and also DNA damage foci and so
something which could quantify these signals would be ideal. Also IÂ’m looking into buying a new
camera compatible with the new software/microscope.

Any advice on the best camera and suitable software compatible with this microscope would be most
gratefully received.

Thank you very much in advance.


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17, 17 -- From microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com Wed Feb 4 07:13:59 2015
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17, 17 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id t14DDwSX025651
17, 17 -- for {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Wed, 4 Feb 2015 07:13:58 -0600
17, 17 -- Message-ID: {54D21B16.9060703-at-microscopy.com}
17, 17 -- Date: Wed, 04 Feb 2015 07:13:58 -0600
17, 17 -- From: MicroscopyListserver-NoReply {microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com}
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17, 17 -- MIME-Version: 1.0
17, 17 -- To: MicroscopyListServer-Forward {microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
17, 17 -- Subject: viaWWW:advice on new camera for Zeiss Axioplan 2
17, 17 -- References: {201502041123.t14BNQT2023553-at-ns.microscopy.com}
17, 17 -- In-Reply-To: {201502041123.t14BNQT2023553-at-ns.microscopy.com}
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==============================End of - Headers==============================

From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Wed, 4 Feb 2015 16:56:53 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Calibration of Oxford EDS.

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: ravi.thakkar369-at-gmail.com

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using the WWW based Form at http://microscopy.com/MLFormMail.html
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Email: ravi.thakkar369-at-gmail.com
Name: Ravi

Organization: KSU

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Calibration of Oxford EDS.

Message: Hi,
I have EDS analysis of Au Nanoparticle on Copper TEM grid using Oxford EDS.But I am getting lot of
cu peaks and instead of Au peak.
I am using INCA microanalysos suit version 4.15.
Could anybody suggest me how to do calibration and What kind of std reference sample needed for

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14, 17 -- From microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com Wed Feb 4 16:56:49 2015
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14, 17 -- for {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Wed, 4 Feb 2015 16:56:49 -0600
14, 17 -- Message-ID: {54D2A3B1.8020804-at-microscopy.com}
14, 17 -- Date: Wed, 04 Feb 2015 16:56:49 -0600
14, 17 -- From: MicroscopyListserver-NoReply {microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com}
14, 17 -- Reply-To: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
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14, 17 -- MIME-Version: 1.0
14, 17 -- To: MicroscopyListServer-Forward {microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
14, 17 -- Subject: viaWWW:Calibration of Oxford EDS.
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From: zaluzec-at-microscopy.com
Date: Sat, 7 Feb 2015 14:48:16 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW: FEI TEM HRTEM ESEM Service Manuals

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hi Ravi,

You are always going to see Cu under those circumstances. The amount of Cu metal in the grid is vast compared to the size of an Au nanoparticle. As your electron beam passes through the Au nanoparticle, some electrons will scatter and hit the grid producing fluorescence. There can also be electrons scattered from electron microscope components such as apertures as well — though this is less a problem these days than it used to be (depends on the age of your microscope).

If you aren’t interested in Cu, I suggest you just ignore the peak. If you are interested in Cu in your nanoparticle, then producers such as EMS, Ted Pella and Ladd make a variety of grids out of a variety of elements and compounds so that you can almost certainly find some element you don’t care about.

When avoiding Cu, I’ve had luck using beryllium, and silicon nitride.

For general calibration, a simple and very common approach is to use the Cliff-Lorimer method of k-factors: Cliff, G., & Lorimer, G. W. (1975). The Quantitative Analysis of Thin Specimens. Journal of Microscopy, 103(2), 203–207.

The Oxford software has this method built in and allows you to define those k-factors once you measure them (using the method from the paper above). The Oxford software also has some good guesses built in if you don’t need very much accuracy.

I have also found it useful to extract peak areas from TEM/EDS spectra and process them myself. I first use fityk, Python, or the Oxford/Bruker softwares to fit peak areas. Then I use k-factors and apply a thickness correction using some software I wrote for myself (https://github.com/ZGainsforth/StoichiometryFitter/blob/master/Stoichiometry%20Fitter%20Screenshot.png) You might like a solution like this if you want to control every aspect of the analysis.

Hopefully that clears it up?


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Name: Ravi

Organization: KSU

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Calibration of Oxford EDS.

Message: Hi,
I have EDS analysis of Au Nanoparticle on Copper TEM grid using Oxford EDS.But I am getting lot of
cu peaks and instead of Au peak.
I am using INCA microanalysos suit version 4.15.
Could anybody suggest me how to do calibration and What kind of std reference sample needed for

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Title-Subject: [Filtered] 'FEI' TEM HRTEM ESEM service Manuals

Message: HI

Our 'FEI' TEM, HRTEM and ESEM are not functioning for some time.
Does anyone have the service manuals for this microscopes which will
help us bring back these instruments into working conditions


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From: zaluzec-at-microscopy.com
Date: Sat, 7 Feb 2015 14:53:11 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW: Two Postdoc Positions - Glasgow and Oxford

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: ian.maclaren-at-glasgow.ac.uk

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Email: ian.maclaren-at-glasgow.ac.uk
Name: Ian MacLaren

Organization: University of Glasgow

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Two Postdoc Positions - Glasgow and Oxford


Two post-doctoral research positions in fast pixelated detectors for
scanning transmission electron microscopy

Glasgow: Research Assistant / Associate,
Salary: Grade 6 / 7 £27,057 - £30,434 / £33,242 - £37,394 per annum,
Ref: 010095

Oxford: Research Associate,
Grade 7 / Salary in the range: £30,434 to £33,242 p.a. / Vacancy ID: 117029

Applications are invited for two fixed-term (up to 36 months)
postdoctoral positions (one at Glasgow and one at Oxford) in research
associated with using fast pixelated detectors in STEM.

The overarching aim of the project is to use fast pixelated detectors to
record the intensity as a function of scattering angle in the detector
plane of a STEM, which is effectively a diffraction pattern. By
recording each two-dimensional diffraction pattern as a function of
probe position in a two-dimensional scan, a four-dimensional data set
can be recorded that is the ultimate STEM imaging experiment. Such a
rich dataset contains information about the phase shift that results
from transmission, about the composition of the sample, the strain in
the sample and the three-dimensional ordering in the sample. We propose
to develop the methods to record this 4D data set, using fast pixelated
detectors, and by developing an optimised direct-detection system,
together with the methods to process such datasets to enable physically
useful measurements to be made. Application areas include imaging of
soft materials, detection of fields and charge transfer, separation of
strain and compositional information, and measurement of
three-dimensional crystallographic ordering.

The posts have been created through the funding by the EPSRC of a joint
project between The Universities of Glasgow and Oxford on developing
methods and applications associated with pixelated detectors in
aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy.

The posts are available from 1 April 2015. By the start date,
applicants should have a good first degree and completed PhD in Physics,
Materials, Engineering, Chemistry or a related field. They should have
experience with operating a STEM and a good understanding of its
principles of operation, a high level of expertise in the theory of
electron scattering and image formation in the electron microscope, and
excellent IT skills including the use of electron microscopy specific
software packages and an ability to write code using a suitable
high-level language.

The closing date for applications is 11 March 2015 (Glasgow, midnight;
Oxford, midday) with interviews planned for 24 March 2015 (in Glasgow).
It is important that candidates submit applications to both Oxford and
Glasgow (these can be identical applications) if they wish to be
considered for both posts.

Informal enquiries about the Glasgow post may be directed to Dr Ian
MacLaren, ian.maclaren-at-glasgow.ac.uk
Informal enquiries about the Oxford post should be directed to Prof.
Peter Nellist, peter.nellist-at-materials.ox.ac.uk

Glasgow Application Details:

Apply online at www.glasgow.ac.uk/jobs

Closing date: 11 March 2015.
The School of Physics and Astronomy has been awarded Juno Champion
status and also the Athena SWAN Silver Award.

The University has recently been awarded the Athena SWAN Institutional
Bronze Award.

The University is committed to equality of opportunity in employment.

The University of Glasgow, charity number SC004401.

Oxford Application Details:

Applications for the Oxford post are to be made online (vacancy
reference 117029). To apply for this role and for further details,
including the job description and selection criteria, please click on
the link below:


Closing date: 11 March 2015.

The Department of Materials is an Athena Swan silver award holder.
Applications are particularly welcome from women and black and ethnic
minority candidates, who are under-represented in research posts in the

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From: frank_karl-at-ardl.com
Date: Mon, 9 Feb 2015 12:15:49 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] TEM and HIPS

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hello Everyone,
I'm looking for suggestions about a beam sensitive sample.

I'm cutting thin sections with a cryomicrotome of HIPS, High Impact Polystyrene, that is toughened with polybutadiene. I'm cutting at -100 C because of the low TG of the polybutadiene and staining with Os.
My thin sections are very beam sensitive, too sensitive to focus well and get a good image. I'm imaging at 80KV with 8800X magnification. If I spread out my beam to reduce beam damage I can't see my sample to focus and any pictures I take look crappy.

Any suggestions?

I've been thinking about trying carbon coated grids to help act as a heat sink as well as going to a larger TEM spot setting. I have read that lower KV can make the damage worse because each electron resides in the thin section longer and produced more heat. Is this a tried and true observation?



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From: microwink-at-gmail.com
Date: Mon, 9 Feb 2015 12:39:44 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: TEM and HIPS

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hi Karl,

You'll probably have better luck if you can put a thin carbon coating
on top of your microtomed sample prior to examination in the TEM. A
nanometer or less--just a few seconds in most carbon coaters--should
minimize the charging and preserve your samples under the beam.
Staining should also help stabilize the sample but apparently not in
this case.

If you don't have a coater then you can try "cooking" the microtome
sections in the TEM: go to a few thousand magnification, remove the
condenser aperture and adjust your condenser lenses to the largest
spot size (highest beam current), and spread the beam out to
illuminate a large fraction of the thin section. Leave it in this
condition, assuming the sample is not sputtering away, for a few
minutes. Take a look at 10kx magnification and see if it's stable. If
not, try again for a longer time. This may never stabilize the section
but often helps in my experience.

We look at HIPS samples (albiet stained samples with a few angstroms
of carbon coating) all the time at 200kV and 300kV and even run long
STEM maps without issue. Try a higher accelerating voltage if your
microscope is capable of it. The damage mechanisms are complicated in
TEM but generally lower voltages increase interaction cross-section of
the electron in the sample, leading to higher sample temperatures and
radiolysis effects. Higher accelerating voltages minimize the
interaction cross-section but lead to knock-on damage. Egerton, Li,
and Malac wrote a paper titled, "Radiation Damage in the TEM and SEM"
(Micron 35 (2004) 399-409) which can be a good starting point for
understanding beam induced damage.

Good luck,
Senior Research Associate
Nanoscale Characterization and Fabrication Laboratory
Institute for Critical Technology and Applied Science
Virginia Tech
(540) 200-9511

On Mon, Feb 9, 2015 at 1:25 PM, {frank_karl-at-ardl.com} wrote:
} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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} Hello Everyone,
} I'm looking for suggestions about a beam sensitive sample.
} I'm cutting thin sections with a cryomicrotome of HIPS, High Impact Polystyrene, that is toughened with polybutadiene. I'm cutting at -100 C because of the low TG of the polybutadiene and staining with Os.
} My thin sections are very beam sensitive, too sensitive to focus well and get a good image. I'm imaging at 80KV with 8800X magnification. If I spread out my beam to reduce beam damage I can't see my sample to focus and any pictures I take look crappy.
} Any suggestions?
} I've been thinking about trying carbon coated grids to help act as a heat sink as well as going to a larger TEM spot setting. I have read that lower KV can make the damage worse because each electron resides in the thin section longer and produced more heat. Is this a tried and true observation?
} Thanks!!!
} Frank
} This email and any of its attachments may contain confidential information intended only for the use of the addressee(s). If the reader of this email is not the intended recipient or the employee or agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination or copying of this email is strictly prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please notify us by return email at info-at-ardl.com, permanently delete the email, and destroy any printouts. If this email contains test data and/or draft reports, you are hereby notified that only a signed original test report will contain official results, a copy of which resides in the project folder located at ARDL, Inc. Thank you. Akron Rubber Development Laboratory, Inc.
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} 9, 28 -- From frank_karl-at-ardl.com Mon Feb 9 12:15:49 2015
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} 9, 28 -- Feb 2015 13:15:26 -0500
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} 9, 28 -- To: "Microscopy Listserver (microscopy-at-microscopy.com)"
} 9, 28 -- {microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
} 9, 28 -- Date: Mon, 9 Feb 2015 13:15:26 -0500
} 9, 28 -- Subject: TEM and HIPS
} 9, 28 -- Thread-Topic: TEM and HIPS
} 9, 28 -- Thread-Index: AdBElGBOLrir6G9eQt6ILmdqm8wZ1g==
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8, 29 -- From microwink-at-gmail.com Mon Feb 9 12:39:44 2015
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8, 29 -- Subject: Re: [Microscopy] TEM and HIPS
8, 29 -- From: Christopher Winkler {microwink-at-gmail.com}
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From: oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu
Date: Mon, 9 Feb 2015 12:48:03 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: TEM and HIPS

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives


Yes to both your questions.
Putting the sections on carbon-coated grids will help with heat
dissipation, and lowering the kV will increase beam damage because of
more beam interactions with your specimens.
We typically use a 10 µm spot when looking at our thin sections,
especially at lower mags. And spread the illumination.
Maybe try 100 kV.
But - how thick are your thin sections? If they're 100 - 120 nm, try
cutting them 80 - 90 nm. Less beam energy deposition in the thinner
sections. And of course, this being reality, if they're already this
thin (or thinner), try 100 nm sections, as they'll be more robust, and
maybe use the higher kV.
Probably the carbon-coated grids will do the best, but changing kV is easy.

(Hey, it's all quantum - your sections are simultaneously in burst and
unburst states, you just have to pick the ones that collapse to the
unburst state when you observe them.)


} Hello Everyone,
} I'm looking for suggestions about a beam sensitive sample.
} I'm cutting thin sections with a cryomicrotome of HIPS, High Impact Polystyrene, that is toughened with polybutadiene. I'm cutting at -100 C because of the low TG of the polybutadiene and staining with Os.
} My thin sections are very beam sensitive, too sensitive to focus well and get a good image. I'm imaging at 80KV with 8800X magnification. If I spread out my beam to reduce beam damage I can't see my sample to focus and any pictures I take look crappy.
} Any suggestions?
} I've been thinking about trying carbon coated grids to help act as a heat sink as well as going to a larger TEM spot setting. I have read that lower KV can make the damage worse because each electron resides in the thin section longer and produced more heat. Is this a tried and true observation?
} Thanks!!!
} Frank
} This email and any of its attachments may contain confidential information intended only for the use of the addressee(s). If the reader of this email is not the intended recipient or the employee or agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination or copying of this email is strictly prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please notify us by return email at info-at-ardl.com, permanently delete the email, and destroy any printouts. If this email contains test data and/or draft reports, you are hereby notified that only a signed original test report will contain official results, a copy of which resides in the project folder located at ARDL, Inc. Thank you. Akron Rubber Development Laboratory, Inc.
Philip Oshel
Microscopy Facility Supervisor
Biology Department
024C Brooks Hall
Central Michigan University
Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859
(989) 774-3576

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5, 32 -- From oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu Mon Feb 9 12:48:03 2015
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From: vau-at-ufl.edu
Date: Mon, 9 Feb 2015 17:12:33 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] anti-catalase 1Ab for TEM

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hello All,

Does anyone know of an anti-catalase primary antibody for post-label on
HM20 sections? I have rabbit and mouse 2Ab.
A researcher gave me the ABCAM anti-catalase antibody ab16731 but it was
not tested for TEM and my results were negative.

Any suggestions or recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

Karen Kelley
University of Florida

==============================Original Headers==============================
6, 40 -- From vau-at-ufl.edu Mon Feb 9 17:12:33 2015
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6, 40 -- 14.03.0181.006; Mon, 9 Feb 2015 18:12:31 -0500
6, 40 -- From: "Kelley,Karen L" {vau-at-ufl.edu}
6, 40 -- To: "Microscopy-at-Microscopy.com" {Microscopy-at-Microscopy.com}
6, 40 -- Subject: anti-catalase 1Ab for TEM
6, 40 -- Thread-Topic: anti-catalase 1Ab for TEM
6, 40 -- Thread-Index: AQHQRL3hebxG7gANkUGY2qGV92XAVA==
6, 40 -- Date: Mon, 9 Feb 2015 23:12:30 +0000
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From: leunissen-at-aurion.nl
Date: Mon, 9 Feb 2015 19:54:35 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: anti-catalase 1Ab for TEM

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Dear Karen,

it may be that it is not the primary that is not working. Do you have positive controls with the secondaries? Catalase is usually so abundant and some molecules would always survive in my opinion, certainly in HM20 preps.
Feel free to contact me or Peter van de Plas (email below) off-list if you would like some ideas on how to take this further.

Thank you and good luck,

Jan Leunissen

Aurion ImmunoGold Reagents
Binnenhaven 5
6709 PD Wageningen
The Netherlands

Phone: (+31) 317 415 094
Fax: (+31) 317 415 955
Email: info-at-aurion.nl
Internet: www.aurion.nl

} On 10/02/2015, at 12:12, vau-at-ufl.edu wrote:
} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
} The Microscopy ListServer -- CoSponsor: The Microscopy Society of America
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} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
} Hello All,
} Does anyone know of an anti-catalase primary antibody for post-label on
} HM20 sections? I have rabbit and mouse 2Ab.
} A researcher gave me the ABCAM anti-catalase antibody ab16731 but it was
} not tested for TEM and my results were negative.
} Any suggestions or recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
} Karen Kelley
} University of Florida
} ==============================Original Headers==============================
} 6, 40 -- From vau-at-ufl.edu Mon Feb 9 17:12:33 2015
} 6, 40 -- Received: from smtp.ufl.edu (smtp-prod04.osg.ufl.edu [])
} 6, 40 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id t19NCWHo018835
} 6, 40 -- for {Microscopy-at-Microscopy.com} ; Mon, 9 Feb 2015 17:12:32 -0600
} 6, 40 -- X-UFL-GatorLink-Authenticated: authenticated as () with from
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} 6, 40 -- (version=TLSv1/SSLv3 cipher=AES256-SHA bits=256 verify=NOT)
} 6, 40 -- for {Microscopy-at-Microscopy.com} ; Mon, 9 Feb 2015 18:12:32 -0500
} 6, 40 -- Received: from UFEXCH-MBXN03.ad.ufl.edu ( by
} 6, 40 -- UFEXCH-CASHT02.ad.ufl.edu ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (TLS)
} 6, 40 -- id; Mon, 9 Feb 2015 18:12:32 -0500
} 6, 40 -- Received: from UFEXCH-MBXN02.ad.ufl.edu ([fe80::4801:abc9:e123:b1bb]) by
} 6, 40 -- UFEXCH-MBXN03.ad.ufl.edu ([fe80::e09b:9163:ed13:4711%18]) with mapi id
} 6, 40 -- 14.03.0181.006; Mon, 9 Feb 2015 18:12:31 -0500
} 6, 40 -- From: "Kelley,Karen L" {vau-at-ufl.edu}
} 6, 40 -- To: "Microscopy-at-Microscopy.com" {Microscopy-at-Microscopy.com}
} 6, 40 -- Subject: anti-catalase 1Ab for TEM
} 6, 40 -- Thread-Topic: anti-catalase 1Ab for TEM
} 6, 40 -- Thread-Index: AQHQRL3hebxG7gANkUGY2qGV92XAVA==
} 6, 40 -- Date: Mon, 9 Feb 2015 23:12:30 +0000
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9, 39 -- Subject: Re: [Microscopy] anti-catalase 1Ab for TEM
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9, 39 -- In-Reply-To: {201502092312.t19NCpcb019091-at-ns.microscopy.com}
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From: hyi-at-emory.edu
Date: Mon, 9 Feb 2015 21:41:30 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: anti-catalase 1Ab for TEM

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hi, Karen:

I looked up this antibody. It might be helpful if you can share the
protocol you used for sample preparation and immunolabeling. Feel free to
call or email. Thanks.

Emory EM
404 712 8491

On 2/9/15 6:16 PM, "vau-at-ufl.edu" {vau-at-ufl.edu} wrote:

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11, 41 -- From hyi-at-emory.edu Mon Feb 9 21:41:30 2015
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11, 41 -- From: "Yi, Hong" {hyi-at-emory.edu}
11, 41 -- To: "Microscopy-at-microscopy.com" {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
11, 41 -- Subject: Re: [Microscopy] anti-catalase 1Ab for TEM
11, 41 -- Thread-Topic: [Microscopy] anti-catalase 1Ab for TEM
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11, 41 -- Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2015 03:41:28 +0000
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From: ALawrence-at-i2at.msstate.edu
Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2015 13:24:46 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Southeastern Microscopy Society (SEMS) Annual Meeting

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Message from the president:

The Southeastern Microscopy Society would like to invite you to join us for the Society's 51st Annual meeting to be held May 20-22, 2015. The meeting will be held at the Courtyard Marriott hotel in downtown Decatur, GA located at 130 Clairemont Avenue. Further, I would encourage you and your students to consider submitting an abstract for a poster or platform presentation at the meeting.

All information regarding the meeting can be found on the SEMS website. Please visit http://southeasternmicroscopy.org/2015-meeting/ for registration and the Call for Papers. All abstracts should be submitted by April 17. Students should be encouraged to present their research through the Ruska competition. Ruska participants receive meeting registration, housing at the meeting hotel (applicants must be willing to share a room with other students), a banquet ticket, and a certificate of participation. The first place Ruska Award winner will receive the Ruska Award plaque and $300.00 at the SEMS banquet. This is great opportunity for students!

The Invited speakers will be Dale Newbury, with NIST; Lucille Giannuzzi, with L.A. Giannuzzi & Associates; and Peter Kner, with the University of Georgia. In addition, Robert Simmons from Georgia State University has agreed to talk about Microscopy and Art for the banquet.

The meeting will start Wednesday, May 20, with workshops and technical talks. Wednesday evening we will have the Mixer and poster session starting at 6 PM. Thursday's schedule contains invited and submitted presentations and opportunities to visit our vendors. The Banquet will be Thursday evening. Plan to attend the Business Breakfast on Friday morning and finish off attending some final presentations, with the meeting ending at noon.

Hotel rooms will cost $129 + tax, and reservations can be made at http://cwp.marriott.com/atldc/sems or by calling the hotel at 404-371-0204 at asking for the SEMS special rate. Reservation must be made by April 28 to receive this rate.

Russ Goddard
SEMS President

Amanda Lawrence
Outreach Coordinator/Research Associate
Institute for Imaging and Analytical Technologies
Mississippi State University

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11, 31 -- From ALawrence-at-i2at.msstate.edu Tue Feb 10 13:24:45 2015
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11, 31 -- 15.00.0913.011; Tue, 10 Feb 2015 13:24:41 -0600
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11, 31 -- Subject: Southeastern Microscopy Society (SEMS) Annual Meeting
11, 31 -- Thread-Topic: Southeastern Microscopy Society (SEMS) Annual Meeting
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From: opmills-at-mtu.edu
Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2015 13:53:35 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] NSF data management plans

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives


We are submitting a NSF proposal for new equipment and came across a
requirement for a data management plan. At this moment my facility
users are responsible for their own data. I'm interested to find out
what others are using for their data management plans. We are a
"Google" university (Mail/Calendar etc.) - would storing data on their
Drive folder be adequate?

Thanks in advance!


Owen Mills
Michigan Tech University
Houghton, MI

==============================Original Headers==============================
5, 34 -- From opmills-at-mtu.edu Tue Feb 10 13:53:35 2015
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From: zaluzec-at-microscopy.com
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2015 13:45:12 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:MSNO 2015 Meeting

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X-from: nxa157-at-case.edu

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Email: nxa157-at-case.edu
Name: Nanthawan Avishai


Title-Subject: [Filtered] MSNO 2015 Meeting

Message: I'd like to invite you to join MSNO Winter Meeting on
Wednesday, March 4th, 2015, 3:00 –8:30 p.m. at Cleveland Museum of
Natural History.

Lillian A. Kuri from Cleveland Foundation will give a talk on
"ClevelandÂ’s Greater University Circle Initiative"
and John Hemsath, a Director of Theater Operations will give a talk on
"The History of Playhouse Square".

This meeting will give us two successful demonstrations on how
collaboration could make a wonderful impact and we could also make such
a significant impact to our society too.

Pre-registration and more detail could be found at

We hope to see you at the meeting.

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20, 40 -- From nestor.zaluzec-at-gmail.com Wed Feb 11 13:45:12 2015
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20, 40 -- Wed, 11 Feb 2015 11:45:10 -0800 (PST)
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From: zaluzec-at-microscopy.com
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2015 13:46:12 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:HV cable for Ladd sputter coater

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: kpseverin-at-alaska.edu

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Microscopy Listserver

Email: kpseverin-at-alaska.edu
Name: Ken Severin

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Title-Subject: [Filtered] HV cable for Ladd sputter coater

Message: The HV cable on my old Ladd/Polaron (also sold as ISI and a few
other brands) went up in smoke. If someone has a spare or source (or a
simple sputter coater that is no longer in use) please contact me off
line and we'll work out a deal.

Thanks much!

Ken Severin
University of Alaska Fairbanks

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From: zaluzec-at-microscopy.com
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2015 13:46:59 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Leica Ultracut UCT repair

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: kaszas.1-at-osu.edu

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Email: kaszas.1-at-osu.edu
Name: Andrea Kaszas

Organization: OSU OARDC

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Leica Ultracut UCT repair

Message: Hi,

We have a Leica Ultracut UCT microtome. It has an error message: 401.

Do you have a suggestion who repairs this machine anymore?

Thanks in advance.

Andrea Kaszas
microscopy technician
Wooster, OH

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From: zaluzec-at-microscopy.com
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2015 13:47:46 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Workshop on Basic Confocal Microscopy

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: bob.price-at-uscmed.sc.edu

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Email: bob.price-at-uscmed.sc.edu
Name: Bob Price

Organization: University of South Carolina

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Workshop on Basic Confocal Microscopy

Message: During the week of June 15-19 the University of South Carolina
Instrumentation Resource Facility will again host the "Basic Confocal
Microscopy Workshop." Workshop material is directed towards beginning
and intermediate users of confocal microscopes and involves a series of
lectures (specimen preparation, labeling strategies, proper set-up of
instrument operating parameters, proper handling of 2D and 3D confocal
images in programs such as Adobe Photoshop and AMIRA), hands on specimen
preparation, and time on a number of different point scanning and
spinning disk confocal microscopes.

This is a hands on workshop where participants will stain cells and
tissues with multiple labels, collect images, and participate in image
analysis exercises using Photoshop and AMIRA.

Faculty will include Dr. Jay Jerome of Vanderbilt University, Dr. Ralph
Albrecht of the University of Wisconsin Madison, Dr. John Mackenzie of
North Carolina State University, Dr. Tom Trusk of the Medical University
of South Carolina, and Dr. Bob Price of the University of South
Carolina. Several companies will also have equipment and applications
experts on hand to assist with instrumentation and questions about
confocal microscopy research protocols.

Cost for the entire week is $350 which covers meals and supplies for the
workshop. Please register soon as the workshop has filled the past
several years.

For further information please see: http://irf.med.sc.edu/

For questions and registration contact Anna McNeal
(anna.mcneal-at-uscmed.sc.edu or Bob Price (bob.price-at-uscmed.sc.edu

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From: wtivol-at-sbcglobal.net
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2015 20:46:35 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: TEM and HIPS

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

On Feb 9, 2015, at 10:30 AM, frank_karl-at-ardl.com wrote:

} Hello Everyone,
} I'm looking for suggestions about a beam sensitive sample.
} I'm cutting thin sections with a cryomicrotome of HIPS, High Impact
} Polystyrene, that is toughened with polybutadiene. I'm cutting at
} -100 C because of the low TG of the polybutadiene and staining with
} Os.
} My thin sections are very beam sensitive, too sensitive to focus
} well and get a good image. I'm imaging at 80KV with 8800X
} magnification. If I spread out my beam to reduce beam damage I
} can't see my sample to focus and any pictures I take look crappy.
} Any suggestions?
} I've been thinking about trying carbon coated grids to help act as a
} heat sink as well as going to a larger TEM spot setting. I have read
} that lower KV can make the damage worse because each electron
} resides in the thin section longer and produced more heat. Is this
} a tried and true observation?
} Thanks!!!
} Frank
} This email and any of its attachments may contain confidential
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} official results, a copy of which resides in the project folder
} located at ARDL, Inc. Thank you. Akron Rubber Development
} Laboratory, Inc.
Dear Frank,
Since you have cryosectioning capability, can I assume you have
cryomicroscopy capability? If so, do you have a low-dose capability?
In addition to carbon-coating, you could put a few gold nanoparticles
onto the specimen, use the low-dose settings to find an area a
micrometer or so away from the imaging area, focus pretty quickly on
the gold beads--easier with FEG or very coherent LaB6--then take the
image. You could even burn a small hole at the focussing position
(assuming that the specimen can survive that) without having the beam
overlap the imaging position. If you do not have low-dose capability,
you might try using an image shift setting to get to a focussing area--
calibrate with a cross grating--and return the shift to its original
setting for imaging. All this shifting should be done with a pre-
specimen shutter engaged between shifts to avoid unexpected exposure
of the specimen. Good luck.

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6, 32 -- From wtivol-at-sbcglobal.net Wed Feb 11 20:46:34 2015
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6, 32 -- From: Bill & Sue Tivol {wtivol-at-sbcglobal.net}
6, 32 -- To: Frank Karl {frank_karl-at-ardl.com} , microscopy-at-microscopy.com
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From: zaluzec-at-microscopy.com
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2015 01:10:34 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:UCLA Workshop on Imaging Kinetics at the Atomic Level

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: rms-at-angstrom.us

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Email: rms-at-angstrom.us
Name: Bob Sommerville

Organization: Angstrom Scientific Inc.

