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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Wed, 1 Jan 2014 08:41:49 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Administrivia: Happy New Year 2014

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Happy New Year Colleagues;

Welcome to the another year of operation of the Microscopy ListServer
a free service to the world wide microscopy community, sponsored
jointly by your Friendly Neighborhood SysOp and the Microscopy Society
of America.

During 2013, the ListServer delivered over 1100 messages to more than 3600 subscribers
around the world, with minimal hassels (that I know about). For those of you that are
statistics junkies this year you generated ~ 210+ Gbits of Email traffic and ~ 3.9 Million
Email messages were sent out this year by my tired little server.

As usual you don't want to know how much Junk Mail and spam has been filtered out.

The complete Microscopy ListServer Archives for 2013-1993 (~ are on-line at


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Your Friendly Neighborhood SysOp

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20, 25 -- From microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com Wed Jan 1 08:41:49 2014
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From: margareth.andrade-at-fiemg.com.br
Date: Thu, 2 Jan 2014 06:58:32 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] info on new JEOL

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Dear Coleagues

Could anyone give me an advice about the FE-SEM JSM-7100FT?
Is it a good equipment for working with metal alloys, steels, considering I must have good images in a variety of microstructures, good and fast texture analysis (EBSD) and EDX? Can it be placed on the same level as the ZEISS Sigma HD?

I don't know any institution where there is such a microscope - FE-SEM JSM-7100FT - in function. Do you?

Thanks in advance


Technology Center
Institute of Metalurgy and Special Alloys

==============================Original Headers==============================
7, 46 -- From margareth.andrade-at-fiemg.com.br Thu Jan 2 06:58:32 2014
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7, 46 -- 14.16.0395.000; Thu, 2 Jan 2014 12:58:11 +0000
7, 46 -- From: Margareth Spangler Andrade {margareth.andrade-at-fiemg.com.br}
7, 46 -- To: "Microscopy-at-microscopy.com" {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
7, 46 -- Subject: info on new JEOL
7, 46 -- Thread-Topic: info on new JEOL
7, 46 -- Thread-Index: Ac8HWS/Tlwh1lgE9TtWXDZDN2Ktc4AAYCnES
7, 46 -- Date: Thu, 2 Jan 2014 12:58:11 +0000
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From: parishcm-at-ornl.gov
Date: Thu, 2 Jan 2014 14:18:14 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] EFTEM: GIF 678 won't tune

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

The GIF on our CM200FEG is now refusing to tune its isochromatic surface. I tried all of the obvious easy fixes, such as making sure I was on vacuum, acquiring a new gain reference, acquiring a new dark reference, reloading the last known good GIB alignment (~3 weeks old), and rebooting everything that can be booted (PC, GIB, Digiscan).

The error message is along the lines of "Too many defects in the isochromatic surface."

Any thoughts on what I might try? It's conceivable that a 20-year-old GIF has decided to fail; any way I could diagnose if a DAC or lens has decided to die on us?


Chad M. Parish, Ph.D.
Research and Development Staff Member
Materials Science and Technology Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Phone: 1 865 574 0092
Email: parishcm-at-ornl.gov

==============================Original Headers==============================
8, 30 -- From parishcm-at-ornl.gov Thu Jan 2 14:18:13 2014
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8, 30 -- ([]) with mapi; Thu, 2 Jan 2014 15:18:11 -0500
8, 30 -- From: "Parish, Chad M." {parishcm-at-ornl.gov}
8, 30 -- To: "Microscopy-at-Microscopy.Com" {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
8, 30 -- Date: Thu, 2 Jan 2014 15:18:10 -0500
8, 30 -- Subject: EFTEM: GIF 678 won't tune
8, 30 -- Thread-Topic: EFTEM: GIF 678 won't tune
8, 30 -- Thread-Index: Ac8H98Bgh2q5tr7kTZOlENmCkwonHw==
8, 30 -- Message-ID: {3C47B404D340EE48A469ADAE2ADBF96676C1492CE6-at-EXCHMBB.ornl.gov}
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From: glenmac-at-u.washington.edu
Date: Thu, 2 Jan 2014 14:24:03 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: Leitz periplan reticles

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Thanks to Pang, who had an eyepiece with a reticle. I just had to walk across campus and take it apart. The Periplan GF takes a reticle of 18.5 mm diameter inserted into the focusing eyepiece, not the fixed focus eyepiece. Remove the lower lens assembly (black) and then unscrew a small threaded ring from the “upper” end of the assembly. the reticle nests on a recessed ledge and held in place by the threaded ring.

Cynthia’s links are very useful for these older Leitz scopes.

Glen MacDonald
Core for Communication Research
Virginia Merrill Bloedel Hearing Research Center
Cellular Morphology Core
Center on Human Development and Disability
Box 357923
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195-7923 USA
(206) 616-4156

} The Microscopy ListServer -- CoSponsor: The Microscopy Society of America
} To Subscribe/Unsubscribe -- http://www.microscopy.com/MicroscopyListserver
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} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
} Hello,
} A colleague has a gray Leitz inverted microscope with Periplan GF 12.5X eyepieces, 23.2 mm outside diameter. Does anyone know whether they will take an eyepiece reticle?
} Thanks,
} Glen MacDonald
} Core for Communication Research
} Virginia Merrill Bloedel Hearing Research Center
} Cellular Morphology Core
} Center on Human Development and Disability
} Box 357923
} University of Washington
} Seattle, WA 98195-7923 USA
} (206) 616-4156
} glenmac-at-uw.edu
} ==============================Original Headers==============================
} 9, 27 -- From glenmac-at-u.washington.edu Tue Dec 31 10:44:24 2013
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} 9, 27 -- for {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Tue, 31 Dec 2013 08:40:58 -0800
} 9, 27 -- From: Glen MacDonald {glenmac-at-u.washington.edu}
} 9, 27 -- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
} 9, 27 -- Subject: Leitz periplan reticles
} 9, 27 -- Message-Id: {EA6FCF59-6721-4EB0-A86E-A3255006651A-at-u.washington.edu}
} 9, 27 -- Date: Tue, 31 Dec 2013 08:40:57 -0800
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9, 29 -- From glenmac-at-u.washington.edu Thu Jan 2 14:24:03 2014
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9, 29 -- Mime-Version: 1.0 (Mac OS X Mail 7.0 \(1822\))
9, 29 -- Subject: Re: [Microscopy] Leitz periplan reticles
9, 29 -- From: Glen MacDonald {glenmac-at-u.washington.edu}
9, 29 -- In-Reply-To: {201312311646.rBVGkOnC032160-at-ns.microscopy.com}
9, 29 -- Date: Thu, 2 Jan 2014 12:23:51 -0800
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9, 29 -- References: {201312311646.rBVGkOnC032160-at-ns.microscopy.com}
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From: jsb43-at-cam.ac.uk
Date: Fri, 3 Jan 2014 12:39:30 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: EFTEM: GIF 678 won't tune

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Dear Chad,

There are two possibilities, based on my experience with GIFs (I've used
5 different GIFs on 5 different instruments over the past 18 years):

1. The table of defective columns and rows has been lost (or modified)
so that those genuinely defective pixels has not been correctly

2. The Peltier cooler on the CCD camera is not cooling (at all).

On the balance of probability, I would suggest you investigate the
second possibility first (the first would take some effort either by
accident or malicious design).

We recently had problems with a GIF model 2000 on a CM300F which was
commissioned in 1997. We had the same (or similar) error message. After
contacting Gatan, they suggested estimating the temperature of the chip
based on the dark count rate of two different exposure times (0.1 sec
and 5.1 sec I think), taking the log of that ratio and dividing by some
number (I cannot recall the exact figure- it is in my lab book back in
the office- I'll try to dig it out when I return).

After this investigation, we found the Peltier cooler wasn't cooling the
CCD chip. This was traced to a delicate copper wire that had broken that
connected the Peltier PSU to the cooler. Gatan succeeded in fixing it
(and getting the cooler to work at their offices), but did not work once
it was reinstalled (we suspect the wire had broken again in transit). It
is an open question as to whether repairing this again will fix the

Anyway, I hope this helps in some small way.

Yours, Jon

Cambridge University, UK.

On 2014-01-02 20:27, parishcm-at-ornl.gov wrote:

} The GIF on our CM200FEG is now refusing to tune its isochromatic
} surface. I tried all of the obvious easy fixes, such as making sure I
} was on vacuum, acquiring a new gain reference, acquiring a new dark
} reference, reloading the last known good GIB alignment (~3 weeks old),
} and rebooting everything that can be booted (PC, GIB, Digiscan).
} The error message is along the lines of "Too many defects in the
} isochromatic surface."
} Any thoughts on what I might try? It's conceivable that a 20-year-old
} GIF has decided to fail; any way I could diagnose if a DAC or lens has
} decided to die on us?

==============================Original Headers==============================
13, 31 -- From jsb43-at-cam.ac.uk Fri Jan 3 12:39:27 2014
13, 31 -- Received: from ppsw-52.csi.cam.ac.uk (ppsw-52.csi.cam.ac.uk [])
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13, 31 -- X-Authenticated-User: jsb43
13, 31 -- Date: Fri, 03 Jan 2014 18:39:23 +0000
13, 31 -- From: "J.S. Barnard" {jsb43-at-cam.ac.uk}
13, 31 -- To: parishcm-at-ornl.gov
13, 31 -- Cc: Listserver MSA {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
13, 31 -- Subject: Re: EFTEM: GIF 678 won't tune
13, 31 -- In-Reply-To: {201401022027.s02KRo7r024182-at-ns.microscopy.com}
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From: chris.brantner-at-nih.gov
Date: Fri, 3 Jan 2014 13:30:43 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Chesapeake Microscopy and Microanalysis Society Dinner Meeting

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Good afternoon all,

We are pleased to announce that the first meeting of the Chesapeake Microscopy and Microanalysis Society will be held on January 14th, 2014. We are very excited to have Dale Greenwalt of the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History as our speaker that evening. If you are in the area of Bethesda MD, please come and have dinner with us. A flyer with all the information can be found on our web site (link below). We are looking for RSVPs by January 10 for our buffet at Dave and Buster's in White Flint Mall.

} http://csmicroscopy.org/wp/chesapeake-microscopy-and-microanalysis-society-inaugural-meeting/

January 14th, 2014


Dave & Busters at the White Flint Mall

11301 Rockville Pike #300 • Kensington , MD

Agenda: 5:00-6:00 social hour with cash bar - 6:00-7:00 Dinner

7:00-8:00 Seminar - 8:00-8:30 Business Meeting.

Please RSVP to meetings-at-csmicroscopy.org so that we can have a headcount.

Cost: $25, cash/check at the door www.csmicroscopy.org

Happy New Year

Christine A. Brantner, PhD [C] NIH
NHLBI Electron Microscopy Core Facility
National Institutes of Health
14 Service Road West
Building 14E Room 104 MSC5570
Bethesda, MD 20892-5570

chris.brantner-at-nih.gov {mailto:chris.brantner-at-nih.gov}

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20, 30 -- To: "microscopy-at-microscopy.com" {microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
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From: jsb43-at-cam.ac.uk
Date: Sun, 5 Jan 2014 10:28:02 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] RE: EFTEM: GIF 678 won't tune (CCD temp calculation)

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Dear Chad,

The notes quite easily on calculating the CCD temperature (dated 9th Nov

Step 1. Take two gain normalized images at 0.1 sec and 5.1 sec (blanked
beam) and measure the average count rates per pixel (I_0.1 & I_5.1).

Step 2. Calculate the following quotient, q:

q = 10.037 * ln ((I_5.1 - I_0.1)/65.11424)

Where ln is the natural logarithm.

Step 3. The CCD temperature, T, in Kelvin is given by:

T = 20.0*(25 - q)

Example: I measured a difference in count rate of I_5.1 - I_0.1 = 209.9
counts per pixel, giving me a quotient of 11.748 and temperature of 265K

I tried this several times to get some consistency: 217.7 counts =}
-15.3C, etc.

I will try to find out exactly where these figures come from and update
you if needed.

I hope this helps.

Yours, Jon

==============================Original Headers==============================
13, 33 -- From jsb43-at-cam.ac.uk Sun Jan 5 10:28:01 2014
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13, 33 -- To: "Parish, Chad M." {parishcm-at-ornl.gov}
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From: milesd-at-us.ibm.com
Date: 01/01/2014 09:42 AM
Subject: [Microscopy] Administrivia: Happy New Year 2014

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives


A Healthy and Prosperous New Year to you, and the entire list.

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From: oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2014 09:20:56 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Ask-A-Microscopist: official definition of "Microscopy Finding" for

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realname - Liz Smith
Email - elizabeth.smith.ctr-at-dha.mil
ORGANIZATION - Defense Health Agency
EDUCATION - Graduate College
LOCATION - Falls Church, VA, USA
SUBJECT_OF_QUESTION - Microscopy Finding - Definition
QUESTION - To Whom It May Concern,

Microscopy Finding is a named, undefined attribute within Microbe
Identification the Federal Health Information Model. Would you be able
to help us with an authoritative definition for this term.

Respectfully, Liz Smith.

==============================Original Headers==============================
4, 28 -- From oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu Tue Jan 7 09:20:56 2014
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2014 20:10:52 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Connect Nikon Epiphot 300 to digital camera

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Email: asw-at-sonnax.com
Name: Amy Wall

Organization: Sonnax Industries

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Connect Nikon Epiphot 300 to digital camera

Message: Does anyone have experience connecting a Nikon Epiphot 300 metallograph to a digital
camera? We are looking at a used Epiphot 300 and want to take pictures with a digital camera. The
info I see says its simple to connect a digital camera to a side port but I find no further info on
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From: baskin-at-bio.umass.edu
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2014 20:35:57 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] immunogold for T or SEM

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

I hope everyone had a relaxing break. I am about to embark on
a fairly substantial project to characterize plant cell wall
structure with immunogold labeling and imaging in FESEM. I have a few
questions before investing in reagents.

I like the idea of using secondaries conjugated to ~1 nm gold
followed by enhancement. How well does this work in practice? For my
application I am not worried about 'too much' labeling and in fact I
would like to see as much of the epitope as is present in the sample.
I gather that there are both silver as well as gold enhancers. Anyone
compare them? How does the 'shelf life' compare between a 10 nm- and
a 1 nm- conjugate?

I will be labeling the surface of sectioned plant stems, so I
am not worried about penetration through the sample. But I do wonder
whether plant tissues / cell walls interact strangely with
enhancement regents. Any experience?

Finally, and in general, I would appreciate comments on
recent (last few years?) experiences with particular products/vendors.

Many many thanks,
And those in the northern hemisphere stay warm!

_ ____ __ ____
/ \ / / \ / \ \ Tobias I. Baskin
/ / / / \ \ \ Professor
/_ / __ /__ \ \ \__ Biology Department
/ / / \ \ \ 611 N. Pleasant St.
/ / / \ \ \ University of
/ / ___ / \ \__/ \ ____ Amherst, MA, 01003
Voice: 413 - 545 - 1533 Fax: 413 - 545 - 3243

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6, 18 -- From baskin-at-bio.umass.edu Tue Jan 7 20:35:57 2014
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6, 18 -- Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2014 21:35:52 -0500
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6, 18 -- From: Tobias Baskin {baskin-at-bio.umass.edu}
6, 18 -- Subject: immunogold for T or SEM
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Date: Wed, 8 Jan 2014 06:44:58 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:SEM Hitachi S570 documentation

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Email: ggt-at-phys.uni-sofia.bg
Name: Gichka Tsutsumanova

Organization: Sofia University, Faculty of Physics

Title-Subject: [Filtered] SEM Hitachi S570 documentation

Message: We have in the lab a Hitachi S570 SEM and we want to upgrade it. I am looking for the
schematic documentation of the microscope column. I need to know the exact dimensions and separation
distances in the column.

Can anyone help me to find it?

Thank you in advance.

G. Tsutsumanova

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From: elena.belluso-at-unito.it
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2014 04:55:48 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] TEM grid without Zn and Ni

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Dear all,

I'm looking for TEM grid, 3.05 mm diameter, 200 mesh, carbon coated
200 A carbon thick) absolutely without impurity of Zn and Ni because I
to investigate (by EDS-TEM) on synthetic particles containing either Zn

I already tried the Au, Cu, plastic grids and all contain some amount
of at
least one of these elements. I verified that the grids sold as Cu-grid
contain either Ni as Zn. Do you have info on carbon coated grids with
characteristics I need?

I hope you can help me because I don't find a solution for this
problem. I
thank you a lot.

Elena Belluso



Associate Professor in Environmental Mineralogy

Ph.D. Mineralogy and Crystallography

Dip. di Scienze della Terra, Universita' degli Studi di Torino

Via Valperga Caluso n. 35, 10125 TORINO - ITALIA

tel: (39) 011 670 51 35 - fax: (39) 011 670 51 28

e-mail: elena.belluso-at-unito.it [1]



Associate Professor in Environmental Mineralogy

Ph.D. Mineralogy and Crystallography

Dip. di Scienze della Terra, Universita' degli Studi di Torino

Via Valperga Caluso n. 35, 10125 TORINO - ITALIA

tel: (39) 011 670 51 35 - fax: (39) 011 670 51 28

e-mail: elena.belluso-at-unito.it [2]


_"I've... seen things you people wouldn't believe. _

_Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. _

_I watched C-beams... glitter in the dark near the Tanhauser Gate. _

_All those... moments will be lost... in time..., _

_like... tears... in... rain." _

_Blade Runner_

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[2] mailto:elena.belluso-at-unito.it

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32, 31 -- Subject: TEM grid without Zn and Ni
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2014 07:19:42 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:TEM sample preparation for Yeast and Fungi.,,Message: Dear

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X-from: ravi.thakkar369-at-gmail.com ()

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Email: ravi.thakkar369-at-gmail.com
Name: Ravi Thakkar

Title-Subject: [Filtered] TEM sample preparation for Yeast and Fungi.

Message: Dear Listeners,
How to prepare the yeast and fungi sample for TEM.
Is there any other resin used instead of araldite.?

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From: colijn.1-at-osu.edu
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2014 07:37:34 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: TEM grid without Zn and Ni

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hi Elena,

I would be surprised if the stray EDX signals were coming from your
grids. They are generally quite pure (at least at the TEM EDX level).
TEM EDX detection limits will be a few tenths of an at% and grid
impurities will be more in the ppm level. Also, the fact that you are
seeing stray signal from many different grids suggests that the grids
may not be the source. The only time i've ever seen impurities by EDX
was a silicone contaminated C film where the diffusion pump oil
backstreamed into the chamber during the film preparation. That batch
of films showed huge Si contamination.