Title-Subject: [Filtered] UCLA Workshop on Imaging Kinetics at the
Atomic Level

Message: Wednesday, February 18th at the UCLA California NanoSystems
570 Westwood Plaza, Building 114
Los Angeles, CA 90095
9:30am: Invited Talks (Executive Conference Room)
1:30pm: Live Demonstrations (Room B145)
Please RSVP to: rms-at-angstrom.us
** Talks will be followed by lunch and then a live demonstration of the
capabilities of the DENSsolutions heating holder on the EICNÂ’s FEI Titan
Krios. We encourage participants to bring samples.
Invited talk by Dr. Paul Voyles
Professor, Materials Science and Engineering, University of
Atomic Rearrangements in Glass-Forming Metal Alloys Melted Inside the STEM
Atomic rearrangements in the liquid state are fundamental to
transformations of materials including crystallization and the glass
transition, but they occupy a difficult to access regime of time- and
length-scale. For glass-forming liquids, the relaxation time, which is
the characteristic time for atoms to switch neighbors, ranges from
microseconds or less in the high-temperature equilibrium liquid to
hundreds of seconds in the deeply supercooled liquid near the glass
transition temperature, Tg. The length scale is likely to be on the
nanometer to sub-nanometer scale, but is largely unknown. We have used
time-resolved coherent electron nanodiffraction in the STEM to measure
for Pd40Ni40P20 alloy in the supercooled liquid from Tg to Tg + 40 K
with 2 nm spatial resolution. This new experimental technique, called
electron correlation microscopy, is the electron equivalent of x-ray
photon correlation spectroscopy, but at higher spatial resolution. It is
made possible by recent advances in electron microscope instrumentation,
including highly coherent electron sources, high stability heating
holders, and fast electron detectors.
Additional presentations:
 MaterialÂ’s kinetics at the atomic level
Eric Kievit, Director of Sales, DENSsolutions
 Revealing sintering behavior of SiC nanoparticles by in-situ
heating HRTEM
Dr. Lianyi Chen, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, UCLA
DENSsolutions Provides Sample Management Solutions for in-Situ Electron
Angstrom Scientific Inc. is a US Distributor providing characterization
solutions to the nanotech marketplace. Angstrom supports DENS throughout
the US as well as other principals such as Kleindiek and Hitachi for
Tabletop TM 3030 SEM's and for key products and accessories related to
TEM, SEM and Dual Beam markets

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13, 40 -- Wed, 11 Feb 2015 23:10:30 -0800 (PST)
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13, 40 -- From: MicroscopyListserver-NoReply {zaluzec-at-microscopy.com}
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2015 16:59:46 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:M&M 2015 Family Affair ProjectMICRO and Foldscopes

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: ech-at-uvic.ca

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please copy both ech-at-uvic.ca as well as the Microscopy Listserver

Email: ech-at-uvic.ca
Name: Elaine Humphrey

Organization: University of Victoria

Title-Subject: [Filtered] M&M 2015 Family Affair ProjectMICRO and Foldscopes

Message: Dear All
Last year in Hartford at the M&M the Solve the Mystery was based on the
Secret Agent, James B Atom, wrote a message for Headquarters. It was
written on a FIB and could only be read on an sem (too small for a light
microscope. It was cut into four pieces and your task should you choose
to accept it, is to take your piece of the message to the Q's lab
(Exhibit Hall where we have some vendors to work with you) to read it.
Once deciphered you should take it to Headquarters (the Outreach Booth)
where it will be put together.

The message read "Never trust an Atom, they make up everything"

Everyone who attended seemed to particularly enjoy this bit, so I was
thinking of doing it again but with a different message. Any ideas?

Also I put our name down for some Foldscopes (origami microscopes) which
have just arrived and I intent to bring them to the Family Affair at
M&M. I hope to have one at the Outreach booth too.

The Project Micro workshop since we will be in Portland, will be the
ever popular "The Private Eye workshop"
This is one of the best outreach workshops to help Elementary School
Teachers get sucked into Science even though they may be intimidated by
Science. They use a 5x loupe.

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Listserver Email Form V - 20120416


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20, 28 -- From microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com Thu Feb 12 16:59:45 2015
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20, 28 -- Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2015 09:58:55 +1100
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20, 28 -- To: MicroscopyListServer-Forward {microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
20, 28 -- Subject: viaWWW:M&M 2015 Family Affair ProjectMICRO and Foldscopes
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From: steven.spurgeon-at-pnnl.gov
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2015 17:46:39 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Logging and keeping track of TEM samples

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hello everyone,

I¹m sure this question has been asked many times before, but I wanted to
see if people might share their systems for keeping track of TEM samples.
In grad school it wasn¹t too bad, since I was focused mainly on my own
samples, but now I¹ve been deluged with samples from many different

I¹m considering using Evernote in combination with a naming and tracking
scheme, but I¹m open to other options as well.

Steven R. Spurgeon, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Fundamental and Computational Sciences Directorate
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Tel: +1-509-371-7123
Email: steven.spurgeon-at-pnnl.gov
Web: www.pnnl.gov {http://www.pnnl.gov/}

==============================Original Headers==============================
7, 26 -- From prvs=478e0b621=steven.spurgeon-at-pnnl.gov Thu Feb 12 17:46:39 2015
7, 26 -- Received: from emailgw02.pnnl.gov (emailgw02.pnnl.gov [])
7, 26 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id t1CNkcJA015116
7, 26 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Thu, 12 Feb 2015 17:46:39 -0600
7, 26 -- Received: from ex10cashub01.pnnl.gov ([])
7, 26 -- by emailgw02.pnnl.gov with ESMTP/TLS/AES128-SHA; 12 Feb 2015 15:46:37 -0800
7, 26 -- Received: from EX10MBOX03.pnnl.gov ([]) by EX10CASHUB01.pnnl.gov
7, 26 -- ([]) with mapi id 14.03.0224.002; Thu, 12 Feb 2015 15:46:37
7, 26 -- -0800
7, 26 -- From: "Spurgeon, Steven R" {steven.spurgeon-at-pnnl.gov}
7, 26 -- To: "Microscopy-at-microscopy.com" {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
7, 26 -- Subject: Logging and keeping track of TEM samples
7, 26 -- Thread-Topic: Logging and keeping track of TEM samples
7, 26 -- Thread-Index: AQHQRx4jG7sOFkP8xE+cwkAEtdnr+Q==
7, 26 -- Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2015 23:46:36 +0000
7, 26 -- Message-ID: {D1027B5B.65D%steven.spurgeon-at-pnnl.gov}
7, 26 -- Accept-Language: en-US
7, 26 -- Content-Language: en-US
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==============================End of - Headers==============================

From: les-at-zsgenetics.com
Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2015 08:23:17 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Logging and keeping track of TEM samples

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hi Steven,
X-from my experience, having good tracking, a naming method and physical
storage for samples is key. I would suggest going beyond a simple text file,
as this becomes unwieldy quickly. A database can be as simple as a
spreadsheet, with columns for all the parameters of interest and links to
image storage locations. A spreadsheet can be filtered and searched and
doesn't require any programming - unless you need to do a real database for
PNNL tracking or billing. Set viewing and editing permissions so that only
those you trust to enter data properly can make changes. A physical
organizer for grid boxes, with names that relate to your database for
getting at them later if desired, is really helpful.
Good luck!
Larry Scipioni
ZS Genetics

-----Original Message-----
X-from: steven.spurgeon-at-pnnl.gov [mailto:steven.spurgeon-at-pnnl.gov]
Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2015 6:57 PM

Hello everyone,

I¹m sure this question has been asked many times before, but I wanted to see
if people might share their systems for keeping track of TEM samples.
In grad school it wasn¹t too bad, since I was focused mainly on my own
samples, but now I¹ve been deluged with samples from many different

I¹m considering using Evernote in combination with a naming and tracking
scheme, but I¹m open to other options as well.

Steven R. Spurgeon, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Fundamental and Computational Sciences Directorate Pacific Northwest
National Laboratory

Tel: +1-509-371-7123
Email: steven.spurgeon-at-pnnl.gov
Web: www.pnnl.gov {http://www.pnnl.gov/}

==============================Original Headers==============================
7, 26 -- From prvs=478e0b621=steven.spurgeon-at-pnnl.gov Thu Feb 12 17:46:39
2015 7, 26 -- Received: from emailgw02.pnnl.gov (emailgw02.pnnl.gov
7, 26 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id
7, 26 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Thu, 12 Feb 2015 17:46:39
7, 26 -- Received: from ex10cashub01.pnnl.gov ([])
7, 26 -- by emailgw02.pnnl.gov with ESMTP/TLS/AES128-SHA; 12 Feb 2015
15:46:37 -0800
7, 26 -- Received: from EX10MBOX03.pnnl.gov ([]) by
EX10CASHUB01.pnnl.gov 7, 26 -- ([]) with mapi id
14.03.0224.002; Thu, 12 Feb 2015 15:46:37 7, 26 -- -0800 7, 26 -- From:
"Spurgeon, Steven R" {steven.spurgeon-at-pnnl.gov} 7, 26 -- To:
"Microscopy-at-microscopy.com" {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} 7, 26 -- Subject:
Logging and keeping track of TEM samples 7, 26 -- Thread-Topic: Logging and
keeping track of TEM samples 7, 26 -- Thread-Index:
AQHQRx4jG7sOFkP8xE+cwkAEtdnr+Q== 7, 26 -- Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2015 23:46:36
+0000 7, 26 -- Message-ID: {D1027B5B.65D%steven.spurgeon-at-pnnl.gov}
7, 26 -- Accept-Language: en-US
7, 26 -- Content-Language: en-US
7, 26 -- X-MS-Has-Attach:
7, 26 -- X-MS-TNEF-Correlator:
7, 26 -- x-originating-ip: [] 7, 26 -- Content-Type:
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7, 26 -- Content-ID: {CD493E42EBF42A408723C8557E30FCDB-at-pnnl.gov}
7, 26 -- MIME-Version: 1.0
7, 26 -- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit 7, 26 -- X-MIME-Autoconverted: from
quoted-printable to 8bit by ns.microscopy.com id t1CNkcJA015116
==============================End of - Headers==============================

==============================Original Headers==============================
15, 45 -- From les-at-zsgenetics.com Fri Feb 13 08:23:16 2015
15, 45 -- Received: from gateway14.websitewelcome.com (gateway14.websitewelcome.com [])
15, 45 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id t1DENGed006883
15, 45 -- for {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Fri, 13 Feb 2015 08:23:16 -0600
15, 45 -- Received: by gateway14.websitewelcome.com (Postfix, from userid 5007)
15, 45 -- id 9921CC6639360; Fri, 13 Feb 2015 08:23:15 -0600 (CST)
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15, 45 -- by gateway14.websitewelcome.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 89126C66392F5
15, 45 -- for {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Fri, 13 Feb 2015 08:23:15 -0600 (CST)
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15, 45 -- (envelope-from {les-at-zsgenetics.com} )
15, 45 -- id 1YMH9G-00037p-U5; Fri, 13 Feb 2015 08:23:15 -0600
15, 45 -- From: "Larry Scipioni" {les-at-zsgenetics.com}
15, 45 -- To: {steven.spurgeon-at-pnnl.gov} , {microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
15, 45 -- References: {201502122356.t1CNueTx031405-at-ns.microscopy.com}
15, 45 -- In-Reply-To: {201502122356.t1CNueTx031405-at-ns.microscopy.com}
15, 45 -- Subject: RE: [Microscopy] Logging and keeping track of TEM samples
15, 45 -- Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2015 09:23:15 -0500
15, 45 -- Organization: ZS Genetics
15, 45 -- Message-ID: {00b701d04798$9ba11290$d2e337b0$-at-zsgenetics.com}
15, 45 -- MIME-Version: 1.0
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==============================End of - Headers==============================

From: nsa2-at-leicester.ac.uk
Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2015 09:16:54 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Logging and keeping track of TEM samples

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hi Steven,

We give each project a unique project number, which is incorporated into sample labels, processing records and image records, as well as a project database (currently Filemaker pro) so every step can be traced back to the project. Ours is prefixed by an identifying code, followed by the financial year, followed by the project number - ie, EMLP 14-15.037

The database includes client name, department (or company), order number, brief description of work, financial details etc etc. Each project has a processing protocol and job summary that is filed in a folder headed with the corresponding project number.

This way, as long as you've got the project number, you can refer back to any sample.

We also give each image a unique image number for the same reason.

All the best,


Miss Natalie Allcock
CBS Electron Microscopy Facility
University of Leicester


-----Original Message-----
X-from: steven.spurgeon-at-pnnl.gov [mailto:steven.spurgeon-at-pnnl.gov]
Sent: 12 February 2015 23:58
To: Allcock, Natalie S.

Hello everyone,

I¹m sure this question has been asked many times before, but I wanted to see if people might share their systems for keeping track of TEM samples.
In grad school it wasn¹t too bad, since I was focused mainly on my own samples, but now I¹ve been deluged with samples from many different projects.

I¹m considering using Evernote in combination with a naming and tracking scheme, but I¹m open to other options as well.

Steven R. Spurgeon, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Fundamental and Computational Sciences Directorate Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Tel: +1-509-371-7123
Email: steven.spurgeon-at-pnnl.gov
Web: www.pnnl.gov {http://www.pnnl.gov/}

==============================Original Headers==============================
7, 26 -- From prvs=478e0b621=steven.spurgeon-at-pnnl.gov Thu Feb 12 17:46:39 2015 7, 26 -- Received: from emailgw02.pnnl.gov (emailgw02.pnnl.gov [])
7, 26 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id t1CNkcJA015116
7, 26 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Thu, 12 Feb 2015 17:46:39 -0600
7, 26 -- Received: from ex10cashub01.pnnl.gov ([])
7, 26 -- by emailgw02.pnnl.gov with ESMTP/TLS/AES128-SHA; 12 Feb 2015 15:46:37 -0800
7, 26 -- Received: from EX10MBOX03.pnnl.gov ([]) by EX10CASHUB01.pnnl.gov 7, 26 -- ([]) with mapi id 14.03.0224.002; Thu, 12 Feb 2015 15:46:37 7, 26 -- -0800 7, 26 -- From: "Spurgeon, Steven R" {steven.spurgeon-at-pnnl.gov} 7, 26 -- To: "Microscopy-at-microscopy.com" {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} 7, 26 -- Subject: Logging and keeping track of TEM samples 7, 26 -- Thread-Topic: Logging and keeping track of TEM samples 7, 26 -- Thread-Index: AQHQRx4jG7sOFkP8xE+cwkAEtdnr+Q== 7, 26 -- Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2015 23:46:36 +0000 7, 26 -- Message-ID: {D1027B5B.65D%steven.spurgeon-at-pnnl.gov}
7, 26 -- Accept-Language: en-US
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==============================Original Headers==============================
26, 32 -- From nsa2-at-leicester.ac.uk Fri Feb 13 09:16:53 2015
26, 32 -- Received: from springbok.le.ac.uk (springbok.le.ac.uk [])
26, 32 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id t1DFGqnm027649
26, 32 -- for {Microscopy-at-Microscopy.com} ; Fri, 13 Feb 2015 09:16:53 -0600
26, 32 -- Received: from host-133-195.it.le.ac.uk ([]:53546 helo=exp-casht-i3.uol.le.ac.uk)
26, 32 -- by springbok.le.ac.uk with esmtps (TLS1.0:RSA_AES_256_CBC_SHA1:256)
26, 32 -- (Exim 4.80)
26, 32 -- (envelope-from {nsa2-at-leicester.ac.uk} )
26, 32 -- id 1YMHzA-0002EY-B1; Fri, 13 Feb 2015 15:16:52 +0000
26, 32 -- Received: from EXP-DAG1-N2.uol.le.ac.uk ([::1]) by exp-casht-i3.uol.le.ac.uk
26, 32 -- ([]) with mapi id 14.03.0195.001; Fri, 13 Feb 2015 15:16:51
26, 32 -- +0000
26, 32 -- From: "Allcock, Natalie S." {nsa2-at-leicester.ac.uk}
26, 32 -- To: "'steven.spurgeon-at-pnnl.gov'" {steven.spurgeon-at-pnnl.gov} ,
26, 32 -- "Microscopy-at-Microscopy.com" {Microscopy-at-Microscopy.com}
26, 32 -- Subject: RE: [Microscopy] Logging and keeping track of TEM samples
26, 32 -- Thread-Topic: [Microscopy] Logging and keeping track of TEM samples
26, 32 -- Thread-Index: AQHQRx/O0qI+J9uFHky82xl++tZd35zuWrRQ
26, 32 -- Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2015 15:16:50 +0000
26, 32 -- Message-ID: {C31045C47F49444BA76584B3DC6020CE16C2130C-at-exp-dag1-n2.uol.le.ac.uk}
26, 32 -- References: {201502122358.t1CNwMBT002444-at-ns.microscopy.com}
26, 32 -- In-Reply-To: {201502122358.t1CNwMBT002444-at-ns.microscopy.com}
26, 32 -- Accept-Language: en-GB, en-US
26, 32 -- Content-Language: en-US
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26, 32 -- X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by ns.microscopy.com id t1DFGqnm027649
==============================End of - Headers==============================

From: eric-miller-at-northwestern.edu
Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2015 17:02:19 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] IMIX-PC EDS by PGT

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

We've got an old Model 8000 IMIX PC EDS system lying around made by Princeton Gamma Tech and we were wondering if anyone might need it for spare parts, or whatever. Let us know.

ERiC Jay Miller
Microscopy & Imaging Specialist
Electron Probe Instrumentation Center

Northwestern University
Mail: 2036 Cook Hall
Office: 1152 Cook Hall
2220 Campus Drive
Evanston, IL 60208-3108

ph: (847) 467-0789


==============================Original Headers==============================
9, 56 -- From eric-miller-at-northwestern.edu Fri Feb 13 17:02:19 2015
9, 56 -- Received: from evcspsym1.ads.northwestern.edu (evcspsym1.ads.northwestern.edu [])
9, 56 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id t1DN2Joi027678
9, 56 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Fri, 13 Feb 2015 17:02:19 -0600
9, 56 -- X-AuditID: 8169ee05-f797b6d0000014e3-fd-54de827b2d6e
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9, 56 -- by evcspsym1.ads.northwestern.edu (Symantec Messaging Gateway) with SMTP id C5.6D.05347.B728ED45; Fri, 13 Feb 2015 17:02:19 -0600 (CST)
9, 56 -- Received: from pps.filterd (evcspprf3.ads.northwestern.edu [])
9, 56 -- by evcspprf3.ads.northwestern.edu (8.14.7/8.14.7) with SMTP id t1DM1hnd025981
9, 56 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Fri, 13 Feb 2015 15:02:14 -0800
9, 56 -- Received: from evcspcas3.ads.northwestern.edu (evcspcas3.ads.northwestern.edu [])
9, 56 -- by evcspprf3.ads.northwestern.edu with ESMTP id 1sh0xq0vvq-1
9, 56 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Fri, 13 Feb 2015 15:02:14 -0800
9, 56 -- Received: from EVCSPMBX3.ads.northwestern.edu ([]) by
9, 56 -- EVCSPCAS3.ads.northwestern.edu ([]) with mapi id
9, 56 -- 14.03.0158.001; Fri, 13 Feb 2015 17:02:18 -0600
9, 56 -- From: Eric Jay Miller {eric-miller-at-northwestern.edu}
9, 56 -- To: "Microscopy-at-microscopy.com" {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
9, 56 -- Subject: IMIX-PC EDS by PGT
9, 56 -- Thread-Topic: IMIX-PC EDS by PGT
9, 56 -- Thread-Index: AdBH4MQ2XraouV8ATxKz66/43CQ+yg==
9, 56 -- Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2015 23:02:17 +0000
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From: frank_karl-at-ardl.com
Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2015 07:12:05 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Thanks !!!

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

I want to thanks all the advice I received about cutting cryothin sections of HIPS. The carbon coated grids worked great as did increasing the KV to 100. I stained my thin sections on the grids with OsO4 vapor for two hours and that made the phase really "POP!"

Thanks again. Now I'm hip about HIPS.


PS, I just really want more out of office remarks, it's like cowbell, how can you have too much!!!

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9, 28 -- From frank_karl-at-ardl.com Wed Feb 18 07:12:05 2015
9, 28 -- Received: from cal1-mh779.smtproutes.com (cal1-mh779.smtproutes.com [])
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9, 28 -- Feb 2015 08:11:36 -0500
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9, 28 -- To: "Microscopy Listserver (microscopy-at-microscopy.com)"
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9, 28 -- Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2015 08:11:35 -0500
9, 28 -- Subject: Thanks !!!
9, 28 -- Thread-Topic: Thanks !!!
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From: microscopy.listserver-at-gmail.com
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2015 01:28:46 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:LEO 1455VP LaB6

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: gary-at-gaugler.com

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Email: gary-at-gaugler.com
Name: Dr. Gary Gaugler

Organization: Microtechnics

Title-Subject: [Filtered] LEO 1455VP LaB6

Message: Has anyone with a LEO/Zeiss 1455VP LaB6 SEM compared the
Wehnelt aperture sizes? They are 1mm and 500um. Zeiss seems to have
settled on the 500um Wehnelt aperture size for LaB6 and W emitters.

Is there any feedback from users about which aperture size produces the
best results?

gary g.

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From: microscopy.listserver-at-gmail.com
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2015 01:29:05 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Position open at NIH

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: connellyps-at-mail.nih.gov

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using the WWW based Form at http://www.microscopy.com/MLFormMail.html
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Email: connellyps-at-mail.nih.gov
Name: Pat Connelly

Organization: NIH/National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Position open at NIH

Message: There is an opening in the National Heart, Lung and Blood
Institute in Bethesda, MD for an
"Electron Microscopy Senior Scientist and/or Core Director".

The posting is listed on the MSA Site [Resources} Placement Office/Job
Openings] as Job ID 22114004 with a full detailed description and
application directions.

The job requirements state that applicants must have a PhD. (or
equivalent) and be an experienced scientist with significant experience
in many aspects of electron microscopy and a record of independent
scientific productivity as evidenced by citable publications.
Experience with correlative light/EM imaging, novel methods development,
digital image processing and analysis, cryo-EM, and 3D EM methods are
highly desirable. Excellent interpersonal skills are a requirement.

I believe that the same posting is also on the ASCB Job Board.

This message would not go through the List Server as I usually post with
plain text.

Patricia Stranen Connelly
Research Assistant
NHLBI EM Core Facility
National Institutes of Health
Building 14E Room 111B
Bethesda, MD 20892-5570


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From: tkremer-at-ipstesting.com
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2015 14:08:04 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Emitech K-450

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Does anyone have a schematic diagram of the electronics in the Emitech K-450 carbon coater? This is NOT the K-450X which is a later version. It appears that a part failed somewhere between the pirani gauge and the meter. Having the electrical diagram just might help with tracking it down.

Tom Kremer
IPS Testing
3211 E. Capitol Drive
Appleton, WI 54911
920-749-3040 ext.121

==============================Original Headers==============================
4, 42 -- From tkremer-at-ipstesting.com Fri Feb 20 14:08:03 2015
4, 42 -- Received: from na01-bn1-obe.outbound.protection.outlook.com (mail-bn1on0061.outbound.protection.outlook.com [])
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4, 42 -- 15.01.0093.004; Fri, 20 Feb 2015 20:07:52 +0000
4, 42 -- From: Tom Kremer {tkremer-at-ipstesting.com}
4, 42 -- To: "Microscopy-at-microscopy.com" {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
4, 42 -- Subject: Emitech K-450
4, 42 -- Thread-Topic: Emitech K-450
4, 42 -- Thread-Index: AdBNR71/nTN/CqK/T+qaTvJLSTRIug==
4, 42 -- Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2015 20:07:51 +0000
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From: Karen_Bentley-at-URMC.Rochester.edu
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2015 12:37:08 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Clinical EM job opening

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

At the University of Rochester Medical Center's Pathology Department in Rochester, NY we are looking to replace our retiring Kidney EM Clinical Laboratory Specialist..

Please contact Karen Bentley if you have any questions about this clinical position or you can go to the University of Rochester Medical Center's website and at the bottom of the page listed under URMC Information is the "Job Opportunities" link which will lead you to the jobs, type in # 185704.

This position requires sufficient knowledge to run the day-to-day operations of both the Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) and Immunofluorescent (IF) laboratories, under supervision of the Medical Director of Renal EM and Autopsy who is responsible for those laboratories. Required skills, which can be acquired during the initial on the job training, include knowledge of normal and abnormal ultrastructural and immunofluorescence morphology.

Bachelor's degree in Clinical Laboratory Science and one year of experience; or an equivalent combination of education, experience or certification as required for New York State licensure. Experience in field of electron microscopy, renal pathology strongly preferred, but on the job training will be provided to the right candidate.

Karen Bentley, M.S.
Electron Microscope Research Core
Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
University of Rochester Medical Center
575 Elmwood Avenue
Rochester, NY 14642

==============================Original Headers==============================
7, 44 -- From Karen_Bentley-at-URMC.Rochester.edu Mon Feb 23 12:37:08 2015
7, 44 -- Received: from voltage3.urmc.rochester.edu (voltage3.urmc.rochester.edu [])
7, 44 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id t1NIb8Vx024893
7, 44 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Mon, 23 Feb 2015 12:37:08 -0600
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7, 44 -- To: "'Microscopy-at-microscopy.com'" {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
7, 44 -- Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2015 13:37:07 -0500
7, 44 -- Subject: Clinical EM job opening
7, 44 -- Thread-Topic: Clinical EM job opening
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2015 15:22:22 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Need your input of diamond knife

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hi Gary

Wehnelt apertures are usually selected depending upon the application. High
magnification operations are best made with a small aperture, with the
filament closer to the front of the Wehnelt, where as for low magnification
work, moving the filament back, and using a larger aperture, provides
sufficient performance with longer filament life. Those carrying out a
large amount of BSE investigations will also be better served using a larger
aperture as bigger sources provide higher signals.

Most manufacturers use a smaller Wehnelt aperture than for tungsten, when
LaB6 filaments are fitted, as stronger bias fields are required to control
the source.



Steve Chapman FRMS
Protrain for Consultancy and Courses in Electron Microscopy
Mobile +44 (0) 7711 606967 Fax +44 (0)1280 814007

-----Original Message-----
X-from: microscopy.listserver-at-gmail.com
Sent: 20 February 2015 07:31
To: protrain-at-emcourses.com

X-from: hu.duan-at-averydennison.com

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Email: hu.duan-at-averydennison.com
Name: Hu Duan

Organization: Avery

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Need your input of diamond knife

Message: Dear microscopists:

I would like to seek you experience about diamond knife. We used to use DDK diamond knife to do cryo
sectioning and polishing of soft polymers. Due to supply issue, we would like to switch to another

With consideration of comparable price and performance, what would you recommend for the
replacement? Or which brand/type of diamond knife you have been satisfied with cryo sectioning of
soft polymers? Thank you very much.


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17, 17 -- From microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com Tue Feb 24 15:22:21 2015
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17, 17 -- Subject: viaWWW:Need your input of diamond knife
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2015 15:23:18 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Northern California Society for Microscopy Spring Meeting

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: rcsencsits-at-lbl.gov

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Email: rcsencsits-at-lbl.gov
Name: Roseann Csencsits

Organization: Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Northern California Society for Microscopy Spring Meeting

Message: The NCSM spring meeting will be on Thursday, March 19 at Gatan in Pleasanton.

Please join us for dinner and excellent speakers: Ilke Arslan, of PNNL and Brigitte
Papahadjopoulos-Sternberg, of NanoAnalytical Lab.

Additional details are on our website: www.ncsmicroscopy.org

We hope to see you on March 19!

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16, 17 -- From microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com Tue Feb 24 15:23:18 2015
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16, 17 -- From: MicroscopyListserver-NoReply {microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com}
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2015 15:24:12 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:SEM- Quanta 200 3D Control board

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: youssef.chebli-at-yahoo.ca

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Email: youssef.chebli-at-yahoo.ca
Name: Youssef Chebli

Organization: University of Montreal

Title-Subject: [Filtered] SEM- Quanta 200 3D Control board

Message: Hi,

We are facing a problem with our FEI Quanta 200 3D (MK1 model).
The microscope is extremely slow to respond to the software commands and sometimes never responds at
all and the software freezes. When the scope does respond, the pumps stop working after 2 minutes of
pumping and\or it is impossible to give any command to the microscope afterward.
The FEI maintenance service informed us that we would have to replace the main controller board
(PCB, CB2/OPTD) and\or the vaccum control board (PCB, VCB).

Did you experience this kind of problems before? How was it solved? Also, would you know of any used
or VCB (from a discarded Quanta 200 3D, MK1) for sale?

Thanks a lot for your help!


Youssef Chebli, PhD
Microscopy and Imaging facility operational manager
Institut de recherche en biologie végétale (514 343 6111 #82122)
Department of anthropology (514 343 6111 #26901)
Université de Montréal

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20, 17 -- From microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com Tue Feb 24 15:24:12 2015
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==============================End of - Headers==============================

From: CGorman-at-hookecollege.com
Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2015 14:03:52 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Electron Microscopy Short Courses

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives


Hooke College of Applied Sciences, located in Westmont, IL, is offering two courses in electron microscopy.

Scanning Electron Microscopy short course March 23-27, 2015
Transmission Electron Microscopy short course April 7-9, 2015

In addition to lectures, these courses emphasize hands-on training using state-of-the-art equipment.

For further training details and registration information, please follow the link below:

Best regards-
Chris Gorman
Hooke College of Applied Sciences
850 Pasquinelli Drive
Westmont, IL 60559-5539 USA
630-887-7100 (tel)

==============================Original Headers==============================
9, 41 -- From CGorman-at-hookecollege.com Wed Feb 25 14:03:50 2015
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9, 41 -- From: Christine Gorman {CGorman-at-hookecollege.com}
9, 41 -- To: "'microscopy-at-microscopy.com'" {microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
9, 41 -- Subject: Electron Microscopy Short Courses
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2015 18:34:55 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:LEO 435 VP light panel error

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: mitch.kupferman-at-usa.dupont.com

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Email: mitch.kupferman-at-usa.dupont.com
Name: mitchell kupferman

Title-Subject: [Filtered] LEO 435 VP light panel error

Message: Hi Group!!
I have a Leo 435 VP SEM and recently had some imaging problems. I noticed that on the light panel
on the back of the instrument, lights #7 and 9 are blinking when the beam is on, but not when it is
off or on standby.
I know this is an older instrument but does anyone know what these lights indicate (i.e. what
circuit board or power supply has failed)?

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10, 17 -- From microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com Wed Feb 25 18:34:54 2015
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10, 17 -- Subject: viaWWW:LEO 435 VP light panel error
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10, 17 -- In-Reply-To: {201502251653.t1PGrNCL016237-at-ns.microscopy.com}
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From: brachfelds-at-mail.montclair.edu
Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2015 11:32:04 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Hardware and software for remote viewing of SEM and TEM displays

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Dear colleagues-
As part of a pitch to install remote viewing / webinar capabilities in our microscopy lab, my administration as asked me to find example systems and collect information to help us optimize and balance our wants, needs, and costs. If you have an electron microscope that you can remotely view, remotely operate, send the display output to a classroom, send the display outside your institution's network for a webinar, etc. and are willing to answer some questions about components and costs would you please contact me at brachfelds-at-mail.montclair.edu.
Thank you for your time and your help,

==============================Original Headers==============================
1, 30 -- From brachfelds-at-mail.montclair.edu Thu Feb 26 11:32:04 2015
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1, 30 -- by convergence2.montclair.edu (mshttpd); Thu, 26 Feb 2015 12:32:03 -0500
1, 30 -- From: "Stefanie A. Brachfeld" {brachfelds-at-mail.montclair.edu}
1, 30 -- To: Microscopy-at-microscopy.com
1, 30 -- Message-id: {76b087d53a6d28d9.54ef1243-at-montclair.edu}
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From: zaluzec-at-aaem.amc.anl.gov
Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2015 07:58:46 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: Telepresence 20 years later: Hardware and software for remote viewing of SEM and TEM displays

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives


You can also look at this site.


Telepresence Collaboration which is fairly old. We started
doing it at ANL when the Mosaic WWW browser first appeared ~ 1994.

There are also a few old PDF's of Lectures here:


Today, there are numerous solutions that update these older protocols.

To be honest, because of network safety (i.e. hacker) issues, I no longer allow remote control, only
passive observation. I would caution you that you will need to do the same. All publically
accessible sites get attacked. You don't want to know how many hackers try to
break into the Microscopy Listserver every DAY.

Your Friendly Neighborhood SysOp

On Feb 26, 2015, at 11:32 AM CST, brachfelds-at-mail.montclair.edu wrote:

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} Dear colleagues-
} As part of a pitch to install remote viewing / webinar capabilities in our microscopy lab, my administration as asked me to find example systems and collect information to help us optimize and balance our wants, needs, and costs. If you have an electron microscope that you can remotely view, remotely operate, send the display output to a classroom, send the display outside your institution's network for a webinar, etc. and are willing to answer some questions about components and costs would you please contact me at brachfelds-at-mail.montclair.edu.
} Thank you for your time and your help,
} Stefanie
} ==============================Original Headers==============================
} 1, 30 -- From brachfelds-at-mail.montclair.edu Thu Feb 26 11:32:04 2015
} 1, 30 -- Received: from smtp.montclair.edu (smtp.montclair.edu [])
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} 1, 30 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Thu, 26 Feb 2015 11:32:04 -0600
} 1, 30 -- Received: from smtp.montclair.edu (pmx-smtp1.montclair.edu [])
} 1, 30 -- by localhost (Postfix) with SMTP id 2992B26572
} 1, 30 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Thu, 26 Feb 2015 12:32:04 -0500 (EST)
} 1, 30 -- Received: from convergence2.montclair.edu (smtp.montclair.edu [])
} 1, 30 -- by smtp.montclair.edu (Postfix) with ESMTP id E4CFA2596C
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Dr. Nestor J. Zaluzec
Argonne National Laboratory
Electron Microscopy Center
NanoScience and Technology Division
9700 S. Cass Ave
Bldg 212 / A-143
Argonne, Illinois 60439 USA
Email: Zaluzec-at-aaem.amc.anl.gov

Tel: 530-NES-TORZ (530-637-8679) has Voice Mail
Lab: 630-252-7901
Fax: 630-252-4798

iChat: Zaluzec-at-AIM.com
Skype: Zaluzec
TPM: http://tpm.amc.anl.gov

Senior Scientist - Argonne National Laboratory
Fellow of the Microscopy Society of America
Senior Fellow the Computational Institute - University of Chicago
E.P. Wigner Fellow - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Past President Microscopy Society of America
Adjunct Professor of Physics - Northern Illinois University &
the University of Illinois at Chicago
Visiting Professor of Microscopy - Manchester University

TPMLab: http://tpm.amc.anl.gov
MMSite: http://www.amc.anl.gov

The box said ...
"This program requires Win 95/98/NT or better..."
So I bought a Mac !


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From: donc-at-asmicro.com
Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2015 16:50:08 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Collagen Microscopy

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Francoise Marga asked about imaging collagen fibers by SEM. ASM has been
working with collagen fibers and monomers for over 20 years, imaging them
using AFM(atomic force microscopy). The example images found on our website



show that AFM can image individual polymer molecules and can show subtle
height variations in the fibers.

I suggest that AFM be considered for the needed analysis.

Disclosure: ASM is an independent analytical service laboratory specializing
in Atomic Force Microscopy and related Scanning Probe Microscopy techniques.

Don Chernoff, Ph.D., President
Advanced Surface Microscopy, Inc.; 3250 N. Post Rd., Suite 120;
Indianapolis IN 46226 USA
E-Mail: donc-at-asmicro.com www.asmicro.com
Voice: 317-895-5630 Toll free: 800-374-8557 (in USA & Canada)
Fax: 317-895-5652
[business activities since 1990: analytical services in AFM, AFM probes,
consulting, training, calibration and test specimens,
calibration and measurement software, used NanoScope equipment.]

----- Original Message -----
From: oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu
To: donc-at-asmicro.com
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2015 4:59 PM
Subject: [a] [Microscopy] Ask-A-Microscopist: SEM service available in
Brooklyn NY area for

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Realname - Francoise Marga
Email - fmarga-at-modernmeadow.com
ORGANIZATION - Modern Meadow
EDUCATION - Graduate College
LOCATION - Brooklyn, NY, USA

Our company would like to look at our samples by SEM. We need to go up
x15,000 to visualize collagen fibers. As a business, we have trouble to
find a SEM accessible to a private company. Does anyone know a facility
or a private service in our area (Brooklyn, NY) that could help us.
Thanks for your help. Kind regards,


6, 31 -- From oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu Mon Jan 12 15:53:10 2015
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Sat, 28 Feb 2015 08:02:15 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW: Preventing charging in a TEM

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: debangshu-at-psu.edu

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Email: debangshu-at-psu.edu
Name: Debangshu Mukherjee

Organization: The Pennsylvania State University

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Preventing charging in a TEM

Message: Hello,
Does anybody use a coater to coat ceramic TEM samples with a very thin layer to mitigate charging?
I would also be happy to know if there are any other ways to stop charging of samples. I am looking
at manually polished complex oxide samples.
Debangshu Mukherjee
Materials Research Institute
The Pennsylvania State University
N-303 Millennium Science Complex
University Park, PA 16802-2130
Phone: (617) 501-7316

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From: colijn.1-at-osu.edu
Date: Sat, 28 Feb 2015 11:52:08 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: viaWWW: Preventing charging in a TEM

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives


We've had good luck putting down a few nm (usually 3nm on our system) of
Carbon to mitigate charging and to stabilize the formvar films our bio
friends make. If you are doing atomic resolution STEM, make sure the C
is on the bottom side.


On 2/28/2015 9:05 AM, microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com wrote:
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} Email:debangshu-at-psu.edu
} Name: Debangshu Mukherjee
} Organization: The Pennsylvania State University
} Title-Subject: [Filtered] Preventing charging in a TEM
} Message: Hello,
} Does anybody use a coater to coat ceramic TEM samples with a very thin layer to mitigate charging?
} I would also be happy to know if there are any other ways to stop charging of samples. I am looking
} at manually polished complex oxide samples.
} Thanks!
} ---------------------------------------------
} Debangshu Mukherjee
} Materials Research Institute
} The Pennsylvania State University
} N-303 Millennium Science Complex
} University Park, PA 16802-2130
} Phone: (617) 501-7316
} ----------------------------------------------
} Login Host:
} Listserver Email Form V - 20120416
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Hendrik O. Colijn

*C*enter for *E*lectron *M*icroscopy & *A*nalysi*S*

1305 Kinnear Rd, Suite 100, Columbus, OH 43212

colijn.1-at-osu.edu {mailto:colijn.1-at-osu.edu} 614.643.3458 Office


"Time is that quality of nature which keeps things from happening all at
once. Lately it doesn't seem to be working."

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From: protrain-at-emcourses.com
Date: Mon, 2 Mar 2015 04:51:26 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW: Preventing charging in a TEM

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hi Guys

I assume that Debangshu is using the highest accelerating voltage that he
can with his instrument, and probably small condenser apertures and spot


Steve Chapman FRMS
Protrain for Consultancy and Courses in Electron Microscopy
Mobile +44 (0) 7711 606967 Fax +44 (0)1280 814007

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From: eikonika-at-otenet.gr
Date: Wed, 4 Mar 2015 01:07:22 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] strong adhesive mounting tape for SEM specimens

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Since the 90ies I use double sided adhesive tape for mounting SEM specimens
and remember how strong these early tapes were. The last years I tried many
different suppliers and all (carbon or copper) tapes I get are not very
sticky, resulting in charging and beam instability problems that gives a
Anybody knows where to get a double sided adhesive tape for mounting SEM
specimens that is really sticky?


Dr Yorgos Nikas
Athens Innovative Microscopy
Skra 36 Voula 16673 GREECE

Tel/fax +30 210 8957677
mobile +30 6945 107477
www.eikonika.net www.aim.cat

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5, 22 -- Subject: strong adhesive mounting tape for SEM specimens
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From: s.walck-at-comcast.net
Date: Wed, 4 Mar 2015 03:30:30 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Auto-Termination Script for PIPS II

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

I have a Gatan PIPS II system with Digital Micrograph.  Does anyone know if there is a DM script available that can auto-terminate the ion milling process when perforation occurs? 

-Scott Walck

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3, 35 -- From s.walck-at-comcast.net Wed Mar 4 03:30:30 2015
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Wed, 4 Mar 2015 06:02:44 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Endowed support staff position - Microbeam specialist - available

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X-from: jarmstrong-at-ciw.edu

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Organization: Carnegie Institution of Washington - Geophysical Laboratory

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Endowed support staff position - Microbeam specialist - available

Message: CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON - Vacancy Announcement –Microbeam Specialist

The Microbeam Specialist will work at the Geophysical Laboratory location in Washington, D.C.

Job Description:

The primary responsibility is to maintain and operate focused ion beam - scanning electron
microscope (FIB-SEM) crossbeam system and other microbeam instruments, including training and
providing assistance to new and visiting users, performing routine maintenance, sample preparation,
and collaborating with staff and students. As a member of the electronics/microbeam analysis center,
the person is expected to work with existing microbeam members to maintain smooth operation of the
facility. The Laboratory supports world-class facilities in high-pressure research; organic, stable
isotope and biogeochemistry; mineral physics and petrology; and astrobiology. See
https://www.gl.ciw.edu/ for a listing of its research programs and facilities.

See details at https://www.gl.ciw.edu/content/2015/2/26/microbeam-specialist

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From: oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu
Date: Thu, 5 Mar 2015 07:14:29 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: Ask-A-Microscopist

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} realname - Paul Webster
} Email - pwebster-at-usc.edu
} EDUCATION - Graduate College
} LOCATION - Pasadena, CA 91107, USA
} SUBJECT_OF_QUESTION - Critical Point Dryer
} QUESTION - Dear All,
} I have an old Balzers Union critical point dryer FL 9496 that has been working well until now.
} The problem is that the lid of the chamber has started to leak. It may just need a gasket, but I have no idea where I could get one.
} Does anyone have information on where I could find a gasket for this part. Failing that, a source for a new lid would be welcome.
} Perhaps Technotrade is still out there and has parts for these old machines.
} Regards,
} Paul
} Paul Webster, Ph.D.

==============================Original Headers==============================
5, 35 -- From oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu Thu Mar 5 07:14:27 2015
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From: PhillipsT-at-missouri.edu
Date: Thu, 5 Mar 2015 08:33:37 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] microscopy in today's doodle

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Don't miss the doodle honoring Momofuku Ando on the Google homepage today. There are different versions but at least one features him working at a microscope! He is presumably looking at the microscopic pores in the ramen noodles that result from flash frying and allows their rapid rehydration upon adding boiling water. Many a hungry grad student slaving over a microscope owes him a debt.

Thomas E. Phillips, Ph.D
Professor of Biological Sciences
Director, Molecular Cytology Core
2 Tucker Hall
University of Missouri
Columbia, MO 65211-7400
573-882-4712 (office)
573-882-0123 (fax)


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5, 28 -- From PhillipsT-at-missouri.edu Thu Mar 5 08:33:36 2015
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5, 28 -- To: "'microscopy-at-microscopy.com'" {microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
5, 28 -- Subject: microscopy in today's doodle
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From: W.Muss-at-salk.at
Date: Thu, 5 Mar 2015 08:52:46 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: Ask-A-Microscopist: Critical Point Dryer (Spare

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Dear Paul,
Dear Phil,
Dear all,

The only posibility - I guess - to get any spare part for a Balzers CPD of old vintage in Europe (I know of, last correction in my PAB done: 2012/07) would be:
Info distributed by PROVAC, former supplier for BALZERS instruments and spare-parts: Date: 6 Nov 2009
"As of October 15th 2009 Baltic Präparation, Niesgrau/Germany takes over the business of Consumables for the Electron Microscopy Preparation Tecnology from Provac AG, Balzers.
For many years Provac AG was a reliable partner for sales of consumables for the Elctron Microscopy Preparation Technology and we would like to thank our customers for the good cooperation and the trust in our company. Mrs. Claudia Köster from BALTIC PRÄPERATION will be the new contact for any future inquiries.
For further information please contact:
Mrs. Claudia Köster
Baltic Präparation
Koppelheck 34B
D-24395 Niesgrau
Phone: +49 4643 18 65 43
e-mail: baltic.praeparation-at-t-online.de "

as of the (BALTIC) German website 2015-03-05:
Postal address:
Baltic Präparation
Postfach 1116
D-24393 Koppelheck
Fon 04643/186543
Fax 04643/186554
e-mail: baltic.praeparation-at-t-online.de
or php-form at http://www.baltic-praeparation.de/kontakt.html

I found only a Website in GERMAN . cf: www.baltic-praeparation.de which (since 2012) still is "under construction"
cf also : Products 2009 (lacking any description of a CPD-FL 9496):

Not knowing how they perform nowadays.... but I think it would be worth a try to request for the spare part.
Best wishes, good luck, and
my best regards,

Wolfgang MUSS
EM-Lab, Univ.Inst.PATHOLOGY,
SALK-LKH (Gen. Hospital) and PMU SALZBURG


Von: oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu [mailto:oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu]
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 05. März 2015 14:23
An: Muß Wolfgang
Betreff: [Microscopy] Re: Ask-A-Microscopist: Critical Point Dryer (Spare parts for: BALZERS FL 9496)

The Microscopy ListServer -- CoSponsor: The Microscopy Society of America

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} realname - Paul Webster
} Email - pwebster-at-usc.edu
} EDUCATION - Graduate College
} LOCATION - Pasadena, CA 91107, USA
} SUBJECT_OF_QUESTION - Critical Point Dryer
} Dear All,
} I have an old Balzers Union critical point dryer FL 9496 that has been working well until now.
} The problem is that the lid of the chamber has started to leak. It may just need a gasket, but I have no idea where I could get one.
} Does anyone have information on where I could find a gasket for this part. Failing that, a source for a new lid would be welcome.
} Perhaps Technotrade is still out there and has parts for these old machines.
} Regards,
} Paul
} Paul Webster, Ph.D.

==============================Original Headers==============================
5, 35 -- From oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu Thu Mar 5 07:14:27 2015
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5, 35 -- Date: Thu, 5 Mar 2015 08:14:25 -0500
5, 35 -- From: Ask a Microscopist {oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu}
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15, 43 -- From W.Muss-at-salk.at Thu Mar 5 08:52:44 2015
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15, 43 -- 14.03.0224.002; Thu, 5 Mar 2015 15:52:42 +0100
15, 43 -- From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Mu=DF_Wolfgang?= {W.Muss-at-salk.at}
15, 43 -- To: "'pwebster-at-usc.edu'" {pwebster-at-usc.edu} ,
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15, 43 -- {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
15, 43 -- CC: "'oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu'" {oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu}
15, 43 -- Subject: [Microscopy] Re: Ask-A-Microscopist: Critical Point Dryer (Spare
15, 43 -- parts for: BALZERS FL 9496)
15, 43 -- Thread-Topic: [Microscopy] Re: Ask-A-Microscopist: Critical Point Dryer
15, 43 -- (Spare parts for: BALZERS FL 9496)
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15, 43 -- Date: Thu, 5 Mar 2015 14:52:42 +0000
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From: jimk-at-floraresearch.com
Date: Thu, 5 Mar 2015 18:06:57 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] microscopy in today's doodle

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

I survived for almost half a decade on raman noodles and learned many ways to make them including stir frying with Napa cabbage and veggies to at least pretend that it was a different dinner than the last 4000 raman noodle dinners I had. The generic ones were 8 for one buck and between that and bulk pinto beans, we managed to survive on our meager food budget which was inadequate to pay for all the beer we drank and the food too. :)


James Neal-Kababick
Flora Research Laboratories, LLC
An FDA and DEA Registered & Inspected Laboratory
Fellow AOAC International
Vice Chair USP {2251} ADSDDA Expert Panel
Adjunct Faculty Bastyr University
Botanical Medicine Department
1-541-472-0980 phone

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X-from: PhillipsT-at-missouri.edu [mailto:PhillipsT-at-missouri.edu]
Sent: Thursday, March 05, 2015 6:58 AM
To: James Neal-Kababick

Don't miss the doodle honoring Momofuku Ando on the Google homepage today. There are different versions but at least one features him working at a microscope! He is presumably looking at the microscopic pores in the ramen noodles that result from flash frying and allows their rapid rehydration upon adding boiling water. Many a hungry grad student slaving over a microscope owes him a debt.

Thomas E. Phillips, Ph.D
Professor of Biological Sciences
Director, Molecular Cytology Core
2 Tucker Hall
University of Missouri
Columbia, MO 65211-7400
573-882-4712 (office)
573-882-0123 (fax)


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18, 31 -- From jimk-at-floraresearch.com Thu Mar 5 18:06:56 2015
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18, 31 -- From: James Neal-Kababick {jimk-at-floraresearch.com}
18, 31 -- To: "PhillipsT-at-missouri.edu" {PhillipsT-at-missouri.edu} ,
18, 31 -- "Microscopy-at-Microscopy.com" {Microscopy-at-Microscopy.com}
18, 31 -- Date: Thu, 5 Mar 2015 13:59:39 -0500
18, 31 -- Thread-Topic: [Microscopy] microscopy in today's doodle
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From: marksmsa-at-gmail.com
Date: Thu, 5 Mar 2015 18:50:53 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] From Tribology to Hip Implants: Postdoctoral Position

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

A Postdoctoral position in immediately available at Northwestern
University in the group of L. D. Marks (www.numis.northwestern.edu) to
work in the area of tribology at the nanoscale with spillover into
issues related to hip implants such as tribocorrosion and wear. While
most of the work will be materials science based, aspects of it will
involve collaborations with orthopedic and dental researchers and
doctors. Strong experimental skills in transmission electron
microscopy are essential, and experience with using Nanofactory
holders (both STM and AFM) would be significant. While a background in
metallurgy could be useful, it is not essential; more important is the
ability to learn and think outside the box.

Please send a CV and the name of three referees to L. D. Marks
L-marks-at-northwestern.edu, email only.

Professor Laurence Marks
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Northwestern University
Corrosion in 4D: MURI4D.numis.northwestern.edu
Co-Editor, Acta Cryst A
"Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what
nobody else has thought"
Albert Szent-Gyorgi

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4, 26 -- From marksmsa-at-gmail.com Thu Mar 5 18:50:53 2015
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4, 26 -- Subject: From Tribology to Hip Implants: Postdoctoral Position
4, 26 -- From: L Marks {marksmsa-at-gmail.com}
4, 26 -- To: microscopy {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Sat, 7 Mar 2015 09:56:30 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:SEM - Recommendation on C-coater, CL detector

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: mattinson-at-geology.cwu.edu

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Email: mattinson-at-geology.cwu.edu
Name: Chris Mattinson

Organization: Central Washington University

Title-Subject: [Filtered] SEM - Recommendation on C-coater, CL detector

Message: We are looking to buy a C-coater to be used with a FE-SEM, and would be grateful for your
comments/experiences with C-coaters such as Cressington 208C, Denton Desk V, Quorumtech Q150T, or
others you may recommend. Our coater would primarily be used to prepare geological samples for EDS
analysis and mapping, including quantitative EDS analysis using standards and beam current
measurement, so the evenness and reproducibility of the coating are important.

Also, we are considering the Centaurus CL detector for the SEM, and would appreciate input from
anyone who has experience with this detector.

Chris Mattinson
Central Washington University

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17, 17 -- From microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com Sat Mar 7 09:56:29 2015
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17, 17 -- Subject: viaWWW:SEM - Recommendation on C-coater, CL detector
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Sat, 7 Mar 2015 09:57:11 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:position available - Microscopy Technician

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: schenderson-at-vcu.edu

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Email: schenderson-at-vcu.edu
Name: Scott Henderson

Organization: Virginia Commonwealth University

Title-Subject: [Filtered] position available - Microscopy Technician

Message: Microscopy Technician

A technical position is available in the Microscopy Facility of the Department of Anatomy and
Neurobiology in the School of Medicine at Virginia Commonwealth University. The facility houses
confocal (laser scanning & spinning disc), multi-photon, TIRF, super-resolution / SIM and electron
microscopes (TEM & SEM). The successful candidate will assist with microscopy studies of various
biological systems. Duties include assisting users of the facility, providing basic instruction in
the use of equipment within the facility (i.e. microscopes, microtomes, and image analysis
programs), sample preparation (e.g. sectioning, staining), minor equipment maintenance and some
administrative work (ordering of supplies and monthly billing). Applicants should have excellent
communication and organizational skills, an understanding of laboratory procedures, and the ability
to manage a large and varied workload. Minimum qualifications include a bachelorÂ’s degree in Science
(with a concentration in Biology), previous hands-on experience with advanced light microscopy (e.g.
confocal), electron microscopy, sample preparation (including sectioning), and image analysis.
Computer skills are essential.

To apply, go to the VCU Jobs website at: https://www.vcujobs.com/

Click the Search Postings tab. The position number is 551220.


Scott Henderson, Ph.D.
Director, VCU Microscopy Facility
Associate Professor
Dept. Anatomy & Neurobiology
Virginia Commonwealth University
School of Medicine
1101 East Marshall St.
Richmond, VA 23298-0709

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21, 17 -- From microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com Sat Mar 7 09:57:10 2015
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21, 17 -- Date: Sat, 07 Mar 2015 09:57:10 -0600
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21, 17 -- Subject: viaWWW:position available - Microscopy Technician
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Sat, 7 Mar 2015 09:58:11 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Room Temperature Epoxy

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: debangshu-at-psu.edu

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using the WWW based Form at http://www.microscopy.com/MLFormMail.html
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please copy both debangshu-at-psu.edu as well as the Microscopy Listserver

Email: debangshu-at-psu.edu
Name: Debangshu Mukherjee

Organization: The Pennsylvania State University

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Room Temperature Epoxy

Message: Hello,
I am preparing cross-sectional TEM samples of pyroelectric materials, which crack when I am curing
my epoxy. It would be great if anyone can point me towards recommended examples of room-temperature
epoxies available.

Debangshu Mukherjee
PhD candidate
MatSE, Penn State

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14, 17 -- From microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com Sat Mar 7 09:58:10 2015
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14, 17 -- Date: Sat, 07 Mar 2015 09:58:10 -0600
14, 17 -- From: MicroscopyListserver-NoReply {microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com}
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14, 17 -- To: MicroscopyListServer-Forward {microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
14, 17 -- Subject: viaWWW:Room Temperature Epoxy
14, 17 -- References: {201503070641.t276fKGQ026848-at-ns.microscopy.com}
14, 17 -- In-Reply-To: {201503070641.t276fKGQ026848-at-ns.microscopy.com}
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From: wtivol-at-sbcglobal.net
Date: Sat, 7 Mar 2015 18:49:26 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: viaWWW:SEM - Recommendation on C-coater, CL detector

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

On Mar 7, 2015, at 8:35 AM, microscopylistserver-
noreply-at-microscopy.com wrote:

} Name: Chris Mattinson
} Organization: Central Washington University
} Title-Subject: [Filtered] SEM - Recommendation on C-coater, CL
} detector
} Message: We are looking to buy a C-coater to be used with a FE-SEM,
} and would be grateful for your
} comments/experiences with C-coaters such as Cressington 208C, Denton
} Desk V, Quorumtech Q150T, or
} others you may recommend. Our coater would primarily be used to
} prepare geological samples for EDS
} analysis and mapping, including quantitative EDS analysis using
} standards and beam current
} measurement, so the evenness and reproducibility of the coating are
} important.
} Also, we are considering the Centaurus CL detector for the SEM, and
} would appreciate input from
} anyone who has experience with this detector.
} Thanks,

Dear Chris,
I used the Cressington 208 for both carbon and metal coating, and it
was very reliable and consistent. Just a satisfied customer; no
financial interest.

==============================Original Headers==============================
8, 32 -- From wtivol-at-sbcglobal.net Sat Mar 7 18:49:22 2015
8, 32 -- Received: from nm21-vm2.access.bullet.mail.gq1.yahoo.com (nm21-vm2.access.bullet.mail.gq1.yahoo.com [])
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8, 32 -- for {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Sat, 7 Mar 2015 18:49:21 -0600
8, 32 -- DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=sbcglobal.net; s=s2048; t=1425775760; bh=gvZP17A01J4ymZw2T5vtdyDudnTwD79SBFxtIBsOASw=; h=From:To:In-Reply-To:Subject:Date:References:From:Subject; b=IjkZWvuqBs1KHZ0XJldoGnxo8GdfC8VVpDhuXtCkzN22MG7Bd9U7VRFksa2Go+YrAxUeyMxsS5Y2HHlI9YMBVl1dRWVwe/99UixqG7GGnVJTIf+r5Q1D1hxLAmG8gRzHPxo+VMQ0octyi+TPQRZSlHxhSeLF89E98hJKKmIdB16l17JRdzFLBy6h0FD7hbaHJzu0dm8CLwF9lQPw5SNMU4NWIgl/3LztCGxqHn43kocmpBSiPPBZjtK0h2bAhlL9ti4xOQ7MAKyy0mUtVE5mDjt6SWBbIkI5dC0VVOBNjf6bJcAH+1wKvbI+ZPaLCInI+E8+55bKwtfBgrMDjtLlAw==
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8, 32 -- Message-Id: {01B9058D-F98A-478B-9796-196B4CC067EF-at-sbcglobal.net}
8, 32 -- From: Bill & Sue Tivol {wtivol-at-sbcglobal.net}
8, 32 -- To: microscopy-at-microscopy.com, mattinson-at-geology.cwu.edu
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8, 32 -- Subject: Re: [Microscopy] viaWWW:SEM - Recommendation on C-coater, CL detector
8, 32 -- Date: Sat, 7 Mar 2015 16:49:18 -0800
8, 32 -- References: {201503071635.t27GZSMZ015996-at-ns.microscopy.com}
8, 32 -- X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.936)
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Sun, 8 Mar 2015 17:01:20 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:kevex 4855 info needed

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: cmazareanu-at-yahoo.com

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using the WWW based Form at http://www.microscopy.com/MLFormMail.html
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please copy both cmazareanu-at-yahoo.com as well as the Microscopy Listserver

Email: cmazareanu-at-yahoo.com
Name: Constantin

Organization: hobby

Title-Subject: [Filtered] kevex 4855

Message: Hi I am looking for any information regarding kevex 4855 SEM control digital interface. I
need setup information and and a schematic if is possible. I searched around internet but no
information is available. This is a part of a larger effort to bring a SEm to digital age. I am
looking also for KEVEX MCA schematics and setup. Cannot find anywhere KEvex Sigma software. There is
someone who can help me? Thank you

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14, 17 -- From microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com Sun Mar 8 17:01:19 2015
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14, 17 -- for {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Sun, 8 Mar 2015 17:01:18 -0500
14, 17 -- Message-ID: {54FCC6AE.7090401-at-microscopy.com}
14, 17 -- Date: Sun, 08 Mar 2015 17:01:18 -0500
14, 17 -- From: MicroscopyListserver-NoReply {microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com}
14, 17 -- Reply-To: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
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14, 17 -- MIME-Version: 1.0
14, 17 -- To: MicroscopyListServer-Forward {microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
14, 17 -- Subject: viaWWW:kevex 4855 info needed
14, 17 -- References: {201503081559.t28FxZej007013-at-ns.microscopy.com}
14, 17 -- In-Reply-To: {201503081559.t28FxZej007013-at-ns.microscopy.com}
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From: jens.kling-at-web.de
Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2015 07:23:18 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] TEM Gatan heating holder issue

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hi Everyone

We have an issue with our two conventional Gatan heating holders (inconnel
and tantalum) and were wondering, if someone else faced the same.

The problem is that we cannot get HRTEM images when the holder is connected
to the power supply and the supply is switched on. It doesn't matter if the
heating is running or not, it just has to be switched on. The power supply
is connected to a socket coming from the microscope and additional grounding
doesn't help. Interchanging of the two power supplies makes no difference.
Interestingly, this issue is not 100 procent reproducible, as from time to
time everything is working perfectly and you see no effect at all. The
microscope is a FEI Titan.

Here is a link to a few images. One taken with the power supply switched off
and the related FFT, and one with the power supply switched on and the
related FFT.

Did anybody face the same or has an idea about it?
Any help is very much appreciated.

Thanks a lot

==============================Original Headers==============================
7, 24 -- From jens.kling-at-web.de Mon Mar 9 07:23:17 2015
7, 24 -- Received: from mout.web.de (mout.web.de [])
7, 24 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id t29CNHEZ001516
7, 24 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Mon, 9 Mar 2015 07:23:17 -0500
7, 24 -- Received: from CENJens ([]) by smtp.web.de (mrweb004) with
7, 24 -- ESMTPSA (Nemesis) id 0MNx4F-1YOcFr1pcZ-007XcV for
7, 24 -- {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Mon, 09 Mar 2015 13:23:16 +0100
7, 24 -- From: "Jens Kling" {jens.kling-at-web.de}
7, 24 -- To: {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
7, 24 -- Subject: TEM Gatan heating holder issue
7, 24 -- Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2015 13:23:15 +0100
7, 24 -- Message-ID: {001201d05a63$d1dd7c80$75987580$-at-web.de}
7, 24 -- MIME-Version: 1.0
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From: microwink-at-gmail.com
Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2015 08:46:24 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: TEM Gatan heating holder issue

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hi Jens,

It could be vibrations induced in the connecting cable that are
transferred into the holder. If it was electrical interference caused
by insufficient or poor grounding, then I would think it wouldn't be
intermittent. Try securing the cable and see if it improves the
behavior. Otherwise, I would contact Gatan directly to see if they
have a better idea.