So, where is the stray signal coming from? I would suspect that you are
seeing fluorescence from hard x-rays (bremsstrahlung) generated when the
beam hits the C2 aperture. The bremsstrahlung will cause areas away
from the sample in the sample chamber to fluoresce. This can be tested
by putting the beam through a hole in the sample (called a "hole
count"). In this case you should have no EDX signal at all. If you do
see something, it is likely caused by the bremsstrahlung generated

Good luck,

At 1/9/2014 5:57 AM, elena.belluso-at-unito.it wrote:
} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
} The Microscopy ListServer -- CoSponsor: The Microscopy Society of America
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} Dear all,
} I'm looking for TEM grid, 3.05 mm diameter, 200 mesh, carbon coated
} (about
} 200 A carbon thick) absolutely without impurity of Zn and Ni because I
} have
} to investigate (by EDS-TEM) on synthetic particles containing either Zn
} as
} Ni.
} I already tried the Au, Cu, plastic grids and all contain some amount
} of at
} least one of these elements. I verified that the grids sold as Cu-grid
} contain either Ni as Zn. Do you have info on carbon coated grids with
} the
} characteristics I need?
} I hope you can help me because I don't find a solution for this
} problem. I
} thank you a lot.
} Elena Belluso
} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
} Associate Professor in Environmental Mineralogy
} Ph.D. Mineralogy and Crystallography
} Dip. di Scienze della Terra, Universita' degli Studi di Torino
} Via Valperga Caluso n. 35, 10125 TORINO - ITALIA
} tel: (39) 011 670 51 35 - fax: (39) 011 670 51 28
} e-mail: elena.belluso-at-unito.it [1]
} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
} Associate Professor in Environmental Mineralogy
} Ph.D. Mineralogy and Crystallography
} Dip. di Scienze della Terra, Universita' degli Studi di Torino
} Via Valperga Caluso n. 35, 10125 TORINO - ITALIA
} tel: (39) 011 670 51 35 - fax: (39) 011 670 51 28
} e-mail: elena.belluso-at-unito.it [2]
} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
} _"I've... seen things you people wouldn't believe. _
} _Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. _
} _I watched C-beams... glitter in the dark near the Tanhauser Gate. _
} _All those... moments will be lost... in time..., _
} _like... tears... in... rain." _
} _Blade Runner_
} Links:
} ------
} [1] mailto:elena.belluso-at-unito.it
} [2] mailto:elena.belluso-at-unito.it
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} 32, 31 -- From: Elena Belluso {elena.belluso-at-unito.it}
} 32, 31 -- To: {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
} 32, 31 -- Subject: TEM grid without Zn and Ni
} 32, 31 -- Disposition-Notification-To: Elena Belluso {elena.belluso-at-unito.it}
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Hendrik O. Colijn
*C*enter for *E*lectron *M*icroscopy & *A*nalysi*S*
1305 Kinnear Rd, Suite 100, Columbus, OH 43212

614.643.3458 Office colijn.1-at-osu.edu {mailto:colijn.1-at-osu.edu}
www.cemas.osu.edu {http://www.cemas.osu.edu}

"Time is that quality of nature which keeps things from happening all at
once. Lately it doesn't seem to be working."

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From: j.janssen-at-nki.nl
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2014 08:10:22 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:TEM sample preparation for Yeast and Fungi.,,Message: Dear

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hi Ravi,
You can use the protocol from Janice Griffith et al. in Journal of Electron Microscopy 60(3); 211-216 (2011). This is for IEM but you can also use it to prepare the sample for plastic embedding.

Groeten, Hans
The Netherlands Cancer Institute.

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X-from: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com [mailto:microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com]
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Email: ravi.thakkar369-at-gmail.com
Name: Ravi Thakkar

Title-Subject: [Filtered] TEM sample preparation for Yeast and Fungi.

Message: Dear Listeners,
How to prepare the yeast and fungi sample for TEM.
Is there any other resin used instead of araldite.?

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From: beth-at-plantbio.uga.edu
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2014 09:08:49 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Uranyl Acetate replacement Stain

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Happy new year to you all! I would appreciate your comments on the new non-radioactive Uranyl Acetate replacement Stain (a substitute for uranyl acetate). How do you like this product? What's your staining time?
I know this was discussed not long ago so email off list if you prefer.

==============================Original Headers==============================
2, 21 -- From beth-at-plantbio.uga.edu Thu Jan 9 09:08:48 2014
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2, 21 -- From: Beth Richardson {beth-at-plantbio.uga.edu}
2, 21 -- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
2, 21 -- Subject: Uranyl Acetate replacement Stain
2, 21 -- Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2014 10:08:43 -0500
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From: zaluzec-at-aaem.amc.anl.gov
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2014 11:19:27 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: TEM grid without Zn and Ni - Alternative

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives


You may wish to consider using SiN windows mounted on thin Si wafers.
These are available at most EM Supply houses. I have used these for
supporting small particles and have successfully done XEDS on these for
years. You will, of course, detect Si, N, and some O. I have never
seen Zn or Ni with these SiN films in instruments here at the ANL EMCenter.

Look for Si wafers ~ 100 microns thick, rather than the thicker (200
-300 micron) ones. The SiN windows range from 10-100 nm, obviously
the thinner the support window the better, but admittedly the 10nm
thick windows are fragile. Just be careful, or start with thicker
windows and work your way down.

Finally, be cognizant of which side you deposit your particles and also
which side is facing your XEDS detector, in order that you do not
get any shadowing effects due to the penumbra of the stage and/or
the chemically etched Si surface.


Your Friendly Neighborhood SysOp

On 1/9/14 4:55 AM, elena.belluso-at-unito.it wrote:
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} Dear all,
} I'm looking for TEM grid, 3.05 mm diameter, 200 mesh, carbon coated
} (about
} 200 A carbon thick) absolutely without impurity of Zn and Ni because I
} have
} to investigate (by EDS-TEM) on synthetic particles containing either Zn
} as
} Ni.
} I already tried the Au, Cu, plastic grids and all contain some amount
} of at
} least one of these elements. I verified that the grids sold as Cu-grid
} contain either Ni as Zn. Do you have info on carbon coated grids with
} the
} characteristics I need?
} I hope you can help me because I don't find a solution for this
} problem. I
} thank you a lot.
} Elena Belluso
} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
} Associate Professor in Environmental Mineralogy
} Ph.D. Mineralogy and Crystallography
} Dip. di Scienze della Terra, Universita' degli Studi di Torino
} Via Valperga Caluso n. 35, 10125 TORINO - ITALIA
} tel: (39) 011 670 51 35 - fax: (39) 011 670 51 28
} e-mail: elena.belluso-at-unito.it [1]
} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
} Associate Professor in Environmental Mineralogy
} Ph.D. Mineralogy and Crystallography
} Dip. di Scienze della Terra, Universita' degli Studi di Torino
} Via Valperga Caluso n. 35, 10125 TORINO - ITALIA
} tel: (39) 011 670 51 35 - fax: (39) 011 670 51 28
} e-mail: elena.belluso-at-unito.it [2]
} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
} _"I've... seen things you people wouldn't believe. _
} _Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. _
} _I watched C-beams... glitter in the dark near the Tanhauser Gate. _
} _All those... moments will be lost... in time..., _
} _like... tears... in... rain." _
} _Blade Runner_
} Links:
} ------
} [1] mailto:elena.belluso-at-unito.it
} [2] mailto:elena.belluso-at-unito.it
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} 32, 31 -- From elena.belluso-at-unito.it Thu Jan 9 04:55:48 2014
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} 32, 31 -- From: Elena Belluso {elena.belluso-at-unito.it}
} 32, 31 -- To: {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
} 32, 31 -- Subject: TEM grid without Zn and Ni
} 32, 31 -- Disposition-Notification-To: Elena Belluso {elena.belluso-at-unito.it}
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Dr. Nestor J. Zaluzec
Argonne National Laboratory
Electron Microscopy Center
Bldg 212 / A-143
9700 S. Cass Ave
Argonne, Illinois 60439 USA

Tel: 530-NES-TORZ (530-637-8679) has Voice Mail
Lab: 630-252-7901
Fax: 630-252-4798

iChat: Zaluzec-at-AIM.com
Skype: Zaluzec-at-ANL
TPM: http://tpm.amc.anl.gov

Email: Zaluzec-at-aaem.amc.anl.gov

Senior Scientist - Argonne National Laboratory
Fellow of the Microscopy Society of America
Senior Fellow the Computational Institute - University of Chicago
E.P. Wigner Fellow - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Past President Microscopy Society of America
Adjunct Professor of Physics - Northern Illinois University &
the University of Illinois at Chicago
Visiting Professor of Microscopy - Manchester University

TPMLab: http://tpm.amc.anl.gov
MMSite: http://www.amc.anl.gov

The box said ...
"This program requires Win 95/98/NT or better..."
So I bought a Mac !


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17, 25 -- From zaluzec-at-aaem.amc.anl.gov Thu Jan 9 11:19:23 2014
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From: hyi-at-emory.edu
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2014 13:45:52 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: viaWWW:TEM sample preparation for Yeast and

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

For yeast cells, cryo-fixation works much better than conventional
chemical fixation. You can either use self-pressurized rapid freezing
method or high pressure freezing method. The advantage of self
pressurized rapid freezing is that you do not need specialized equipment
and it is very easy to do. I routinely use this method for processing
yeast cells. Following cryo-fixation, you will need to do
cryo-substitution and eventually embed yeast cells in resin.

You can find more information about self-pressurized rapid freezing in the
manuscript shown below:

Leunissen JL, Yi H (2009) Self-pressurized rapid freezing (SPRF): a novel
cryofixation method for specimen preparation in electron microscopy. J
Microsc (Oxford) 235:25­35.


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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2014 18:48:43 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Sample preparation ZnO for TEM

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X-from: rub.ahumada.lazo-at-gmail.com ()

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Name: Rubén Ahumada-Lazo

Organization: Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Sample preparation for TEM

Message: Hi Everybody

How can I prepare a sample of ZnO thin film deposited on glass substrate by RF Magnetron sputtering,
so i can analyze it in TEM

Is there any published method or somebody knows an easy way?


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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2014 18:49:57 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:MBL Immunohistochemistry and Microscopy Course

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X-from: mmcgough-at-histochemicalsociety.org ()

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Name: Meg McGough

Organization: Histochemical Society

Title-Subject: [Filtered] MBL Immunohistochemistry and Microscopy Course

Message: Registration is still open for the 2014 Immunohistochemistry and Microscopy
Course (IHCM) at the Marine Biological Laboratory. Please alert your students,
postdocs and colleagues to this opportunity to attend one of MBL's Special
Topics course on Immunohistochemistry and Microscopy. Registration closes
on Tuesday, January 14! Course dates are March 15-20, 2014.

The Immunohistochemistry and Microscopy (IHCM) course is four full days and evenings (11 hours
daily) of lecture and laboratory sessions with experts in the field of immunohistochemistry (IHC)
and microscopy. The IHCM course
goal is to provide participants in-depth theory of and extensive hands-on
experience with immunohistochemistry (IHC) techniques as well as theory and
hands-on experience with a broad range of microscopic imaging techniques.
The course emphasizes hands-on laboratory time and small breakout
discussions with faculty and staff.

This course is appropriate for undergraduate and graduate students,
laboratory technicians, postdoctoral students, new and established
faculty/clinicians seeking to expand their techniques and knowledge of IHC and microscopy. It is
appropriate for beginning scientists and those with more advanced skills. Participants will be
grouped appropriately. Registration is limited to thirty.

Completed application forms and required supporting documentation must be
received by January 14, 2014.

FASEB Marc Awards and HCS Travel Awards are available to support
attendance at the course: http://histochemicalsociety.org/Awards.aspx

For further information about the course:

Online application Form: http://ws2.mbl.edu/studentapp/studentapp.asp?

Thank you,
Meg McGough
The Histochemical Society

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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2014 18:51:14 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW: NESM's Annual Spring Meeting @ Cabot Corporation!

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Name: New England Society for Microscopy

Organization: New England Society for Microscopy

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Save the Date: NESM's Annual Spring Meeting -at- Cabot Corporation!

Message: Dear Fellow Microscopists,

Remember to save the date for the New England Society for MicroscopyÂ’s annual Spring Meeting on
Tuesday, February 25th at Cabot Corporation! The meeting will consist of a buffet dinner and two
technical talks. More information to follow when registration opens up in the coming weeks. Keep up
with NESM by visiting our website (www.nesmicroscopy.org) and by following us on Facebook
(http://www.facebook.com/NESMicroscopy) and on twitter (http://www.twitter.com/#!/NESMicroscopy).

We hope to see you in February!

NESM Board

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From: opmills-at-mtu.edu
Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2014 13:18:03 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Lab management software

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives


I'd like to explore lab management software that includes calendar, user approval, account management, invoicing etc. I have found iLab, OCF, PPMS and Faces. Are their other products? I'd like to talk (off line) with those that use these products.

Disclaimer. I don't have a financial relationship with any of the vendors that distribute the products I mention in this message.

Thank you.


Owen P. Mills
Director, Applied Chemical and Morphological Analysis Laboratory ACMAL
Materials Science & Engineering
Michigan Technological University
1400 Townsend Drive
Houghton, MI 49931
PH 906-369-1875
FAX 906-487-2934

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From: S.Walck-at-comcast.net
Date: Sat, 11 Jan 2014 13:36:12 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Sample preparation ZnO for TEM

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

-------- Original Message --------

The easiest and fastest way would be to deposit your coating on a #0 or #1
glass cover plate and use a slightly modified version of the small angle
cleavage technique. When you start scribing with the mini scribes, some
pieces will have a small angle and will be good specimens when you mount
them on the grid vertically. For ZnO, the transition region from equiaxed
growth to columnar is weak and you often get a jog in the cross section of
the film with the columnar structure back further from the tip. It just
means that you have to screen more samples in the microscope. Get your hands
on the MRS vol 480 book for Sample Prep IV and look at John McCaffrey and my

The Small Angle Cleavage Technique: An Update, S. D. Walck and J. P.
McCaffrey, Proceedings of the Materials Research Society, Workshop on
Specimen Preparation for Transmission Electron Microscopy of Materials IV,
eds. Ron M. Anderson and Scott D. Walck, Vol 480, Pittsburgh, (1997).

I think that we talk about ZnO results in this paper, but I'm not 100%
The Small Angle Cleavage Technique Applied to Coatings and Thin Films, S. D.
Walck and J. P. McCaffrey, Thin Solid Films, 308-309, pp. 399-405, 1997.


Scott D. Walck, Ph.D.
Sr. Scientist
Bowhead Science & Technology
U.S. Army Research Laboratory
4600 Deer Creek Loop
APG, MD 21005-5069

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X-from: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
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Name: Rubén Ahumada-Lazo

Organization: Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Sample preparation for TEM

Message: Hi Everybody

How can I prepare a sample of ZnO thin film deposited on glass substrate by
RF Magnetron sputtering, so i can analyze it in TEM

Is there any published method or somebody knows an easy way?


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31, 36 -- From s.walck-at-comcast.net Sat Jan 11 13:36:11 2014
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From: bradford.ross-at-botany.ubc.ca
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2014 13:28:41 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Hitachi RP Rebuild

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hello Listserver,

We have a couple of Hitachi CuteVac VR16L-K roughing pumps that need new vanes and oil seals. Unfortunately, nobody seems to sell parts for these. A couple of people have suggested that the parts are interchangeable with another manufacturer, (Alcatel?) but nobody has been able to provide specific part #s for the vanes or anything else.

Anyone rebuilt one of these before and remember which vanes and seals to use?

Bradford Ross

Microscopy Technician
BioImaging Facility
University of British Columbia
6270 University Blvd.
Vancouver, B.C.
V6T 1Z4

phone 604-822-6996

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13, 31 -- Thread-Topic: Hitachi RP Rebuild
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From: kraftpiano-at-gmail.com
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2014 14:00:44 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] TEM: JEOL Gun lift.

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Does anybody have a JEOL 12XX TEM gun lift hanging around in a parts bin somewhere? I am in need of one...

--Justin A. Kraft

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2, 34 -- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
2, 34 -- Subject: TEM: JEOL Gun lift.
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2014 17:55:29 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:FIB SEM Workshop, Feb 27, 2014 @ Johns Hopkins APL

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Name: Nabil Bassim

Organization: Naval Research Laboratory

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Registration Reminder: FIB SEM Workshop, Feb 27, 2014 and Johns Hopkins APL

Message: Call for Papers & Registration Reminder

7th Annual FIB SEM Workshop

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Kossiakoff Center

Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory

Laurel, MD

2014 FIB SEM Workshop will be held at the Kossiakoff Center at Johns Hopkins Applied Physics
Laboratory (APL). We will have a full day of presentations and posters by FIB users and vendors
highlighting interesting new FIB applications and the latest technology. And, as always, there will
be plenty of opportunities for informal discussion of new techniques and applications as well as
getting (re)connected with your fellow FIBers.

If you would like to present a paper or poster, please submit an abstract to the organizers.
Starting this year, we are requiring an abstract submission from all presenters (user & vendor
contributions). All FIB related topics such as new and novel application areas for FIB, advances in
FIB and FIB related instrumentation and techniques, image and data processing techniques for FIB
data are all welcome.

· Abstract Deadline: January 15, 2014

Abstracts should be 250 words or less in length. Email abstracts to fibsem2014-at-fibsem.net.

Abstract Notification: February 1, 2014

· Registration Deadline: February 3, 2014 - Register!

· Travel Info

Please check our website (www.fibsem.org) for additional information about the meeting. There is no
fee to attend the meeting, and breakfast and lunch will be provided! There will be a Happy Hour
following the meeting, so donÂ’t forget to sign up for it when you register.

Remember, you don't have to be a local user to attend! We look forward to seeing you at APL!


Nabil Bassim, nabil.bassim-at-nrl.navy.mil

Ken Livi, klivi-at-jhu.edu

Joan Hoffmann, joan.hoffmann-at-jhuapl.edu

Keana Scott, keana.scott-at-nist.gov

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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2014 17:56:28 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:microwave processing

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X-from: duraine-at-bcm.edu ()

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Email: duraine-at-bcm.edu
Name: Lita Duraine

Organization: HHMI

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Re:[Histonet] microwave processing

Message: Hi Gudrun,

You might want to obtain books written by Rick Giberson, since he is one of the inventors and
pioneers for the microwave tissue processor. The microwave processor with vacuumm is one of the
best inventions of the last 50 years. By using the microwave with vacuum you can now see organelles
that you didn't know were there before. It is almost indispensible for lung or other tissues where
you have lots of voids and spaces. We routinely use the technology on mouse and drosophila tissue.
In the past I have used it on avian, reptile, and plant tissue also with excellent results. I am
sure that if you call Ted Pella, Rick or spomeone would be happy to help you convert any protocols
you may have.

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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2014 17:58:34 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:MBL Immunohistochemistry and Microscopy Course

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Email: mmcgough-at-histochemicalsociety.org
Name: Meg McGough

Organization: The Histochemical Society

Title-Subject: [Filtered] MBL Immunohistochemistry and Microscopy Course - Application Deadline Extended

Message: The application deadline for the 2014 Immunohistochemistry and Microscopy
Course (IHCM) at the Marine Biological Laboratory has been extended until January 21. Course dates
are March 15-20, 2014.

The Immunohistochemistry and Microscopy (IHCM) course is four full days and evenings (11 hours
daily) of lecture and laboratory sessions with experts in the field of immunohistochemistry (IHC)
and microscopy. The IHCM course
goal is to provide participants in-depth theory of and extensive hands-on
experience with immunohistochemistry (IHC) techniques as well as theory and
hands-on experience with a broad range of microscopic imaging techniques.
The course emphasizes hands-on laboratory time and small breakout
discussions with faculty and staff.

This course is appropriate for undergraduate and graduate students,
laboratory technicians, postdoctoral students, new and established
faculty/clinicians seeking to expand their techniques and knowledge of IHC and microscopy. It is
appropriate for beginning scientists and those with more advanced skills. Participants will be
grouped appropriately. Registration is limited to thirty.