Good luck,

On Mon, Mar 9, 2015 at 8:35 AM, {jens.kling-at-web.de} wrote:
} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
} The Microscopy ListServer -- CoSponsor: The Microscopy Society of America
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} On-Line Help http://www.microscopy.com/MicroscopyListserver/FAQ.html
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} Hi Everyone
} We have an issue with our two conventional Gatan heating holders (inconnel
} and tantalum) and were wondering, if someone else faced the same.
} The problem is that we cannot get HRTEM images when the holder is connected
} to the power supply and the supply is switched on. It doesn't matter if the
} heating is running or not, it just has to be switched on. The power supply
} is connected to a socket coming from the microscope and additional grounding
} doesn't help. Interchanging of the two power supplies makes no difference.
} Interestingly, this issue is not 100 procent reproducible, as from time to
} time everything is working perfectly and you see no effect at all. The
} microscope is a FEI Titan.
} Here is a link to a few images. One taken with the power supply switched off
} and the related FFT, and one with the power supply switched on and the
} related FFT.
} (https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=507493AEB39D8528!211&authkey=!AHqWGyO
} oE_yhiCw&ithint=folder%2cjpg)
} Did anybody face the same or has an idea about it?
} Any help is very much appreciated.
} Thanks a lot
} Jens
} ==============================Original Headers==============================
} 7, 24 -- From jens.kling-at-web.de Mon Mar 9 07:23:17 2015
} 7, 24 -- Received: from mout.web.de (mout.web.de [])
} 7, 24 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id t29CNHEZ001516
} 7, 24 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Mon, 9 Mar 2015 07:23:17 -0500
} 7, 24 -- Received: from CENJens ([]) by smtp.web.de (mrweb004) with
} 7, 24 -- ESMTPSA (Nemesis) id 0MNx4F-1YOcFr1pcZ-007XcV for
} 7, 24 -- {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Mon, 09 Mar 2015 13:23:16 +0100
} 7, 24 -- From: "Jens Kling" {jens.kling-at-web.de}
} 7, 24 -- To: {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
} 7, 24 -- Subject: TEM Gatan heating holder issue
} 7, 24 -- Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2015 13:23:15 +0100
} 7, 24 -- Message-ID: {001201d05a63$d1dd7c80$75987580$-at-web.de}
} 7, 24 -- MIME-Version: 1.0
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} 7, 24 -- X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook 14.0
} 7, 24 -- Thread-Index: AdBaY3QbnkVpQNnKRI+AAy79f8sH+Q==
} 7, 24 -- Content-Language: en-us
} 7, 24 -- X-Provags-ID: V03:K0:bMFxPjQpRAB5zt0uiHriJv86s82zFbA8i5W6/kLldFnvuaqDi0S
} 7, 24 -- 1pvu600FEkpnz0mVvC2kWuqdO/Nv9qpwNXfLKYEnPmV3ymQ5/lg/9NXE9+XHVGXu1hNOwa1
} 7, 24 -- nG2IpsHHuNjWILMYtGTPOaeum6RX1wwzMWdZKdkI8GWOaZkiONQ8hI67Lv5vEepEKCdWNmK
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} 7, 24 -- X-UI-Out-Filterresults: notjunk:1;
} ==============================End of - Headers==============================

==============================Original Headers==============================
4, 27 -- From microwink-at-gmail.com Mon Mar 9 08:46:21 2015
4, 27 -- Received: from mail-ig0-f176.google.com (mail-ig0-f176.google.com [])
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4, 27 -- Subject: Re: [Microscopy] TEM Gatan heating holder issue
4, 27 -- From: Christopher Winkler {microwink-at-gmail.com}
4, 27 -- To: Microscopy-at-microscopy.com
4, 27 -- Cc: jens.kling-at-web.de
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2015 08:55:55 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:FEI TIA on Windows 8.1

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

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Email: twh-at-cen.dtu.dk
Name: Thomas Hansen

Organization: DTU

Title-Subject: [Filtered] TIA on Windows 8.1

Message: Hi.

Has anyone managed to get the TIA software from FEI running on a Windows 8.1 PC?



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From: colijn.1-at-osu.edu
Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2015 09:52:51 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: viaWWW:FEI TIA on Windows 8.1

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

The only way I was able to get TIA running was to set up a virtual
machine and install WinXP in it. I used VirtualBox though there are
other virtual machine programs as well.

Good luck,

On 3/9/2015 9:57 AM, microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com wrote:
} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
} The Microscopy ListServer -- CoSponsor: The Microscopy Society of America
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} Remember this posting is most likely not from a Subscriber, so when replying
} please copy bothtwh-at-cen.dtu.dk as well as the Microscopy Listserver
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} Email:twh-at-cen.dtu.dk
} Name: Thomas Hansen
} Organization: DTU
} Title-Subject: [Filtered] TIA on Windows 8.1
} Message: Hi.
} Has anyone managed to get the TIA software from FEI running on a Windows 8.1 PC?
} Thanks.
} Thomas
} Login Host:
} Listserver Email Form V - 20120416
} ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


Hendrik O. Colijn

*C*enter for *E*lectron *M*icroscopy & *A*nalysi*S*

1305 Kinnear Rd, Suite 100, Columbus, OH 43212

colijn.1-at-osu.edu {mailto:colijn.1-at-osu.edu} 614.643.3458 Office


"Time is that quality of nature which keeps things from happening all at
once. Lately it doesn't seem to be working."

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12, 55 -- Subject: Re: [Microscopy] viaWWW:FEI TIA on Windows 8.1
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From: ALawrence-at-i2at.msstate.edu
Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2015 11:01:07 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] Student Bursary program - M&M 2015 Portland meeting

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

The deadline for abstract submission has passed and as you are making plans to attend the Portland meetings (Aug. 2-6), please don't forget about MSA's student bursary program. Its purpose is to encourage students to attend the meetings by helping to defray some of the costs while giving them an opportunity to meet and interact with the established microscopy community.

The students will be paid $10 an hour to work for ~20 hours (up to 40 hours) during the meeting or pre-meeting events. The jobs involve such things as providing support in the different symposia (assisting with audio-visual needs, speaker set-up, maintaining an attendance count), staffing the volunteer office, monitoring use of the Internet Café, and helping with vendor tutorial sign-up. Payment is given as a check at the end of the meetings or when the student leaves Portland.

Once the program has been finalized, each registered bursary will be contacted and allowed to choose the times and activities they would like to work. Many times they end up "working" sessions they would attend anyway. There is an added bonus of $10 cash to help with meals for each morning and/or afternoon session worked and a meeting shirt.

If anyone would like to participate in the bursary program, please check the "I wish to apply for a student bursary" box in section 2 of the registration form. Also, please send me an email of your intention. Bursary space is limited, so sign-up early. Applicants for the bursaries must be members of MSA or MAS, enrolled as students at a recognized educational institution, and have paid their registration fee.

For those 'non-students' volunteers are also needed to help with the above mentioned meeting activities. Although not paid on an hourly basis as the student bursaries, volunteers do receive a meeting shirt and the same cash allotment to help with meals. Volunteers also have the opportunity to interact more with the microscopy community as they assist with meeting tasks.

If anyone has any questions about the bursary/volunteer program, or would like to participate, please contact:

Amanda Lawrence
Institute for Imaging and Analytical Technologies
Mississippi State University

==============================Original Headers==============================
10, 31 -- From ALawrence-at-i2at.msstate.edu Mon Mar 9 11:01:06 2015
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10, 31 -- 15.00.0913.011; Mon, 9 Mar 2015 11:00:45 -0500
10, 31 -- From: "Lawrence, Amanda" {ALawrence-at-i2at.msstate.edu}
10, 31 -- To: "'Microscopy-at-microscopy.com'" {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
10, 31 -- Subject: Student Bursary program - M&M 2015 Portland meeting
10, 31 -- Thread-Topic: Student Bursary program - M&M 2015 Portland meeting
10, 31 -- Thread-Index: AdBagSLtgRQoGlgRSHikeHilI2geKw==
10, 31 -- Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2015 16:00:44 +0000
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From: steven.spurgeon-at-pnnl.gov
Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2015 18:52:46 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] Exporting spectrum image slices

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hello everyone,

I'm trying to export data from a 2D EELS spectrum image in Digital
Micrograph and I¹m not sure what the best approach is. Here is my problem:

1. I have a 2D EELS map / SI of a thin film interface, where x is some
width parallel to the interface, y is some width perpendicular to the
interface, and z is the EELS energy range (400 ­ 700 eV).
2. I would like to integrate all the spectra in plane (x-direction) to
improve signal-to-noise (This would essentially leave me with an EELS line
scan parallel to y).
3. I would then like to export slices at specified integration windows
normal to the plane (y-direction) to text files.

The only way I can currently do this is by drawing an ROI onto the SI,
which generates an individual spectrum integrated across x. I then have to
export this and drag the ROI, repeating ad nauseam until the entire y
length of the scan is traversed. Is there a simpler and faster way to do

Please let me know if you need more clarification. Thanks!
Steven R. Spurgeon, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Fundamental and Computational Sciences Directorate
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Tel: +1-509-371-7123
Email: steven.spurgeon-at-pnnl.gov
Web: www.pnnl.gov {http://www.pnnl.gov/}

==============================Original Headers==============================
8, 26 -- From prvs=50330bcc0=steven.spurgeon-at-pnnl.gov Mon Mar 9 18:52:41 2015
8, 26 -- Received: from Emailgw01.pnnl.gov (emailgw01.pnnl.gov [])
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8, 26 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Mon, 9 Mar 2015 18:52:40 -0500
8, 26 -- Received: from ex10cashub03.pnnl.gov ([])
8, 26 -- by Emailgw01.pnnl.gov with ESMTP/TLS/AES128-SHA; 09 Mar 2015 16:52:40 -0700
8, 26 -- Received: from EX10MBOX03.pnnl.gov ([]) by ex10cashub03.pnnl.gov
8, 26 -- ([]) with mapi id 14.03.0224.002; Mon, 9 Mar 2015 16:52:38
8, 26 -- -0700
8, 26 -- From: "Spurgeon, Steven R" {steven.spurgeon-at-pnnl.gov}
8, 26 -- To: "Microscopy-at-microscopy.com" {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
8, 26 -- Subject: Exporting spectrum image slices
8, 26 -- Thread-Topic: Exporting spectrum image slices
8, 26 -- Thread-Index: AQHQWsQfs5WB3qEZ+kSr3CYWs/+KZw==
8, 26 -- Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2015 23:52:37 +0000
8, 26 -- Message-ID: {D1238053.C7A%steven.spurgeon-at-pnnl.gov}
8, 26 -- Accept-Language: en-US
8, 26 -- Content-Language: en-US
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==============================End of - Headers==============================

From: les-at-zsgenetics.com
Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2015 07:15:06 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] Exporting spectrum image slices

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hi Steven,
If you use MATLAB you can import DM3 files. Here's what might be a useful
link (I have not used this particular one but it looks simple):

ImageJ will also open .DM3 files directly; I do all my analyses in that
package. There are plugins that can be used for this as well, that you can
try on spectrum images.

Once you are in one of those programs you can easily write scripts to do any
arbitrary operation on the data.

Good Luck!
-Larry Scipioni

-----Original Message-----
X-from: steven.spurgeon-at-pnnl.gov [mailto:steven.spurgeon-at-pnnl.gov]
Sent: Monday, March 09, 2015 8:17 PM

Hello everyone,

I'm trying to export data from a 2D EELS spectrum image in Digital
Micrograph and I¹m not sure what the best approach is. Here is my problem:

1. I have a 2D EELS map / SI of a thin film interface, where x is some width
parallel to the interface, y is some width perpendicular to the interface,
and z is the EELS energy range (400 ­ 700 eV).
2. I would like to integrate all the spectra in plane (x-direction) to
improve signal-to-noise (This would essentially leave me with an EELS line
scan parallel to y).
3. I would then like to export slices at specified integration windows
normal to the plane (y-direction) to text files.

The only way I can currently do this is by drawing an ROI onto the SI, which
generates an individual spectrum integrated across x. I then have to export
this and drag the ROI, repeating ad nauseam until the entire y length of the
scan is traversed. Is there a simpler and faster way to do this?

Please let me know if you need more clarification. Thanks!
Steven R. Spurgeon, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Fundamental and Computational Sciences Directorate Pacific Northwest
National Laboratory

Tel: +1-509-371-7123
Email: steven.spurgeon-at-pnnl.gov
Web: www.pnnl.gov {http://www.pnnl.gov/}

==============================Original Headers==============================
8, 26 -- From prvs=50330bcc0=steven.spurgeon-at-pnnl.gov Mon Mar 9 18:52:41
2015 8, 26 -- Received: from Emailgw01.pnnl.gov (emailgw01.pnnl.gov
8, 26 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id
8, 26 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Mon, 9 Mar 2015 18:52:40
8, 26 -- Received: from ex10cashub03.pnnl.gov ([])
8, 26 -- by Emailgw01.pnnl.gov with ESMTP/TLS/AES128-SHA; 09 Mar 2015
16:52:40 -0700
8, 26 -- Received: from EX10MBOX03.pnnl.gov ([]) by
ex10cashub03.pnnl.gov 8, 26 -- ([]) with mapi id
14.03.0224.002; Mon, 9 Mar 2015 16:52:38 8, 26 -- -0700 8, 26 -- From:
"Spurgeon, Steven R" {steven.spurgeon-at-pnnl.gov} 8, 26 -- To:
"Microscopy-at-microscopy.com" {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} 8, 26 -- Subject:
Exporting spectrum image slices 8, 26 -- Thread-Topic: Exporting spectrum
image slices 8, 26 -- Thread-Index: AQHQWsQfs5WB3qEZ+kSr3CYWs/+KZw== 8, 26
-- Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2015 23:52:37 +0000 8, 26 -- Message-ID:
8, 26 -- Accept-Language: en-US
8, 26 -- Content-Language: en-US
8, 26 -- X-MS-Has-Attach:
8, 26 -- X-MS-TNEF-Correlator:
8, 26 -- x-originating-ip: [] 8, 26 -- Content-Type:
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8, 26 -- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit 8, 26 -- X-MIME-Autoconverted: from
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20, 46 -- From les-at-zsgenetics.com Tue Mar 10 07:15:06 2015
20, 46 -- Received: from gateway13.websitewelcome.com (gateway13.websitewelcome.com [])
20, 46 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id t2ACF6x4002160
20, 46 -- for {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Tue, 10 Mar 2015 07:15:06 -0500
20, 46 -- Received: by gateway13.websitewelcome.com (Postfix, from userid 5007)
20, 46 -- id D0D72D8A05F4E; Tue, 10 Mar 2015 07:15:05 -0500 (CDT)
20, 46 -- Received: from gator2013.hostgator.com (gator2013.hostgator.com [])
20, 46 -- by gateway13.websitewelcome.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id B4E3ED8A05ED1
20, 46 -- for {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Tue, 10 Mar 2015 07:15:05 -0500 (CDT)
20, 46 -- Received: from [] (port=49961 helo=LESZSG)
20, 46 -- by gator2013.hostgator.com with esmtpsa (TLSv1:AES256-SHA:256)
20, 46 -- (Exim 4.82)
20, 46 -- (envelope-from {les-at-zsgenetics.com} )
20, 46 -- id 1YVJ3x-0005Ie-4V; Tue, 10 Mar 2015 07:15:05 -0500
20, 46 -- From: "Larry Scipioni" {les-at-zsgenetics.com}
20, 46 -- To: {steven.spurgeon-at-pnnl.gov}
20, 46 -- Cc: {microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
20, 46 -- References: {201503100017.t2A0HR4V012103-at-ns.microscopy.com}
20, 46 -- In-Reply-To: {201503100017.t2A0HR4V012103-at-ns.microscopy.com}
20, 46 -- Subject: RE: [Microscopy] Exporting spectrum image slices
20, 46 -- Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2015 08:15:09 -0400
20, 46 -- Organization: ZS Genetics
20, 46 -- Message-ID: {001901d05b2b$dad52ef0$907f8cd0$-at-zsgenetics.com}
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==============================End of - Headers==============================

From: s.walck-at-comcast.net
Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2015 08:30:04 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] Exporting spectrum image slices

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

I would suggest that you use a multivariate statistical analysis (MSA) approach such as using AXSIA (Automated eXpert Spectrum Image Analysis) software or the MSA plug-in for DM that does Principal Component Analysis. The AXSIA software uses Matlab and the SIMSIMAN module that comes with the AXSIA software would allow you to extract your line profile easily. It would also be available in Matlab for any manipulation or export that you need. The MSA plug-in would allow you to reconstruct your data to improve your signal to noise for the profile. In both cases, you must be careful to align your EELS spectra in energy throughout the spectrum image using either the zero loss peak or a peak that is in both phases and does not have a chemical shift. You must also take care of eliminating X-ray peaks in your EELS data, otherwise they are identified as unique phases. If you do this, you minimize the number of factors (components) identified. Masasha Watanabe and Paul Kotula gave excellent tutorial talks at M&M'13 on the topic. Both are available online for viewing. You might have to contact John Mansfield for the link because I don't have it available as I write this. The advantage of the MSA approach is that your analysis gives you an image and so any inhomogeneities across your interface in terms of the concentration profile would easily be identified. It is also a totally unbiased analysis approach.

Masashi is the author of the MSA plugin for DM and it is available through HREM Research. Paul is a co-author of the AXSIA software and a co-patent holder for it as well. I would highly recommend that you look up their publications on the topic as they are very good reference articles to have.

We just started using the AXSIA technique after having Paul Kotula give us a tutorial at the Army Research Laboratory and are finding it a very powerful. It's a bit more trickier with EELS that with XEDS, though.

-Scott Walck

----- Original Message -----
X-from: "steven spurgeon" {steven.spurgeon-at-pnnl.gov}
To: "S Walck" {S.Walck-at-comcast.net}
Sent: Monday, March 9, 2015 8:17:02 PM

Hello everyone,

I'm trying to export data from a 2D EELS spectrum image in Digital
Micrograph and I�m not sure what the best approach is. Here is my problem:

1. I have a 2D EELS map / SI of a thin film interface, where x is some
width parallel to the interface, y is some width perpendicular to the
interface, and z is the EELS energy range (400 � 700 eV).
2. I would like to integrate all the spectra in plane (x-direction) to
improve signal-to-noise (This would essentially leave me with an EELS line
scan parallel to y).
3. I would then like to export slices at specified integration windows
normal to the plane (y-direction) to text files.

The only way I can currently do this is by drawing an ROI onto the SI,
which generates an individual spectrum integrated across x. I then have to
export this and drag the ROI, repeating ad nauseam until the entire y
length of the scan is traversed. Is there a simpler and faster way to do

Please let me know if you need more clarification. Thanks!
Steven R. Spurgeon, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Fundamental and Computational Sciences Directorate
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Tel: +1-509-371-7123
Email: steven.spurgeon-at-pnnl.gov
Web: www.pnnl.gov {http://www.pnnl.gov/}

==============================Original Headers==============================
8, 26 -- From prvs=50330bcc0=steven.spurgeon-at-pnnl.gov Mon Mar 9 18:52:41 2015
8, 26 -- Received: from Emailgw01.pnnl.gov (emailgw01.pnnl.gov [])
8, 26 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id t29NqeTF026836
8, 26 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Mon, 9 Mar 2015 18:52:40 -0500
8, 26 -- Received: from ex10cashub03.pnnl.gov ([])
8, 26 -- by Emailgw01.pnnl.gov with ESMTP/TLS/AES128-SHA; 09 Mar 2015 16:52:40 -0700
8, 26 -- Received: from EX10MBOX03.pnnl.gov ([]) by ex10cashub03.pnnl.gov
8, 26 -- ([]) with mapi id 14.03.0224.002; Mon, 9 Mar 2015 16:52:38
8, 26 -- -0700
8, 26 -- From: "Spurgeon, Steven R" {steven.spurgeon-at-pnnl.gov}
8, 26 -- To: "Microscopy-at-microscopy.com" {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
8, 26 -- Subject: Exporting spectrum image slices
8, 26 -- Thread-Topic: Exporting spectrum image slices
8, 26 -- Thread-Index: AQHQWsQfs5WB3qEZ+kSr3CYWs/+KZw==
8, 26 -- Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2015 23:52:37 +0000
8, 26 -- Message-ID: {D1238053.C7A%steven.spurgeon-at-pnnl.gov}
8, 26 -- Accept-Language: en-US
8, 26 -- Content-Language: en-US
8, 26 -- X-MS-Has-Attach:
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8, 26 -- X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by ns.microscopy.com id t29NqeTF026836
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==============================Original Headers==============================
20, 37 -- From s.walck-at-comcast.net Tue Mar 10 08:30:04 2015
20, 37 -- Received: from resqmta-ch2-09v.sys.comcast.net (resqmta-ch2-09v.sys.comcast.net [])
20, 37 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id t2ADU4V0023010
20, 37 -- for {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Tue, 10 Mar 2015 08:30:04 -0500
20, 37 -- Received: from resomta-ch2-04v.sys.comcast.net ([])
20, 37 -- by resqmta-ch2-09v.sys.comcast.net with comcast
20, 37 -- id 1pVa1q0052AWL2D01pW46V; Tue, 10 Mar 2015 13:30:04 +0000
20, 37 -- Received: from resmail-ch2-280v.sys.comcast.net ([])
20, 37 -- by resomta-ch2-04v.sys.comcast.net with comcast
20, 37 -- id 1pW31q0101GdifW01pW3JH; Tue, 10 Mar 2015 13:30:04 +0000
20, 37 -- Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2015 13:30:03 +0000 (UTC)
20, 37 -- From: "S.Walck" {s.walck-at-comcast.net}
20, 37 -- To: steven spurgeon {steven.spurgeon-at-pnnl.gov} ,
20, 37 -- MicroscopyListserver {microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
20, 37 -- Message-ID: {1834080458.973303.1425994203708.JavaMail.zimbra-at-comcast.net}
20, 37 -- In-Reply-To: {201503100017.t2A0H2SJ011602-at-ns.microscopy.com}
20, 37 -- References: {201503100017.t2A0H2SJ011602-at-ns.microscopy.com}
20, 37 -- Subject: Re: [Microscopy] Exporting spectrum image slices
20, 37 -- MIME-Version: 1.0
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20, 37 -- Thread-Topic: Exporting spectrum image slices
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==============================End of - Headers==============================

From: ray.twesten-at-sbcglobal.net
Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2015 19:22:21 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] Exporting spectrum image slices

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Digital Micrograph has a host of tools for dealing with 3-D data sets.
There is a menu labeled "Volume". This will allow you to rotate or project
the data along any direction needed.

For your application, you would want to project the data along the "y".
You will now have a 2D dataset with the projected intensity along the
interface in the X-Dimension and Energy in the Y-Dimension.

To save this as a series of files, you would then use the "File:Save As
Series ..." menu item. You can choose EMSA format for the file type and the
EELS header information and calibrations will be preserved. You can also
use the "Text" format, then you only get the intensities.

You can write a simple script in Digital Micrograph to do this. Below is
an example. It took about 4x longer to document that actually write.

For more information about scripting, there is a good reference section in
the Digital Micrograph help file. You can also get a lot of information at
the DM Script site at TUGraz {
http://portal.tugraz.at/portal/page/portal/felmi/DM-Script }

Hope this helps,

// Simple script to project a Spectrum Image into a Line Scan.

image imgSrc := GetFrontImage() // Grabs a pointer to the front dataset.
This is your 3D Spectrum Image
image imgRes; // Variable for result. This does not yet exist

// Get the size of the spectrum image
number sX, sY, sZ;
sX = imgSrc.ImageGetDimensionSize(0);
sY = imgSrc.ImageGetDimensionSize(1);
sZ = imgSrc.ImageGetDimensionSize(2);

// Choose a projection direction. Returns "1" for "Along X" and "0" for
"Along Y".
// 1/0 is interpreted as true/false (Actually 0 = false, non-zero = true)
number projectX = TwoButtonDialog("Choose a projection direction", "Along
X", "Along Y")

//Create the image to receive the projection
// Uses the "ImageClone" function to keep all of the acquisition tags
// Uses the "Slice2" function to choose a sub-region of the original data
// There are more elegant ways to do this, but this is simple.
imgRes := ImageClone(imgSrc.Slice2(0, 0, 0, 2, sZ, 1 , 1, sY, 1));
imgRes := ImageClone(imgSrc.Slice2(0, 0, 0, 2, sZ, 1 , 0, sX, 1));

// Set the new image to all zeros.
imgRes = 0;

//Do the projection. Uses the image iterators to operate on the entire
image at once. This could be done
// with a for loop, but with an interpreted language, it would take
// This is compiled on the fly and very fast.

imgRes[iplane, irow] += imgSrc;
imgRes[iplane, icol] += imgSrc;

// Sets some image information. Uses the simple "If, Then ,Else" structure
( "logical statement" ? "Do if true" : "Do if false")
// You can use this structure to operate of every pixel in an image.
imgRes.SetNumberNote("EELS:Acquisition:Number of frames", (projectX ? sX :
imgRes.SetName(imgSrc.GetName() + "_Projection")
imgRes.ShowImage() // If you do not show the image, it is killed when the
script exits.


Ray D. Twesten, Ph.D.
Product Manager – Analytical Instruments
  Gatan, Inc.
Tel. +1 (925) 224-7392

-----Original Message-----
X-from: steven.spurgeon-at-pnnl.gov [mailto:steven.spurgeon-at-pnnl.gov]
Sent: Monday, March 09, 2015 5:08 PM
To: ray.twesten-at-sbcglobal.net

Hello everyone,

I'm trying to export data from a 2D EELS spectrum image in Digital
Micrograph and I¹m not sure what the best approach is. Here is my problem:

1. I have a 2D EELS map / SI of a thin film interface, where x is some width
parallel to the interface, y is some width perpendicular to the interface,
and z is the EELS energy range (400 ­ 700 eV).
2. I would like to integrate all the spectra in plane (x-direction) to
improve signal-to-noise (This would essentially leave me with an EELS line
scan parallel to y).
3. I would then like to export slices at specified integration windows
normal to the plane (y-direction) to text files.

The only way I can currently do this is by drawing an ROI onto the SI, which
generates an individual spectrum integrated across x. I then have to export
this and drag the ROI, repeating ad nauseam until the entire y length of the
scan is traversed. Is there a simpler and faster way to do this?

Please let me know if you need more clarification. Thanks!
Steven R. Spurgeon, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Fundamental and Computational Sciences Directorate Pacific Northwest
National Laboratory

Tel: +1-509-371-7123
Email: steven.spurgeon-at-pnnl.gov
Web: www.pnnl.gov {http://www.pnnl.gov/}

==============================Original Headers==============================
8, 26 -- From prvs=50330bcc0=steven.spurgeon-at-pnnl.gov Mon Mar 9 18:52:41
2015 8, 26 -- Received: from Emailgw01.pnnl.gov (emailgw01.pnnl.gov
8, 26 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id
8, 26 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Mon, 9 Mar 2015 18:52:40
8, 26 -- Received: from ex10cashub03.pnnl.gov ([])
8, 26 -- by Emailgw01.pnnl.gov with ESMTP/TLS/AES128-SHA; 09 Mar 2015
16:52:40 -0700
8, 26 -- Received: from EX10MBOX03.pnnl.gov ([]) by
ex10cashub03.pnnl.gov 8, 26 -- ([]) with mapi id
14.03.0224.002; Mon, 9 Mar 2015 16:52:38 8, 26 -- -0700 8, 26 -- From:
"Spurgeon, Steven R" {steven.spurgeon-at-pnnl.gov} 8, 26 -- To:
"Microscopy-at-microscopy.com" {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} 8, 26 -- Subject:
Exporting spectrum image slices 8, 26 -- Thread-Topic: Exporting spectrum
image slices 8, 26 -- Thread-Index: AQHQWsQfs5WB3qEZ+kSr3CYWs/+KZw== 8, 26
-- Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2015 23:52:37 +0000 8, 26 -- Message-ID:
8, 26 -- Accept-Language: en-US
8, 26 -- Content-Language: en-US
8, 26 -- X-MS-Has-Attach:
8, 26 -- X-MS-TNEF-Correlator:
8, 26 -- x-originating-ip: [] 8, 26 -- Content-Type:
text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
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quoted-printable to 8bit by ns.microscopy.com id t29NqeTF026836
==============================End of - Headers==============================

==============================Original Headers==============================
34, 39 -- From ray.twesten-at-sbcglobal.net Tue Mar 10 19:22:20 2015
34, 39 -- Received: from nm8-vm8.access.bullet.mail.bf1.yahoo.com (nm8-vm8.access.bullet.mail.bf1.yahoo.com [])
34, 39 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id t2B0MKXl024276
34, 39 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Tue, 10 Mar 2015 19:22:20 -0500
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2015 07:55:03 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Scientist I Opening in Frederick, MD (FNLCR)

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: rags-at-udel.edu

X-from: lauri.rimorin-at-nih.gov

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Email: lauri.rimorin-at-nih.gov
Name: Lauri Rimorin

Organization: Leidos Biomedical Research, Inc.

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Scientist I Opening in Frederick, MD (FNLCR)

Message: Leidos Biomedical Research, Inc. (LBRI), a wholly owned subsidiary of Leidos, operates the
Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research (FNLCR). FNLCR is a Federally Funded Research and
Development Center (FFRDC) sponsored by the National Cancer Institute (NCI). It is the only FFRDC
dedicated to biomedical research. Through its status as an FFRDC, FNLCR provides NCI and others with
a unique national resource to accelerate the development and delivery of effective preventive,
diagnostic, and therapeutic products for cancer and AIDS.

The breadth of FNLCRÂ’s activities spans the research and development spectrum, including
investigator-initiated, hypothesis-driven research into cancer and AIDS; advanced technology
programs focused on genetics and genomics, proteins and proteomics, imaging, nanotechnology,
bioinformatics, and laboratory animal sciences; clinical operations in support of NCI and National
Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)-sponsored clinical trials, as well as NCI drug
discovery and development efforts; and management and operations of biopharmaceutical development
and manufacturing programs under current Good Manufacturing Practice conditions for NCI and NIAID.
Administrative, procurement, financial, safety, and facilities support is provided to these R&D
activities through state-of-the-art business processes. LBRI has approximately 1,900 employees and
manages an annual operating budget of approximately $450M.

For more information about Leidos Biomedical Research Inc., please visit our webpage at


The Cancer Research Technology Program (CRTP) develops and implements emerging technology, cancer
biology expertise and research capabilities to accomplish NCI research objectives. The CRTP is an
outward-facing, multi-disciplinary hub purposed to enable the external cancer research community. A
major focus of the CRTP is the NCI RAS Initiative with the goal to discover new therapeutic
interventions against RAS-driven cancers. In addition, the CRTP hosts the Nanotechnology
Characterization Laboratory (NCL) which performs and standardizes preclinical efficacy and toxicity
testing of nanoparticles intended for cancer therapeutics and diagnostics, and the Antibody
Characterization Lab (ACL) which characterizes monoclonal antibodies or other renewable affinity
binding reagents for use in cancer related research. CRTP scientists also work collaboratively with
intramural NCI investigators to provide research technologies and expertise.


The Scientist I will perform: 1) negative staining and cryo-EM of proteins and protein complexes
with biological sample preparation and imaging by traditional transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), 2) image analysis and three-dimensional reconstructions on
data from negative stained specimens, cryo-electron microscopy, and electron tomography, 3) sample
preparation for electron microscopy studies (negative staining, SEM, room temperature plastic
embedding, cryo-electron microscopy), 4) operation of electron microscopes (SEM and TEM) and
cryogenic instrumentation, 5) image analysis and three dimensional reconstructions of electron
microscopy data, and 6) segmentation, interpretation and presentation of two-dimensional averages
and three-dimensional volume data and fitting of high resolution data into electron density maps.


•Possession of Doctoral degree from an accredited college or university in a field related to
Computational Science, Physics, Biology or Chemistry, or eight (8) years related experience in lieu
of degree
•Foreign degrees must be evaluated for U.S. equivalency
•Proficiency in biological and/or material sample preparation for electron microscopy
•Proficiency in the use and maintenance of transmission electron microscopes and scanning electron
•Strong analytical skills and ability to effectively communicate scientific results
•Experience with computational image analysis of electron microscopy data (e.g. Relion, Eman,
Spider, Imagic, or similar)


•Experience with scripting or other programming skills
•Experience with cryogenic liquids
•Experience with maintenance of advanced instrumentation
•Experience with single particle reconstruction from negative stain and/or cryo-EM data

To apply for this position, please visit

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From: Pamela-at-afmworkshop.com
Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2015 11:52:06 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] AFM To Characterize Polymer Materials - Workshop Announcement

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

~You Are Invited~

When: April 27-28, 2015
Where: Norwood, Massachusetts
What: Workshop on Atomic Force Microscopy to Characterize Polymers

Led by Dalia Yablon, Ph.D., this two day course mixes lecture with labwork on
the basics of atomic force microscopy and its specific application to
imaging polymer materials.

AFM hardware and software will be reviewed, with special emphasis
on the imaging modes and image processing needed to study polymer materials.

While we utilize AFMs from AFMWorkshop to teach basic concepts and
demonstrate AFM operation, attendees with experience on any make or
model of atomic force microscope will find the labwork relevant
and practical.

All levels of experience are welcome.
An "early bird" discount registration is being offered through March, 2015.

For more information, please visit:

Thank you,
Pamela Stone

Pamela Stone
AFMWorkshop, Inc.
1434 E. 33rd Street
Signal Hill, CA 90755

==============================Original Headers==============================
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2015 18:23:24 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:TEM - Hair Samples

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: etranfield-at-igc.gulbenkian.pt

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Email: etranfield-at-igc.gulbenkian.pt
Name: Erin Tranfield

Organization: Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Portugal

Title-Subject: [Filtered] TEM - Hair Samples

Message: Dear List,

We are trying to preserve newborn hair samples by HPF / AFS for TEM analysis. We are having the
problem that we can not section the hair samples because the sample keeps popping out of the Epon
blocks. If anyone has any experience processing hair samples, could you please contact me? I would
appreciate learning how you did your infiltration, what resin you used and if you have any tricks to
overcoming the problem of small samples popping out of blocks.

Thank-you for your help

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15, 17 -- From microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com Thu Mar 12 18:23:21 2015
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From: Duane.Harland-at-agresearch.co.nz
Date: Fri, 13 Mar 2015 03:40:03 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:TEM - Hair Samples

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hello Erin,

Hair and other keratin fibres are not easy tissues and must be treated differently than normal tissue samples.
However, what method you need depends on if you are looking at the hair above the skin only, or if you are also looking at the hair follicle. For the moment I'll assume you are interested in only the hair above the skin.

Hair is already fixed by nature. It is also very dense. The water content is very low, and the cells are dead.
It is the opposite to normal living cells in terms of the problems for TEM preparation. It can be very easy to work with also depending on what features you want to see.

The easiest method is to wash the hair to remove external lipids and dirt, place the hairs across a small frame made of plastic, or thread hairs through a narrow plastic tube, embed in LR-White (epoxy is ok too), trim, section with a diamond knife to about 100 nm/gold sections and section stain with uranyl acetate and lead citrate (slightly extended stain times compared to normal) and you can see most features.

The resin will not penetrate the hair. But the hair will sit inside the resin. There are often problems with folding (you can reduce this with thicker sections) and sometimes problems at the edges of the fibres where the fibre has swollen with the water in the knife boat while the resin has not.

If you want to see the intermediate filaments that make up most of the cortex of the hair, you have to do something more complicated involving repeated treatments of reduction to open up disulfides to attach stain to and use osmium. Or there is also a silver nitrate method which allows you to see the filaments, but at the expense of seeing various other structures.

I'll send a separate email to you with a paper that colleagues and I put together with all these methods.

Harland, D. P., Vernon, J. A., Walls, R. J., & Woods, J. L. (2011). Transmission electron microscopy staining methods for the cortex of human hair: a modified osmium method and comparison with other stains. Journal of Microscopy, 243(2), 184-196. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2818.2011.03493.x

Kind regards

Dr Duane P Harland
Senior Scientist
T +64 3 321 8710
E duane.harland-at-agresearch.co.nz
AgResearch Limited
Lincoln Research Centre
Cnr Springs Rd & Gerald Street, Lincoln
Private Bag 4749 Christchurch 8140, New Zealand
T +64 3 325 9900 F +64 3 325 9946 www.agresearch.co.nz
Farming Food and Health. First
Te Ahuwhenua Te Kai me te Whai Ora. Tuatahi

X-from: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com [microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com]
Sent: 13 March 2015 12:49
To: Harland, Duane

X-from: etranfield-at-igc.gulbenkian.pt

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using the WWW based Form at http://www.microscopy.com/MLFormMail.html
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please copy both etranfield-at-igc.gulbenkian.pt as well as the Microscopy Listserver

Email: etranfield-at-igc.gulbenkian.pt
Name: Erin Tranfield

Organization: Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Portugal

Title-Subject: [Filtered] TEM - Hair Samples

Message: Dear List,

We are trying to preserve newborn hair samples by HPF / AFS for TEM analysis. We are having the
problem that we can not section the hair samples because the sample keeps popping out of the Epon
blocks. If anyone has any experience processing hair samples, could you please contact me? I would
appreciate learning how you did your infiltration, what resin you used and if you have any tricks to
overcoming the problem of small samples popping out of blocks.

Thank-you for your help

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29, 38 -- From Duane.Harland-at-agresearch.co.nz Fri Mar 13 03:40:02 2015
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From: steven.spurgeon-at-pnnl.gov
Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2015 15:35:52 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] Recommendations for Cr EELS standards

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hello everyone,

We¹ve recently been conducting STEM-EELS analysis of chromium oxides and
we¹d like to get more precise about our quantification of white line
ratios in these compounds. To that end, we¹d like to prepare Cr standards
that are not oxides (to avoid overlap between the Cr L23 and O K edges).
Does anyone have any recommendations for compounds that have worked well
for this purpose? I am currently considering buying powders such as CrCl3,
but I¹d be open to suggestions and preparation tips.

Steven R. Spurgeon, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Fundamental and Computational Sciences Directorate
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Tel: +1-509-371-7123
Email: steven.spurgeon-at-pnnl.gov
Web: www.pnnl.gov {http://www.pnnl.gov/}

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6, 26 -- Subject: Recommendations for Cr EELS standards
6, 26 -- Thread-Topic: Recommendations for Cr EELS standards
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From: leunissen-at-aurion.nl
Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2015 16:00:11 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] charging of ice in SEM

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives


we are trying to observe ice in the SEM. The purpose is visualising the transition of high density ice (ice II or III) to low density ice, either ice Ic or Ih using EBSD.
The cryo stage in the present setup does not get lower than -140°C and this is only just below the recrystallisation temperature.

To prevent charging gas is admitted into the microscope. This however has a tremendous effect on the stage temperature which easily goes up to -110°C, way above the recrystallisation temperature. As a result we have so far of course not been able to identify the high pressure ice polymorphs.

The best remedy would very probably be to improve the cold stage so we can reach lower temperatures, and for the future this may well be what will be done. For the time being I am looking for alternatives to admitting gas to prevent charging.

Two ideas popped up: freezing salt water or freezing a conductive nanoparticle solution, e.g. gold or silver or as was suggested by Guenter Resch carbon rods. The rationale being that in the eutectica between the pure ice crystals a high concentration of ions or nanoparticles forms a network of conductive material that might or might not assist in reducing charge build up.

Does anyone of you have experience in this area or have alternative ideas?


Jan Leunissen
Dept Geology - University of Otago
New Zealand.

==============================Original Headers==============================
9, 31 -- From leunissen-at-aurion.nl Mon Mar 16 16:00:11 2015
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9, 31 -- From: Jan Leunissen {leunissen-at-aurion.nl}
9, 31 -- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
9, 31 -- Subject: charging of ice in SEM
9, 31 -- Message-Id: {EE9118FD-D201-417F-87EB-388AF90D6781-at-aurion.nl}
9, 31 -- Date: Tue, 17 Mar 2015 10:00:05 +1300
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From: oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 2015 07:17:35 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: charging of ice in SEM

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives


In my past life I ran a FE-SEM with cryostage, and charging of ice was
of little issue at 1-2 kV. Most frequently, 1 or 1.5 kV. What sort of
instrument are you using? Can you get a low enough kV to reach charge

And ... adding nanoparticles, salt water, etc. I'd wonder about that.
Yes, the crystallization process does exclude ions and such to produce
the ice crystals (sea ice is really interesting because of this), but I
doubt that process is 100% complete. I suspect it would be less complete
with nanoparticles than it is with ions. Which means adding salts or
nanoparticles will affect the properties you're trying to study.
Plus, the added salts/nanoparticles are going to add electrical effects
to your samples, even if they are excluded from the crystals. What do
these do?


} Hello,
} we are trying to observe ice in the SEM. The purpose is visualising the transition of high density ice (ice II or III) to low density ice, either ice Ic or Ih using EBSD.
} The cryo stage in the present setup does not get lower than -140°C and this is only just below the recrystallisation temperature.
} To prevent charging gas is admitted into the microscope. This however has a tremendous effect on the stage temperature which easily goes up to -110°C, way above the recrystallisation temperature. As a result we have so far of course not been able to identify the high pressure ice polymorphs.
} The best remedy would very probably be to improve the cold stage so we can reach lower temperatures, and for the future this may well be what will be done. For the time being I am looking for alternatives to admitting gas to prevent charging.
} Two ideas popped up: freezing salt water or freezing a conductive nanoparticle solution, e.g. gold or silver or as was suggested by Guenter Resch carbon rods. The rationale being that in the eutectica between the pure ice crystals a high concentration of ions or nanoparticles forms a network of conductive material that might or might not assist in reducing charge build up.
} Does anyone of you have experience in this area or have alternative ideas?
} Thanks,
} Jan Leunissen
} Dept Geology - University of Otago
} Dunedin
} New Zealand.

Philip Oshel
Microscopy Facility Supervisor
Biology Department
024C Brooks Hall
Central Michigan University
Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859
(989) 774-3576

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6, 35 -- From oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu Tue Mar 17 07:17:32 2015
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6, 35 -- Date: Tue, 17 Mar 2015 08:17:28 -0400
6, 35 -- From: Philip Oshel {oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu}
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6, 35 -- To: {leunissen-at-aurion.nl} , micro {microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
6, 35 -- Subject: Re: [Microscopy] charging of ice in SEM
6, 35 -- References: {201503162126.t2GLQtxG031980-at-ns.microscopy.com}
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From: wtivol-at-sbcglobal.net
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 2015 18:36:41 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: charging of ice in SEM

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

On Mar 16, 2015, at 2:23 PM, leunissen-at-aurion.nl wrote:

} we are trying to observe ice in the SEM. The purpose is visualising
} the transition of high density ice (ice II or III) to low density
} ice, either ice Ic or Ih using EBSD.
} The cryo stage in the present setup does not get lower than -140°C
} and this is only just below the recrystallisation temperature.
} To prevent charging gas is admitted into the microscope. This
} however has a tremendous effect on the stage temperature which
} easily goes up to -110°C, way above the recrystallisation
} temperature. As a result we have so far of course not been able to
} identify the high pressure ice polymorphs.
} The best remedy would very probably be to improve the cold stage so
} we can reach lower temperatures, and for the future this may well be
} what will be done. For the time being I am looking for alternatives
} to admitting gas to prevent charging.
} Two ideas popped up: freezing salt water or freezing a conductive
} nanoparticle solution, e.g. gold or silver or as was suggested by
} Guenter Resch carbon rods. The rationale being that in the eutectica
} between the pure ice crystals a high concentration of ions or
} nanoparticles forms a network of conductive material that might or
} might not assist in reducing charge build up.
} Does anyone of you have experience in this area or have alternative
} ideas?
} Thanks,
} Jan Leunissen
} Dept Geology - University of Otago
} Dunedin
} New Zealand.

Dear Jan,
I have no experience in SEM of ice, but from other posts to this
list, I would try low-voltage SEM to balance electrons staying in the
specimen with secondary electrons leaving the specimen. An additional
comment is that trying to freeze salt water is likely to result in
crystals of ice surrounded by molecules of salt, since most salts do
not dissolve in ice. One exception, which I have also considered in
order to increase the conductivity of ice, is NH4F, since both NH3 and
HF can incorporate into the ice structure--the reference for this is a
book called Physics of Ice, the name of the author of which I do not

==============================Original Headers==============================
9, 33 -- From wtivol-at-sbcglobal.net Tue Mar 17 18:36:40 2015
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9, 33 -- From: Bill & Sue Tivol {wtivol-at-sbcglobal.net}
9, 33 -- To: Jan Leunissen - Aurion {leunissen-at-aurion.nl} , microscopy-at-microscopy.com
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 2015 18:53:49 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Staff Position, Academic Assistant/Biological Electron Microscopist

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X-from: marie.cantino-at-uconn.edu

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Email: marie.cantino-at-uconn.edu
Name: Marie Cantino

Organization: University of Connecticut

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Staff Position, Academic Assistant/Biological Electron Microscopist

Message: The Department of Physiology and Neurobiology at the University of Connecticut, Storrs
seeks applications for a full-time Academic Assistant I/II in the Bioscience Electron Microscopy
Laboratory. The successful candidate will assist other laboratory staff in training and supervision
of laboratory users, sample preparation and operation of electron microscopes for untrained users
and general facility maintenance. Go to www.jobs.uconn.edu, Staff Openings, Job ID# 2015312, for
more information. Screening of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the
position is filled.

The University of Connecticut is an EEO/AA employer.

Dr. Marie E. Cantino
Associate Professor of Physiology and Neurobiology
Director, Bioscience Electron Microscopy Laboratory
University of Connecticut, Unit 3242
Phone: 860-486-3588
Fax: 860-486-6369

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From: microscopy.listserver-at-gmail.com
Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2015 18:51:49 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Ultramicrotome Problem

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Email: osborndc-at-umsl.edu
Name: David Osborn

Organization: University of Missouri-St. Louis

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Ultramicrotome Problem

Message: We have a Reichert Ultracut S ultramicrotome that has stopped
working. When you turn it on it tries to run through its Reset process
but doesn't complete it. What sounds like a motor running can be heard
and the Cut control cannot be activated. Has anyone experienced
something similar and can tell us what the fix was?

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From: Pamela-at-afmworkshop.com
Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2015 11:58:05 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] =?UTF-8?Q?Characterizing_Nanoparticles_with_AFM_=E2=80=93_Workshop_A?=

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~You Are Invited~

When: April 29-30, 2015
Where: Norwood (Boston Area) Massachusetts
What: Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) to Characterize Nanoparticles Workshop

Led by Dalia Yablon, Ph.D., this two day course mixes lecture with labwork
on the basics of atomic force microscopy and its application to characterizing
nanoparticles. AFM allows for 3D characterization of nanoparticles with
sub-nanometer resolution and provides powerful information on their size,
distribution, and geometries.

AFM hardware and software will be reviewed, with emphasis on the
imaging modes and image processing methods needed to study nanoparticles.

While we will utilize AFMs from AFMWorkshop to teach basic concepts and
demonstrate AFM operation, attendees with any make or model of atomic force
microscope will find the labwork relevant and practical.

All levels of experience are welcome. An "early bird" discount
registration is offered
through March, 2015.

For more information, please visit:


Thank you,
Pamela Stone

Pamela Stone
AFMWorkshop, Inc.
1434 E. 33rd Street
Signal Hill, CA 90755

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From: leunissen-at-aurion.nl
Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2015 16:32:40 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: charging of ice in SEM - summary

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Thank you, everyone, for your replies. A brief summary below since not all messages were cc’ed to this list.

The idea of freezing brine or a conductive nanoparticle suspension met with scepticism since the ice will separate from the conductive components. The general recommendation was: use as low a kV as you can, it will cause less charging and the surface charge may even become positive.

Unfortunately the low kV and EBSD do not go well together.

Whereas the geology department in Dunedin has been very successful in imaging Ice Ih and getting excellent EBSD patterns from it, this can be done at much higher temperatures since recrystallisation is not an issue. The situation is more complicated for the high pressure crystalline ice polymorphs as the temperature of the ice must not be warmer than ~ -135°C.

A tough nut to crack, but an interesting one, so not giving up yet.

Thank you all, it was great to have so many replies. As you will have been able to tell from my question and the omission of essential details… I am not an SEM expert, so your help was very valuable.


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} Hello,
} we are trying to observe ice in the SEM. The purpose is visualising the transition of high density ice (ice II or III) to low density ice, either ice Ic or Ih using EBSD.
} The cryo stage in the present setup does not get lower than -140°C and this is only just below the recrystallisation temperature.
} To prevent charging gas is admitted into the microscope. This however has a tremendous effect on the stage temperature which easily goes up to -110°C, way above the recrystallisation temperature. As a result we have so far of course not been able to identify the high pressure ice polymorphs.
} The best remedy would very probably be to improve the cold stage so we can reach lower temperatures, and for the future this may well be what will be done. For the time being I am looking for alternatives to admitting gas to prevent charging.
} Two ideas popped up: freezing salt water or freezing a conductive nanoparticle solution, e.g. gold or silver or as was suggested by Guenter Resch carbon rods. The rationale being that in the eutectica between the pure ice crystals a high concentration of ions or nanoparticles forms a network of conductive material that might or might not assist in reducing charge build up.
} Does anyone of you have experience in this area or have alternative ideas?
} Thanks,
} Jan Leunissen
} Dept Geology - University of Otago
} Dunedin
} New Zealand.
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12, 37 -- Subject: Re: [Microscopy] charging of ice in SEM - summary
12, 37 -- From: Jan Leunissen {leunissen-at-aurion.nl}
12, 37 -- In-Reply-To: {BLUPR04MB546B98149BE3D6CD680A10DD7030-at-BLUPR04MB546.namprd04.prod.outlook.com}
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From: microscopy.listserver-at-gmail.com
Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2015 08:48:36 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Senior Staff Position: UConn-FEI Center of Excellence in Microscopy.

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: m.aindow-at-uconn.edu

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using the WWW based Form at http://www.microscopy.com/MLFormMail.html
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Email: m.aindow-at-uconn.edu
Name: Mark Aindow

Organization: University of Connecticut

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Senior Staff Position: UConn-FEI Center of
Excellence in Microscopy.

Message: Academic Assistant 4 - Institute of Materials Science

The Institute of Materials Science (IMS) at the University of
Connecticut is seeking qualified applicants to fill the position of
Academic Assistant IV for the newly established UConn-FEI Center of
Excellence in Microscopy. The Center has been formed as a partnership
between UConn and FEI Inc. to serve the analytical needs of industrial
and academic researchers. The Center is acquiring seven new electron
beam instruments over the next two years including state-of-the-art TEM,
SEM and FIB systems. These will be housed in the UConn Technology Park
as part of purpose-built Advanced Characterization Laboratory (ACL),
which is scheduled to open in 2017.

Working under the direction of the Center Director, the Academic
Assistant will co-ordinate, oversee, and be responsible for the
effective and safe management of the existing IMS Microscopy Laboratory
and the new Center of Excellence. Duties will include: supervising the
staff and students who work for the Center; keeping abreast of
published, scientific literature to understand what has been done before
and any new developments in the field; sharing their knowledge with
staff and students; publishing papers as appropriate; overseeing the
operation, maintenance and user training on the instruments; managing
systems for user booking and logging of instrument usage; responsible
for maintenance of instruments and providing advice on instrument
upgrades, including the co-ordination of new equipment installation in
the IMS Microscopy Laboratory and the subsequent relocation to the ACL.

Minimum Qualifications: An earned doctorate in Materials Science,
Chemistry, Physics or a related discipline; a minimum of five years
post-doctoral experience involving the use of electron microscopes and
related instrumentation; good written and verbal communication skills;
strong interpersonal skills including the ability to interact
effectively with faculty, staff, students and customers from industry.

Preferred Qualifications: Experience with FEI instruments, including:
aberration-corrected TEMs, small dual-beam FIB systems and SEMs; Prior
experience of microscopy user facility management; Strong track record
of working with industry.

Appointment Terms: This is a full-time, 11-month position with an
anticipated start date of May 1st. Salary will be commensurate with
qualifications and experience.

To Apply: Interested applicants should submit a cover letter, C.V., and
contact information for three references online at Husky Hire
(www.jobs.uconn.edu). Review of applications will begin immediately.
Position inquiries should be directed to the Institute Director, Dr.
Steven Suib (steven.suib-at-uconn.edu). Employment of the successful
candidate will be contingent upon the successful completion of a
pre-employment background check. (Search # 2015336)

This job posting is scheduled to be removed at 11:59 p.m. Eastern time
on April 15, 2015.

All employees are subject to adherence to the State Code of Ethics which
may be found at http://www.ct.gov/ethics/site/default.asp.

The University of Connecticut is committed to building and supporting a
multicultural and diverse community of students, faculty and staff. The
diversity of students, faculty and staff continues to increase, as does
the number of honors students, valedictorians and salutatorians who
consistently make UConn their top choice. More than 100 research centers
and institutes serve the UniversityÂ’s teaching, research, diversity, and
outreach missions, leading to UConnÂ’s ranking as one of the nationÂ’s top
research universities. UConnÂ’s faculty and staff are the critical link
to fostering and expanding our vibrant, multicultural and diverse
University community. As an Affirmative Action/Equal Employment
Opportunity employer, UConn encourages applications from women,
veterans, people with disabilities and members of traditionally
underrepresented populations.

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From: connellyps-at-nhlbi.nih.gov
Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2015 12:05:53 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] last call for position at NIH

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Dear Listers,

If you have been considering sending in an application to NIH/National
Heart, Lung and Blood Institute for an "Electron Microscopy Senior
Scientist and/or Core Director" (see MSA Job posting ID 22114004) you only
have about two more weeks to get it in.

This message is not confidential and can be freely shared and reproduced.


Patricia Stranen Connelly
Research Assistant
NHLBI EM Core Facility
National Institutes of Health
Building 14E Room 111B
Bethesda, MD 20892-5570


==============================Original Headers==============================
7, 30 -- From connellyps-at-nhlbi.nih.gov Fri Mar 20 12:05:53 2015
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7, 30 -- ([]) with mapi id 14.03.0210.002; Fri, 20 Mar 2015 13:05:52 -0400
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7, 30 -- To: "Microscopy-at-Microscopy.com" {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
7, 30 -- Subject: last call for position at NIH
7, 30 -- Thread-Topic: last call for position at NIH
7, 30 -- Thread-Index: AQHQYzAegepizUj9sESX+szx+CNxPA==
7, 30 -- Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2015 17:05:51 +0000
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From: microscopy.listserver-at-gmail.com
Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2015 20:17:49 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:reticle for Leica Ultracut R

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: chrisbrantner-at-email.gwu.edu

This Question/Comment was submitted to the Microscopy Listserver
using the WWW based Form at http://www.microscopy.com/MLFormMail.html
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replying please copy both chrisbrantner-at-email.gwu.edu as well as
the Microscopy Listserver

Email: chrisbrantner-at-email.gwu.edu
Name: Chris Brantner

Organization: George Washington University

Title-Subject: [Filtered] reticle for Leica Ultracut R

Message: Good afternoon listers,

I was wondering if anyone out there has a reticle that fits into the eye
piece of a Leica Ultracut R that they are not using and would be willing
to part with. I would like to put it on this ultramicrotome that I will
be using to train students so that they can "see" how large their resin
blackface is.


George Washington U-Center for Nanofabrication and Imaging
Washington DC

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16, 38 -- Subject: viaWWW:reticle for Leica Ultracut R
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2015 08:50:44 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:2nd international workshop on =?windows-1252?Q?=94TEM_s?=

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: klaus.leifer-at-angstrom.uu.se

This Question/Comment was submitted to the Microscopy Listserver
using the WWW based Form at http://microscopy.com/MLFormMail.html
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please copy both klaus.leifer-at-angstrom.uu.se as well as the Microscopy Listserver

Email: klaus.leifer-at-angstrom.uu.se
Name: Klaus Leifer

Organization: Uppsala University

Title-Subject: [Filtered] 2nd international workshop on ”TEM spectroscopy in materials science”

Message: Uppsala University organises the 2nd international workshop on ”TEM spectroscopy in
materials science” in Uppsala (18th-20th May). We have invited very good colleagues from the field
of spectroscopy and have made strong efforts to keep the registration fees very low. We believe that
this could make the workshop interesting for some of your co-workers or students. Uppsala is the
closest city to Stockholm airport (18min) and the airport is easy to reach for national and
international flights.

Detailed Information about the workshop can be found at this URL


Best regards

Prof. Klaus Leifer, Chair of Experimental Physics,
Laboratory of Electron Microscopy and Nanoengineering, Div. Applied Materials Science, Dep.
Engineering Science, Uppsala University, Angstromlaboratory, Lägerhyddsv. 1, Box 534, 751 21
Tel: 0046 18-471 7942, Mobile: 0046 70 425 09 81, Fax: 0046 18-471 32 70, email:

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Dr. Nestor J. Zaluzec
797 Bonnie Brae Ct.
Bolingbrook, Illinois 60440, USA
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25, 18 -- From microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com Wed Mar 25 08:50:43 2015
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25, 18 -- Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2015 08:50:43 -0500
25, 18 -- From: MicroscopyListserver-NoReply {microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com}
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25, 18 -- Subject: viaWWW:2nd international workshop on =?windows-1252?Q?=94TEM_s?=
25, 18 -- =?windows-1252?Q?pectroscopy_in_materials_science=94?=
25, 18 -- References: {201503251347.t2PDl7oX024471-at-ns.microscopy.com}
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From: parishcm-at-ornl.gov
Date: Fri, 27 Mar 2015 09:07:14 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] Removing Kapton tape

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

We have a very valuable sample that was wrapped in Kapton tape for analysis by synchrotron and micro-CT. The problem now is that we want to remove the tape and sticky residue to prepare the sample for FIB and TEM.

Does anyone have any recipes (chemical or otherwise) for getting the polymers off cleanly? We could bake / burn the sample (it's refractory ceramic) but we don't want to do this unless necessary.


Chad M. Parish, Ph.D.
Research and Development Staff Member
Radiation Effects and Microstructural Analysis Group
Materials Science and Technology Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Phone: 1 865 574 0092
Email: parishcm-at-ornl.gov

==============================Original Headers==============================
6, 37 -- From parishcm-at-ornl.gov Fri Mar 27 09:07:13 2015
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6, 37 -- Subject: Removing Kapton tape
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From: vray-at-partbeamsystech.com
Date: Fri, 27 Mar 2015 09:21:34 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: Removing Kapton tape

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hi Chad,

I had good luck removing Kapton tape residue from thin (~250um)
semiconductor samples by soaking in warm (~40C, covered beaker under
fume hood) acetone overnight and then gently rubbing with a Q-tip soaked
in acetone on a flat piece of teflon plastic.

If you find a better approach - please share.

Valery Ray - also with NISP Lab, UMDCP
PBS&T, MEO Engineering Co., Inc.
290 Broadway, Suite 298
Methuen, MA 01844, USA
Phone: +1-978-296-5063
E-Mail: vray-at-partbeamsystech.com
Web: www.partbeamsystech.com
Web: www.freudlabs.com
UMD E-Mail: vray-at-umd.edu

On 3/27/2015 10:09 AM, parishcm-at-ornl.gov wrote:
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} We have a very valuable sample that was wrapped in Kapton tape for analysis by synchrotron and micro-CT. The problem now is that we want to remove the tape and sticky residue to prepare the sample for FIB and TEM.
} Does anyone have any recipes (chemical or otherwise) for getting the polymers off cleanly? We could bake / burn the sample (it's refractory ceramic) but we don't want to do this unless necessary.
} Thanks
} Chad
} ---------------------
} Chad M. Parish, Ph.D.
} Research and Development Staff Member
} Radiation Effects and Microstructural Analysis Group
} Materials Science and Technology Division
} Oak Ridge National Laboratory
} Phone: 1 865 574 0092
} Email: parishcm-at-ornl.gov
} ==============================Original Headers==============================
} 6, 37 -- From parishcm-at-ornl.gov Fri Mar 27 09:07:13 2015
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} 6, 37 -- 15.00.1044.021; Fri, 27 Mar 2015 10:07:09 -0400
} 6, 37 -- From: "Parish, Chad M." {parishcm-at-ornl.gov}
} 6, 37 -- To: "Microscopy-at-Microscopy.Com" {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
} 6, 37 -- Subject: Removing Kapton tape
} 6, 37 -- Thread-Topic: Removing Kapton tape
} 6, 37 -- Thread-Index: AdBol09xycvJFFxeSWiSWHeC5oAvjw==
} 6, 37 -- Date: Fri, 27 Mar 2015 14:07:08 +0000
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2015 11:05:19 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Bruker Esprit 1.9 Problem

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: 13qw9-at-queensu.ca

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Email: 13qw9-at-queensu.ca
Name: Qiang Wang

Organization: Queen's University

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Bruker Esprit 1.9 Problem

Message: Hi all, we just installed an Bruker Esprit 1.9 offline software. Some problems happened.
The first one is when I was trying to do QMap for some existed ChemiSTEM HyperMap data, all the QMap
images are just black but not with different colors as usual. The second one is when I wanted to
make a new QMap method, error happened like "cliff-lorimer: wrong primary energy in standard
library". So, I guess there may be some parameters need to be changed? I change the "Voltage range"
to 200KV in the "Microscope information" already. So, if anyone of you know any possible reason for
this, please let me know. Thank you very much!