Completed application forms and required supporting documentation must be
received by January 21, 2014.

FASEB Marc Awards are available to support attendance at the course:

For further information about the course:

Thank you,
Meg McGough
The Histochemical Society

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From: ray.twesten-at-sbcglobal.net
Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2014 13:02:58 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] TEM grid without Zn and Ni

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Dear Elena,
Have you considered that the Zn/Ni could be coming from the TEM or sample
holder (or even the EDS detector) rather than the grid itself. When you hit
the sample with high energy elections, you generate a huge number of x-rays
of all energies in addition to backscattered electrons. If you have any
brass near your sample, you are almost guaranteed to get Cu and Zn in your
EDS spectrum from non-local fluorescence. The Ni could be coming from SS
near the sample or the TEM pole piece (do you also see Fe?).
While TEM based EDS is a lot cleaner than it once was, you can never
really be sure where the x-rays that enter your detector originate. Using
low background holders and TEM hard x-ray apertures (if available) can help.
Chapter 33.3 in Williams and Carter's TEM book details these issues and
describes precautions to help reduce system and spurious x-ray artifacts.

If you have access to an EELS detector, you can run the experiments
without worrying about fluorescence artifacts. You will only see the
element if it is under the beam.

Hope this helps.


Disclaimer: I work for Gatan which provides EELS and EDS equipment and
software as well as low background TEM sample holders.

Ray D. Twesten
Livermore, CA

-----Original Message-----
X-from: elena.belluso-at-unito.it [mailto:elena.belluso-at-unito.it]
Sent: Thursday, January 09, 2014 3:04 AM
To: ray.twesten-at-sbcglobal.net

Dear all,

I'm looking for TEM grid, 3.05 mm diameter, 200 mesh, carbon coated (about
200 A carbon thick) absolutely without impurity of Zn and Ni because I have
to investigate (by EDS-TEM) on synthetic particles containing either Zn as

I already tried the Au, Cu, plastic grids and all contain some amount of at
least one of these elements. I verified that the grids sold as Cu-grid
contain either Ni as Zn. Do you have info on carbon coated grids with the
characteristics I need?

I hope you can help me because I don't find a solution for this problem. I
thank you a lot.

Elena Belluso



Associate Professor in Environmental Mineralogy

Ph.D. Mineralogy and Crystallography

Dip. di Scienze della Terra, Universita' degli Studi di Torino

Via Valperga Caluso n. 35, 10125 TORINO - ITALIA

tel: (39) 011 670 51 35 - fax: (39) 011 670 51 28

e-mail: elena.belluso-at-unito.it [1]



Associate Professor in Environmental Mineralogy

Ph.D. Mineralogy and Crystallography

Dip. di Scienze della Terra, Universita' degli Studi di Torino

Via Valperga Caluso n. 35, 10125 TORINO - ITALIA

tel: (39) 011 670 51 35 - fax: (39) 011 670 51 28

e-mail: elena.belluso-at-unito.it [2]


_"I've... seen things you people wouldn't believe. _

_Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. _

_I watched C-beams... glitter in the dark near the Tanhauser Gate. _

_All those... moments will be lost... in time..., _

_like... tears... in... rain." _

_Blade Runner_

[1] mailto:elena.belluso-at-unito.it
[2] mailto:elena.belluso-at-unito.it

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45, 42 -- Cc: {elena.belluso-at-unito.it}
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45, 42 -- Subject: RE: [Microscopy] TEM grid without Zn and Ni
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From: eikonika-at-otenet.gr
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2014 11:46:25 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] "colored" resin for TEM

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Dear List

For the purpose of orientation while viewing a specimen in TEM, I naively
thought it might be useful to "color" a resin by adding electrodense grains
(e.g.ferritin) and then, after appropriate cutting, to re-embed the block in
the "colored" resin. In this way one or more side(s) of the specimen
touching the cut can be readily recognizable in the thin sections under the

Does it make any sense what I am saying and (if yes) is there any experience
on this?

Thanks for your time


Dr Yorgos Nikas
Athens Innovative Microscopy
Skra 36 Voula 16673 GREECE

Tel/fax +30 210 8957677
mobile +30 6945 107477
www.eikonika.net www.aim.cat

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11, 22 -- From eikonika-at-otenet.gr Wed Jan 15 11:46:25 2014
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11, 22 -- From: "yorgos nikas" {eikonika-at-otenet.gr}
11, 22 -- To: {microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
11, 22 -- Subject: "colored" resin for TEM
11, 22 -- Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2014 19:46:19 +0200
11, 22 -- MIME-Version: 1.0
11, 22 -- Content-Type: text/plain;
11, 22 -- format=flowed;
11, 22 -- charset="iso-8859-1";
11, 22 -- reply-type=response
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11, 22 -- X-Priority: 3
11, 22 -- X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
11, 22 -- X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2900.5931
11, 22 -- X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2900.6157
==============================End of - Headers==============================

From: John.Mardinly-at-asu.edu
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2014 15:12:15 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Windows XP Support Ending April 8, 2014

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

April 8, 2014 marks the end of support from Microsoft for Windows XP. That means no more security updates to patch newly discovered security holes. This will leave any computers still running Windows XP vulnerable to attacks if they remain connected to the internet or if infected memory media are inserted into the computer. I am sure there are a lot of machines out there running Windows XP. I am curious to hear what approaches microscopy community members are taking to deal with this, as well as what the community of microscopy related hardware vendors are doing to address this situation. Thank you.

John Mardinly, ASU

==============================Original Headers==============================
4, 35 -- From John.Mardinly-at-asu.edu Wed Jan 15 15:12:14 2014
4, 35 -- Received: from bcnetw3.asu.edu (bcnetw3.asu.edu [])
4, 35 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id s0FLCEU1008827
4, 35 -- for {Microscopy-at-Microscopy.com} ; Wed, 15 Jan 2014 15:12:14 -0600
4, 35 -- X-ASG-Debug-ID: 1389820333-0549c456250a750001-FOsErg
4, 35 -- Received: from exhubw01.asurite.ad.asu.edu (exhubw01.asurite.ad.asu.edu []) by bcnetw3.asu.edu with ESMTP id Lezl3NXq5dB4vpTh (version=TLSv1 cipher=AES128-SHA bits=128 verify=NO) for {Microscopy-at-Microscopy.com} ; Wed, 15 Jan 2014 14:12:13 -0700 (MST)
4, 35 -- X-Barracuda-Envelope-From: John.Mardinly-at-asu.edu
4, 35 -- X-Barracuda-Apparent-Source-IP:
4, 35 -- X-ASG-Whitelist: Client
4, 35 -- Received: from EXMBT05.asurite.ad.asu.edu ([]) by
4, 35 -- exhubw01.asurite.ad.asu.edu ([]) with mapi id 14.02.0309.002;
4, 35 -- Wed, 15 Jan 2014 14:12:12 -0700
4, 35 -- From: John Mardinly {John.Mardinly-at-asu.edu}
4, 35 -- To: "Microscopy-at-Microscopy.com" {Microscopy-at-Microscopy.com}
4, 35 -- Subject: Windows XP Support Ending April 8, 2014
4, 35 -- Thread-Topic: Windows XP Support Ending April 8, 2014
4, 35 -- X-ASG-Orig-Subj: Windows XP Support Ending April 8, 2014
4, 35 -- Thread-Index: Ac8SNnTksb2ozlmjTzO6+BJCz2aDAQ==
4, 35 -- Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2014 21:12:11 +0000
4, 35 -- Message-ID: {4FFC63ED830B1C41BACD3ABA182BE9400B7A2850-at-exmbt05.asurite.ad.asu.edu}
4, 35 -- Accept-Language: en-US
4, 35 -- Content-Language: en-US
4, 35 -- X-MS-Has-Attach:
4, 35 -- X-MS-TNEF-Correlator:
4, 35 -- x-originating-ip: []
4, 35 -- Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
4, 35 -- MIME-Version: 1.0
4, 35 -- X-Barracuda-Connect: exhubw01.asurite.ad.asu.edu[]
4, 35 -- X-Barracuda-Start-Time: 1389820333
4, 35 -- X-Barracuda-Encrypted: AES128-SHA
4, 35 -- X-Barracuda-URL:
4, 35 -- X-Virus-Scanned: by bsmtpd at asu.edu
4, 35 -- X-Barracuda-BRTS-Status: 1
4, 35 -- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
4, 35 -- X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by ns.microscopy.com id s0FLCEU1008827
==============================End of - Headers==============================

From: r-holdford-at-ti.com
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2014 17:50:40 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] RE: Windows XP Support Ending April 8, 2014

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

At my place, we are putting a Win7 computer between the XPs and the corporate network. The Win7 will act as a server for the XPs. We have a few SEMs and a couple of other tools that cannot be upgraded to Win7. Unless, of course, we want to buy whole new tools!

} -----Original Message-----
} From: John.Mardinly-at-asu.edu [mailto:John.Mardinly-at-asu.edu]
} Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 3:12 PM
} To: Holdford, Becky
} Subject: [Microscopy] Windows XP Support Ending April 8, 2014
} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
} The Microscopy ListServer -- CoSponsor: The Microscopy Society of America To

==============================Original Headers==============================
3, 32 -- From r-holdford-at-ti.com Wed Jan 15 17:50:40 2014
3, 32 -- Received: from devils.ext.ti.com (devils.ext.ti.com [])
3, 32 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id s0FNoexB030568
3, 32 -- for {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Wed, 15 Jan 2014 17:50:40 -0600
3, 32 -- Received: from dflxv15.itg.ti.com ([])
3, 32 -- by devils.ext.ti.com (8.13.7/8.13.7) with ESMTP id s0FNobgP008756;
3, 32 -- Wed, 15 Jan 2014 17:50:38 -0600
3, 32 -- Received: from DFLE72.ent.ti.com (dfle72.ent.ti.com [])
3, 32 -- by dflxv15.itg.ti.com (8.14.3/8.13.8) with ESMTP id s0FNobmc010160;
3, 32 -- Wed, 15 Jan 2014 17:50:37 -0600
3, 32 -- Received: from DLEE08.ent.ti.com ([fe80::b57d:c966:76e5:eb71]) by
3, 32 -- DFLE72.ent.ti.com ([fe80::e5e2:bab6:34dc:a483%28]) with mapi id
3, 32 -- 14.02.0342.003; Wed, 15 Jan 2014 17:50:37 -0600
3, 32 -- From: "Holdford, Becky" {r-holdford-at-ti.com}
3, 32 -- To: "John.Mardinly-at-asu.edu" {John.Mardinly-at-asu.edu}
3, 32 -- CC: "MSA Listerver (microscopy-at-microscopy.com)" {microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
3, 32 -- Subject: RE: [Microscopy] Windows XP Support Ending April 8, 2014
3, 32 -- Thread-Topic: [Microscopy] Windows XP Support Ending April 8, 2014
3, 32 -- Thread-Index: AQHPEjZ+7S3V71p2l0enBlFa2Pign5qGdABA
3, 32 -- Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2014 23:50:36 +0000
3, 32 -- Message-ID: {9128BB8114AB41469F2BAA1EA3A4F85D237086B2-at-DLEE08.ent.ti.com}
3, 32 -- References: {201401152112.s0FLCOuv009012-at-ns.microscopy.com}
3, 32 -- In-Reply-To: {201401152112.s0FLCOuv009012-at-ns.microscopy.com}
3, 32 -- Accept-Language: en-US
3, 32 -- Content-Language: en-US
3, 32 -- X-MS-Has-Attach:
3, 32 -- X-MS-TNEF-Correlator:
3, 32 -- x-originating-ip: []
3, 32 -- Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
3, 32 -- MIME-Version: 1.0
3, 32 -- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
3, 32 -- X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by ns.microscopy.com id s0FNoexB030568
==============================End of - Headers==============================

From: zaluzec-at-microscopy.com
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2014 21:26:18 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:SCSMM full-day symposium February 8th 2014

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: sergey-at-seas.ucla.edu ()

This Question/Comment was submitted to the Microscopy Listserver
using the WWW based Form at
Remember this posting is most likely not from a Subscriber, so when
please copy both sergey-at-seas.ucla.edu as well as the Microscopy

Email: sergey-at-seas.ucla.edu
Name: Sergey Prikhodko

Organization: University of California, Los Angeles

Title-Subject: [Filtered] SCSMM full-day symposium

Message: Dear all

The Southern California Society for Microscopy and Microanalysis (SCSMM)
announce their Full-Day Symposium.
The meeting will be held on Saturday, February 8th from 8:00 am at
Calit2 Auditorium at the University of California, Irvine. A lunch and
coffee breaks will be served.

Our symposium, dedicated to hybrid approaches in microscopy. Beside the
fact that it poses significant challenges for researchers in both life
and materials sciences, it continues the conversation about nanoscience,
its role, and its future. We are honored to have Prof. C. Barry Carter
from the University of Connecticut best known in the “microscopy world”
as the co-author of the textbook “Transmission Electron Microscopy: A
Textbook for Materials Science” as our Microscopy Society of America
Invited Speaker. He will have an inspiring talk titled “Challenges for
TEM and TEMers: Remember the Past if You Can” in which he links the
history of TEM to the current status of the field and its future. Along
with Prof. Carter, our invited speakers Prof. Suneel Kodambaka (UCLA),
Prof. Dorit Hanein (Sanford-Burnham MRI), Prof. Daniel R. Mumm (UCI) and
Dr. Yi-Wei Chang (Caltech) will make our symposium a remarkable event.

In order to register, please RSVP by email at micromark-at-juno.com.
Respond no later than 5:00 p.m. Friday, January 31st, 2014 (indicate
your special needs by this due).

The cost is $25 for professionals and $10 for students. Membership dues
can be paid at the door on February 8th, 2014.

Nonmembers are welcome to attend.

Please pass along to those you feel would be interested.

We look forward to seeing you at the meeting!


Login Host:
Listserver Email Form V - 20120416

==============================Original Headers==============================
21, 39 -- From nestor.zaluzec-at-gmail.com Wed Jan 15 21:26:17 2014
21, 39 -- Received: from mail-ie0-f174.google.com (mail-ie0-f174.google.com [])
21, 39 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id s0G3QHWo018614
21, 39 -- for {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Wed, 15 Jan 2014 21:26:17 -0600
21, 39 -- Received: by mail-ie0-f174.google.com with SMTP id lx4so3234332iec.19
21, 39 -- for {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Wed, 15 Jan 2014 19:26:17 -0800 (PST)
21, 39 -- DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;
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21, 39 -- X-Received: by with SMTP id z4mr5637278ich.49.1389842777498;
21, 39 -- Wed, 15 Jan 2014 19:26:17 -0800 (PST)
21, 39 -- Received: from NestorPwrBk.local (adsl-99-141-123-144.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net. [])
21, 39 -- by mx.google.com with ESMTPSA id kt2sm1024702igb.1.2014.
21, 39 -- for {microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
21, 39 -- (version=TLSv1 cipher=ECDHE-RSA-RC4-SHA bits=128/128);
21, 39 -- Wed, 15 Jan 2014 19:26:16 -0800 (PST)
21, 39 -- Sender: "Nestor J. Zaluzec" {nestor.zaluzec-at-gmail.com}
21, 39 -- Message-ID: {52D75147.5040201-at-microscopy.com}
21, 39 -- Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2014 21:25:59 -0600
21, 39 -- From: MicroscopyListserver-NoReply {zaluzec-at-microscopy.com}
21, 39 -- Reply-To: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
21, 39 -- User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.7; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/24.2.0
21, 39 -- MIME-Version: 1.0
21, 39 -- To: MicroscopyListServer-Forward {microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
21, 39 -- Subject: viaWWW:SCSMM full-day symposium February 8th 2014
21, 39 -- References: {201401160106.s0G163B9017479-at-ns.microscopy.com}
21, 39 -- In-Reply-To: {201401160106.s0G163B9017479-at-ns.microscopy.com}
21, 39 -- X-Forwarded-Message-Id: {201401160106.s0G163B9017479-at-ns.microscopy.com}
21, 39 -- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
21, 39 -- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
==============================End of - Headers==============================

From: nwbotto-at-ucdavis.edu
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 12:13:32 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: Windows XP Support Ending April 8, 2014

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

We are keeping our XP machine unplugged from the network, and I made
sure to turn off "autorun" for all media (CD/DVD and USB) so infected
media can't take over your machine automatically (unless there's a new
way to get Windows to automatically execute files, which wouldn't
surprise me).


Nick Botto
Microprobe Specialist
UC Davis Earth and Planetary Sciences Microprobe Lab
Website: http://microprobe.geology.ucdavis.edu/index.html
Calendar: http://microprobe.geology.ucdavis.edu/calendar/probe.htm
ph. 530-752-6582

On 1/15/14, 1:21 PM, John.Mardinly-at-asu.edu wrote:
} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
} The Microscopy ListServer -- CoSponsor: The Microscopy Society of America
} To Subscribe/Unsubscribe -- http://www.microscopy.com/MicroscopyListserver
} On-Line Help http://www.microscopy.com/MicroscopyListserver/FAQ.html
} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
} April 8, 2014 marks the end of support from Microsoft for Windows XP. That means no more security updates to patch newly discovered security holes. This will leave any computers still running Windows XP vulnerable to attacks if they remain connected to the internet or if infected memory media are inserted into the computer. I am sure there are a lot of machines out there running Windows XP. I am curious to hear what approaches microscopy community members are taking to deal with this, as well as what the community of microscopy related hardware vendors are doing to address this situation. Thank you.
} John Mardinly, ASU
} ==============================Original Headers==============================
} 4, 35 -- From John.Mardinly-at-asu.edu Wed Jan 15 15:12:14 2014
} 4, 35 -- Received: from bcnetw3.asu.edu (bcnetw3.asu.edu [])
} 4, 35 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id s0FLCEU1008827
} 4, 35 -- for {Microscopy-at-Microscopy.com} ; Wed, 15 Jan 2014 15:12:14 -0600
} 4, 35 -- X-ASG-Debug-ID: 1389820333-0549c456250a750001-FOsErg
} 4, 35 -- Received: from exhubw01.asurite.ad.asu.edu (exhubw01.asurite.ad.asu.edu []) by bcnetw3.asu.edu with ESMTP id Lezl3NXq5dB4vpTh (version=TLSv1 cipher=AES128-SHA bits=128 verify=NO) for {Microscopy-at-Microscopy.com} ; Wed, 15 Jan 2014 14:12:13 -0700 (MST)
} 4, 35 -- X-Barracuda-Envelope-From: John.Mardinly-at-asu.edu
} 4, 35 -- X-Barracuda-Apparent-Source-IP:
} 4, 35 -- X-ASG-Whitelist: Client
} 4, 35 -- Received: from EXMBT05.asurite.ad.asu.edu ([]) by
} 4, 35 -- exhubw01.asurite.ad.asu.edu ([]) with mapi id 14.02.0309.002;
} 4, 35 -- Wed, 15 Jan 2014 14:12:12 -0700
} 4, 35 -- From: John Mardinly {John.Mardinly-at-asu.edu}
} 4, 35 -- To: "Microscopy-at-Microscopy.com" {Microscopy-at-Microscopy.com}
} 4, 35 -- Subject: Windows XP Support Ending April 8, 2014
} 4, 35 -- Thread-Topic: Windows XP Support Ending April 8, 2014
} 4, 35 -- X-ASG-Orig-Subj: Windows XP Support Ending April 8, 2014
} 4, 35 -- Thread-Index: Ac8SNnTksb2ozlmjTzO6+BJCz2aDAQ==
} 4, 35 -- Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2014 21:12:11 +0000
} 4, 35 -- Message-ID: {4FFC63ED830B1C41BACD3ABA182BE9400B7A2850-at-exmbt05.asurite.ad.asu.edu}
} 4, 35 -- Accept-Language: en-US
} 4, 35 -- Content-Language: en-US
} 4, 35 -- X-MS-Has-Attach:
} 4, 35 -- X-MS-TNEF-Correlator:
} 4, 35 -- x-originating-ip: []
} 4, 35 -- Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
} 4, 35 -- MIME-Version: 1.0
} 4, 35 -- X-Barracuda-Connect: exhubw01.asurite.ad.asu.edu[]
} 4, 35 -- X-Barracuda-Start-Time: 1389820333
} 4, 35 -- X-Barracuda-Encrypted: AES128-SHA
} 4, 35 -- X-Barracuda-URL:
} 4, 35 -- X-Virus-Scanned: by bsmtpd at asu.edu
} 4, 35 -- X-Barracuda-BRTS-Status: 1
} 4, 35 -- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
} 4, 35 -- X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by ns.microscopy.com id s0FLCEU1008827
} ==============================End of - Headers==============================