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From: johndmcmaster-at-gmail.com
Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2015 10:30:26 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] info needed: LeCroy 6010 magic controller

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

A friend is trying to get some instruments running but doesn't have the
manual for this. I found something similar, but it would be good to have
the actual user manual. Does anyone have a way to get this?

I've collected what I have so far here:


==============================Original Headers==============================
3, 33 -- From johndmcmaster-at-gmail.com Mon Mar 30 10:30:26 2015
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2015 17:52:47 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Service Contracts on older Leica equipment

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: bradabaugh-at-hsc.wvu.edu

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Email: bradabaugh-at-hsc.wvu.edu
Name: Becky Radabaugh

Organization: West Virginia Univirsity EM Department

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Service Contracts on older equipment

Message: We have an older Leica UCT ultramicrotome that is used for research and is no longer
covered under service contracts provided by Leica. Are there any companies that would provide
service contracts for older equipment such as this?

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15, 17 -- From microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com Mon Mar 30 17:52:46 2015
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From: Rosemary.White-at-csiro.au
Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2015 18:53:39 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: viaWWW:Service Contracts on older Leica equipment

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Dear Becky,

Although the older microtomes are officially no longer covered by service
contracts, you can often convince your Leica microtome specialist to
service them. They may complain, but they will usually do it (in our
experience, at least). We recently moved into a different building, and
the microtome specialist gave all of the microtomes a service, even the
oldest Ultracut (pre-Ultracut E). It will just cost a chunk of money.

However, in the USA, you likely have alternatives to Leica. They may not
give you a service contract but I imagine they will service the
instruments - they just need to be aware of the idiosyncracies of the
different models.

good luck,

Dr Rosemary White
CSIRO Black Mountain
GPO Box 1600
Canberra, ACT 2601

T 61 2 6246 5475
E rosemary.white-at-csiro.au

On 31/03/15 10:00 AM, "microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com"
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11, 44 -- Received: from exhtca03-cdc.nexus.csiro.au ([])
11, 44 -- by act-ironport-int.csiro.au with ESMTP/TLS/AES256-SHA; 31 Mar 2015 10:53:24 +1100
11, 44 -- Received: from EXMBX04-CDC.nexus.csiro.au ([fe80::9de3:d7af:4ed1:b7b6]) by
11, 44 -- exhtca03-cdc.nexus.csiro.au ([fe80::b180:5b00:7b4e:fa08%13]) with mapi id
11, 44 -- 14.03.0210.002; Tue, 31 Mar 2015 10:53:24 +1100
11, 44 -- From: {Rosemary.White-at-csiro.au}
11, 44 -- To: {microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
11, 44 -- CC: {bradabaugh-at-hsc.wvu.edu}
11, 44 -- Subject: Re: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Service Contracts on older Leica equipment
11, 44 -- Thread-Topic: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Service Contracts on older Leica equipment
11, 44 -- Thread-Index: AQHQaz8EZ2XAcW5+wUGh+fEj5Xn82Z01suuA
11, 44 -- Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2015 23:53:24 +0000
11, 44 -- Message-ID: {D1402BA6.188830%rosemary.white-at-csiro.au}
11, 44 -- In-Reply-To: {201503302300.t2UN0ntH002183-at-ns.microscopy.com}
11, 44 -- Accept-Language: en-NZ, en-US, en-AU
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From: philippe.buffat-at-epfl.ch
Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2015 19:35:10 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] Bruker Esprit 1.9 Problem

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Dear Qiang Wang,

Generally when you receive the message that you have a "wrong primary
energy in standard library" it means that your spectra or map was
recorded at a different energy than that used to build the Esprit library.

Go to the menu "Database", then top right open the button "Standard
Library" and select "new".
Accept to change the current library and fill the data for the new one:
-any name you like,
- elevation is the take-off angle, probably 18° or 22° for Titan or
Osiris respectively,
- azimuth the angle between the goniometer axis and the diode positions 45°
- sample tilt that you used to record the data.



==============================Original Headers==============================
5, 19 -- From philippe.buffat-at-epfl.ch Mon Mar 30 19:35:09 2015
5, 19 -- Received: from smtp5.epfl.ch (smtp5.epfl.ch [])
5, 19 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id t2V0Z98X004303
5, 19 -- for {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Mon, 30 Mar 2015 19:35:09 -0500
5, 19 -- Received: (qmail 6716 invoked by uid 107); 31 Mar 2015 00:35:06 -0000
5, 19 -- X-Virus-Scanned: ClamAV
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5, 19 -- by mail.epfl.ch (AngelmatoPhylax SMTP proxy) with ESMTP; Tue, 31 Mar 2015 02:35:06 +0200
5, 19 -- Message-ID: {5519EBB6.4090401-at-epfl.ch}
5, 19 -- Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2015 02:35:02 +0200
5, 19 -- From: Philippe Buffat {philippe.buffat-at-epfl.ch}
5, 19 -- Reply-To: philippe.buffat-at-epfl.ch
5, 19 -- Organization: EPFL
5, 19 -- User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.9; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.5.0
5, 19 -- MIME-Version: 1.0
5, 19 -- To: Microscopy-at-microscopy.com
5, 19 -- Subject: Bruker Esprit 1.9 Problem
5, 19 -- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
5, 19 -- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
==============================End of - Headers==============================

From: stefan.diller-at-t-online.de
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2015 12:57:06 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] RS232 Interface Zeiss DSM 960

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Dear All,
anybody out there who can give me the original Zeiss part number of the serial interface used to remote a Zeiss DSM 960 ?
It should be something like "348331-9023-1234"
Or better: Somebody out there who would like to part with this interface card?

Best regards,


Stefan Diller - Scientific Photography
Arndtstrasse 22
D - 97072 Wuerzburg Germany
++49-931-7848700 Phone
++49-931-7848701 Fax
++49-175-7177051 Mobile

Anfahrt: http://Mail.map24.com/Stefan.Diller

==============================Original Headers==============================
6, 21 -- From stefan.diller-at-t-online.de Tue Mar 31 12:57:01 2015
6, 21 -- Received: from mailout06.t-online.de (mailout06.t-online.de [])
6, 21 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id t2VHv1QN000587
6, 21 -- for {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Tue, 31 Mar 2015 12:57:01 -0500
6, 21 -- Received: from fwd27.aul.t-online.de (fwd27.aul.t-online.de [])
6, 21 -- by mailout06.t-online.de (Postfix) with SMTP id 49E2963F3CB
6, 21 -- for {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Tue, 31 Mar 2015 19:57:00 +0200 (CEST)
6, 21 -- Received: from mac-pro.local (GzWZbQZJghi-38FPG8yFVxIhXKq4ZqaCFpRnJ-+l36P9zukV6PixoZqsP4y35VMQDq-at-[]) by fwd27.t-online.de
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6, 21 -- esmtp id 1Yd0PI-08w5Y00; Tue, 31 Mar 2015 19:56:56 +0200
6, 21 -- Message-ID: {551ADFE7.2060401-at-t-online.de}
6, 21 -- Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2015 19:56:55 +0200
6, 21 -- From: Stefan Diller {stefan.diller-at-t-online.de}
6, 21 -- User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.9; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.5.0
6, 21 -- MIME-Version: 1.0
6, 21 -- To: microscopy-at-microscopy.com
6, 21 -- Subject: RS232 Interface Zeiss DSM 960
6, 21 -- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed
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==============================End of - Headers==============================

From: fahayes-at-ucdavis.edu
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2015 21:02:03 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] rationale for buying a high res sputter coater

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives


We have 3 FEI FEG SEMs in our building. A new FEI FIB, a 4 yr old FEI nanoSEM and a 15 yr old FEI XL30 SFEG

We have 2 older sputter coaters. A Polaron E5100 (1988) and a Denton Desk II. Both use mech pumps. Our Polaron is no longer working

The problem of course is the visible grain at high mags (} 50Kx) with gold, gold/palladium, etc. It doesn't matter if it's the Polaron or the Denton. Same result. Visible grain over 50Kx.

I need to justify with written rationale to our directors why we should consider buying a high res coater. Simply stating "to compliment our 3 FEG SEMs" is not enough of a reason to spend the money. They prefer I fix the Polaron.

Any ideas/feedback from those who have already crossed this bridge would be helpful.

Thank you in advance

Also, does anyone have a resource for parts for Polaron coaters circa 1988 models?

Fred Hayes
Manager, AMCaT Labs
CHMS, College of Eng
UC Davis

==============================Original Headers==============================
12, 51 -- From fahayes-at-ucdavis.edu Tue Mar 31 21:02:02 2015
12, 51 -- Received: from smtp2.ucdavis.edu (smtp2.ucdavis.edu [])
12, 51 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id t312211I009135
12, 51 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Tue, 31 Mar 2015 21:02:02 -0500
12, 51 -- Received: from exhub.ex.ad3.ucdavis.edu (mailbag.housing.ucdavis.edu [])
12, 51 -- by smtp2.ucdavis.edu (8.14.4/8.14.5/it-oel6-mimedefang-smtp-1.9) with ESMTP id t3121mde006125
12, 51 -- (version=TLSv1/SSLv3 cipher=AES128-SHA bits=128 verify=OK)
12, 51 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Tue, 31 Mar 2015 19:02:00 -0700
12, 51 -- Received: from na01-bn1-obe.outbound.protection.outlook.com (
12, 51 -- by exhub.ex.ad3.ucdavis.edu ( with Microsoft SMTP Server
12, 51 -- (TLS) id; Tue, 31 Mar 2015 19:01:58 -0700
12, 51 -- Received: from DM2PR0801MB652.namprd08.prod.outlook.com ( by
12, 51 -- DM2PR0801MB651.namprd08.prod.outlook.com ( with Microsoft SMTP
12, 51 -- Server (TLS) id; Wed, 1 Apr 2015 02:01:56 +0000
12, 51 -- Received: from DM2PR0801MB652.namprd08.prod.outlook.com ([]) by
12, 51 -- DM2PR0801MB652.namprd08.prod.outlook.com ([]) with mapi id
12, 51 -- 15.01.0118.022; Wed, 1 Apr 2015 02:01:56 +0000
12, 51 -- From: Fred Hayes {fahayes-at-ucdavis.edu}
12, 51 -- To: "Microscopy-at-microscopy.com" {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
12, 51 -- Subject: rationale for buying a high res sputter coater
12, 51 -- Thread-Topic: rationale for buying a high res sputter coater
12, 51 -- Thread-Index: AdBsHbeDSWYu9NZsSriicsUEbzfugg==
12, 51 -- Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2015 02:01:56 +0000
12, 51 -- Message-ID: {DM2PR0801MB652387327D70F18ECE1AC91BEF30-at-DM2PR0801MB652.namprd08.prod.outlook.com}
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12, 51 -- X-OriginatorOrg: ucdavis.edu
12, 51 -- X-Greylist: Sender succeeded STARTTLS authentication, not delayed by milter-greylist-4.4.3 (smtp2.ucdavis.edu []); Tue, 31 Mar 2015 19:02:00 -0700 (PDT)
12, 51 -- X-Virus-Scanned: clamav-milter 0.98.1 at smtp2
12, 51 -- X-Virus-Status: Clean
12, 51 -- X-Scanned-By: MIMEDefang 2.74
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12, 51 -- X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by ns.microscopy.com id t312211I009135
==============================End of - Headers==============================

From: jhall-at-2spi.com
Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2015 07:36:35 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] rationale for buying a high res sputter coater

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hi Fred,

At the risk of sounding too salsesman-y, I'd like to offer my thoughts on your situation.

First, congrats on having 3 FEGs at your facility! That's always a good problem to have! A couple things to consider:

As for the coaters, I would start with the following approach. First, figure out the size of the features you are looking for. You should have an idea of the grain size put down by each of your coaters. If the coating thickness or grain size exceeds the size of the features you are looking for, you will never see them. I would try stating it in such a way that you may be missing important information or obtaining inaccurate information from your samples because it is highly possible small features have been completely obscured by the thickness and or grain size of the metal coating you are currently using. I would recommend either an osmium coater or a high vacuum iridium or platinum coater, as you will be able to lay down much thinner coatings with grain sizes that may not even be visible.

If you are working at very low accelerating voltages, know that almost all samples, regardless of how carefully they were prepared or stored, build up a thin layer of hydrocarbon material on the surface. When working below 2kV, this contamination contributes significantly to the image formed. Ideally it should be removed with a UV cleaning cycle (although a very low power plasma clean may work on some materials). Doing so may will give a much better, and more accurate surface image, and may eliminate the need for a metal coating in some instances.

In the end, I think a valid way to frame your request is by stating that you want to use the equipment and tools that will get you the most accurate data from your samples, and not leave your results open to questioning or second guessing. If it results in saving time (samples come out right the first time) or money (new systems come with warranties, less prone to breakdowns) that might also help.

Best of luck! If you would like to continue this conversation offline, I would be happy to.




Jeffrey A. Hall | Microscopist
SPI Supplies | 206 Garfield Ave. | West Chester, PA 19380, USA
1-610-436-5400 x106 | jhall-at-2spi.com | http://www.2spi.com
Twitter: http://2spi.com/twitter | Facebook: http://2spi.com/facebook

Dismclaimer: SPI Supplies manufactures and distributes tools for people working in microscopy laboratories

X-from: fahayes-at-ucdavis.edu {fahayes-at-ucdavis.edu}
Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 10:19 PM
To: Jeff Hall


We have 3 FEI FEG SEMs in our building. A new FEI FIB, a 4 yr old FEI nanoSEM and a 15 yr old FEI XL30 SFEG

We have 2 older sputter coaters. A Polaron E5100 (1988) and a Denton Desk II. Both use mech pumps. Our Polaron is no longer working

The problem of course is the visible grain at high mags (} 50Kx) with gold, gold/palladium, etc. It doesn't matter if it's the Polaron or the Denton. Same result. Visible grain over 50Kx.

I need to justify with written rationale to our directors why we should consider buying a high res coater. Simply stating "to compliment our 3 FEG SEMs" is not enough of a reason to spend the money. They prefer I fix the Polaron.

Any ideas/feedback from those who have already crossed this bridge would be helpful.

Thank you in advance

Also, does anyone have a resource for parts for Polaron coaters circa 1988 models?

Fred Hayes
Manager, AMCaT Labs
CHMS, College of Eng
UC Davis

==============================Original Headers==============================
12, 51 -- From fahayes-at-ucdavis.edu Tue Mar 31 21:02:02 2015
12, 51 -- Received: from smtp2.ucdavis.edu (smtp2.ucdavis.edu [])
12, 51 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id t312211I009135
12, 51 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Tue, 31 Mar 2015 21:02:02 -0500
12, 51 -- Received: from exhub.ex.ad3.ucdavis.edu (mailbag.housing.ucdavis.edu [])
12, 51 -- by smtp2.ucdavis.edu (8.14.4/8.14.5/it-oel6-mimedefang-smtp-1.9) with ESMTP id t3121mde006125
12, 51 -- (version=TLSv1/SSLv3 cipher=AES128-SHA bits=128 verify=OK)
12, 51 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Tue, 31 Mar 2015 19:02:00 -0700
12, 51 -- Received: from na01-bn1-obe.outbound.protection.outlook.com (
12, 51 -- by exhub.ex.ad3.ucdavis.edu ( with Microsoft SMTP Server
12, 51 -- (TLS) id; Tue, 31 Mar 2015 19:01:58 -0700
12, 51 -- Received: from DM2PR0801MB652.namprd08.prod.outlook.com ( by
12, 51 -- DM2PR0801MB651.namprd08.prod.outlook.com ( with Microsoft SMTP
12, 51 -- Server (TLS) id; Wed, 1 Apr 2015 02:01:56 +0000
12, 51 -- Received: from DM2PR0801MB652.namprd08.prod.outlook.com ([]) by
12, 51 -- DM2PR0801MB652.namprd08.prod.outlook.com ([]) with mapi id
12, 51 -- 15.01.0118.022; Wed, 1 Apr 2015 02:01:56 +0000
12, 51 -- From: Fred Hayes {fahayes-at-ucdavis.edu}
12, 51 -- To: "Microscopy-at-microscopy.com" {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
12, 51 -- Subject: rationale for buying a high res sputter coater
12, 51 -- Thread-Topic: rationale for buying a high res sputter coater
12, 51 -- Thread-Index: AdBsHbeDSWYu9NZsSriicsUEbzfugg==
12, 51 -- Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2015 02:01:56 +0000
12, 51 -- Message-ID: {DM2PR0801MB652387327D70F18ECE1AC91BEF30-at-DM2PR0801MB652.namprd08.prod.outlook.com}
12, 51 -- Accept-Language: en-US
12, 51 -- Content-Language: en-US
12, 51 -- X-MS-Has-Attach:
12, 51 -- X-MS-TNEF-Correlator:
12, 51 -- x-originating-ip: []
12, 51 -- authentication-results: microscopy.com; dkim=none (message not signed)
12, 51 -- header.d=none;
12, 51 -- x-microsoft-antispam: UriScan:;BCL:0;PCL:0;RULEID:;SRVR:DM2PR0801MB651;
12, 51 -- x-forefront-antispam-report: BMV:1;SFV:NSPM;SFS:(10009020)(6009001)(504964003)(102836002)(50986999)(54356999)(40100003)(86362001)(87936001)(450100001)(76576001)(2501003)(2656002)(122556002)(77156002)(92566002)(2900100001)(2351001)(229853001)(62966003)(77096005)(90282001)(33656002)(74316001)(107886001)(46102003)(110136001)(99286002)(88552001)(75432002)(89122001);DIR:OUT;SFP:1101;SCL:1;SRVR:DM2PR0801MB651;H:DM2PR0801MB652.namprd08.prod.outlook.com;FPR:;SPF:None;MLV:sfv;LANG:en;
12, 51 -- x-microsoft-antispam-prvs: {DM2PR0801MB651C26D2D1ADE9C9B84F910BEF30-at-DM2PR0801MB651.namprd08.prod.outlook.com}
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12, 51 -- x-forefront-prvs: 053315510E
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12, 51 -- X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-originalarrivaltime: 01 Apr 2015 02:01:56.1550
12, 51 -- (UTC)
12, 51 -- X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-fromentityheader: Hosted
12, 51 -- X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-id: a8046f64-66c0-4f00-9046-c8daf92ff62b
12, 51 -- X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: DM2PR0801MB651
12, 51 -- X-OriginatorOrg: ucdavis.edu
12, 51 -- X-Greylist: Sender succeeded STARTTLS authentication, not delayed by milter-greylist-4.4.3 (smtp2.ucdavis.edu []); Tue, 31 Mar 2015 19:02:00 -0700 (PDT)
12, 51 -- X-Virus-Scanned: clamav-milter 0.98.1 at smtp2
12, 51 -- X-Virus-Status: Clean
12, 51 -- X-Scanned-By: MIMEDefang 2.74
12, 51 -- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
12, 51 -- X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by ns.microscopy.com id t312211I009135
==============================End of - Headers==============================

==============================Original Headers==============================
29, 28 -- From jhall-at-2spi.com Wed Apr 1 07:36:28 2015
29, 28 -- Received: from SPI-EX-01.spi.local (mail.2spi.com [])
29, 28 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id t31CaSv0015083
29, 28 -- for {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Wed, 1 Apr 2015 07:36:28 -0500
29, 28 -- Received: from SPI-EX-01.spi.local ( by SPI-EX-01.spi.local
29, 28 -- ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (TLS) id 15.0.847.32; Wed, 1 Apr
29, 28 -- 2015 08:35:35 -0400
29, 28 -- Received: from SPI-EX-01.spi.local ([fe80::f8c4:9b23:d8de:fa70]) by
29, 28 -- SPI-EX-01.spi.local ([fe80::f8c4:9b23:d8de:fa70%12]) with mapi id
29, 28 -- 15.00.0847.030; Wed, 1 Apr 2015 08:35:35 -0400
29, 28 -- From: Jeff Hall {jhall-at-2spi.com}
29, 28 -- To: "microscopy-at-microscopy.com" {microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
29, 28 -- Subject: RE: [Microscopy] rationale for buying a high res sputter coater
29, 28 -- Thread-Topic: [Microscopy] rationale for buying a high res sputter coater
29, 28 -- Thread-Index: AQHQbCI+vtFjTwF650qdZXTql9qpgZ04ESZK
29, 28 -- Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2015 12:35:35 +0000
29, 28 -- Message-ID: {dc3081fa7e3c40dfa7d25d179b1d350c-at-SPI-EX-01.spi.local}
29, 28 -- References: {201504010219.t312JaHa022597-at-ns.microscopy.com}
29, 28 -- In-Reply-To: {201504010219.t312JaHa022597-at-ns.microscopy.com}
29, 28 -- Accept-Language: en-US
29, 28 -- Content-Language: en-US
29, 28 -- X-MS-Has-Attach:
29, 28 -- X-MS-TNEF-Correlator:
29, 28 -- x-originating-ip: []
29, 28 -- Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
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29, 28 -- X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by ns.microscopy.com id t31CaSv0015083
==============================End of - Headers==============================

From: john.mitchels-at-gmail.com
Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2015 12:06:37 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] Microscopy and Analysis Conference 2015 - Bath,UK

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

The University of Bath is holding a one-day Microscopy and Analysis
Conference on 6th May 2015.

We have some excellent speakers for the Conference - see
http://blogs.bath.ac.uk/mas/ for details of speakers, information
about the trade exhibition and a conference program to download.

There will be a free buffet lunch and wine/beer reception for delegates!

It is free to sign up for the conference - just email Ursula Potter at
University of Bath (u.j.potter-at-bath.ac.uk).

==============================Original Headers==============================
4, 26 -- From john.mitchels-at-gmail.com Wed Apr 1 12:06:36 2015
4, 26 -- Received: from mail-ie0-f177.google.com (mail-ie0-f177.google.com [])
4, 26 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id t31H6af6008629
4, 26 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Wed, 1 Apr 2015 12:06:36 -0500
4, 26 -- Received: by iedm5 with SMTP id m5so48793007ied.3
4, 26 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Wed, 01 Apr 2015 10:06:36 -0700 (PDT)
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4, 26 -- Subject: Microscopy and Analysis Conference 2015 - Bath,UK
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2015 17:59:06 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:2015 UMB Current Electron Microscopy Techniques Workshop

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: rhsia-at-umaryland.edu

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Email: rhsia-at-umaryland.edu
Name: Ru-ching Hsia

Organization: University of Maryland, Baltimore

Title-Subject: [Filtered] 2015 UMB Current Electron Microscopy Techniques Workshop

Message: Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce that the Electron Microscopy Core Imaging facility (EMCIF) at the
University of Maryland Baltimore will be hosting the Second Annual Current EM Techniques Workshop on
May 28th and 29th, 2015.

The focus of this yearÂ’s workshop is immuno electron microscopy. The workshop will include oral
presentations and tips-and-tricks discussion forums during the morning session followed by live
instrument demonstrations and hands-on practice in the afternoon session.

Dr. Kent McDonald will be keynote speaker this year. There will be four tips and trick discussion
forum sessions led by experienced panelists to discuss various aspects of immuno EM methods and
techniques. Demo instruments will feature high pressure freezer, freeze substitution systems, a
cryo-ultramicrotome, a grid plunger, cryo-TEM, cryo-SEM and possibly a CLEM system.

A dinner event will be co-sponsored by the Chesapeake Microscopy and Microanalysis society (CMMS) on
May 28th providing opportunities for social and scientific exchange among workshop participants and
CMMS members.
More information regarding the workshop and registration can be found on our website


Please email coreimaging-at-umaryland.edu for any enquiries about the workshop.

We look forward to welcoming you in Baltimore in May.

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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2015 17:59:48 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Diagnosing problems with a carbon coater

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: dan.fairweather-at-delphi.com

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please copy both dan.fairweather-at-delphi.com as well as the Microscopy Listserver

Email: dan.fairweather-at-delphi.com
Name: Dan Fairweather

Organization: Delphi Automotive, Powertrain Div

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Diagnosing problems with a carbon coater

Message: Our lab had an EMS 450 carbon coater sitting on the counter top. I located the roughing
pump in storage and am trying to make the system operational. All electrical operation seems to be
working. I dumped out the old pump oil and replaced with new oil. Upon first pumping down the
system, the vacuum gauge leveled at 5x10-1 mbar. I worked with the vacuum pump connections and was
able to obtain 2x10-1 mbar. I ordered new seals for the jar that forms the vacuum chamber [the old
seals are at least 10yrs old]. The new seals just came in, and there was no improvement to the level
of vacuum. One of the observations that I have made is that I obtain the best vacuum when I turn on
the system in the morning. If I leave the system running, the vacuum level will steadily worsen,
holding finally at 5x10-1 mbar. Once I have cycled the system, I can never reach that level again
unless I wait until the next day.

Any suggestions from the community? Do I have a pump problem or a vacuum gauge problem?

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12, 17 -- From microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com Wed Apr 1 17:59:47 2015
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2015 18:00:37 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:TEM - MT2 Ultramicrotome Operation

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: aheiss-at-amnh.org

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using the WWW based Form at http://www.microscopy.com/MLFormMail.html
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please copy both aheiss-at-amnh.org as well as the Microscopy Listserver

Email: aheiss-at-amnh.org
Name: Aaron Heiss

Organization: American Museum of Natural History

Title-Subject: [Filtered] TEM - MT2 Ultramicrotome Operation

Message: Hello all! I am a moderately experienced ultramicrotomist who learned on a Leica UC7, and
subsequently used a Reichert-Jung Ultracut E. I'm now working with a Sorvall MT2, and while the
unit is well-maintained and I can get good sections from it, I'm not sure exactly how thick it's
cutting.* I know that the "main" setting is done with the knob on the top (which is marked for
thickness in tens-of-Angstroms, better known as nanometres) but that this is affected by the wheel
on the left of the front panel, and I'm not really sure how, or what to make of the markings (0 to
18). So, my question is this: how exactly does one set a precise thickness on the MT2?

* Yes, I can use interference colours, or check the thickness of folds, but this only measures the
thickness of the sections, not how much material was cut from the block. In other words, it doesn't
account for compression, which is of course variable both before and after spreading (I use
chloroform vapours for this). The amount cut from the block is important because I'm doing 3-D
reconstruction of serial sections, which means that I need to know exactly how far apart the
sections are in the block.


Aaron A. Heiss, Ph.D.
Gerstner Scholar and Lerner-Gray Fellow
Eunsoo Kim Laboratory
Department of Invertebrate Zoology
American Museum of Natural History
Central Park West at 79th Street
New York, NY 10024 USA


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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2015 18:01:41 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Need to purchase a TEM with EDS any suggestions?

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: joseph.n.madary.civ-at-mail.mil

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using the WWW based Form at http://microscopy.com/MicroscopyListserver/MLFormMail.html
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please copy both joseph.n.madary.civ-at-mail.mil as well as the Microscopy Listserver

Email: joseph.n.madary.civ-at-mail.mil
Name: nick madary

Organization: joint pathology center(US Gov)

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Need to purchase a TEM with EDS any suggestions?

Message: I am sorry if this as a duplicate. In the market for a TEM with EDS and top notch imaging.
If anyone has any suggestions on what not to buy and there are vendors out there please help. We do
strictly biologicals(but do have a need for elemental analysis some times).
regards, Nick

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11, 17 -- Subject: viaWWW:Need to purchase a TEM with EDS any suggestions?
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From: tina-at-pbrc.hawaii.edu
Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2015 19:27:32 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: viaWWW:Need to purchase a TEM with EDS any suggestions?

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hi, Nick-

I'm liking my Hitachi HT7700 all digital (no film) TEM. It strikes me as
being very suitable for pathology. Hitachi would probably be glad to put
you in contact with a couple of path labs I know of who bought one. EDS is
available for that TEM, but I do not have it.


} Email: joseph.n.madary.civ-at-mail.mil
} Name: nick madary
} Organization: joint pathology center(US Gov)
} Title-Subject: [Filtered] Need to purchase a TEM with EDS any suggestions?
} Message: I am sorry if this as a duplicate. In the market for a TEM with
} EDS and top notch imaging.
} If anyone has any suggestions on what not to buy and there are vendors out
} there please help. We do
} strictly biologicals(but do have a need for elemental analysis some times).
} regards, Nick
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* Tina (Weatherby) Carvalho * tina-at-pbrc.hawaii.edu *
* Biological Electron Microscope Facility * (808) 956-6251 *
* University of Hawaii at Manoa * http://www.pbrc.hawaii.edu/bemf*

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7, 21 -- From tina-at-pbrc.hawaii.edu Wed Apr 1 19:27:30 2015
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From: jpapalia-at-papalia.net
Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2015 04:14:25 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: viaWWW:Diagnosing problems with a carbon coater

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives


Plenty of variables to consider, but perhaps most straight-forward is that if the seals in your roughing pump are as old as the jar seals AND it was sitting around with used oil in it, you probably should consider a pump rebuild since there's no telling how bad things might be inside the pump. You might also check out the literature on your pump if any is available to see what vacuum levels it's capable of when working perfectly so that you can determine a real target vacuum to aim for (not knowing the details of the pump, for all we know you're actually within spec, poor as it might be).


On April 1, 2015 7:26:26 PM EDT,microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com wrote:
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5, 24 -- From jpapalia-at-papalia.net Thu Apr 2 04:14:17 2015
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5, 24 -- Message-id: {551D085E.4000209-at-papalia.net}
5, 24 -- Date: Thu, 02 Apr 2015 05:14:06 -0400
5, 24 -- From: John Papalia {jpapalia-at-papalia.net}
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From: oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu
Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2015 08:56:50 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: viaWWW:TEM - MT2 Ultramicrotome Operation

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives


Do you have the manual? If not, I can send a pdf of it.
Basically, the knob on top is thickness in Ångstroms, and the thickness
wheel on the left is a multiplier of the knob value.
So: knob at 100 X wheel = thickness in Ångstroms
How accurate this is depends on how well maintained and how worn is your
MT-2. Particularly the Nylon block that rests on the advance screw.


} Email: aheiss-at-amnh.org
} Name: Aaron Heiss
} Organization: American Museum of Natural History
} Title-Subject: [Filtered] TEM - MT2 Ultramicrotome Operation
} Message: Hello all! I am a moderately experienced ultramicrotomist who learned on a Leica UC7, and
} subsequently used a Reichert-Jung Ultracut E. I'm now working with a Sorvall MT2, and while the
} unit is well-maintained and I can get good sections from it, I'm not sure exactly how thick it's
} cutting.* I know that the "main" setting is done with the knob on the top (which is marked for
} thickness in tens-of-Angstroms, better known as nanometres) but that this is affected by the wheel
} on the left of the front panel, and I'm not really sure how, or what to make of the markings (0 to
} 18). So, my question is this: how exactly does one set a precise thickness on the MT2?
} * Yes, I can use interference colours, or check the thickness of folds, but this only measures the
} thickness of the sections, not how much material was cut from the block. In other words, it doesn't
} account for compression, which is of course variable both before and after spreading (I use
} chloroform vapours for this). The amount cut from the block is important because I'm doing 3-D
} reconstruction of serial sections, which means that I need to know exactly how far apart the
} sections are in the block.
} TIA!
} Aaron
} Aaron A. Heiss, Ph.D.
} Gerstner Scholar and Lerner-Gray Fellow
} Eunsoo Kim Laboratory
} Department of Invertebrate Zoology
} American Museum of Natural History
} Central Park West at 79th Street
} New York, NY 10024 USA
} 212-769-5838
} aheiss-at-amnh.org
Philip Oshel
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024C Brooks Hall
Central Michigan University
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(989) 774-3576

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From: jhall-at-2spi.com
Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2015 10:26:42 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Diagnosing problems with a carbon coater

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Dan's right - There are a lot of variables to consider. I'll add a few more :)

The fact that your vacuum worsens as time elapses makes me wonder if it is backstreaming oil into your carbon coater. A quick check of the vacuum line should let you know. If it is, that's the first thing to take care of before you contaminate the whole system with oil.

Assuming there is no backstreaming occurring, if you have access to a vacuum meter, you might want to attach it directly to the pump and see what kind of vacuum the pump is pulling on its own (no coater, no vacuum tubing). That should tell you which side the problem is on. If you don't have a vacuum meter, try to find a second pump to try out on the system to confirm the vacuum you can pull.

If it's the pump, a rebuild or a new pump is probably the best option. My personal experience with rebuilds has been about 50/50, for what it's worth.

If the pump seems fine and the problem seems to be on the coater side, I would start by removing the bell jar and plugging the vacuum inlet in the chamber with a stopper to see again which side the problem is on - the chamber itself, or the internals. From there, it becomes a matter of trying to check seals to find the leak.

I hope that helps - best of luck!


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Plenty of variables to consider, but perhaps most straight-forward is that if the seals in your roughing pump are as old as the jar seals AND it was sitting around with used oil in it, you probably should consider a pump rebuild since there's no telling how bad things might be inside the pump. You might also check out the literature on your pump if any is available to see what vacuum levels it's capable of when working perfectly so that you can determine a real target vacuum to aim for (not knowing the details of the pump, for all we know you're actually within spec, poor as it might be).


On April 1, 2015 7:26:26 PM EDT,microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com wrote:
--|------- The Microscopy ListServer -- CoSponsor: The Microscopy
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--|please copy bothdan.fairweather-at-delphi.com as well as the
--|Microscopy Listserver
--|Name: Dan Fairweather
--|Organization: Delphi Automotive, Powertrain Div
--|Title-Subject: [Filtered] Diagnosing problems with a carbon coater
--|Message: Our lab had an EMS 450 carbon coater sitting on the counter
--|top. I located the roughing pump in storage and am trying to make the
--|system operational. All electrical operation seems to be working. I
--|dumped out the old pump oil and replaced with new oil. Upon first
--|pumping down the system, the vacuum gauge leveled at 5x10-1 mbar. I
--|worked with the vacuum pump connections and was able to obtain 2x10-1
--|mbar. I ordered new seals for the jar that forms the vacuum chamber
--|[the old seals are at least 10yrs old]. The new seals just came in,
--|and there was no improvement to the level of vacuum. One of the
--|observations that I have made is that I obtain the best vacuum when I
--|turn on the system in the morning. If I leave the system running, the
--|vacuum level will steadily worsen, holding finally at 5x10-1 mbar.
--|Once I have cycled the system, I can never reach that level again
--|unless I wait until the next day.
--|Any suggestions from the community? Do I have a pump problem or a
--|vacuum gauge problem?
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15, 29 -- From jhall-at-2spi.com Thu Apr 2 10:26:42 2015
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15, 29 -- Subject: RE: [Microscopy] Re: viaWWW:Diagnosing problems with a carbon coater
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Fri, 3 Apr 2015 07:41:01 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] Fwd: [Filtered] MicroscopyListserverviaWWW: Denton DCP-1 critical

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Hi Phil -- I don't think we do have a manual -- and whether or not we do, a PDF would be most welcome!

I should've mentioned in my original post that I'd been told that the two numbers were multiplied, but I was beginning to suspect that I'd misunderstood. This is because I'd set the top knob to my desired thickness (50 nm in this case) and the front wheel to 1, and was getting no advance at all. Setting the front wheel to 2 gave different results depending on whether I'd dialed up or down to get there. Others have told me that the best practice is to set the top knob to something much lower and dial the front wheel up -- so for 50 nm I should set the top knob to 10 and the front wheel to 5, or vice versa. I'll give that a try and see if it works.

Many thanks, to you and to everyone else who responded via e-mail!!

Aaron A. Heiss, Ph.D.
Gerstner Scholar and Lerner-Gray Fellow
Eunsoo Kim Laboratory
Department of Invertebrate Zoology
American Museum of Natural History
Central Park West at 79th Street
New York, NY 10024 USA


X-from: Philip Oshel [oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu]
Sent: April 2, 2015 9:56 AM
To: Aaron Heiss; micro

X-from: joseph.uknalis-at-ars.usda.gov

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Email: joseph.uknalis-at-ars.usda.gov
Name: Joe Uknalis

Organization: USDA

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Denton DCP-1 critical point dryer gasket

Message: I got replacement gaskets for the pressure chamber from Denton because the existing one was
very old (cracking, leaking). Popped the new one on and threw the old in the trash. The new ones
looked thicker than the old but I chalked it up to age...

Now when I bleed gas into the chamber the gasket pops out of place no matter how tight I screw down
the clamp. Mercifully at a low pressure { 50 psi.

Our instrument is pretty old, prob from 1972.
I got the sense that the new ones have a groove that the o-ring sits in...

Can anyone verify this?
Anyone know of a source for a slightly thinner O-ring that will fit??



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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Sat, 4 Apr 2015 17:07:12 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Postdoctoral Research Position at University of KwaZulu-Natal

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X-from: Pruessner-at-ukzn.ac.za

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Email: Pruessner-at-ukzn.ac.za
Name: Karin Pruessner

Organization: University of KwaZulu-Natal

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Postdoctoral Research Position

Message: The University of KwaZulu-Natal in beautiful Durban, South Africa, is home to an
interdisciplinary Nanotechnology Platform consisting of 4 pillars in Nano Energy, Nano Materials,
Nano Health and Quantum. The Nano Energy pillar has a position available for a Postdoctoral
Researcher to be filled as soon as possible. Our team consists of Chemists, Physicists, Materials
Scientists, and Engineers. We are working on the development of an off-grid refrigeration unit for
rural areas in Africa.
We are looking for a Materials Scientist with a solid background in Materials Characterization to
join us. Neighboring fields will be considered. The successful candidate should have experience in
nanotechnology and at least one of the following areas:
• Nano Photovoltaics
• Nano Energy Storage
• Nano Cooling Fluids
• Graphene
Hands-on experience in X-Ray Diffraction, Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy and Raman
Spectroscopy is expected. Additional expertise in Materials Synthesis would be advantageous.
Interested candidates should send their electronic application materials to:
Dr Karin Pruessner, Coordinator Nano Energy
School of Chemistry and Physics
University of KwaZulu-Natal - Westville Campus
University Road
Durban, 4000
South Africa
Ph: ++27 31 260-7660
e-mail: Pruessner-at-ukzn.ac.za

The post is initially for one year with the possibility of renewal. Review of applications will
begin immediately.

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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Sat, 4 Apr 2015 17:08:21 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Bruker EDS system info needed

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X-from: gary-at-gaugler.com

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Email: gary-at-gaugler.com
Name: Dr. Gary Gaugler

Organization: Here and there

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Bruker EDS system

Message: Does anyone know about this Bruker EDS system and what its used price might be? I assume
that it is an SDD. I'm not familiar with Bruker. Details of the system are below.

Bruker EDS detector

X-Flash Detector 3001: 10 mm2, FWHM { 129
Quantax single processing unit SVE
Quantax workstation class computer
Quantax IO-scan system and interface
Esprit integrated manual

Software for Bruker EDS:
Esprit Spectrum based
Esprit Quant
Esprit E-quant
Esprit HS-quant
Esprit Scan
Esprit Line
Esprit Map
Esprit Multi-point
Esprit Project
Esprit Report
Esprit SEMlink
Esprit U-quant

What is an SVE?

gary g.

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From: rongchigram79-at-yahoo.com.sg
Date: Sun, 5 Apr 2015 09:35:49 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] Anyone have tried both Gatan Cryo/ LN2 Cold Stage Holder Model 636

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Dear All, may i ask if any of you have the chance to try both
Gatan Cryo/ LN2 Cold Stage Holder Model 636 and CHDT3504? Are both holder performing equally well? Any pros and cons?

Yee Yan, Tay
Nanyang Technological University

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From: John-at-MicroVisionLabs.com
Date: Mon, 6 Apr 2015 10:00:45 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Bruker EDS system info needed

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hi Gary,
My lab has two Bruker EDS systems and they are great. In my opinion they
are the best EDS systems on the market. Yes it has a silicon drift
detector. I don't know what SVE stands for. 10mm2 window is small but will
likely give you more counts than you are used to (50K to 100K cps). The
software options are all the most basic ones.

The big thing that is missing is the HyperMap option, which in my opinion is
one of the best things about the system. It allows you to go back to a map
you collected a year ago and change the element list or create an EDS
spectrum of a point or area on that map just like the sample were still in
the SEM. But I think Bruker will let you add that or any other software
option that you may want which is not already activated.

My guess is that the system is worth at least $15K to $20K depending on its
age and condition. The guy you want to talk to about this system is Robert
Brandon of Bruker (Robert.Brandom-at-bruker-axs.com). He is one of their sales
managers and has been very helpful to me in the past. Ted Juzwak,
Applications Lab Manager at Bruker (Ted.Juzwak-at-bruker-axs.com) is also a
wealth of information on these systems.

You don't see X-Flash systems on the used equipment market very often
though. They last a long time and are so good no one sells them to upgrade
to a better system because there isn't anything better.

Good luck,

John Knowles
MicroVision Laboratories

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Email: gary-at-gaugler.com
Name: Dr. Gary Gaugler

Organization: Here and there

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Bruker EDS system

Message: Does anyone know about this Bruker EDS system and what its used
price might be? I assume that it is an SDD. I'm not familiar with Bruker.
Details of the system are below.

Bruker EDS detector

X-Flash Detector 3001: 10 mm2, FWHM { 129 Quantax single processing unit SVE
Quantax workstation class computer Quantax IO-scan system and interface
Esprit integrated manual

Software for Bruker EDS:
Esprit Spectrum based
Esprit Quant
Esprit E-quant
Esprit HS-quant
Esprit Scan
Esprit Line
Esprit Map
Esprit Multi-point
Esprit Project
Esprit Report
Esprit SEMlink
Esprit U-quant

What is an SVE?

gary g.

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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Tue, 7 Apr 2015 19:33:34 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:which SEM should we buy for biological/zoological work?

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X-from: scottserata-at-gmail.com

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Email: scottserata-at-gmail.com
Name: Scott Serata

Organization: California Academy of Sciences

Title-Subject: [Filtered] which SEM should we buy for biological/zoological work?

Message: Hi, I am the SEM engineer at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco. We have
had a Zeiss/LEO 1450VP SEM for about 14 years. We are a zoological research organization with
specialists in Entomology, Arachnology, Botany, Invertebrate Zoology, Herpetology, etc. I am
starting the process of collecting information in order to purchase a new SEM. Any advice out there
from people who do similar work?

Also if anyone has any feedback about the quality of field service from Zeiss, Hitachi, JEOL, FEI, etc.

Our SEM is generally used for imaging specimens using the conventional high-vacuum SE detector.
Usually the specimens are coated using a gold/palladium sputter coater. We do need the ability to
image uncoated specimens using either VPSE (variable pressure) or BSD. Our biggest problem with the
old LEO 1450VP was the inability to get good sharp images on uncoated specimens due to charging. We
generally do not need to look at wet specimens so we do not need very high chamber pressures.
Currently I am looking at the Zeiss EVO MA 10 and the Hitachi SU 3500. We do not need any analytical
detectors (no Xray EDS, etc) Max magnifications are perhaps 100kX. Tungsten filament electron gun is
fine. We probably don't want to spend more than $200k. This is a big deal for us because we will
probably be stuck with this machine for another 14 years so we want to make the right decision!

Thank you for your time!
Scott Serata

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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Wed, 8 Apr 2015 17:29:01 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW: Reply about SEM purchase

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X-from: joseph.n.madary.civ-at-mail.mil

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Email: joseph.n.madary.civ-at-mail.mil
Name: Nick Madary

Organization: joint pathology center

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Reply about SEM purchase

Message: Hi Scott, You have come to the right place because I have had so much great info regarding
a TEM c EDS purchase. I will tell you actually using Hitachis, they are really good, I lean to the
3500 just because of my apps. JEOL has a nice table top model that is excellent as wel, you almost
do not even realize there is an SEM there, the computer screen is as large as the unit it seems. You
are in an enviable position. I see you have money, but if not, there are some gov surplus sites that
might have really decent scopes that were turned in due to BRAC. We will do one soon ourselves.
Zeiss has always been awesome at TEM,so if you can choose go with Hitachit or even that nice, new
small JEOL.

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From: krassimir.bozhilov-at-ucr.edu
Date: Thu, 9 Apr 2015 15:17:13 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] Cameca Camebax MB1 available

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

An old 1982, non-operational Cameca Camebax MB1electron microprobe is auctioned at a starting price of $10 by the Univ. of California at Riverside.


Here is a brief description of the system:

Electron microprobe Cameca model Camebax MB1 with Tracor Northern ver. TN2000 electronic control console.
Max. accelerating voltage of 45 kV
Fitted with BSE detector, light microscope and three WDX spectrometers:
Spectrometer 1 fitted with LIF, PET, TAP, and OdPb crystals
Spectrometer 2 - PET and TAP
Spectrometer 3 -LIF and PET
Turbomolecular vacuum pump.
Documentation and some spare parts are available.

Krassimir Bozhilov


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6, 34 -- From krassimir.bozhilov-at-ucr.edu Thu Apr 9 15:17:13 2015
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Thu, 9 Apr 2015 18:03:32 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Preparing gold samples for TEM

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X-from: silverj-at-miamioh.edu

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Email: silverj-at-miamioh.edu
Name: Joshua Silverstein

Organization: Student

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Preparing gold samples for TEM

Message: Does anyone have experienced preparing gold samples for use in a TEM. I have FIB sections
but there seems to be gallium from the milling present on the surface. Contact me if you would like
to see the image. I understand that gold is very soft and keeping a natural texture is problematic.
Any advise would be great.

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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Thu, 9 Apr 2015 18:04:24 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Immunogold labeling

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X-from: ravi.thakkar369-at-gmail.com

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Email: ravi.thakkar369-at-gmail.com
Name: Ravi

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Immunogold labeling

Message: I want to label toxin A & B in C. Difficile bacterial with immunogold, so which antigen
retrieval solution should I use or how to unmask the antigen before proceeding Immuno labeling on LR
whte sections.
Is there any universal or general method is available to unmask antigen or it should be antigen

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From: zhiping_luo-at-hotmail.com
Date: Thu, 9 Apr 2015 20:15:09 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] Research Associate Staff Position (mainly in EPMA) available at

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

The Southeastern North Carolina Regional Microanalytical and Imaging Center (SENCR-MIC) at Fayetteville State University (FSU) is seeking applications for a Research Associate staff position, working primarily on a world-class Field-Emission Electron Probe Microanalyzer (EPMA) and a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), and other analytical  instruments including AFM, XRD. The initial position is for two years, while extension is possible contingent on the performance and funding.

The successful candidate will be responsible for the day to day operations and maintenance of instruments at SENCR-MIC under the supervision of the SENCR-MIC Director. Major duties include training diverse internal and external users on the instruments, providing technical assistance to users, conducting professional services based on user fees, teaching student labs for formal courses, and other duties assigned by the Director.

Requirements: Minimum of Master's Degree (Ph.D. preferred) in Geosciences, Materials Science, Engineering, Chemistry, Physics or other related disciplines. Experiences in EPMA or SEM analysis are required, and experiences in AFM, XRD and TEM are optimum. The successful candidate must be highly dedicated to professional services, possess outstanding oral and written communication skills, and must be able to work with a wide range of users including faculty, staff, visiting scientists and students under supervision of the Director.

Application to this position should be made online at https://jobs.uncfsu.edu/postings/10917.

Fayetteville State University is committed to equality of educational opportunity and employment and does not discriminate against applicants, students, or employees based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability, genetic information or veteran status. Moreover, Fayetteville State University values diversity and actively seeks to recruit talented students, faculty, and staff from diverse backgrounds.

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9, 21 -- From zhiping_luo-at-hotmail.com Thu Apr 9 20:15:08 2015
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9, 21 -- From: Zhiping LUO {zhiping_luo-at-hotmail.com}
9, 21 -- To: Microscopy {microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
9, 21 -- Subject: Research Associate Staff Position (mainly in EPMA) available at
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9, 21 -- Date: Thu, 9 Apr 2015 20:15:08 -0500
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From: ph2-at-sprynet.com
Date: Thu, 9 Apr 2015 21:25:55 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] 67th Annual Inter/Micro conference Chicago, IL

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives


McCrone Research Institute cordially invites you to participate in the 67th
annual Inter/Micro conference by giving a presentation of your research
paper. We are accepting presentation abstracts in techniques and
instrumentation, environmental and industrial microscopy, and chemical and
forensic microscopy. Presentations will be held at McCrone Research
Institute on June 8-10.

The deadline to submit titles and abstracts is April 13, 2015. Click here
to register.

Speakers will receive a $50 conference registration discount!



Andrew Anthony "Tony" Havics, CIH, PE
Environmental, Health & Safety, Microscopy, Materials Science & Forensic
pH2, LLC
5250 E US Highway 36, Suite 830
Avon, IN 46123
(317) 718-7020 Office
(317) 718-7038 Fax
(317) 409-3238 Cell

This message is from pH2. This message and any attachments may contain
legally privileged or confidential information, and are intended only for
the individual or entity identified above as the addressee. If you are not
the addressee, or if this message has been addressed to you in error, you
are not authorized to read, copy, or distribute this message and any
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12, 27 -- From ph2-at-sprynet.com Thu Apr 9 21:25:54 2015
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12, 27 -- From: "Tony Havics, CHMM, CIH, PE" {ph2-at-sprynet.com}
12, 27 -- To: "Microscopy Listserve" {microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
12, 27 -- Subject: 67th Annual Inter/Micro conference Chicago, IL
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==============================End of - Headers==============================

From: vray-at-partbeamsystech.com
Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2015 10:08:22 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] Looking for parts or parts or parts tool: XL-30, XL-40, or FIB-620

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Dear listers,

I am keeping alive (non-commercially) FIB-620 dual-beam FIB/SEM, which
is based on the platform of Phillips XL-30/XL-40 SEM and used for
student training and research projects that can't be done on brand-new

To keep it going I am looking for following parts:

STMD board
FSDM board
FMSP/I board
Rotation stage gear

If anyone will be disposing off old XL-30 or XL-40 SEM, or FIB-620 FIB
I'd gladly accept it as "donation"

Thanks everyone beforehand,

Valery Ray - also with AIM/NISP Lab, UMDCP
PBS&T, MEO Engineering Co., Inc.
290 Broadway, Suite 298
Methuen, MA 01844, USA
Phone: +1-978-296-5063
E-Mail: vray-at-partbeamsystech.com
Web: www.partbeamsystech.com
Web: www.freudlabs.com
UMD E-Mail: vray-at-umd.edu

==============================Original Headers==============================
7, 30 -- From vray-at-partbeamsystech.com Fri Apr 10 10:08:22 2015
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7, 30 -- Message-ID: {5527E763.8040705-at-partbeamsystech.com}
7, 30 -- Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2015 11:08:19 -0400
7, 30 -- From: Valery Ray {vray-at-partbeamsystech.com}
7, 30 -- User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.6.0
7, 30 -- MIME-Version: 1.0
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7, 30 -- Subject: Looking for parts or parts or parts tool: XL-30, XL-40, or FIB-620
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2015 18:07:20 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Access to User Facilities

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: roger.ristau-at-uconn.edu

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using the WWW based Form at http://microscopy.com/MicroscopyListserver/MLFormMail.html
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please copy both roger.ristau-at-uconn.edu as well as the Microscopy Listserver

Email: roger.ristau-at-uconn.edu
Name: Roger Ristau

Organization: Univ of Connecticut

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Access to User Facilities

Message: I am looking for advice from the community about how access to microscope facilities is
granted to users. Specifically, I am thinking of something not quite so formal as the General User
Access Proposal process available at National Labs, but not as open as our existing "free-for-all"
where anyone who requests training can have open access.

I don't need advice on how to train users, rather, I need a fair process on how to determine who
should or should not become a user.

Does anyone have a policy/process they wish to share--off line if you like--that weighs user
requests? Perhaps a policy that includes various levels of access to users based on their needs and

And a follow-up question is the magic "silver bullet" of how to monitor users after training to
ensure that they are actually doing everything the way they were taught.

Roger Ristau
Univ of Connecticut

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Listserver Email Form V - 20120416

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16, 17 -- From microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com Fri Apr 10 18:07:19 2015
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16, 17 -- Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2015 18:07:19 -0500
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16, 17 -- Subject: viaWWW:Access to User Facilities
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16, 17 -- In-Reply-To: {201504102105.t3AL5ZM7003674-at-ns.microscopy.com}
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From: wesaia-at-iastate.edu
Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2015 21:01:04 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Access to User Facilities

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Please send out a summary of replies once you get some. They can remain anonymous as far as I care.

We are probably a small enough lab that we have remained rather informal about access.

There are a few people that I have thought about redirecting away from the microscope as their brain just doesn't seem to be wired for that kind of work. I don't know if I have officially said anything out loud. Some seemed to have handed off SEM work to others in their research groups who are more adept.

Upon granting sign-up privileges, I advise new users whether they are free to sign up as they please or whether I would definitely like to be nearby for their next few sessions. Our reservation system, ORS, provides the option for ones to be a resource monitor by e-mail. I set that option for myself so I get notified about every change in the schedule. Most notices can be ignored. A few users are on my watch list. The delete button is easy to use for those that don't concern me.

We average about 25 hours of use per week. There is really no reason that ones HAVE to use the SEM outside of regular hours. A few users are granted or loaned keys for access at any time. Sometimes a last minute evening or weekend session is needed for a paper deadline, but that is unusual. We do allow users to come before we leave for the day and continue their session into the evening.

I do review photos occasionally from our users. Mostly I look at the images left on the SEM user interface and look deeper if I see signs of poor operation.

I plainly reference the cost of detectors during training and assure users that if they follow the standard operating procedures, they should have no problems. I also explain to them that the procedures need to be followed completely and in order. I worked hard to make the short form of the SOP short and practical. It is about 1-1/3 pages with another 2/3 page of common shortcut codes. And I tell them of some spectacular failures like ones that couldn't get an image and it was because they had failed to click the "Beam On" button on the UI.

I make it a point to refer users back to the written procedures. Otherwise I allow users to ask me too many questions and they never learn for themselves.

I hope these ideas help. I look forward to hearing what others have to say.

Warren Straszheim

-----Original Message-----
X-from: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com [mailto:microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com]
Sent: Friday, April 10, 2015 6:09 PM
To: Straszheim, Warren E [BIOTC]

X-from: roger.ristau-at-uconn.edu

This Question/Comment was submitted to the Microscopy Listserver using the WWW based Form at http://microscopy.com/MicroscopyListserver/MLFormMail.html
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please copy both roger.ristau-at-uconn.edu as well as the Microscopy Listserver

Email: roger.ristau-at-uconn.edu
Name: Roger Ristau

Organization: Univ of Connecticut

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Access to User Facilities

Message: I am looking for advice from the community about how access to microscope facilities is granted to users. Specifically, I am thinking of something not quite so formal as the General User Access Proposal process available at National Labs, but not as open as our existing "free-for-all"
where anyone who requests training can have open access.

I don't need advice on how to train users, rather, I need a fair process on how to determine who should or should not become a user.

Does anyone have a policy/process they wish to share--off line if you like--that weighs user requests? Perhaps a policy that includes various levels of access to users based on their needs and skills?

And a follow-up question is the magic "silver bullet" of how to monitor users after training to ensure that they are actually doing everything the way they were taught.

Roger Ristau
Univ of Connecticut

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32, 46 -- From wesaia-at-iastate.edu Fri Apr 10 21:01:01 2015
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32, 46 -- From: "Straszheim, Warren E [BIOTC]" {wesaia-at-iastate.edu}
32, 46 -- To: "Microscopy-at-microscopy.com" {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
32, 46 -- Subject: RE: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Access to User Facilities
32, 46 -- Thread-Topic: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Access to User Facilities
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Sat, 11 Apr 2015 09:17:25 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Access to user facilities

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Email: innap-at-savion.huji.ac.il
Name: Inna Popov

Organization: The Hebrew university of Jerusalem

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Access to user facilities

Message: I would say that it is important to identify those candidates which indeed have sufficient
amount of work to do on SEM. Those who need 2-3 "nice pictures" to get are potentially problematic
opertors with minor or zero motivation for learning and understanding the techique.
The next issue is to provide the users for the approach or some signs of right way to analyse their
samples. The idea is to assist users from the very beginning to find the right condition for
imaging/microanalysis/diffraction pattern/etc and to explain the reasons for the choice.
THe last important issue I would mention is interpersonal relations: it's better is the user
(especially the new one with no experience) will feel safe and compfortable to report about any
problem to the instrument/facility supervisor. Users always make mistakes, but to repair or to come
back to te source of the mistake is always easier if you get the whole story and it is done ASAP.
This is possible only if user does not afraid to report about a mistake. This also ensures that user
will be instructed properly how to avoid this same mistake in the future.
Good luck,

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From: tina-at-pbrc.hawaii.edu
Date: Sun, 12 Apr 2015 14:07:22 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Access to User Facilities

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

I operate our SEM/TEM/confocal/epi/laser microdissection facility just
like Warren does, so he saved me a lot of typing! It mostly works.


} Please send out a summary of replies once you get some. They can remain anonymous as far as I care.
} We are probably a small enough lab that we have remained rather informal about access.
} There are a few people that I have thought about redirecting away from the microscope as their brain just doesn't seem to be wired for that kind of work. I don't know if I have officially said anything out loud. Some seemed to have handed off SEM work to others in their research groups who are more adept.
} Upon granting sign-up privileges, I advise new users whether they are free to sign up as they please or whether I would definitely like to be nearby for their next few sessions. Our reservation system, ORS, provides the option for ones to be a resource monitor by e-mail. I set that option for myself so I get notified about every change in the schedule. Most notices can be ignored. A few users are on my watch list. The delete button is easy to use for those that don't concern me.
} We average about 25 hours of use per week. There is really no reason that ones HAVE to use the SEM outside of regular hours. A few users are granted or loaned keys for access at any time. Sometimes a last minute evening or weekend session is needed for a paper deadline, but that is unusual. We do allow users to come before we leave for the day and continue their session into the evening.
} I do review photos occasionally from our users. Mostly I look at the images left on the SEM user interface and look deeper if I see signs of poor operation.
} I plainly reference the cost of detectors during training and assure users that if they follow the standard operating procedures, they should have no problems. I also explain to them that the procedures need to be followed completely and in order. I worked hard to make the short form of the SOP short and practical. It is about 1-1/3 pages with another 2/3 page of common shortcut codes. And I tell them of some spectacular failures like ones that couldn't get an image and it was because they had failed to click the "Beam On" button on the UI.
} I make it a point to refer users back to the written procedures. Otherwise I allow users to ask me too many questions and they never learn for themselves.
} I hope these ideas help. I look forward to hearing what others have to say.
} Warren Straszheim
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} X-from: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com [mailto:microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com]
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} To: Straszheim, Warren E [BIOTC]
} Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Access to User Facilities
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} Email: roger.ristau-at-uconn.edu
} Name: Roger Ristau
} Organization: Univ of Connecticut
} Title-Subject: [Filtered] Access to User Facilities
} Message: I am looking for advice from the community about how access to microscope facilities is granted to users. Specifically, I am thinking of something not quite so formal as the General User Access Proposal process available at National Labs, but not as open as our existing "free-for-all"
} where anyone who requests training can have open access.
} I don't need advice on how to train users, rather, I need a fair process on how to determine who should or should not become a user.
} Does anyone have a policy/process they wish to share--off line if you like--that weighs user requests? Perhaps a policy that includes various levels of access to users based on their needs and skills?
} And a follow-up question is the magic "silver bullet" of how to monitor users after training to ensure that they are actually doing everything the way they were taught.
} Thanks,
} Roger Ristau
} Univ of Connecticut
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* Tina (Weatherby) Carvalho * tina-at-pbrc.hawaii.edu *
* Biological Electron Microscope Facility * (808) 956-6251 *
* University of Hawaii at Manoa * http://www.pbrc.hawaii.edu/bemf*

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5, 22 -- From tina-at-pbrc.hawaii.edu Sun Apr 12 14:07:21 2015
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From: rdpierce-at-pobox.com
Date: Sun, 12 Apr 2015 14:56:22 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: viaWWW:Access to User Facilities

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

I'm in an unusual environment: a makerspace or hackerspace in Chicago, which to my knowledge has the most public access policy of any SEM.