==============================Original Headers==============================
5, 23 -- From nwbotto-at-ucdavis.edu Thu Jan 16 12:13:31 2014
5, 23 -- Received: from msa1.ucdavis.edu (msa1.ucdavis.edu [])
5, 23 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id s0GIDUKG029552
5, 23 -- for {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Thu, 16 Jan 2014 12:13:30 -0600
5, 23 -- Received: from distortedreality.local ([])
5, 23 -- (authenticated bits=0)
5, 23 -- by msa1.ucdavis.edu (8.14.4/8.14.5/it-rhel5-mimedefang-smtp-1.6) with ESMTP id s0GIDNGU061882
5, 23 -- (version=TLSv1/SSLv3 cipher=DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA256-SHA bits=256 verify=NO)
5, 23 -- for {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Thu, 16 Jan 2014 10:13:24 -0800
5, 23 -- Message-ID: {52D82143.9030301-at-ucdavis.edu}
5, 23 -- Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 10:13:23 -0800
5, 23 -- From: Nick Botto {nwbotto-at-ucdavis.edu}
5, 23 -- User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.9; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/24.2.0
5, 23 -- MIME-Version: 1.0
5, 23 -- To: microscopy-at-microscopy.com
5, 23 -- Subject: Re: [Microscopy] Windows XP Support Ending April 8, 2014
5, 23 -- References: {201401152121.s0FLLWhR023627-at-ns.microscopy.com}
5, 23 -- In-Reply-To: {201401152121.s0FLLWhR023627-at-ns.microscopy.com}
5, 23 -- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
5, 23 -- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
5, 23 -- X-Virus-Scanned: clamav-milter 0.97.8 at msa1
5, 23 -- X-Virus-Status: Clean
5, 23 -- X-Scanned-By: MIMEDefang 2.74
==============================End of - Headers==============================

From: adamschu-at-uvic.ca
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 13:31:21 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: Windows XP Support Ending April 8, 2014

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

As an addendum to this, Microsoft announced on January 15th that it would continue to provide updates for security products until July 14, 2015. So no more system updates, but at least they'll continue to update Security Essentials and other MS antivirus signatures for machines running XP.


Adam Schuetze, D.Tech, B.Eng
Laboratory Engineer, Advanced Microscopy Facility
Bob Wright A015, University of Victoria, Canada
Lab: 250.853.3968

-----Original Message-----
X-from: nwbotto-at-ucdavis.edu [mailto:nwbotto-at-ucdavis.edu]
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2014 10:28 AM
To: Adam Schuetze

We are keeping our XP machine unplugged from the network, and I made sure to turn off "autorun" for all media (CD/DVD and USB) so infected media can't take over your machine automatically (unless there's a new way to get Windows to automatically execute files, which wouldn't surprise me).


Nick Botto
Microprobe Specialist
UC Davis Earth and Planetary Sciences Microprobe Lab
Website: http://microprobe.geology.ucdavis.edu/index.html
Calendar: http://microprobe.geology.ucdavis.edu/calendar/probe.htm
ph. 530-752-6582

On 1/15/14, 1:21 PM, John.Mardinly-at-asu.edu wrote:
} ----------------------------------------------------------------------
} ------ The Microscopy ListServer -- CoSponsor: The Microscopy Society
} of America To Subscribe/Unsubscribe --
} http://www.microscopy.com/MicroscopyListserver
} On-Line Help http://www.microscopy.com/MicroscopyListserver/FAQ.html
} ----------------------------------------------------------------------
} ------
} April 8, 2014 marks the end of support from Microsoft for Windows XP. That means no more security updates to patch newly discovered security holes. This will leave any computers still running Windows XP vulnerable to attacks if they remain connected to the internet or if infected memory media are inserted into the computer. I am sure there are a lot of machines out there running Windows XP. I am curious to hear what approaches microscopy community members are taking to deal with this, as well as what the community of microscopy related hardware vendors are doing to address this situation. Thank you.
} John Mardinly, ASU
} ==============================Original
} Headers==============================
} 4, 35 -- From John.Mardinly-at-asu.edu Wed Jan 15 15:12:14 2014 4, 35 --
} Received: from bcnetw3.asu.edu (bcnetw3.asu.edu [])
} 4, 35 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id s0FLCEU1008827
} 4, 35 -- for {Microscopy-at-Microscopy.com} ; Wed, 15 Jan 2014 15:12:14 -0600
} 4, 35 -- X-ASG-Debug-ID: 1389820333-0549c456250a750001-FOsErg
} 4, 35 -- Received: from exhubw01.asurite.ad.asu.edu
} (exhubw01.asurite.ad.asu.edu []) by bcnetw3.asu.edu with
} ESMTP id Lezl3NXq5dB4vpTh (version=TLSv1 cipher=AES128-SHA bits=128
} verify=NO) for {Microscopy-at-Microscopy.com} ; Wed, 15 Jan 2014 14:12:13
} -0700 (MST) 4, 35 -- X-Barracuda-Envelope-From: John.Mardinly-at-asu.edu
} 4, 35 -- X-Barracuda-Apparent-Source-IP: 4, 35 --
} X-ASG-Whitelist: Client 4, 35 -- Received: from
} EXMBT05.asurite.ad.asu.edu ([]) by 4, 35 --
} exhubw01.asurite.ad.asu.edu ([]) with mapi id
} 14.02.0309.002; 4, 35 -- Wed, 15 Jan 2014 14:12:12 -0700 4, 35 --
} From: John Mardinly {John.Mardinly-at-asu.edu} 4, 35 -- To:
} "Microscopy-at-Microscopy.com" {Microscopy-at-Microscopy.com} 4, 35 --
} Subject: Windows XP Support Ending April 8, 2014 4, 35 --
} Thread-Topic: Windows XP Support Ending April 8, 2014 4, 35 --
} X-ASG-Orig-Subj: Windows XP Support Ending April 8, 2014 4, 35 --
} Thread-Index: Ac8SNnTksb2ozlmjTzO6+BJCz2aDAQ== 4, 35 -- Date: Wed, 15
} Jan 2014 21:12:11 +0000 4, 35 -- Message-ID:
} {4FFC63ED830B1C41BACD3ABA182BE9400B7A2850-at-exmbt05.asurite.ad.asu.edu}
} 4, 35 -- Accept-Language: en-US
} 4, 35 -- Content-Language: en-US
} 4, 35 -- X-MS-Has-Attach:
} 4, 35 -- X-MS-TNEF-Correlator:
} 4, 35 -- x-originating-ip: [] 4, 35 -- Content-Type:
} text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
} 4, 35 -- MIME-Version: 1.0
} 4, 35 -- X-Barracuda-Connect:
} exhubw01.asurite.ad.asu.edu[]
} 4, 35 -- X-Barracuda-Start-Time: 1389820333 4, 35 --
} X-Barracuda-Encrypted: AES128-SHA 4, 35 -- X-Barracuda-URL:
} 4, 35 -- X-Virus-Scanned: by bsmtpd at asu.edu 4, 35 --
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5, 23 -- From nwbotto-at-ucdavis.edu Thu Jan 16 12:13:31 2014 5, 23 -- Received: from msa1.ucdavis.edu (msa1.ucdavis.edu [])
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5, 23 -- Message-ID: {52D82143.9030301-at-ucdavis.edu} 5, 23 -- Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 10:13:23 -0800 5, 23 -- From: Nick Botto {nwbotto-at-ucdavis.edu} 5, 23 -- User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.9; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/24.2.0 5, 23 -- MIME-Version: 1.0 5, 23 -- To: microscopy-at-microscopy.com 5, 23 -- Subject: Re: [Microscopy] Windows XP Support Ending April 8, 2014 5, 23 -- References: {201401152121.s0FLLWhR023627-at-ns.microscopy.com}
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14, 31 -- From adamschu-at-uvic.ca Thu Jan 16 13:31:21 2014
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14, 31 -- Subject: RE: [Microscopy] Re: Windows XP Support Ending April 8, 2014
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 17:53:49 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:CM10/12 heat production

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Email: jcsmtf-at-mail.missouri.edu
Name: Josh Schorp

Organization: University of Missouri

Title-Subject: [Filtered] CM10/12 heat production

Message: Does anyone know what the heat load that the CM10 and CM12 generate?

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12, 28 -- From microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com Thu Jan 16 17:53:48 2014
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From: oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 07:06:44 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: viaWWW:CM10/12 heat production

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives


I've got the heat load specs for the CM-10 - just have to dig them out.
I'll send you a pdf.
Not for the CM-12, but they won't be too different.


} Email: jcsmtf-at-mail.missouri.edu
} Name: Josh Schorp
} Organization: University of Missouri
} Title-Subject: [Filtered] CM10/12 heat production
} Message: Does anyone know what the heat load that the CM10 and CM12 generate?
Philip Oshel
Microscopy Facility Supervisor
Biology Department
024C Brooks Hall
Central Michigan University
Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859
(989) 774-3576

==============================Original Headers==============================
4, 29 -- From oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu Fri Jan 17 07:06:44 2014
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4, 29 -- Subject: Re: [Microscopy] viaWWW:CM10/12 heat production
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 09:17:10 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:ibidi, LLC is Now Hiring for a Techincal Sales Representative

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X-from: sliliensiek-at-ibidiusa.com ()

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Email: sliliensiek-at-ibidiusa.com
Name: Sara Liliensiek

Organization: ibidi, LLC

Title-Subject: [Filtered] ibidi, LLC is Now Hiring for a Techincal Sales Representative

Message: Hello Everyone,

ibidi, LLC, a leader in providing solutions for BioMicroscopy, is looking to add a new Technical
Sales Representative to the US team. ibidi is an international company which began in Munich Germany
and has now expanded in the US. We are looking for a motivated and technical individual to help grow
and manage new territories in the East and/or West Coast market. This position is geared towards
someone who is dedicated to life sciences and cellular research but is more suited to work in the
field rather than the lab.

The successful candidate will be a self-starter with strong communication skills as well as a
forward thinker. This is an amazing opportunity to work for an innovative and fast growing company
and the correct individual will be provided the tools and support to advance quickly.

If interested, please send your Cover Letter, CV along with salary requirements to Jenni Poole at

For a more detailed job description please go to

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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 08:03:42 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Stereoscope with a camera mount for studying dinosaur fossils

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X-from: achristensen-at-annamaria.edu ()

X-from: mpittman-at-hku.hk ()

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Email: mpittman-at-hku.hk
Name: Michael Pittman

Organization: Department of Earth Sciences, The University of Hong Kong

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Stereoscope with a camera mount for studying dinosaur fossils

Message: Hi there,

My name is Michael Pittman and I am a British Research Assistant Professor investigating the
evolution of carnivorous dinosaurs at the University of Hong Kong.

I am looking to purchase my first stereomicroscope for my work and I am a novice towards the science
of microscopy.

I have a list of things I am looking for in my setup having asked some colleagues for advice and
having looked into the models I used previously. If anyone has or knows of anyone who has equipment
for sale that can meet most of the requirements below it would be really great to hear from you.

-Leica, Wild or Olympus brand
-~x4 to x100 total magnification range
-Camera mount for a DSLR
-UV illumination port
-Large boom stand for sliding vertically and horizontally over my specimens (these are usually on
rock slabs up to 3ft squared)
-ring light
-A maximum budget of USD$6500-7000 (my understanding is that I would probably only be able to afford
a second-hand microscope which is totally fine)

Thanks very much for considering my request.

Best regards,

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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 16:18:23 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Electron Microscopist Position Available - The Rockefeller

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X-from: kuryu-at-rockefeller.edu ()

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Email: kuryu-at-rockefeller.edu
Name: Kunihiro Uryu

Organization: The Rockefeller University

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Electron Microscopist Position Available - The Rockefeller University

Message: Title-Subject: [Filtered] Electron Microscopist Position Available

Message: Electron Microscopist, The Rockefeller University, NY, NY

The Rockefeller University, a premier biomedical research institution, seeks a Research Support
Specialist to join our Electron Microscopy Resource Center (EMRC).

The EMRC provides state of the art electron microscopy support for analysis of a wide variety of
biological samples, including virus, bacteria, insects, animal tissue as well as cultured cell and
isolated cellular components for structural analyses or immuno-electron microscopy. The EMRC is
equipped with two TEMs and one SEM as well as a high pressure freezing and a free substitution unit.

The Research Support Specialist will participate in all of the Electron Microscopy Resource Center's
(EMRC) daily operations, including bench work in preparation for transmission and scanning electron
microscopy and maintenance of the center. Will be responsible for all parts of sample preparation,
including cutting ultrathin sections, maintenance and operation of EM and other equipment, training
users, consulting with scientists on design of experiments, processing/analyzing data and
interpretation of results, ordering and receiving supplies, managing chemical waste compliance,
administrative support for office duties and center billing, and keeping up with the latest
methodology via familiarity with the literature. Ph.D. in biology, cell biology, bioengineering or
a related field required. Must have a minimum of 5 years of hands-on experience in electron
microscopy and have strong communication skills, and the ability to work collaboratively on a team
as well as independently on a wide variety of research projects. Must be detail-oriented, focused,
and highly motivated.

Our culture
*inspiring, collaborative atmosphere
*strong social and environmental consciousness
*intellectually curious academic environment
*14-acre campus setting in NYC

We offer a competitive salary, comprehensive benefits, and a beautiful work environment.

To apply to this job, click the following URL, click on 'staff opportunitiesÂ’ and enter keyword
‘IRC14819’: http://www.rockefeller.edu/hr/career.php

The Rockefeller University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity/VEVRAA employer.

Kunihiro Uryu, Ph.D., Director of Electron Microscopy Resource Center (EMRC)
The Rockefeller University
1230 York Ave., Box 230
New York, NY 10065

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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 07:00:06 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:stain the roots with mycorrhiza

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Title-Subject: [Filtered] Mycorrhiza


How stain the roots with mycorrhiza for arbuscules before maunting in EPON resin for TEM microscopy?

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From: stefan.wernitznig-at-medunigraz.at
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 09:30:57 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Strange bubbles in LR white resin

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Dear Listers,

we find strange bubbles when embedding Bacillus subtilis bacteria in LR
white resin. The bubbles prevent the resin from polymerising, does
anybody have an idea how and why this could happen?


Many thanks,

==============================Original Headers==============================
5, 30 -- From stefan.wernitznig-at-medunigraz.at Tue Jan 21 09:30:56 2014
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5, 30 -- Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 16:30:49 +0100
5, 30 -- From: Stefan Wernitznig {stefan.wernitznig-at-medunigraz.at}
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From: pveril-at-apae.uth.gr
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 13:53:05 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: Strange bubbles in LR white resin

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Dear Stefan

These bubbles seem to be trapped air in the resin. Put the specimens
in the final resin (in the embedding capsules) and left them for an
hour. The air bubbles will come to the surface and you can easily
break them with a needle. Then put the capsules to the oven for


Quoting stefan.wernitznig-at-medunigraz.at:

} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
} The Microscopy ListServer -- CoSponsor: The Microscopy Society of America
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} Dear Listers,
} we find strange bubbles when embedding Bacillus subtilis bacteria in LR
} white resin. The bubbles prevent the resin from polymerising, does
} anybody have an idea how and why this could happen?
} http://chimerism.medunigraz.at/Pictures/pioloform01.php
} http://chimerism.medunigraz.at/Pictures/pioloform02.php
} Many thanks,
} Stefan
} ==============================Original Headers==============================
} 5, 30 -- From stefan.wernitznig-at-medunigraz.at Tue Jan 21 09:30:56 2014
} 5, 30 -- Received: from si069.medunigraz.at (si082.medunigraz.at
} [])
} 5, 30 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP
} id s0LFUt90018127
} 5, 30 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Tue, 21 Jan 2014 09:30:56 -0600
} 5, 30 -- X-AuditID: 0ac80c45-f79db6d000001194-e2-52de92ae462d
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} 5, 30 -- by si069.medunigraz.at (Symantec Mail Security) with SMTP
} id 51.2C.04500.EA29ED25; Tue, 21 Jan 2014 16:30:54 +0100 (CET)
} 5, 30 -- Received: from [] (dc112128.medunigraz.at
} [])
} 5, 30 -- by si063.medunigraz.at with ESMTP (TLS encrypted); Tue, 21
} Jan 2014 16:30:47 +0100
} 5, 30 -- Message-ID: {52DE92A9.9030803-at-medunigraz.at}
} 5, 30 -- Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 16:30:49 +0100
} 5, 30 -- From: Stefan Wernitznig {stefan.wernitznig-at-medunigraz.at}
} 5, 30 -- User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:17.0)
} Gecko/20130801 Thunderbird/17.0.8
} 5, 30 -- MIME-Version: 1.0
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} 5, 30 -- Subject: Strange bubbles in LR white resin
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} ==============================End of - Headers==============================

Dr. Berillis Panagiotis
Lecturer in Microscopy, image analysis and histology
Department of Ichthyology and Aquatic Environment
Agricultural school
University of Thessaly

==============================Original Headers==============================
8, 21 -- From pveril-at-apae.uth.gr Tue Jan 21 13:53:04 2014
8, 21 -- Received: from kerberos.uth.gr (mx2.uth.gr [])
8, 21 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id s0LJr3KI015109
8, 21 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Tue, 21 Jan 2014 13:53:04 -0600
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8, 21 -- Message-ID: {20140121215252.Horde.5K4CvlZsTmoxhFGI1v_E0w1-at-webmail.uth.gr}
8, 21 -- From: Panagiotis BERILLIS {pveril-at-apae.uth.gr}
8, 21 -- To: stefan.wernitznig-at-medunigraz.at, Microscopy-at-microscopy.com
8, 21 -- Subject: Re: [Microscopy] Strange bubbles in LR white resin
8, 21 -- References: {201401211539.s0LFds8O029163-at-ns.microscopy.com}
8, 21 -- In-Reply-To: {201401211539.s0LFds8O029163-at-ns.microscopy.com}
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From: PhillipsT-at-missouri.edu
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 14:35:22 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: Strange bubbles in LR white resin

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Those don't look like air bubbles to me. They look to being something extracted from the bacteria. Maybe not fully dehydrated? Some non-miscible solvent still around? Air bubbles shouldn't prevent LRW from polymerizing. Does a "blank" block with no cells polymerize?

Thomas E. Phillips, Ph.D
Professor of Biological Sciences
Director, Molecular Cytology Core
2 Tucker Hall
University of Missouri
Columbia, MO 65211-7400
573-882-4712 (office)
573-882-0123 (fax)


-----Original Message-----
X-from: pveril-at-apae.uth.gr [mailto:pveril-at-apae.uth.gr]
Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2014 1:54 PM
To: Phillips, Thomas E.

Dear Stefan

These bubbles seem to be trapped air in the resin. Put the specimens in the final resin (in the embedding capsules) and left them for an hour. The air bubbles will come to the surface and you can easily break them with a needle. Then put the capsules to the oven for polymerisation.


Quoting stefan.wernitznig-at-medunigraz.at:

} ----------------------------------------------------------------------
} ------ The Microscopy ListServer -- CoSponsor: The Microscopy Society
} of America To Subscribe/Unsubscribe --
} http://www.microscopy.com/MicroscopyListserver
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} ------
} Dear Listers,
} we find strange bubbles when embedding Bacillus subtilis bacteria in
} LR white resin. The bubbles prevent the resin from polymerising, does
} anybody have an idea how and why this could happen?
} http://chimerism.medunigraz.at/Pictures/pioloform01.php
} http://chimerism.medunigraz.at/Pictures/pioloform02.php
} Many thanks,
} Stefan
} ==============================Original
} Headers==============================
} 5, 30 -- From stefan.wernitznig-at-medunigraz.at Tue Jan 21 09:30:56 2014
} 5, 30 -- Received: from si069.medunigraz.at (si082.medunigraz.at
} [])
} 5, 30 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP
} id s0LFUt90018127
} 5, 30 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Tue, 21 Jan 2014 09:30:56 -0600
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} id 51.2C.04500.EA29ED25; Tue, 21 Jan 2014 16:30:54 +0100 (CET) 5, 30
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} [])
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} Jan 2014 16:30:47 +0100
} 5, 30 -- Message-ID: {52DE92A9.9030803-at-medunigraz.at} 5, 30 -- Date:
} Tue, 21 Jan 2014 16:30:49 +0100 5, 30 -- From: Stefan Wernitznig
} {stefan.wernitznig-at-medunigraz.at} 5, 30 -- User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0
} (Windows NT 5.1; rv:17.0)
} Gecko/20130801 Thunderbird/17.0.8
} 5, 30 -- MIME-Version: 1.0
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} ==============================End of -
} Headers==============================

Dr. Berillis Panagiotis
Lecturer in Microscopy, image analysis and histology Department of Ichthyology and Aquatic Environment Agricultural school University of Thessaly

==============================Original Headers==============================
8, 21 -- From pveril-at-apae.uth.gr Tue Jan 21 13:53:04 2014 8, 21 -- Received: from kerberos.uth.gr (mx2.uth.gr [])
8, 21 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id s0LJr3KI015109
8, 21 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Tue, 21 Jan 2014 13:53:04 -0600
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8, 21 -- From: Panagiotis BERILLIS {pveril-at-apae.uth.gr} 8, 21 -- To: stefan.wernitznig-at-medunigraz.at, Microscopy-at-microscopy.com 8, 21 -- Subject: Re: [Microscopy] Strange bubbles in LR white resin 8, 21 -- References: {201401211539.s0LFds8O029163-at-ns.microscopy.com}
8, 21 -- In-Reply-To: {201401211539.s0LFds8O029163-at-ns.microscopy.com}
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18, 30 -- From PhillipsT-at-missouri.edu Tue Jan 21 14:35:21 2014
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18, 30 -- Tue, 21 Jan 2014 14:35:19 -0600
18, 30 -- From: "Phillips, Thomas E." {PhillipsT-at-missouri.edu}
18, 30 -- To: "'microscopy-at-microscopy.com'" {microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
18, 30 -- Subject: RE: [Microscopy] Re: Strange bubbles in LR white resin
18, 30 -- Thread-Topic: [Microscopy] Re: Strange bubbles in LR white resin
18, 30 -- Thread-Index: AQHPFuKL/s5jc3XgnkO+lpcDg5FRmpqPojAA
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From: maryard-at-uga.edu
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 17:06:58 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Strange bubbles in LR white resin

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives


By chance did you happen to post fix the bacteria in osmium tetroxide? LR White does not polymerize well when osmium is used in the processing protocol.

Mary Ard
Electron Microscopy Lab Coordinator
Department of Pathology
College of Veterinary Medicine
University of Georgia
501 D.W. Brooks Drive
Athens, GA 30602

==============================Original Headers==============================
7, 29 -- From maryard-at-uga.edu Tue Jan 21 17:06:58 2014
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7, 29 -- From: Mary Brown Ard {maryard-at-uga.edu}
7, 29 -- To: "microscopy-at-microscopy.com" {microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
7, 29 -- Subject: [Microscopy] Strange bubbles in LR white resin
7, 29 -- Thread-Topic: [Microscopy] Strange bubbles in LR white resin
7, 29 -- Thread-Index: Ac8W/TSHnl5rk1t3TU+rmrv5ZHbQ7g==
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 19:53:49 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:LR White and air bubbles

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: paulwebsterphd-at-gmail.com ()

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Email: paulwebsterphd-at-gmail.com
Name: Paul Webster

Organization: University of Souther California

Title-Subject: [Filtered] LR White and air bubbles

Dear Stephan,

I agree with Tom, that it looks as if something has been released from the bacteria. It could be
lipid being extracted by the resin, which is a pretty good solvent.

I am not sure that this is the reason why the resin has not polymerized. From your images, it does
look as if you have used osmium tetroxide to contrast the cells. It might also be possible that you
also used acetone to dehydrate the cells.

Residual amounts of acetone may have interfered with resin polymerization in the way you describe. A
more detailed description of your processing and embedding protocol may help diagnose the problem.

Paul Webster,
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA

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From: maryard-at-uga.edu
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 08:06:43 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Virus

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives


What is the average size of the "particles"? You do not have a size bar in your image to get a feel for their size, which is important in any viral identification. The "particles" do not appear to be associated with the sample on the grid but laying on top of the sample. In my opinion, they look more like crystalline structures rather than viral particles. Depending on their actual size, could they possibly be phosphotungstic acid crystals?

Kind regards,

Mary Ard
Electron Microscopy Lab Coordinator
Department of Pathology
College of Veterinary Medicine
University of Georgia
501 D.W. Brooks Drive
Athens, GA 30602

==============================Original Headers==============================
6, 29 -- From maryard-at-uga.edu Thu Jan 23 08:06:42 2014
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6, 29 -- From: Mary Brown Ard {maryard-at-uga.edu}
6, 29 -- To: "Microscopy-at-microscopy.com" {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
6, 29 -- Subject: [Microscopy] Virus
6, 29 -- Thread-Topic: [Microscopy] Virus
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From: nizets2-at-yahoo.com
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 08:22:21 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Virus

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hi Panos!
Giving a picture without scale to a miscroscopist is like talking without words. We cannot make anything out if it!
I doubt these objects are embedded in the resin. One can see a hole in the section and one object seems to partly cover it. Also they don't look like they were sectioned.
Looks like artifacts for me.

X-from: "pveril-at-apae.uth.gr" {pveril-at-apae.uth.gr}
To: nizets2-at-yahoo.com
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2014 11:29 AM

Dear all

During an electron microscope examination of a Sparus aurata liver 
collagen (PTA and uranyl acetate were used as stains) I came across to 
these objects. They are probably virus particles. Can any one identify 


Many thanks
Dr. Berillis Panagiotis
Lecturer in Microscopy, image analysis and histology
Department of Ichthyology and Aquatic Environment
Agricultural school
University of Thessaly

==============================Original Headers==============================
6, 18 -- From pveril-at-apae.uth.gr Thu Jan 23 04:23:12 2014
6, 18 -- Received: from kerberos.uth.gr (mx2.uth.gr [])
6, 18 --     by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id s0NANBUa024847
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6, 18 -- Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 12:23:00 +0200
6, 18 -- Message-ID: {20140123122300.Horde.--gLtdj-JhwWKO_juLlJ4w3-at-webmail.uth.gr}
6, 18 -- From: Panagiotis BERILLIS {pveril-at-apae.uth.gr}
6, 18 -- To: Microscopy-at-microscopy.com
6, 18 -- Subject: Virus
6, 18 -- User-Agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) H5 (6.0.4)
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16, 34 -- From nizets2-at-yahoo.com Thu Jan 23 08:22:21 2014
16, 34 -- Received: from nm46.bullet.mail.ne1.yahoo.com (nm46.bullet.mail.ne1.yahoo.com [])
16, 34 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id s0NEMKHm000893
16, 34 -- for {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Thu, 23 Jan 2014 08:22:20 -0600
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16, 34 -- Ay_Lr8LykhycJxMNXWqENOnZABPb8QEWdMI_8CQ--
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16, 34 -- Message-ID: {1390486774.29229.YahooMailNeo-at-web141701.mail.bf1.yahoo.com}
16, 34 -- Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 06:19:34 -0800 (PST)
16, 34 -- From: Stephane Nizet {nizets2-at-yahoo.com}
16, 34 -- Reply-To: Stephane Nizet {nizets2-at-yahoo.com}
16, 34 -- Subject: Fw: [Microscopy] Virus
16, 34 -- To: "microscopy-at-microscopy.com" {microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
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From: DusevichV-at-umkc.edu
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 09:05:09 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Virus

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

I agree, it does not looks like belonging to section. Some contamination after sectioning/staining. I have stained a lot with PTA, have never seen something like this.


Vladimir M. Dusevich, Ph.D.
Electron Microscope Lab Director
(816) 235-2072
371 School of Dentistry
650 E. 25th Street
Kansas City, MO 64108-2784

-----Original Message-----
X-from: nizets2-at-yahoo.com [mailto:nizets2-at-yahoo.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2014 8:23 AM
To: Dusevich, Vladimir

Hi Panos!
Giving a picture without scale to a miscroscopist is like talking without words. We cannot make anything out if it!
I doubt these objects are embedded in the resin. One can see a hole in the section and one object seems to partly cover it. Also they don't look like they were sectioned.
Looks like artifacts for me.

X-from: "pveril-at-apae.uth.gr" {pveril-at-apae.uth.gr}
To: nizets2-at-yahoo.com
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2014 11:29 AM

Dear all

During an electron microscope examination of a Sparus aurata liver 
collagen (PTA and uranyl acetate were used as stains) I came across to 
these objects. They are probably virus particles. Can any one identify 


Many thanks
Dr. Berillis Panagiotis
Lecturer in Microscopy, image analysis and histology
Department of Ichthyology and Aquatic Environment
Agricultural school
University of Thessaly

==============================Original Headers==============================
6, 18 -- From pveril-at-apae.uth.gr Thu Jan 23 04:23:12 2014
6, 18 -- Received: from kerberos.uth.gr (mx2.uth.gr [])
6, 18 --     by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id s0NANBUa024847
6, 18 --     for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Thu, 23 Jan 2014 04:23:12 -0600
6, 18 -- Received: from localhost (webmail.uth.gr [])
6, 18 --     by kerberos.uth.gr (8.13.8/8.13.8) with ESMTP id s0NANwCR031164
6, 18 --     for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Thu, 23 Jan 2014 12:23:58 +0200
6, 18 -- Received: from ([]) by webmail.uth.gr (Horde
6, 18 --  Framework) with HTTP; Thu, 23 Jan 2014 12:23:00 +0200
6, 18 -- Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 12:23:00 +0200
6, 18 -- Message-ID: {20140123122300.Horde.--gLtdj-JhwWKO_juLlJ4w3-at-webmail.uth.gr}
6, 18 -- From: Panagiotis BERILLIS {pveril-at-apae.uth.gr}
6, 18 -- To: Microscopy-at-microscopy.com
6, 18 -- Subject: Virus
6, 18 -- User-Agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) H5 (6.0.4)
6, 18 -- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed; DelSp=Yes
6, 18 -- MIME-Version: 1.0
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16, 34 -- From nizets2-at-yahoo.com Thu Jan 23 08:22:21 2014
16, 34 -- Received: from nm46.bullet.mail.ne1.yahoo.com (nm46.bullet.mail.ne1.yahoo.com [])
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16, 34 -- for {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Thu, 23 Jan 2014 08:22:20 -0600
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16, 34 -- Ay_Lr8LykhycJxMNXWqENOnZABPb8QEWdMI_8CQ--
16, 34 -- Received: from [] by web141701.mail.bf1.yahoo.com via HTTP; Thu, 23 Jan 2014 06:19:34 PST
16, 34 -- X-Rocket-MIMEInfo: 002.001,wqAKSGkgUGFub3MhCsKgCkdpdmluZyBhIHBpY3R1cmUgd2l0aG91dCBzY2FsZSB0byBhIG1pc2Nyb3Njb3Bpc3QgaXMgbGlrZSB0YWxraW5nIHdpdGhvdXQgd29yZHMuIFdlIGNhbm5vdCBtYWtlIGFueXRoaW5nIG91dCBpZiBpdCEKSSBkb3VidCB0aGVzZSBvYmplY3RzIGFyZSBlbWJlZGRlZCBpbiB0aGUgcmVzaW4uIE9uZSBjYW4gc2VlIGEgaG9sZSBpbiB0aGUgc2VjdGlvbiBhbmQgb25lIG9iamVjdCBzZWVtcyB0byBwYXJ0bHkgY292ZXIgaXQuIEFsc28gdGhleSBkb24ndCBsb29rIGxpa2UgdGhleSB3ZXIBMAEBAQE-
16, 34 -- X-Mailer: YahooMailWebService/
16, 34 -- References: {201401231029.s0NAT5NE030042-at-ns.microscopy.com} {1390485396.97623.YahooMailNeo-at-web141706.mail.bf1.yahoo.com}
16, 34 -- Message-ID: {1390486774.29229.YahooMailNeo-at-web141701.mail.bf1.yahoo.com}
16, 34 -- Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 06:19:34 -0800 (PST)
16, 34 -- From: Stephane Nizet {nizets2-at-yahoo.com}
16, 34 -- Reply-To: Stephane Nizet {nizets2-at-yahoo.com}
16, 34 -- Subject: Fw: [Microscopy] Virus
16, 34 -- To: "microscopy-at-microscopy.com" {microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
16, 34 -- In-Reply-To: {1390485396.97623.YahooMailNeo-at-web141706.mail.bf1.yahoo.com}
16, 34 -- MIME-Version: 1.0
16, 34 -- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
16, 34 -- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
16, 34 -- X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by ns.microscopy.com id s0NEMKHm000893
==============================End of - Headers==============================

==============================Original Headers==============================
25, 30 -- From DusevichV-at-umkc.edu Thu Jan 23 09:05:08 2014
25, 30 -- Received: from um-nip4-umkc-out.um.umsystem.edu (um-nip4-umkc-out.um.umsystem.edu [])
25, 30 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id s0NF58WE020492
25, 30 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Thu, 23 Jan 2014 09:05:08 -0600
25, 30 -- X-IronPort-Anti-Spam-Filtered: true
25, 30 -- Received: from um-ncas6.um.umsystem.edu ([])
25, 30 -- by um-nip4-exch-relay.um.umsystem.edu with ESMTP; 23 Jan 2014 09:05:07 -0600
25, 30 -- Received: from UM-MBX-T01.um.umsystem.edu ([]) by
25, 30 -- UM-NCAS6.um.umsystem.edu ([]) with mapi id 14.03.0169.001;
25, 30 -- Thu, 23 Jan 2014 09:05:06 -0600
25, 30 -- From: "Dusevich, Vladimir" {DusevichV-at-umkc.edu}
25, 30 -- To: "Microscopy-at-microscopy.com" {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
25, 30 -- Subject: RE: [Microscopy] Fw: Virus
25, 30 -- Thread-Topic: [Microscopy] Fw: Virus
25, 30 -- Thread-Index: AQHPGEaTIcrCG0fAIkeoPKD7Zb7QHZqSZ9IA
25, 30 -- Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 15:05:06 +0000
25, 30 -- Message-ID: {B1F9B7FAC2452540B964F5E9DB5828065DBA1AD6-at-UM-MBX-T01.um.umsystem.edu}
25, 30 -- References: {201401231422.s0NEMeo7001595-at-ns.microscopy.com}
25, 30 -- In-Reply-To: {201401231422.s0NEMeo7001595-at-ns.microscopy.com}
25, 30 -- Accept-Language: en-US
25, 30 -- Content-Language: en-US
25, 30 -- X-MS-Has-Attach:
25, 30 -- X-MS-TNEF-Correlator:
25, 30 -- x-originating-ip: []
25, 30 -- Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
25, 30 -- MIME-Version: 1.0
25, 30 -- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
25, 30 -- X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by ns.microscopy.com id s0NF58WE020492
==============================End of - Headers==============================

From: jehrman-at-mta.ca
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 09:21:14 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Fw: Virus

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Depending of course on the scale, this looks a lot like a bunch of
fungus spores, similar although not identical to:


Maybe somebody was eating a bacon-mushroom burger in the microtomy area ;-)



James M. Ehrman
Digital Microscopy Facility
Mount Allison University
63B York St.
Sackville, NB E4L 1G7

phone: 506-364-2519
fax: 506-364-2505
email: jehrman-at-mta.ca
www: http://www.mta.ca/dmf

A day without fusion is like a day without sunshine.