Any adult can join for $40/month which gets them 24x7 access to the SEM, as well as access to the rest of the tools in the space.

I can't assume any science background with people who want to use it. I've put together a 3 hour PowerPoint course, which is a prerequisite. Then I schedule about 1 1/2 hours of hands on training. Then they are free to use the scope without supervision.

Generally, there is some level of self selection because there is a time commitment to go through this. Still, I find that many people don't come back and use it. This is true of many of the tools at the space. People see a scarcity of training classes on, say, the milling machine or our large CNC router, and they sign up just in case, even if they don't have a project that could use it. We haven't found a good way around this problem, and with nearly 400 members, and all tool authorizations done by volunteers, it is a source of stress for the organization.

I have put in place a tiered access structure for the SEM, and right now have only implemented the bottom tier. This training doesn't permit users to change samples, use the sputter coater, critical point dryer, backscatter detector, or EDX. Users need to work with me to prep samples, so I can make sure nobody is going to put something wet or that will outgas in the chamber. Many of the users just want to see how a SEM works, so I keep interesting samples in the chamber at all times.

So far, the only user breakage problem I've had was someone who couldn't differentiate between first and second peak, and kept raising filament current until it blew. Not that big a deal.

That's also why I've been nervous about letting anyone do sample prep, risk running the sample into the BSD, or have a liquid nitrogen accident with the EDX. Also, our sputter coater is very finicky, and the Ar pressure difference between the plasma extinguishing and the power supply overloading is quite difficult to maintain with the needle valve. Additionally I may have been too hasty buying a CPD; we don't have a fume hood, so I'm not comfortable fixing wet samples in glutaraldehyde, and we've done absolutely nothing with wet samples. (I also don't have formal training myself, and I've been hoping to find a mentor in the Chicago area to help out.)

I'm in an unusual environment: a makerspace or hackerspace in Chicago, which to my knowledge has the most public access policy of any SEM.

Any adult can join for $40/month which gets them 24x7 access to the SEM, as well as access to the rest of the tools in the space.

I can't assume any science background with people who want to use it. I've put together a 3 hour PowerPoint course, which is a prerequisite. Then I schedule about 1 1/2 hours of hands on training. Then they are free to use the scope without supervision.

Generally, there is some level of self selection because there is a time commitment to go through this. Still, I find that many people don't come back and use it. This is true of many of the tools at the space. People see a scarcity of training classes on, say, the milling machine or our large CNC router, and they sign up just in case, even if they don't have a project that could use it. We haven't found a good way around this problem, and with nearly 400 members, and all tool authorizations done by volunteers, it is a source of stress for the organization.

I have put in place a tiered access structure for the SEM, and right now have only implemented the bottom tier. This training doesn't permit users to change samples, use the sputter coater, critical point dryer, backscatter detector, or EDX. Users need to work with me to prep samples, so I can make sure nobody is going to put something wet or that will outgas in the chamber. Many of the users just want to see how a SEM works, so I keep interesting samples in the chamber at all times.

So far, the only user breakage problem I've had was someone who couldn't differentiate between first and second peak, and kept raising filament current until it blew. Not that big a deal.

That's also why I've been nervous about letting anyone do sample prep, risk running the sample into the BSD, or have a liquid nitrogen accident with the EDX. Also, our sputter coater is very finicky, and the Ar pressure difference between the plasma extinguishing and the power supply overloading is quite difficult to maintain with the needle valve. Additionally I may have been too hasty buying a CPD; we don't have a fume hood, so I'm not comfortable fixing wet samples in glutaraldehyde, and we've done absolutely nothing with wet samples. (I also don't have formal training myself, and I've been hoping to find a mentor in the Chicago area to help out.)


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15, 20 -- From rdpierce-at-pobox.com Sun Apr 12 14:56:21 2015
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15, 20 -- Subject: Re: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Access to User Facilities
15, 20 -- References: {201504121929.t3CJTgSF019516-at-ns.microscopy.com}
15, 20 -- From: Ryan Pierce {rdpierce-at-pobox.com}
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2015 16:32:45 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:4th VIB Summer School in Advanced Light Microscopy in Ghent

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: chris.guerin-at-irc.vib-ugent.be

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Email: chris.guerin-at-irc.vib-ugent.be
Name: Chris Guerin

Organization: VIB

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Summer school microscopy in Ghent

Message: Hello Everyone:

I am pleased to announce that the 4th VIB Summer School in Advanced Light Microscopy will take
place in the beautiful city of Ghent Belgium the week of June 15th. This course will give users both
practical and theoretical background on the proper use of microscopes in biological research as well
as introduce them to how to use imaging to obtain functional information from cells and tissues. The
uses of advanced techniques such as FRET/FLIM, FRAP, TIRF, Super-resolution, and correlative light
and electron microscopy will be explained and demonstrated. Hands on practical sessions will allow
students to use and observe advanced microscope systems and to understand the best ways to design
and carry out modern bioimaging. The final day will be dedicated to data analysis and interpretation
of microscope generated data sets. This year the faculty of expert microscopists will include:
Chris Guerin, VIB - Ghent University, Belgium
Sebastian Munck, VIB - KU Leuven, Belgium
Peter OÂ’Toole, University of York, UK
Bob Asselbergh, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Stefan Vinckier, VIB - KU Leuven, Belgium
Spencer Shorte, Institut Pasteur, France
Lucy Collinson, London Research Institute, UK
Andreas Schertel, Carl Zeiss, Germany
Jean-Yves Tinevez, Institut Pasteur, France
Eef Parthoens, VIB - Ghent University, Belgium
You can see the full program and register at
The course is limited to 32 participants and a simple application is required in case, (as in
previous years), that the number of interested people exceeds our capacity. Registration is €450 for
the week long course and includes a daily lunch and dinner Mon, Tues and Thurs. evenings. We look
forward to welcoming you to Ghent.

best wishes,

Chris Guérin
Manager, VIB Bio Imaging Core Ghent

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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2015 16:33:36 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Access to User Facilities

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: ravi.thakkar369-at-gmail.com

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Email: ravi.thakkar369-at-gmail.com
Name: Ravi

Organization: Kansas State University

Title-Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Access to User Facilities

Message: Hi Roger,
I have 6 years of experience in EM lab management. I was giving training to 5 user for TEM operation
per semester. First step, I will define their real need of EM based on research activity and average
usage of their research

1. I used to call user for 6 hours (2 hours per consecutive 3 days) for observation only.
2. One week step wise training (focusing, imaging, sample change, how to switch on-off machine).
3. Written test (10-15 MCQ on TEM operation) one assignment on SOP to operate TEM. (I never use to
give them SOP, they have to make themselves and it has to approved by lab manager before use.)
4. Practical test on TEM by lab manager.

Permission to use TEM withdrawn, If any qualified user make three mistake (left the machine without
following proper closing procedure, drastic change in alignment) and fail to report any incident or


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From: john.mitchels-at-gmail.com
Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2015 13:28:44 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] Free to good home Ion Mill, Dimple Grinder and Electro jet polishers (UK)

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Dear Listers

Before you get to excited we are based in the UK in Bath and we would
expect anyone who wants these items to collect them at their expense.
I will give priority to people who want whole items but should any of
you want parts let me know and if no takers for the whole thing then
they are yours.

We have a Gatan Duo Ion Mill 600 diff pumped with sector and cryo
cooler. It works but is getting tired so I will say 'spares or repair'
It comes with a large assortment of consumables. If anyone want the
whole thing then fine otherwise I am willing to offer the parts on
first come first serve basis.

We also have a vintage dimple grinder and core drill. If these are any
good to any of you then you are welcome to it but when I say vintage I
mean 1981! it still works.

We also have some struers tenupol 2 systems again vintage but functional.

I look forward to hearing from you if you can save these from the scrap pile.


==============================Original Headers==============================
7, 26 -- From john.mitchels-at-gmail.com Tue Apr 14 13:28:44 2015
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7, 26 -- Subject: Free to good home Ion Mill, Dimple Grinder and Electro jet polishers (UK)
7, 26 -- From: John Mitchels {john.mitchels-at-gmail.com}
7, 26 -- To: Microscopy-at-microscopy.com
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2015 20:14:14 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Summer School on Electron Diffraction

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X-from: roy.geiss-at-colostate.edu

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Email: roy.geiss-at-colostate.edu
Name: ROy Geiss

Organization: Colorado State University

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Summer School on Electron Diffraction

Message: Just a reminder that Wednesday, April 15 is the last day to register for the upcoming
Summer School on Electron Diffraction at Colorado State University from May 19 to May 21, 2015.
For a flyer, the program, and registration materials please go to: http://cif.colostate.edu/ and
follow the links to the Summer school.

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14, 28 -- From microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com Tue Apr 14 20:14:12 2015
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Thu, 16 Apr 2015 08:27:16 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Edwards 1105 vacuum controller

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: gpoirier-at-mus-nature.ca

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Email: gpoirier-at-mus-nature.ca
Name: Glenn Poirier

Organization: Canadian Museum of Nature

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Edwards 1105 vacuum controller

Message: Are there any Canadian listers out there who are using an Edwards 1105 vacuum controller.
I've bought one with gauges off ebay, but it doesn't have UL or CSA inspection stickers so the
university won't approve me using it. If anyone has one in use a photo of the back with the stickers
would go a long way towards getting it approved.

Thanks in advance for any help


I do subscribe to the list but my institution insists on attaching advertising to the bottom of all
my email, thus ensuring rejection by the very effective spam filters

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13, 28 -- From microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com Thu Apr 16 08:27:14 2015
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13, 28 -- Subject: viaWWW:Edwards 1105 vacuum controller
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From: sergei2-at-ornl.gov
Date: Thu, 16 Apr 2015 16:21:38 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] Workshop - Big, Deep, and Smart Data Analytics in Materials Imaging

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Dear colleagues

We would like to bring your attention to the workshop "Big, Deep, and
Smart Data Analytics in Materials Imaging" organized jointly by the five
DOE Nanoscale Science Research Centers (Program Committee: E. Stach, J.
Werner, D. Miller, S.V. Kalinin and J. Schuck) and to be held at Oak
Ridge National Laboratory on June 8-10. This workshop will bring
together researchers from different imaging disciplines (electron
microscopy, scanning probe microscopy, focused x-ray, neutron, atom
probe tomography, chemical imaging, optical microscopies) as well as
experts in mathematical/statistical/computational approaches to discuss
opportunities and future needs in the integration of advanced data
analytics and theory into imaging science. It will provide a forum to
present achievements in the various imaging disciplines with emphasis on
acquisition, visualization, and analysis of multidimensional data sets,
the corresponding approaches for theory-experiment matching, and novel
opportunities for instrumental development enabled by the availability
of high speed data analytic tools. Additional information regarding this
workshop will be posted at the http://www.cnms.ornl.gov/JointNSRC2015/.

Please address questions to Amanda Zetans, zetansac-at-ornl.gov
{mailto:zetansac-at-ornl.gov} , 865.241.1182.

On behalf of the organizers,


Sergei V. Kalinin

Institute for Functional Imaging of Materials

Theme Leader,
Center for Nanophase Materials Science

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Phone: (865) 241-0236

==============================Original Headers==============================
10, 23 -- From sergei2-at-ornl.gov Thu Apr 16 16:21:37 2015
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10, 23 -- Message-ID: {553027E0.8040803-at-ornl.gov}
10, 23 -- Date: Thu, 16 Apr 2015 17:21:37 -0400
10, 23 -- From: "Sergei V. Kalinin" {sergei2-at-ornl.gov}
10, 23 -- User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:14.0) Gecko/20120713 Thunderbird/14.0
10, 23 -- MIME-Version: 1.0
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10, 23 -- Subject: Workshop - Big, Deep, and Smart Data Analytics in Materials Imaging
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2015 07:29:34 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:embedding yeast

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: susan.vanhorn-at-stonybrook.edu

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please copy both susan.vanhorn-at-stonybrook.edu as well as the Microscopy Listserver

Email: susan.vanhorn-at-stonybrook.edu
Name: Susan C Van Horn

Organization: Central Microscopy Imaging Center

Title-Subject: [Filtered] embedding yeast

Message: I always have problems embedding/infiltrating yeast!!! have tried different resins, vacuum
steps,etc.. does anyone have an embedding protocol/resin that works??!!!
thanks for sharing

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11, 28 -- From microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com Fri Apr 17 07:29:33 2015
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11, 28 -- Subject: viaWWW:embedding yeast
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2015 07:30:38 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Postdoctoral position in energy materials

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: Pruessner-at-ukzn.ac.za

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Email: Pruessner-at-ukzn.ac.za
Name: Karin Pruessner

Organization: University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Postdoctoral poasition in energy materials

Message: The University of KwaZulu-Natal in Durban, South Africa, is home to an interdisciplinary
Nanotechnology Platform consisting of 4 pillars in Nano Energy, Nano Materials, Nano Health and
Quantum Physics. The Nano Energy pillar has at least one, possibly two, positions available for a
Postdoctoral Researcher to be filled as soon as possible. Our team consists of Chemists, Physicists,
Materials Scientists, and Engineers. We are working on materials for energy applications,
specifically on the development of an off-grid refrigeration unit for rural areas in Africa.
We are looking for a Materials Scientist with a solid background in Materials Characterization to
join us. Neighboring fields will be considered. Hands-on experience in Scanning and Transmission
Electron Microscopy, X-Ray Diffraction, and Raman Spectroscopy is expected. Experience in at least
one of the following areas would be beneficial:
• Nano Photovoltaics
• Nano Energy Storage
• Nano Cooling Fluids
• Graphene
The university houses an Electron Microscopy Unit. XRD and Raman Spectroscopy are available in the
School of Chemistry and Physics. Advanced instrumentation including aberration-corrected HRTEM is
available through national user centers.
Interested candidates should send their electronic application materials to:
Dr Karin Pruessner
UKZN Nanotechnology Platform, Nano Energy Coordinator
School of Chemistry and Physics
University of KwaZulu-Natal - Westville Campus
University Road
Durban, 4000
South Africa
Ph: ++27 31 260-7660
e-mail: Pruessner-at-ukzn.ac.za

Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the posts are filled.

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From: ZZhang-at-uwyo.edu
Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2015 09:33:44 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:embedding yeast

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hi Sue:

Not sure what type of yeast you work with. We work with budding yeast and have been had good luck with microwave radiation, especially for stationary yeast, of which the cell wall is very tough.

For log-phase cells, extended infiltration (at least one overnight) works fine using Spurr. I believe the low viscosity of Spurr helps.

Best luck and let me know if you need a reprint.

Zhaojie Zhang
University of Wyoming

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Name: Susan C Van Horn

Organization: Central Microscopy Imaging Center

Title-Subject: [Filtered] embedding yeast

Message: I always have problems embedding/infiltrating yeast!!! have tried different resins, vacuum steps,etc.. does anyone have an embedding protocol/resin that works??!!!
thanks for sharing

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From: Reinhard.Rachel-at-biologie.uni-regensburg.de
Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2015 09:48:00 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] yeast

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

dear Sue,
there are many resources in the web concerning the (tricky) task to properly
embed yeast cells for ultrathin sectioning.
my favourite ones, as of today:
Mary's manual (Boulder, CO, USA):
Giddings, T. H., Jr., O’Toole, E. T., Morphew, M., Mastronarde, D. N.,
McIntosh, J. R., and Winey, M.
(2001). Using rapid freeze and freeze-substitution for the preparation of
yeast cells for electron microscopy
and three-dimensional analysis. Methods Cell Biol. 67, 27–42
(yes, Mary is one of the co-authors),
Kent L McDonald - Out with the old and in with the new: rapid specimen
preparation procedures for electron microscopy of sectioned biological
material, -- Protoplasma (2014) 251:429–448 DOI 10.1007/s00709-013-0575-y.
This article is quite helpful as it shows that some of the paradigms of 'old'
embedding protocols are clearly out-dated, if not to say "wrong".
It also depends on your equipment, the specific question, and so on.
kind regards - reinhard

Prof. Dr. Reinhard Rachel
University of Regensburg
Centre for EM / Anatomy
Faculty of Biology & Preclin. Med.
Universitaetsstrasse 31
D-93053 Regensburg - Germany
tel +49 941 943 -2837, -1720
mail reinhard.rachel-at-biologie.uni-regensburg.de
office: VKL 3.1.29

Next microscopy conferences:
DGE - Microscopy Conference 2015, Sept 6-11, Göttingen
16th Europ Microsc Congress EMC 2016 in Lyon, FR
next Microbiol. conferences:
VAAM - Annual Conf March 13-16, 2016, Jena

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5, 23 -- From Reinhard.Rachel-at-biologie.uni-regensburg.de Fri Apr 17 09:47:59 2015
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From: John.Mardinly-at-asu.edu
Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2015 12:11:41 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] Tuesday Marked the 75th Anniversary of the Introduction of the RCA

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John Mardinly, ASU

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From: nmz787-at-gmail.com
Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2015 16:08:19 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] Fwd: Looking for manual/schematics for: Jeol JSM-T200 SEM

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hi folks,
I am acquiring a Jeol JSM-T200 SEM and wanted to try and
dig up some info on it, or similar models. Mainly interested in the
raster scanning circuitry, as this seems to need some work or possibly
be re-implemented from scratch.

Any info would be helpful, at this point I've acquired the
user-manual... so I guess I'm looking for the service-manual now.

I'll even take info on similar models, since that is likely better
than having no clues at all!



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6, 29 -- Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2015 14:07:56 -0700
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From: zaluzec-at-microscopy.com
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2015 12:52:29 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:JEOL 6400 SEM Diffusion pump heater element

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X-from: martin.roe-at-nottingham.ac.uk

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Email: martin.roe-at-nottingham.ac.uk
Name: Martin Roe

Organization: Nottingham University

Title-Subject: [Filtered] JEOL 6400 SEM Diffusion pump heater element

Message: Dear Listservers,
Does anyone have a spare diffusion pump heater element for a JEOL 6400
SEM? There are two diff pumps on the instrument and it is the larger of
the two that has the heater problem. The original part number of the
heater is 322000025 and is 4 inches in diameter (rated at 200V/600W)
with what seemed like “TK” written on it.
Would be willing to pay for the part and shipment of it.

Martin Roe
Department of Mechanical, Materials & Manufacturing
Faculty of Engineering
University of Nottingham,
Wolfson Building,
University Park,

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Dr. Nestor J. Zaluzec
797 Bonnie Brae Ct.
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From: nicholas.ritchie-at-nist.gov
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2015 12:40:34 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] NIST DTSA-II Iona released & high precision quant with an SDD

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

NIST DTSA-II has recently been updated to version Iona. (Download for free from http://www.cstl.nist.gov/div837/837.02/epq/dtsa2/index.html) DTSA-II provides a host of tools for quantitative EDS microanalysis including quantification, simulation and measurement planning. Iona has a host of improvements both large and small which are detailed in the release notes on the web site.

Further details on quantitative analysis with NIST DTSA-II are available in Newbury & Ritchie's J. Mat Sc. Article "Performing elemental microanalysis with high accuracy and high precision by scanning electron microscopy/silicon drift detector energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry (SEM/SDD-EDS)" (free for download from http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10853-014-8685-2 ). This article demonstrates the potential of the modern EDS detector to perform reliable, quantitatively accurate compositional measurements even for some very challenging samples.

==============================Original Headers==============================
5, 42 -- From nicholas.ritchie-at-nist.gov Tue Apr 21 12:40:33 2015
5, 42 -- Received: from na01-bn1-obe.outbound.protection.outlook.com (mail-bn1bon0117.outbound.protection.outlook.com [])
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5, 42 -- 15.01.0136.026; Tue, 21 Apr 2015 17:40:32 +0000
5, 42 -- From: "Ritchie, Nicholas" {nicholas.ritchie-at-nist.gov}
5, 42 -- To: "Microscopy-at-microscopy.com" {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
5, 42 -- Subject: NIST DTSA-II Iona released & high precision quant with an SDD
5, 42 -- Thread-Topic: NIST DTSA-II Iona released & high precision quant with an SDD
5, 42 -- Thread-Index: AdB8WH/3zCY7ftpPRVWY5nHI2M73bw==
5, 42 -- Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2015 17:40:31 +0000
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From: wesaia-at-iastate.edu
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2015 18:03:17 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] Problem with Auger gun startup

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

A colleague has an old JEOL JAM-7830 Auger microprobe. He has had troubles starting it back up after the last couple power outages. The system fails to recognize the field emission gun and instead thinks it has a LaB6 source.

He has been able to stumble around and eventually get it to work by trying various things, but the results are not immediately obvious and he is not clear which steps have been effective and necessary or if the order of steps is important.

Does anyone have experience with this problem on a 7830 and have some suggestions for him? We thank you in advance.

Warren Straszheim
Ames Lab/Iowa State University

==============================Original Headers==============================
5, 40 -- From wesaia-at-iastate.edu Tue Apr 21 18:03:17 2015
5, 40 -- Received: from na01-by2-obe.outbound.protection.outlook.com (mail-by2on0095.outbound.protection.outlook.com [])
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5, 40 -- 15.01.0136.014; Tue, 21 Apr 2015 23:03:15 +0000
5, 40 -- From: "Straszheim, Warren E [BIOTC]" {wesaia-at-iastate.edu}
5, 40 -- To: "Microscopy-at-microscopy.com" {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
5, 40 -- Subject: Problem with Auger gun startup
5, 40 -- Thread-Topic: Problem with Auger gun startup
5, 40 -- Thread-Index: AdB8hoYj/rAzWfGiRNCIvyhA2Vmi7Q==
5, 40 -- Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2015 23:03:15 +0000
5, 40 -- Message-ID: {BLUPR04MB546DE08E1D8AC17743D80CFD7EF0-at-BLUPR04MB546.namprd04.prod.outlook.com}
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From: frank_karl-at-ardl.com
Date: Thu, 23 Apr 2015 13:02:41 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] Stereomicroscope and cameria

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

I find myself in a little bit of a quandary. ARDL would like to upgrade our low to medium light imaging capacity. One of the quandaries is the fellow with the purse strings has demands. He wants a simple imaging system with the highest resolution at a reasonable price.

I'm looking for a stereomicroscope with a good, flat field, corrected lens for color and aberration. A course and fine focus would be well received as would a translumination base, but these are not deal breakers. I'd like a camera with about 5-12 megapixals. I'd like software with some basic annotating features, image processing ability and measurement functions. The software should have file storage system suitable for both scientific and legal applications.

If you're a vendor, if you have experience with these systems, if you have an axe to grind or just want to get in on the conversation please get in touch with me. I'd like to get demos if possible.

It's been suggest we are in a rush to spend money, but......I understand the reputation we have with the closed purse. I don't think I have to say anything else.

Thank you!

Frank Karl

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10, 28 -- From frank_karl-at-ardl.com Thu Apr 23 13:02:41 2015
10, 28 -- Received: from cal1-mh775.smtproutes.com (cal1-mh775.smtproutes.com [])
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10, 28 -- Apr 2015 14:02:04 -0400
10, 28 -- From: Frank Karl {frank_karl-at-ardl.com}
10, 28 -- To: "Microscopy Listserver (microscopy-at-microscopy.com)"
10, 28 -- {microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
10, 28 -- Date: Thu, 23 Apr 2015 14:02:03 -0400
10, 28 -- Subject: Stereomicroscope and cameria
10, 28 -- Thread-Topic: Stereomicroscope and cameria
10, 28 -- Thread-Index: AdB975qsNmEk30WkQ4eftJNgFUeMbQ==
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From: bfoster-at-the-mip.com
Date: Thu, 23 Apr 2015 17:42:58 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: Stereomicroscope and cameria

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hi, Frank

Re: Microscope - I'm sure that a number of vendors will contact you
Re: Camera + SW - have forwarded your request to a colleague who specializes in that area and has some clever solution

One thing to consider which is economical and also dramatically expands your stereomicroscopy is the fluorescence system from Nightsea (Nightsea.com ... Caveat: No financial interest). It has been interesting to see the response at a variety of meetings I've attended over the last 6 months. Although fluorescence came up through the ranks via the Life Sciences, there are intriguing applications in materials sciences as well. I remember looking at pockets/bubbles in an elastomer to determine if they had air or gel. As I remember, the gel fluoresced. Also great when used with fluorescent dyes for imaging surface cracks/defects. Nightsea's inventor, Dr. Charlie Mazel, is always interested in looking at new things. I recommend giving him a call and sending him some samples to see if this should be part of your planned upgrade.

Hope this was helpful.

Good hunting!
Barbara Foster, President & Chief Consultant
Microscopy/Microscopy Education ... "Education, not Training"
7101 Royal Glen Trail, Suite A - McKinney, TX 75070 - P: 972-924-5310

NEW! Getting involved in Raman or FTIR?
MME is now offering courses in these areas specifically for microscopists!
Now scheduling courses through the end of 2015. We can customize a course on nearly any topic, from fluorescence to confocal to image analysis to SEM/TEM.
Call today for a free training evaluation.

} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
} The Microscopy ListServer -- CoSponsor: The Microscopy Society of America

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23, 29 -- From bfoster-at-the-mip.com Thu Apr 23 17:42:58 2015
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23, 29 -- To: frank_karl-at-ardl.com,
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23, 29 -- From: Barbara Foster {bfoster-at-the-mip.com}
23, 29 -- Subject: Re: [Microscopy] Stereomicroscope and cameria
23, 29 -- In-Reply-To: {201504231816.t3NIGN6w012025-at-ns.microscopy.com}
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From: bryan-at-systap.com
Date: Thu, 23 Apr 2015 19:23:37 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] Sought: diode and diode holder (for GW 113A BSE detector for Hitachi S-800)

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Does anyone have a spare diode holder (preferably with diode) for the
GW 113A backscatter detector?

This is for an S-800 that I have been restoring for the past year for
personal / educational use. I have the GW arm, the 113A electronics,
and the external beam monitor electronics (for compensate for the cold
field emission tip).

Any help in sourcing the diode holder / diode would be appreciated.
Even drawings of this diode holder would be helpful since I could
always make one up!

Kindly reply off-list to minimize traffic.

Thanks in advance,


4501 Tower Road
Greensboro NC, USA

==============================Original Headers==============================
7, 28 -- From bryan-at-systap.com Thu Apr 23 19:23:37 2015
7, 28 -- Received: from mail-ig0-f179.google.com (mail-ig0-f179.google.com [])
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7, 28 -- Message-ID: {CAK_o9cFKop4T6z1LTcK8u5Jdj7rDBBzLyirqGRWAFaHan6VnrA-at-mail.gmail.com}
7, 28 -- Subject: Sought: diode and diode holder (for GW 113A BSE detector for Hitachi S-800)
7, 28 -- From: Bryan Thompson {bryan-at-systap.com}
7, 28 -- To: microscopy-at-microscopy.com
7, 28 -- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
==============================End of - Headers==============================

From: mdelann1-at-jhmi.edu
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 2015 12:51:27 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] Position announcement

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

We are seeking a Microscopy Facility Specialist here at the Johns Hopkins
School of Medicine Microscope Facility, Baltimore MD.
The main focus is on fluorescence and confocal microscopy operation,
training and maintenance, with emphasis on computer based analysis.
All interested parties should apply at:

We look forward to reading your resumes.

Michael Delannoy
Assoc. Director
JHU SOM Microscope Facility

==============================Original Headers==============================
4, 21 -- From prvs=549974ddf=mdelann1-at-jhmi.edu Fri Apr 24 12:51:27 2015
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4, 21 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id t3OHpRcS028220
4, 21 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Fri, 24 Apr 2015 12:51:27 -0500
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4, 21 -- by IPMTW2.johnshopkins.edu with ESMTP/TLS/AES256-SHA; 24 Apr 2015 13:51:26 -0400
4, 21 -- From: "Michael Delannoy" {mdelann1-at-jhmi.edu}
4, 21 -- To: {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} , {microscopy-at-msa.microscopy.com}
4, 21 -- Cc: "Scot C. Kuo" {skuo-at-jhu.edu}
4, 21 -- Subject: Position announcement
4, 21 -- Date: Fri, 24 Apr 2015 13:51:27 -0400
4, 21 -- Message-ID: {000b01d07eb7$49f01490$ddd03db0$-at-jhmi.edu}
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From: john.mitchels-at-gmail.com
Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2015 11:19:34 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] Materials Microscopy Specialist Position Bath, UK

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hi Listers

The University of Bath's Microscopy and Analysis Facility (in the UK)
is looking for a microscopy specialist to look after users from
chemistry, physics and engineering. The job is advertised at the
following link. Note the deadline is the 10th May with interviews on
the 18th ideally. The role will be to look after the suite collection
of electron microscopes. Candidates with experience of maintenance of
older equipment, elemental analysis, diffraction analysis and if
possible Raman, FTIR, and SPM knowledge.

This link is for the job:

This link is for the suite:

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4, 26 -- From john.mitchels-at-gmail.com Mon Apr 27 11:19:33 2015
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4, 26 -- Subject: Materials Microscopy Specialist Position Bath, UK
4, 26 -- From: John Mitchels {john.mitchels-at-gmail.com}
4, 26 -- To: Microscopy-at-microscopy.com
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From: jkrupp-at-deltacollege.edu
Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2015 15:15:58 -0500
Subject: [Microscopy] Computer updates

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Dear all:

I would like to revisit the problem of old software, computers, and institutional support.

We have many instruments that run on proprietary software that has not been upgraded to more modern operating systems.

For example, some of our instruments use programs only compatible with Windows XP.

Our IT guys want to 'upgrade' all campus computers to a newer operating system and don't want any old machines running.

Is it reasonable to tell them that we need our old XP (and earlier) computers to keep our instruments running.

What would be a good approach to satisfy their urge to stay current and our need to live in the past?



Jonathan Krupp
Applied Science, Business & Technology
San Joaquin Delta College
5151 Pacific Ave.
Stockton, CA 95207

Find us on Facebook -at-
Electron Microscopy at SJ Delta College

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