On 23/01/2014 11:05 AM, DusevichV-at-umkc.edu wrote:
} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
} The Microscopy ListServer -- CoSponsor: The Microscopy Society of America
} To Subscribe/Unsubscribe -- http://www.microscopy.com/MicroscopyListserver
} On-Line Help http://www.microscopy.com/MicroscopyListserver/FAQ.html
} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
} I agree, it does not looks like belonging to section. Some contamination after sectioning/staining. I have stained a lot with PTA, have never seen something like this.
} Vladimir
} Vladimir M. Dusevich, Ph.D.
} Electron Microscope Lab Director
} (816) 235-2072
} 371 School of Dentistry
} 650 E. 25th Street
} Kansas City, MO 64108-2784
} -----Original Message-----
} X-from: nizets2-at-yahoo.com [mailto:nizets2-at-yahoo.com]
} Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2014 8:23 AM
} To: Dusevich, Vladimir
} Subject: [Microscopy] Fw: Virus
} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
} The Microscopy ListServer -- CoSponsor: The Microscopy Society of America To Subscribe/Unsubscribe -- http://www.microscopy.com/MicroscopyListserver
} On-Line Help http://www.microscopy.com/MicroscopyListserver/FAQ.html
} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
} Hi Panos!
} Giving a picture without scale to a miscroscopist is like talking without words. We cannot make anything out if it!
} I doubt these objects are embedded in the resin. One can see a hole in the section and one object seems to partly cover it. Also they don't look like they were sectioned.
} Looks like artifacts for me.
} Regards,
} Stephane
} ________________________________
} X-from: "pveril-at-apae.uth.gr" {pveril-at-apae.uth.gr}
} To: nizets2-at-yahoo.com
} Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2014 11:29 AM
} Subject: [Microscopy] Virus
} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
} The Microscopy ListServer -- CoSponsor: The Microscopy Society of America
} To Subscribe/Unsubscribe -- http://www.microscopy.com/MicroscopyListserver
} On-Line Help http://www.microscopy.com/MicroscopyListserver/FAQ.html
} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
} Dear all
} During an electron microscope examination of a Sparus aurata liver
} collagen (PTA and uranyl acetate were used as stains) I came across to
} these objects. They are probably virus particles. Can any one identify
} them?
} http://upload.users.uth.gr/files/virus.jpg
} Many thanks
} Panos

==============================Original Headers==============================
14, 21 -- From jehrman-at-mta.ca Thu Jan 23 09:21:14 2014
14, 21 -- Received: from smtpy.mta.ca (smtpy.mta.ca [])
14, 21 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id s0NFLEHO007014
14, 21 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Thu, 23 Jan 2014 09:21:14 -0600
14, 21 -- Received: from host-22-169.mta.ca ([]:52005)
14, 21 -- by smtpy.mta.ca with esmtpsa (TLSv1:DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA256-SHA:256)
14, 21 -- (Exim 4.82)
14, 21 -- (envelope-from {jehrman-at-mta.ca} )
14, 21 -- id 1W6M5g-0004Wn-CR
14, 21 -- for Microscopy-at-microscopy.com; Thu, 23 Jan 2014 11:21:12 -0400
14, 21 -- Message-ID: {52E13368.4060708-at-mta.ca}
14, 21 -- Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 11:21:12 -0400
14, 21 -- From: "James M. Ehrman" {jehrman-at-mta.ca}
14, 21 -- User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/24.2.0
14, 21 -- MIME-Version: 1.0
14, 21 -- To: Microscopy Listserv {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
14, 21 -- Subject: Re: [Microscopy] RE: Fw: Virus
14, 21 -- References: {201401231505.s0NF5T6w021030-at-ns.microscopy.com}
14, 21 -- In-Reply-To: {201401231505.s0NF5T6w021030-at-ns.microscopy.com}
14, 21 -- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
14, 21 -- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
==============================End of - Headers==============================

From: frank_karl-at-ardl.com
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 11:34:31 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Virus

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Ya sou Panos
Yes, scales are different, yet it is remarkable how much your particles
resemble to pollen I have a picture from a wild flower pollen that looks
very close to these particles
Unlike in the North America, spring came earlier in Greece this year...
Best wishes

Dr Yorgos Nikas
Athens Innovative Microscopy
Skra 36 Voula 16673 GREECE

Tel/fax +30 210 8957677
mobile +30 6945 107477
www.eikonika.net www.aim.cat

Depending of course on the scale, this looks a lot like a bunch of
fungus spores, similar although not identical to:


Maybe somebody was eating a bacon-mushroom burger in the microtomy area ;-)



James M. Ehrman
Digital Microscopy Facility
Mount Allison University
63B York St.
Sackville, NB E4L 1G7

phone: 506-364-2519
fax: 506-364-2505
email: jehrman-at-mta.ca
www: http://www.mta.ca/dmf

A day without fusion is like a day without sunshine.

I agree, it does not looks like belonging to section. Some contamination
after sectioning/staining. I have stained a lot with PTA, have never seen
something like this.


Vladimir M. Dusevich, Ph.D.
Electron Microscope Lab Director
(816) 235-2072
371 School of Dentistry
650 E. 25th Street
Kansas City, MO 64108-2784

-----Original Message-----
X-from: nizets2-at-yahoo.com [mailto:nizets2-at-yahoo.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2014 8:23 AM
To: Dusevich, Vladimir

Hello Everyone,
Years ago, maybe 20, I saw SEM images of material observed in diesel exhaust. It's not carbon black, but we never did figure out what it was. It look very much like these images. Any chance it could be environmental contamination?

I seriously doubt its pollen. Most pollen to too, much too big to see in it's entirety in a TEM.

I look forward to finding out what it is!


-----Original Message-----
X-from: maryard-at-uga.edu [mailto:maryard-at-uga.edu]
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2014 9:18 AM
To: Frank Karl


What is the average size of the "particles"? You do not have a size bar in your image to get a feel for their size, which is important in any viral identification. The "particles" do not appear to be associated with the sample on the grid but laying on top of the sample. In my opinion, they look more like crystalline structures rather than viral particles. Depending on their actual size, could they possibly be phosphotungstic acid crystals?

Kind regards,

Mary Ard
Electron Microscopy Lab Coordinator
Department of Pathology
College of Veterinary Medicine
University of Georgia
501 D.W. Brooks Drive
Athens, GA 30602

==============================Original Headers==============================
6, 29 -- From maryard-at-uga.edu Thu Jan 23 08:06:42 2014
6, 29 -- Received: from na01-bn1-obe.outbound.protection.outlook.com (mail-bn1blp0181.outbound.protection.outlook.com [])
6, 29 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id s0NE6gO0014516
6, 29 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Thu, 23 Jan 2014 08:06:42 -0600
6, 29 -- Received: from DM2PR02MB480.namprd02.prod.outlook.com ( by
6, 29 -- DM2PR02MB477.namprd02.prod.outlook.com ( with Microsoft SMTP
6, 29 -- Server (TLS) id 15.0.859.15; Thu, 23 Jan 2014 14:06:37 +0000
6, 29 -- Received: from DM2PR02MB480.namprd02.prod.outlook.com ([]) by
6, 29 -- DM2PR02MB480.namprd02.prod.outlook.com ([]) with mapi id
6, 29 -- 15.00.0859.013; Thu, 23 Jan 2014 14:06:37 +0000
6, 29 -- From: Mary Brown Ard {maryard-at-uga.edu}
6, 29 -- To: "Microscopy-at-microscopy.com" {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
6, 29 -- Subject: [Microscopy] Virus
6, 29 -- Thread-Topic: [Microscopy] Virus
6, 29 -- Thread-Index: Ac8YQxrT3GMwtR30RFK9YaSHozxtFQ==
6, 29 -- Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 14:06:36 +0000
6, 29 -- Message-ID: {473dbc6ac41041b38ff74dd69ab35549-at-DM2PR02MB480.namprd02.prod.outlook.com}
6, 29 -- Accept-Language: en-US
6, 29 -- Content-Language: en-US
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6, 29 -- X-OriginatorOrg: uga.edu
6, 29 -- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
6, 29 -- X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by ns.microscopy.com id s0NE6gO0014516
==============================End of - Headers==============================

This email and any of its attachments may contain confidential information intended only for the use of the addressee(s). If the reader of this email is not the intended recipient or the employee or agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination or copying of this email is strictly prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please notify us by return email at info-at-ardl.com, permanently delete the email, and destroy any printouts. If this email contains test data and/or draft reports, you are hereby notified that only a signed original test report will contain official results, a copy of which resides in the project folder located at ARDL, Inc. Thank you. Akron Rubber Development Laboratory, Inc.

==============================Original Headers==============================
19, 26 -- From frank_karl-at-ardl.com Thu Jan 23 11:34:30 2014
19, 26 -- Received: from mail2.ardl.com (mail3.ardl.com [])
19, 26 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id s0NHYQtL014454
19, 26 -- for {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Thu, 23 Jan 2014 11:34:29 -0600
19, 26 -- Received: from exchange2k7.ad.ardl.com ([fe80::5833:9255:1958:bb83]) by
19, 26 -- exchange2k7.ad.ardl.com ([fe80::5833:9255:1958:bb83%12]) with mapi; Thu, 23
19, 26 -- Jan 2014 12:34:25 -0500
19, 26 -- From: Frank Karl {frank_karl-at-ardl.com}
19, 26 -- To: "Microscopy Listserver (microscopy-at-microscopy.com)"
19, 26 -- {microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
19, 26 -- Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 12:34:25 -0500
19, 26 -- Subject: RE: [Microscopy] Virus
19, 26 -- Thread-Topic: [Microscopy] Virus
19, 26 -- Thread-Index: Ac8YRf7pmueARSLYRGOBttU8X/QlqwAGlBCw
19, 26 -- Message-ID: {DB672743AFB6A64B9EB5CAC80AF150772BC8C6CF65-at-exchange2k7.ad.ardl.com}
19, 26 -- References: {201401231417.s0NEHphn028174-at-ns.microscopy.com}
19, 26 -- In-Reply-To: {201401231417.s0NEHphn028174-at-ns.microscopy.com}
19, 26 -- Accept-Language: en-US
19, 26 -- Content-Language: en-US
19, 26 -- X-MS-Has-Attach:
19, 26 -- X-MS-TNEF-Correlator:
19, 26 -- acceptlanguage: en-US
19, 26 -- Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
19, 26 -- MIME-Version: 1.0
19, 26 -- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
19, 26 -- X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by ns.microscopy.com id s0NHYQtL014454
==============================End of - Headers==============================

From: DusevichV-at-umkc.edu
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 11:58:05 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Fw: Virus

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Both spores and pollen are a way too big to be transparent under TEM beam.


Vladimir M. Dusevich, Ph.D.
Electron Microscope Lab Director
(816) 235-2072
371 School of Dentistry
650 E. 25th Street
Kansas City, MO 64108-2784

-----Original Message-----
X-from: jehrman-at-mta.ca [mailto:jehrman-at-mta.ca]
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2014 9:22 AM
To: Dusevich, Vladimir

Depending of course on the scale, this looks a lot like a bunch of fungus spores, similar although not identical to:


Maybe somebody was eating a bacon-mushroom burger in the microtomy area ;-)



James M. Ehrman
Digital Microscopy Facility
Mount Allison University
63B York St.
Sackville, NB E4L 1G7

phone: 506-364-2519
fax: 506-364-2505
email: jehrman-at-mta.ca
www: http://www.mta.ca/dmf

A day without fusion is like a day without sunshine.

On 23/01/2014 11:05 AM, DusevichV-at-umkc.edu wrote:
} ----------------------------------------------------------------------
} ------ The Microscopy ListServer -- CoSponsor: The Microscopy Society
} of America To Subscribe/Unsubscribe --
} http://www.microscopy.com/MicroscopyListserver
} On-Line Help http://www.microscopy.com/MicroscopyListserver/FAQ.html
} ----------------------------------------------------------------------
} ------
} I agree, it does not looks like belonging to section. Some contamination after sectioning/staining. I have stained a lot with PTA, have never seen something like this.
} Vladimir
} Vladimir M. Dusevich, Ph.D.
} Electron Microscope Lab Director
} (816) 235-2072
} 371 School of Dentistry
} 650 E. 25th Street
} Kansas City, MO 64108-2784
} -----Original Message-----
} X-from: nizets2-at-yahoo.com [mailto:nizets2-at-yahoo.com]
} Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2014 8:23 AM
} To: Dusevich, Vladimir
} Subject: [Microscopy] Fw: Virus
} ----------------------------------------------------------------------
} ------ The Microscopy ListServer -- CoSponsor: The Microscopy Society
} of America To Subscribe/Unsubscribe --
} http://www.microscopy.com/MicroscopyListserver
} On-Line Help http://www.microscopy.com/MicroscopyListserver/FAQ.html
} ----------------------------------------------------------------------
} ------
} Hi Panos!
} Giving a picture without scale to a miscroscopist is like talking without words. We cannot make anything out if it!
} I doubt these objects are embedded in the resin. One can see a hole in the section and one object seems to partly cover it. Also they don't look like they were sectioned.
} Looks like artifacts for me.
} Regards,
} Stephane
} ________________________________
} X-from: "pveril-at-apae.uth.gr" {pveril-at-apae.uth.gr}
} To: nizets2-at-yahoo.com
} Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2014 11:29 AM
} Subject: [Microscopy] Virus
} ----------------------------------------------------------------------
} ------ The Microscopy ListServer -- CoSponsor: The Microscopy Society
} of America To Subscribe/Unsubscribe --
} http://www.microscopy.com/MicroscopyListserver
} On-Line Help http://www.microscopy.com/MicroscopyListserver/FAQ.html
} ----------------------------------------------------------------------
} ------
} Dear all
} During an electron microscope examination of a Sparus aurata liver
} collagen (PTA and uranyl acetate were used as stains) I came across to
} these objects. They are probably virus particles. Can any one identify
} them?
} http://upload.users.uth.gr/files/virus.jpg
} Many thanks
} Panos

==============================Original Headers==============================
14, 21 -- From jehrman-at-mta.ca Thu Jan 23 09:21:14 2014 14, 21 -- Received: from smtpy.mta.ca (smtpy.mta.ca [])
14, 21 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id s0NFLEHO007014
14, 21 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Thu, 23 Jan 2014 09:21:14 -0600
14, 21 -- Received: from host-22-169.mta.ca ([]:52005)
14, 21 -- by smtpy.mta.ca with esmtpsa (TLSv1:DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA256-SHA:256)
14, 21 -- (Exim 4.82)
14, 21 -- (envelope-from {jehrman-at-mta.ca} )
14, 21 -- id 1W6M5g-0004Wn-CR
14, 21 -- for Microscopy-at-microscopy.com; Thu, 23 Jan 2014 11:21:12 -0400
14, 21 -- Message-ID: {52E13368.4060708-at-mta.ca} 14, 21 -- Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 11:21:12 -0400 14, 21 -- From: "James M. Ehrman" {jehrman-at-mta.ca} 14, 21 -- User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/24.2.0 14, 21 -- MIME-Version: 1.0 14, 21 -- To: Microscopy Listserv {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} 14, 21 -- Subject: Re: [Microscopy] RE: Fw: Virus 14, 21 -- References: {201401231505.s0NF5T6w021030-at-ns.microscopy.com}
14, 21 -- In-Reply-To: {201401231505.s0NF5T6w021030-at-ns.microscopy.com}
14, 21 -- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed 14, 21 -- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit ==============================End of - Headers==============================

==============================Original Headers==============================
24, 30 -- From DusevichV-at-umkc.edu Thu Jan 23 11:58:05 2014
24, 30 -- Received: from um-nip3-umkc-out.um.umsystem.edu (um-nip3-umkc-out.um.umsystem.edu [])
24, 30 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id s0NHw4eZ001045
24, 30 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Thu, 23 Jan 2014 11:58:04 -0600
24, 30 -- X-IronPort-Anti-Spam-Filtered: true
24, 30 -- Received: from um-tcas2.um.umsystem.edu ([])
24, 30 -- by um-nip3-exch-relay.um.umsystem.edu with ESMTP; 23 Jan 2014 11:58:03 -0600
24, 30 -- Received: from UM-MBX-T01.um.umsystem.edu ([]) by
24, 30 -- UM-TCAS2.um.umsystem.edu ([]) with mapi id 14.03.0169.001;
24, 30 -- Thu, 23 Jan 2014 11:58:03 -0600
24, 30 -- From: "Dusevich, Vladimir" {DusevichV-at-umkc.edu}
24, 30 -- To: "Microscopy-at-microscopy.com" {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
24, 30 -- Subject: RE: [Microscopy] Fw: Virus
24, 30 -- Thread-Topic: [Microscopy] Fw: Virus
24, 30 -- Thread-Index: AQHPGE7PtrREBGJTgUK+m2nXye/P95qSmFQA
24, 30 -- Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 17:58:03 +0000
24, 30 -- Message-ID: {B1F9B7FAC2452540B964F5E9DB5828065DBA1B68-at-UM-MBX-T01.um.umsystem.edu}
24, 30 -- References: {201401231521.s0NFLa4x007680-at-ns.microscopy.com}
24, 30 -- In-Reply-To: {201401231521.s0NFLa4x007680-at-ns.microscopy.com}
24, 30 -- Accept-Language: en-US
24, 30 -- Content-Language: en-US
24, 30 -- X-MS-Has-Attach:
24, 30 -- X-MS-TNEF-Correlator:
24, 30 -- x-originating-ip: []
24, 30 -- Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
24, 30 -- MIME-Version: 1.0
24, 30 -- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
24, 30 -- X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by ns.microscopy.com id s0NHw4eZ001045
==============================End of - Headers==============================

From: tina-at-pbrc.hawaii.edu
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 12:46:44 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: Virus

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Yes, please, we need a scale bar.

I take it that these are sitting on a film and are negatively stained?
With BOTH UrAc and PTA? They look vaguely like something tentatively
identified as scales from some sort of phytoplankton that we often see in
marine preps. They do not look like any of the many marine viruses we've
seen here, but I will show them to someone who works on marine viruses and
see what they say. However, right now I'm going with the idea that they
are stain crystals!


} During an electron microscope examination of a Sparus aurata liver
} collagen (PTA and uranyl acetate were used as stains) I came across to
} these objects. They are probably virus particles. Can any one identify
} them?
} http://upload.users.uth.gr/files/virus.jpg
} Many thanks
} Panos
} --
} Dr. Berillis Panagiotis
} Lecturer in Microscopy, image analysis and histology
} Department of Ichthyology and Aquatic Environment
} Agricultural school
} University of Thessaly
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} 6, 18 -- From pveril-at-apae.uth.gr Thu Jan 23 04:23:12 2014
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} 6, 18 -- From: Panagiotis BERILLIS {pveril-at-apae.uth.gr}
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* Tina (Weatherby) Carvalho * tina-at-pbrc.hawaii.edu *
* Biological Electron Microscope Facility * (808) 956-6251 *
* University of Hawaii at Manoa * http://www.pbrc.hawaii.edu/bemf*

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5, 23 -- From tina-at-pbrc.hawaii.edu Thu Jan 23 12:46:43 2014
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From: Rosemary.White-at-csiro.au
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 14:41:51 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: Fw: virus

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Yes, pollen was my immediate thought, but pollen would be at least one,
probably two, order/s of magnitude too big!

Dr Rosemary White
CSIRO Plant Industry
GPO Box 1600
Canberra, ACT 2601

T 61 2 6246 5475
F 61 2 6246 5334
E rosemary.white-at-csiro.au

On 24/01/14 4:02 AM, "eikonika-at-otenet.gr" {eikonika-at-otenet.gr} wrote:

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10, 40 -- Subject: Re: [Microscopy] Fw: virus
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From: stefan.wernitznig-at-medunigraz.at
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 04:43:33 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: Strange bubbles in LR white resin

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Thank you for the intense & helpful discussion!

We agree with those people who think that the "bubbles" have to do with
something extracted from the bacteria that prevents the resin from

We did not use osmium, we dehydrated in ethanol up to 80% ethanol and
did not degas the resin. We used a premix resin that works OK with any
other specimens except bacteria. But we do not add the extra accelerator.

Perhaps the next steps will be:
(i) to dehydrate up to 90 % alcohol
(ii) degas the resin
(iii) add extra accelerator so that whatever chemical reaction we have
might not occur?
Any suggestions are welcome and thank you again!


==============================Original Headers==============================
5, 30 -- From stefan.wernitznig-at-medunigraz.at Fri Jan 24 04:43:33 2014
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5, 30 -- Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 11:43:05 +0100
5, 30 -- From: Stefan Wernitznig {stefan.wernitznig-at-medunigraz.at}
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5, 30 -- Subject: Re: Strange bubbles in LR white resin
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From: PhillipsT-at-missouri.edu
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 07:35:00 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Strange bubbles in LR white resin

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Since bacteria are usually plentiful and inexpensive, I would also do one sample after 100% ethanol to see if it is do to residual water. Degassing the resin can change composition since you can differentially extract the more volatile components. Tom Phillips

Sent from my iPad

} On Jan 24, 2014, at 4:44 AM, "stefan.wernitznig-at-medunigraz.at" {stefan.wernitznig-at-medunigraz.at} wrote:
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} Thank you for the intense & helpful discussion!
} We agree with those people who think that the "bubbles" have to do with
} something extracted from the bacteria that prevents the resin from
} polymerising.
} We did not use osmium, we dehydrated in ethanol up to 80% ethanol and
} did not degas the resin. We used a premix resin that works OK with any
} other specimens except bacteria. But we do not add the extra accelerator.
} Perhaps the next steps will be:
} (i) to dehydrate up to 90 % alcohol
} (ii) degas the resin
} (iii) add extra accelerator so that whatever chemical reaction we have
} might not occur?
} Any suggestions are welcome and thank you again!
} Stefan
} ==============================Original Headers==============================
} 5, 30 -- From stefan.wernitznig-at-medunigraz.at Fri Jan 24 04:43:33 2014
} 5, 30 -- Received: from si068.medunigraz.at (si083.medunigraz.at [])
} 5, 30 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id s0OAhW8L003061
} 5, 30 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Fri, 24 Jan 2014 04:43:33 -0600
} 5, 30 -- X-AuditID: 0ac80c44-f79eb6d000000e72-57-52e243d3360a
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} 5, 30 -- by si068.medunigraz.at (Symantec Mail Security) with SMTP id D2.BC.03698.3D342E25; Fri, 24 Jan 2014 11:43:31 +0100 (CET)
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} 5, 30 -- Message-ID: {52E243B9.3030209-at-medunigraz.at}
} 5, 30 -- Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 11:43:05 +0100
} 5, 30 -- From: Stefan Wernitznig {stefan.wernitznig-at-medunigraz.at}
} 5, 30 -- User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:17.0) Gecko/20130801 Thunderbird/17.0.8
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} 5, 30 -- To: Microscopy-at-microscopy.com
} 5, 30 -- Subject: Re: Strange bubbles in LR white resin
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} 5, 30 -- eiCbi0NIYC+jxKOmd4wQzjxGiU9rLjGBVPEK6Eg0vOgAs1kEVCU2N1xlBLHZBCwljnf/AJsq
} 5, 30 -- KhAssfvxM1aIekGJkzOfgMVFBGQlFrw/wg5iCwvoSdxqugI2h1nARuLviUUsELa8xPa3c5gn
} 5, 30 -- MPLOQtI+C0nZLCRlCxiZVzEKF2camFno5aamlOZlphclVukllmxiBAcOj8sOxoYthocYBTgY
} 5, 30 -- lXh46y0fBQmxJpYVV+YeYpTkYFIS5X3qABTiS8pPqcxILM6ILyrNSS0+xCjBwawkwlt/7WGQ
} 5, 30 -- EG9KYmVValE+TEqag0VJnHeLxN0gIYH0xJLU7NTUgtQimKwMB4eSBG+/E9BQwaLU9NSKtMyc
} 5, 30 -- EoQ0EwcnyHAeoOGXQGp4iwsSc4sz0yHypxglpcR5w0ASAiCJjNI8uN5XjOJALwjzvgDJ8gCT
} 5, 30 -- AFzXK6CBTEADV5x9ADKwJBEhJdXA6GD0s//epWpOoYWpBd0HKoK/vJb6e3K6zp+pYlX7+GwK
} 5, 30 -- hQ7EX6j3fsc0I9DggzhbsepUI601LNlveU4++937Yc/VaYnK7FE3Wdv/HPM9fyKIUTbNesIG
} 5, 30 -- Ec3zR+TEvH3Wnyytnv4mRsQt1+SVnJ3YDcVDxj8LJriYMeT/mz75u6/4Oc18YR95JZbijERD
} 5, 30 -- Leai4kQAR3Z+l78CAAA=
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4, 30 -- From PhillipsT-at-missouri.edu Fri Jan 24 07:35:00 2014
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4, 30 -- Subject: Re: [Microscopy] Re: Strange bubbles in LR white resin
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 07:41:09 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:TEM Diffraction of amphibole fibers and fiber bundles

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Email: tomw-at-uidaho.edu
Name: Tom Williams

Organization: Univ of Idaho

Title-Subject: [Filtered] TEM Diffraction of amphibole fibers and fiber bundles

Message: Question for any Mineralogist-Microscopist (or the other way 'round :) ) in the group.

I have a Mineralogy student working in my lab on the TEM trying to obtain diffraction patterns
(SAED) on amphibole fibers and fiber bundles (note: some of the specimens may be cleavage
fragments). Particle size: 50-100 microns short dimension & 100s if microns in the long D. Scope
JEOL 2010 at 200kV.

We are having a surprising difficult time getting any reasonable SAED patterns on these. We can get
reasonable and nice patterns on adjacent micas in the sample but nothing of use on the amphiboles.
Different spot sizes, SAED apertures, camera lengths, etc. No joy.

We should be able to do this-even though I am not the worlds best at electron diffraction?? I'm at
a loss and throwing myself Forrest Gump like asking for mercy!

Suggestions would be welcome.


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From: klivi-at-jhu.edu
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 07:53:57 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:TEM Diffraction of amphibole fibers and fiber bundles

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Dear Tom,
50-100 µm is very thick for SAED. You are probably not getting the electrons through the sample, whereas, the micas are probably thinner. The thing to try is getting diffraction patterns from the very thinnest edges of the fibers. You could crush the sample further, but that would destroy the measurement of length-width aspect. If you have EDX, you can correlate composition of the crushed sample patterns to as-received samples.
Hope this helps.

Kenneth JT Livi, PhD
Director, The High-Resolution Analytical Electron Microbeam Facility
of the Integrated Imaging Center
Departments of Earth and Planetary Sciences and Biology
Olin Hall
3400 N Charles Street
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, Maryland 21218 USA
| | | .| | .| | .| | .| | | :| | | .| | .| | .| | .| | | :|

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11, 19 -- Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:TEM Diffraction of amphibole fibers and fiber bundles
11, 19 -- Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 08:53:52 -0500
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From: rok210-at-lehigh.edu
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 08:03:19 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] TEM Diffraction of amphibole fibers and fiber bundles

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hi Tom,

the samples are thin enough for TEM? Your description sounds a lot like
the fibers are too thick, they need to be less than half a micron thick
to allow you a chance to get results. Cleavage is a great technique but
you might need to do it twenty times to get something decent.

Good luck

Robert Keyse, DPhil
Research Scientist
Lehigh University

5, East Packer Avenue,
Whitaker Laboratory
PA 18015-3194

Office (610)758-3465
Fax (610)758-4244

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7, 21 -- From rok210-at-lehigh.edu Fri Jan 24 08:03:18 2014
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From: connellyps-at-nhlbi.nih.gov
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 11:10:33 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Strange bubbles in LR white resin

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives


I do not remember seeing how long your steps were during dehydration in
ethanol but do know that these little bacteria take longer than
anticipated to dehydrate. I have also found it advantageous to have the
ethanol moving by putting the tubes on a tilting table or to rotate them
during dehydration and also for the infiltration steps.

I have had similar looking bacteria in Macrophages embedded in EPON in the
past. After the first paper was published I learned that my problem was
their dehydration. The macrophages themselves looked fine when processed
by my standard tissue culture protocol but the Listeria within them turned
very dark and peppered like yours when the beam hit them. After I started
to use our longer protocol for tissue samples, the bacteria looked great.

Many years ago I was advised to go through 90% ethanol when using LR White
so your suggestion to do that is a good one.

One can introduce air/oxygen into the embedding media when stirring in the
accelerator so degassing could help in the elimination of that possibility.

I usually harden the LR White in a 45 degree C. oven for a few days
without accelerator so I can not address the possibility of adding an
additional amount of accelerator.

Opinions and experiences related are those of Pat Connelly and do not
represent the NIH.
This message is not confidential and can be freely shared and reproduced.


Patricia Connelly
Research Assistant
NHLBI Electron Microscopy Core
National Institutes of Health
14 Service Road West
Bldg. 14E ­ Rm. 111B MSC 5570
Bethesda, MD 20892-5570
Phone 301-496-3491
FAX 301-402-0170

On 1/24/14 5:56 AM, "stefan.wernitznig-at-medunigraz.at"
{stefan.wernitznig-at-medunigraz.at} wrote:
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From: gnord-at-mindspring.com
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 13:45:11 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: viaWWW:TEM Diffraction of amphibole fibers and fiber bundles

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives


In bright field look for areas that exhibit bend contours. Those are the areas that are thin enough where you can find a reasonable pattern usually at the terminations.

Find fibers that are elongated in the direction of the tilt axis, adjust the height of the sample so you can tilt without the fiber moving.

Tilting about the long axis which is [001] you can see the closely spaced spots of 010.

Tilting about 010, ideally you should find [100] and [101] about 30° apart.

Easy to find in the orthorhombic amphiboles and less easy in the monoclinic amphiboles.

I suggest practicing with iucc standards. Tremolite and anthophyllite.

Also with Dave Palmer's Single Crystal program you don't need a TEM.

Getting indexable diffraction patterns off fibrous amphiboles requires patience which is why asbestos labs don't do it.

Gordon L. Nord, Ph. D
Senior Scientist
International Environmental Research Foundation
P.O. Box 3459, Grand Central Station
New York, NY 10163-3459


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17, 25 -- Subject: Re: [Microscopy] viaWWW:TEM Diffraction of amphibole fibers and fiber bundles
17, 25 -- Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 14:44:59 -0500
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From: daniel.thomas-at-univ-rennes1.fr
Date: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 05:46:16 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] EM Virus

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Dear Panos,

The objects you have seen under your EM are not virus or pollen, They are Brochosomes.
Brochosomes are secretory granules produced by the Malphigian tubules of leafhoppers.
You may have a look at the Wikipedia article concerning this unfamiliar but beautiful structure (wikipedia.org/wiki/Brochosome) .
I have seen EM pictures of this structure many years ago , since it has been once described in the sixties by my former colleagues in the lab in Rennes (France, Brittany).
(Gouranton J. & Maillet P.L. (1967) Origine et structure des brochosomes. Journal de Microscopie 6: 53-64.).
Brochosomes are source of contaminations and can sometimes be found in aerosol
(Wiffen R. D. & Heard M. J. (1969) Unidentified airborn species. Nature 224: 715).
I recommend the readings associated with the Wiki article. However, if you are interested, I can look over the archives of the lab and try to find original negatives.


Universite de Rennes 1

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4, 17 -- From daniel.thomas-at-univ-rennes1.fr Sat Jan 25 05:46:16 2014
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4, 17 -- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
4, 17 -- Subject: EM Virus
4, 17 -- Message-Id: {4A7927F1-9876-462E-BFCE-E4042BF2F08B-at-univ-rennes1.fr}
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 11:49:11 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:RJ LEE PSEM MANUAL WANTED

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Name: Franco Rossi

Title-Subject: [Filtered] RJ LEE PSEM MANUAL WANTED

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From: CGorman-at-hookecollege.com
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 08:04:25 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] SEM Short Course Announcement: March 24-28, 2014

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Merci Daniel for showing these brochosomes, they have a very smart shape. A
pattern repeated in many structures seen at different scales in this
wonderful world. And I am sure you gave the right answer.


Dr Yorgos Nikas
Athens Innovative Microscopy
Skra 36 Voula 16673 GREECE

Tel/fax +30 210 8957677
mobile +30 6945 107477
www.eikonika.net www.aim.cat

----- Original Message -----
X-from: {daniel.thomas-at-univ-rennes1.fr}
To: {eikonika-at-otenet.gr}
Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2014 1:55 PM

March 24-28, 2014 a course in scanning electron microscopy will be offered at Hooke College of Applied Sciences.
Further information about this hands-on course can be found at the link below:


Best regards-
Chris Gorman
Admissions Specialist
Hooke College of Applied Sciences
850 Pasquinelli Drive
Westmont, IL 60559-5539 USA
630-887-7100 (tel)

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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 06:57:40 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Role of CaCl2 in biological sample fixation for TEM

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Test I told you not to open...........

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We have an old Zygo optical profilometer that we are looking to get rid of.
The microscope works fine but the computer to which it is attached is not
operational as no one remembers the root password and we don't have the
operating system tapes to re-install from, it runs HP Unix. I have taken
some photos and they can be viewed at;


Again the item is in Minneapolis, MN and it is free but the buyer must
assume all shipping costs.

Nick Seaton
University of Minnesota
Characterization Facility


Dr Nicholas Seaton

SEM Specialist
Characterization Facility

College of Science and Engineering

University of Minnesota

Shepherd Labs

100 Union Street SE


MN, 55455

email: seato008-at-umn.edu

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Email: ravi.thakkar369-at-gmail.com
Name: Ravi

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Role of CaCl2 in biological sample fixation for TEM

Message: What is the role of CaCl2 in biological sample fixation for TEM.?
What is the recommended concentration required in phosphate buffer.?

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From: delannoy-at-jhmi.edu
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 08:55:22 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Role of CaCl2.........

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Calcium and magnesium chloride are used in TEM fixatives to protect membranes from enzymes that are still active during fixation. This is refered to as maintaining membrane tonicity (small breaks in membranes may occur). If phosphate buffers are used, you must use only MgCl2 (3 mM), as calcium will precipitate to calcium phosphate.

Michael Delannoy
Johns Hopkins SOM Microscope Facility

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Name: Nick Madary

Organization: Joint Pathology Center

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Diamond knife sharpening

Message: Has anyone out there actually seen how the diamond knives are resharpened? I wonder if
there is a tool and a training to attempt it. We have so many and it is difficult to buy them for
us. Anyone also know of a compnmay that takes several knives in exchange for a knife? Like giving up
3-5 knives for a new one?

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From: rbeavers-at-mail.smu.edu
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 14:00:05 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Help with scan line problem in Leo 1450VPSE

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Working on an issue that has come up in my Leo 1450VPSE SEM since I changed a gun filament.
Seeing light and dark scan lines in captured images. First thought it's some kind of charging behavior but not sure.
Problem occurs with both SE and BS detectors as I try to capture an image using the LINE AVG mode where a line of the image is scanned a number of times (N) before moving to the next line. This builds my image one scan line at a time till I have a full frame.
Using scan speed six (rate it scans frame) I get different widths of shadow line as I change N.

Since I cannot attach images, I can Email them direct to anyone that may want to offer a suggestion as to what is causing the problem.


Roy Beavers
Southern Methodist University

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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 23:05:01 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Diamond knife sharpening

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Diatome diamond knives will replace a used knife (any size) for a brand new knife (any size) at half the cost of a new knife. Believe me, this is the best deal I know of. If you find a better one, let us all know.

Michael Delannoy
Johns Hopkins SOM Microscope Facility

----- Original Message -----
X-from: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com


Years ago, a knife vendor gave a talk on how diamond knives are sharpened. It is not hard, but takes 1-2 weeks of grinding on a diamond grinding wheel. This in not something that you can do in your leisure. I once asked another vendor this same question about giving them 3 or four knives and get a new sharpened knife in return. After picking themselves off the ground from laughing so hard, they explained to me that the diamond is about 40-50 dollars, it is the time it takes to sharpen the knife that cost so much, so they will not just give a sharpened knife with exchange of 3 or 4 knives. One of the vendors does give a discount for a 2 for 1 exchange. Call them up and ask about this.

Best of luck convincing the powers that be to purchase a knife for you.


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Name: Lita Duraine

Organization: Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Re: viaWWW:Diamond knife sharpening

Message: Diatome has a deal where if you send in three knives for re-sharpening, they will charge
for two of them at the re-sharpen price and the third one is free.

Since you have many knives it might be advantageous to keep a few sets of three so when you send one
set in you will have another to work with.

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From: stefan.wernitznig-at-medunigraz.at
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 07:44:47 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: Strange Bubbles in LR white resin

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Thank you for you detailed answers!

From most answers - especially Pat's answer - I gather that dehydration
is important, so our next test will be whether dehydrating to 90 or 100
% ethanol improves the structure and gets rid of the "bubbles". The
alcohol steps were for 30 min each with an overnight break in 70 %
alcohol so I do not think longer incubation times will help.

We use LR white because we want to perform immunolabelling, so I think
we have to find the right balance between structural preservation and
preservation of antigenicity. Our next approach will be with dehydration
up to 80, 90, and 100 % ethanol in parallel.
Thank you again!


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From: Edelmare-at-MiamiOH.edu
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 08:44:41 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] U

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

O.k., higher ups at the University have been looking at service
contracts costs and trying to

Richard E. Edelmann, Ph.D., Director
Center for Advanced Microscopy & Imaging
9C Upham Hall
Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056
Ph: 513.529.5712 Fax: 513.529.4243
E-mail: edelmare-at-miamioh.edu

==============================Original Headers==============================
4, 24 -- From Edelmare-at-MiamiOH.edu Thu Jan 30 08:44:41 2014
4, 24 -- Received: from mualmaip02.mcs.muohio.edu (mualmaip02.mcs.muohio.edu [])
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4, 24 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Thu, 30 Jan 2014 09:44:31 -0500
4, 24 -- From: "Richard E. Edelmann" {Edelmare-at-MiamiOH.edu}
4, 24 -- To: Microscopy-at-microscopy.com
4, 24 -- Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 09:44:32 -0500
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From: Edelmare-at-MiamiOH.edu
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 08:53:41 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Unity Asset Management Service?

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

(Apologies for slippery fingers)

O.k., higher ups at the University have been looking at service
contracts costs and trying to find cost reductions.
One the vendors they are now thinking about is Unity Asset Management
Service (Part of Thermo Fisher Scientific). To provide repair services for all
the equipment on campus.

I did a search of the listserv archives and did not find any thing about Unity.
SO does anyone out there have any feed back with regards to "Unity Asset
Management Service"? For Microscopes or anything else.

I do not want to start a war, and I know alternatoves have been disscussed
before, but its new year and time to discuss a little again.

Happy to take anything offline or through the list or even a phone call.

Thank you.

Richard E. Edelmann, Ph.D., Director
Center for Advanced Microscopy & Imaging
9C Upham Hall
Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056
Ph: 513.529.5712 Fax: 513.529.4243
E-mail: edelmare-at-miamioh.edu

==============================Original Headers==============================
9, 24 -- From Edelmare-at-MiamiOH.edu Thu Jan 30 08:53:41 2014
9, 24 -- Received: from mualmaip02.mcs.muohio.edu (mualmaip02.mcs.muohio.edu [])
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9, 24 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Thu, 30 Jan 2014 09:53:35 -0500
9, 24 -- From: "Richard E. Edelmann" {Edelmare-at-MiamiOH.edu}
9, 24 -- To: Microscopy-at-microscopy.com
9, 24 -- Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 09:53:35 -0500
9, 24 -- MIME-Version: 1.0
9, 24 -- Message-ID: {52EA676F.27167.3C93E86-at-Edelmare.MiamiOH.edu}
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9, 24 -- X-Miami-MailScanner-From: edelmare-at-miamioh.edu
9, 24 -- Subject: Unity Asset Management Service?
9, 24 -- X-Spam-Status: No
==============================End of - Headers==============================

From: JHyun-at-gatan.com
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 12:39:44 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] EELS and EFTEM Training School

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

To All:

I hope all is well. If you are interested in advancing your EELS and EFTEM
(analytical TEM) knowledge, Gatan is offering a 4 day professional
training school on April 8-11, 2014 at its R&D Headquarters in Pleasanton,
CA, USA. Here are all the details and online registration:

Best regards,

Marketing Communications Manager

Gatan, Inc.

Email: info-at-gatan.com
Website: www.gatan.com

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9, 25 -- From: John Hyun {JHyun-at-gatan.com}
9, 25 -- To: Microscopy Server {microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
9, 25 -- Subject: EELS and EFTEM Training School
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The Microscopy ListServer -- CoSponsor: The Microscopy Society of America

dear Rick, dear all,

} O.k., higher ups at the University have been looking at service
} contracts costs and trying to find cost reductions.

every year the same issue, in your institution and in many/most others as well.

from my 23 years experience, a service contract over 23 years is far better for the scopes and for all users of the scopes (i.e. for all projects!) than 23 years of waiting for the engineer(s), not knowing when (s)he will come, and who is going to pay for it. - We all know this, and most people in the community will agree - except some / many of the "Ups at the University" (nice word...), and those in the Administration.

} One the vendors they are now thinking about is Unity Asset Management
} Service (Part of Thermo Fisher Scientific). To provide repair services for
} all the equipment on campus.

for most of us: the service engineers of the companies are best trained on the scopes of each particular brand. Thus, a service contract for an electron microscope, and for most of the modern complex CLSM's and their variants, is "best-value-for-money", no doubt about this - in most cases. I am aware that there are other meanings around, other experiences; like: no good experience with the engineer, or too-few-engineers ... (happened to me as well, several times), or trained engineers are available / employed in the institution / University: Not here.

} I did a search of the listserv archives and did not find any thing about Unity.
} SO does anyone out there have any feed back with regards to "Unity Asset
} Management Service"? For Microscopes or anything else.
I do not know anything about Unity, sorry.

One of my arguments. Let's take an (ordinary) car for 25.000 EUR or $ (not really comparible to our scopes, in complexity and pricing!) which is used daily, say 6 hours per day. Quickly, you will end up with an annual mileage of 20.000 km at least, if not 50.000 km (ask your service engineer, who really drive a lot!). This will raise maintenance costs for this car (oil, tyres, repairs, ...) of at least 1.000 EUR or $ per year (i.e. 4% of the initial investment), most likely even higher. Not in the first two years, but then, it will increase, quickly, dramatically. We are prepared to pay for this, because a car is what we think we need, daily. - Our students / postdocs need the scopes daily, probably more than the car (most likely), and in many institutions, the scope is far more complex and used for more hours than only 6 per day. - But, 3 to 4% of the investment for the annual maintenance contract, offering quick and expert response: this is too high, too much money? - And, compare this with the vendor of your car ... are the service engineers as good as those for the scopes? do they travel such long distances, each week / month?
Richard, I am facing the same questions, every year or every second year.
I still hope that we can convince the people "Up-in-the-Univ" or in the Administration.

kind regards,

Prof. Dr. Reinhard Rachel
University of Regensburg
Centre for EM / Anatomy
Faculty of Biology & Preclin. Med.
Universitaetsstrasse 31
D-93053 Regensburg - Germany
tel +49 941 943 2837, 1720
fax +49 941 943 2868
mail reinhard.rachel-at-biologie.uni-regensburg.de
office: VKL 3.1.29

Next microscopy conference:
18th IMC 2014 in Prague, Czech Rep.

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11, 27 -- From Reinhard.Rachel-at-biologie.uni-regensburg.de Fri Jan 31 02:33:50 2014
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11, 27 -- Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 09:33:43 +0100
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11, 27 -- To: "microscopy listserver" {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
11, 27 -- Subject: Unity Asset Management Service?
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From: zaluzec-at-microscopy.com
Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 13:05:31 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Follow up on Consolidated Service Contract inquiry

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

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Email: fxwatanabe-at-ualr.edu
Name: Fumiya Watanabe

Organization: Center for Integrative Nanotechnology Sciences UALR

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Follow up on Consolidated Service Contract inquiry

Message: Hello everyone who are concerned with similar problem of
pressure to consider a consolidated service contract.

There was a post by Richard Edelmann on Unity Asset Management Service.
We are being urged to consider another service called Remi (state of
Arkansas has a contract with them, I've been told):


Our main instruments are from JEOL (TEM/SEM), Bruker (XRD and AFM),
Horiba (Raman, Photoluminescence, Elipsometry), Thermo Fisher (XPS),
etc. Does anybody have experience with Remi service (especially with
cases involving other vendors such as JEOL, Bruker-AXS, or Thermo
Fisher)? I have contacted Richard and have received reply from him
already on Unity (thank you very much Richard for very quick reply). Any
information on Remi would help us since we have no idea about them.

Thank you very much.


Fumiya Watanabe, Ph.D.
Director of Instrumentation
Center for Integrative Nanotechnology Sciences
University of Arkansas at Little Rock
2801 S. University Ave.
Little Rock, AR 72204
(501) 683-7479 (Office)

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From: connellyps-at-nhlbi.nih.gov
Date: Mon, 3 Feb 2014 11:38:29 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Negative Staining Problem

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: pete.finger-at-jax.org ()

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using the WWW based Form at http://microscopy.com/MLFormMail.html
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please copy both pete.finger-at-jax.org as well as the Microscopy

Email: pete.finger-at-jax.org
Name: Pete Finger

Organization: The Jackson Laboratory

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Negative Staining Problem

Message: IÂ’ve been doing some negative staining and am experiencing some
problems with the Formvar film falling apart on the grid. IÂ’ve been
using 200 mesh Copper Formvar/carbon coated grids which are a couple of
years old – does anyone know if these grids have a certain shelf life?
My technique has been to put a drop of the protein (in HEPES buffer)
on the grid, blot dry, add a drop of uranyl acetate, blot dry and then
let the grid air dry. When I view the grid on the TEM, pretty much all
the Formvar is gone. I havenÂ’t done a lot of negative staining in the
past so any comments/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks much.

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Dear all,
dear Nestor,
dear Fumiya,

in 2012 there was a thread on MSA-Listserver concerning the matter you are requesting:

Thread started 08.05.2012 - ended: 09.06.2012
"Remi Group as a equipmt service contract provider"

There have been several answers.
For your convenience (so you would not need to got through the MSA-Listserver Archives):

Since I was interested too, I have collected these Replies in a word.docx/pdf, which I could provide easily in sending to your e-mail-box, if you allow this.
Just write to me at w.muss-at-salk.at and receive - with your permission the pdf of this collection of replies.

Best wishes and regards,


Wolfgang MUSS PhD
Univ. Inst. Pathology,
SALK-LKH(Gen. Hospital) & PMU (Private Paracelsus Medical University) Salzburg

Von: zaluzec-at-microscopy.com [mailto:zaluzec-at-microscopy.com]
Gesendet: Freitag, 31. Jänner 2014 20:11
An: Muß Wolfgang
Betreff: [Microscopy] Re(Fwd): Unity Asset Management Service? [by companies, service contracts costs and trying to find cost reductions] // REMI-Service: Follow up on Consolidated Service Contract inquiry

[Microscopy] !! Re: Unity Asset Management Service? [by companies, service contracts costs and trying to find cost reductions] !!
// Follow up on Consolidated Service Contract inquiry

The Microscopy ListServer -- CoSponsor: The Microscopy Society of America

Hello everyone who are concerned with similar problem of pressure to consider a consolidated service contract.

There was a post by Richard Edelmann on Unity Asset Management Service.
We are being urged to consider another service called Remi (state of Arkansas has a contract with them, I've been told):


Our main instruments are from JEOL (TEM/SEM), Bruker (XRD and AFM), Horiba (Raman, Photoluminescence, Elipsometry), Thermo Fisher (XPS), etc.
Does anybody have experience with Remi service (especially with cases involving other vendors such as JEOL, Bruker-AXS, or Thermo Fisher)?

I have contacted Richard and have received reply from him already on Unity (thank you very much Richard for very quick reply).
Any information on Remi would help us since we have no idea about them.

Thank you very much.


Fumiya Watanabe, Ph.D.
Director of Instrumentation
Center for Integrative Nanotechnology Sciences
University of Arkansas at Little Rock
2801 S. University Ave.
Little Rock, AR 72204
(501) 683-7479 (Office)

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Films on grids do tend to break when old. I used some 75 mesh grids that
were 5 years old recently and they were still good but I'd not try to use
single holed ones that were that old unless I really needed to. With
older 200 mesh grids one can usually get some areas that do not pop but
use newer ones if you can afford them or make them yourself. Perhaps your
drying step is a bit harsh. The word "blot" is what caught my eye. It is
hard to judge unless it could be observed.

I was taught to do my negative staining differently than how you describe.
I put a sample onto a recently glow discharged grid held in forcepts, let
it sit for 30 to 60 seconds, gently drop 5-6 drops of 1%UA from a pipet
onto the surface of the grid held perpendicular to the grid (grid parallel
to the table top over a vessel to catch the UA). After the last drop of UA
is on the grid I touch a point of filter paper to the junction of the
forcepts where the grid is being held to slowly wick the UA off. The
surface of the grid will still be wet. There is usually a small amount of
UA between the forcept tips so I "push" the grid out of the forcepts with
the same piece of filter paper using another portion that is not already
wet, onto some lens tissue to continue to dry completely.

There are many different techniques in doing negative staining. Once you
find one that works for you that is the one you should stick with.

Opinions and experiences related are those of Pat Connelly and do not
represent the NIH. This message is not confidential and can be freely
shared and reproduced.


Patricia Stranen Connelly
NHLBI EM Core Facility
National Institutes of Health
Building 14E Room 111B
Bethesda, MD 20892-5570

The Microscopy ListServer -- CoSponsor: The Microscopy Society of America

X-from: pete.finger-at-jax.org ()

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Email: pete.finger-at-jax.org
Name: Pete Finger

Organization: The Jackson Laboratory

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Negative Staining Problem

Message: I?ve been doing some negative staining and am experiencing some
problems with the Formvar film falling apart on the grid. I?ve been
using 200 mesh Copper Formvar/carbon coated grids which are a couple of
years old ? does anyone know if these grids have a certain shelf life?
My technique has been to put a drop of the protein (in HEPES buffer)
on the grid, blot dry, add a drop of uranyl acetate, blot dry and then
let the grid air dry. When I view the grid on the TEM, pretty much all
the Formvar is gone. I haven?t done a lot of negative staining in the
past so any comments/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks much.

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21, 29 -- From connellyps-at-nhlbi.nih.gov Mon Feb 3 11:38:29 2014
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21, 29 -- Subject: Negative Staining Problem
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Email: tjzhang2000-at-yahoo.com
Name: Tim Zhang

Organization: GA Tech

Title-Subject: [Filtered] 200KV used TEM wanted

Message: Dear All,

We are looking for am used TEM, 200-300KV not FEG gun.
If you know any info about it please let me know.

Thank you very much for your time and help.


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Dr. Nestor J. Zaluzec
797 Bonnie Brae Ct.
Bolingbrook, Illinois 60440, USA
Alternate: 1-530-NES-TORZ (1-530-637-8679) has Voice Mail
Email: Zaluzec-at-Microscopy.Com




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From: zaluzec-at-microscopy.com
Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2014 15:01:57 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:EDS can't detect tin

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X-from: 12hy1-at-queensu.ca ()

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Email: 12hy1-at-queensu.ca
Name: Hongbing Yu

Organization: Queens' University, Canada

Title-Subject: [Filtered] EDS can't detect tin

Message: We are trying to use FEI TECNAI ORISIS TEM characterize the
element distribution of a Zirconium alloy with 3.5 atom% Sn. However we
can't detect tin anywhere with EDS in STEM Mode with beam spot 9. The
EDS system works very well for a ODS steel. We have tried our best to
figure out this problem, but we failed. Any comment and suggestion would
be appreciated.

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From: zaluzec-at-microscopy.com
Date: Wed, 5 Feb 2014 02:18:01 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW: Lehigh Microscopy School 2014

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Email: slc6-at-lehigh.edu
Name: Sharon Coe

Organization: Lehigh University

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Lehigh Microscopy School 2014

Message: There is still time to register for the 2014 Lehigh Microscopy
School which will be held June 8-14, 2014. ALL courses will be offered
in the same week which means that ALL lecturers and ALL instrument
suppliers will be together for what promises to be a phenomenal week.
This year will be the 44th anniversary for the Lehigh Microscopy School!
Course offerings include: Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-ray
Microanalysis • Introduction to SEM and EDS for the New Operator •
Focused Ion Beam Instrumentation and Applications • Problem Solving:
Interpretation and Analysis of SEM/EDS/EBSD Data • Quantitative X-ray
Microanalysis: Problem Solving Using EDS and WDS Techniques • Scanning
Transmission Electron Microscopy: From Fundamentals to Advanced
Applications. Register by April 15 for an Early Bird Discount! Contact
Sharon Coe (sharon.coe-at-lehigh.edu or 610-758-5133).

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16, 39 -- From nestor.zaluzec-at-gmail.com Wed Feb 5 02:18:01 2014
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16, 39 -- Date: Wed, 05 Feb 2014 18:47:56 +1030
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From: j.sharp-at-sheffield.ac.uk
Date: Wed, 5 Feb 2014 06:42:40 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: viaWWW:EDS can't detect tin

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Dear Hongbing,

This may sound like a silly suggestion but if you haven't already, I
would try the following things:

1) Use an enormous beam in TEM mode to look around on micron-scale and
look for Sn in EDS all over any thin area. You may just be looking at
an unusual part of the specimen where the Sn is gone and not know it.

2) If you can do EELS, check for Sn there - should be an M edge about
500eV I think (look in EELS Atlas, I am being vague). If you cannot
see Sn anywhere by EELS or EDS then the problem is not the EDS
detector, the problem is that your specimen doesn't have Sn in it, and
you now have to figure out why. (Preferential removal of Sn during
sample prep? Something happened when making the material originally?)

Good luck!


Jo Sharp

On 4 February 2014 21:16, {zaluzec-at-microscopy.com} wrote:
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} X-from: 12hy1-at-queensu.ca ()
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} please copy both 12hy1-at-queensu.ca as well as the Microscopy Listserver
} ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
} Email: 12hy1-at-queensu.ca
} Name: Hongbing Yu
} Organization: Queens' University, Canada
} Title-Subject: [Filtered] EDS can't detect tin
} Message: We are trying to use FEI TECNAI ORISIS TEM characterize the
} element distribution of a Zirconium alloy with 3.5 atom% Sn. However we
} can't detect tin anywhere with EDS in STEM Mode with beam spot 9. The
} EDS system works very well for a ODS steel. We have tried our best to
} figure out this problem, but we failed. Any comment and suggestion would
} be appreciated.
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8, 39 -- From j.sharp-at-sheffield.ac.uk Wed Feb 5 06:42:39 2014
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8, 39 -- Subject: Re: [Microscopy] viaWWW:EDS can't detect tin
8, 39 -- From: Joanne Sharp {j.sharp-at-sheffield.ac.uk}
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From: CGorman-at-hookecollege.com
Date: Wed, 5 Feb 2014 11:58:21 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] PLM Short Course Announcement: March 3-7, 2014

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

March 3-7, 2014 a course in polarized light microscopy will be offered at Hooke College of Applied Sciences.
Further information about this hands-on course can be found at the link below:


Best regards-
Chris Gorman
Hooke College of Applied Sciences
850 Pasquinelli Drive
Westmont, IL 60559-5539 USA
630-887-7100 (tel)

==============================Original Headers==============================
7, 25 -- From CGorman-at-hookecollege.com Wed Feb 5 11:58:21 2014
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7, 25 -- To: "microscopy-at-microscopy.com" {microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
7, 25 -- Date: Wed, 5 Feb 2014 11:58:18 -0600
7, 25 -- Subject: PLM Short Course Announcement: March 3-7, 2014
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From: zaluzec-at-microscopy.com
Date: Wed, 5 Feb 2014 14:04:36 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:MSNO winter meeting -Feb 26,2014

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: nxa157-at-case.edu ()

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Email: nxa157-at-case.edu
Name: Nanthawan Avishai

Organization: MSNO

Title-Subject: [Filtered] MSNO winter meeting -Feb 26,2014

Message: MSNO Winter MEETING will be on Wednesday, February 26th, 2014,
4:00 – 8:30 p.m.
Dittrick Medical History Center
Allen Memorial Medical Library
11000 Euclid Ave. Cleveland, OH 44106-1714

Please visit MSNO website for more detail http://www.msneo.org/meetings.html

Preregistration is required so we can get a good head count.

Questions?: Please contact Nanthawan Avishai at nxa157-at-case.edu

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17, 39 -- Date: Thu, 06 Feb 2014 06:34:31 +1030
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From: stefan.diller-at-t-online.de
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2014 03:57:17 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Reichert Ultracut E service manual

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Dear All,

anybody out there to help me with a service manual and a parts list for
the Reichert Ultracut E ultramicrotome?
All I have is the user manual.



Stefan Diller - Scientific Photography
Arndtstrasse 22
D - 97072 Wuerzburg Germany
++49-931-7848700 Phone
++49-931-7848701 Fax
++49-175-7177051 Mobile

Anfahrt: http://Mail.map24.com/Stefan.Diller

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9, 20 -- Date: Thu, 06 Feb 2014 10:57:08 +0100
9, 20 -- From: Stefan Diller {stefan.diller-at-t-online.de}
9, 20 -- User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/24.3.0
9, 20 -- MIME-Version: 1.0
9, 20 -- To: microscopy-at-microscopy.com
9, 20 -- Subject: Reichert Ultracut E service manual
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9, 20 -- X-TOI-MSGID: bd40bafa-19ef-4dcc-b708-8ce2056c24bc
==============================End of - Headers==============================

From: john.mitchels-at-gmail.com
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2014 07:47:47 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Seron SEMs any views?

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hi Listers

I was just sent some material on a new microscope from Seron and it
occurred to me I have not really heard much on the list about this
brand. Has anyone tried one or have one even? How do they fair to
other entry level micorscopes. Comments on or off list would be

John in the UK (Bath Uni)

==============================Original Headers==============================
3, 26 -- From john.mitchels-at-gmail.com Thu Feb 6 07:47:47 2014
3, 26 -- Received: from mail-vb0-f46.google.com (mail-vb0-f46.google.com [])
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3, 26 -- Subject: Seron SEMs any views?
3, 26 -- From: John Mitchels {john.mitchels-at-gmail.com}
3, 26 -- To: Microscopy-at-microscopy.com
3, 26 -- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
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From: stefan.diller-at-t-online.de
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2014 08:43:56 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: Reichert Ultracut E service manual

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Dear All,
thanks, I finally got a PDF of the service manual.


Stefan Diller - Scientific Photography
Arndtstrasse 22
D - 97072 Wuerzburg Germany
++49-931-7848700 Phone
++49-931-7848701 Fax
++49-175-7177051 Mobile

Anfahrt: http://Mail.map24.com/Stefan.Diller

Am 06.02.14 14:28, schrieb Muß Wolfgang:
} bradford.ross-at-botany.ubc.ca {mailto:bradford.ross-at-botany.ubc.ca}
} Stefan:
} ich bin ja schon sehr froh, wenn ich als „Notnagel“ wenigstens da und dort einmal was „tun“ kann für die Community....Für Dich
} allemal von Herzen!
} Habe noch was gefunden (originales pdf hatte 13 MB, daher habe ich es nochmals als pdf „gedruckt“ und damit auf ca. 7MB
} komprimiert...das hat etwas gedauert...)
} Die Dokumentation hatte ich dankenswerterweise von bradford.ross-at-botany.ubc.ca {mailto:bradford.ross-at-botany.ubc.ca} im Nov. 2013
} erhalten.
} Ebenfalls „sonnige“, und v. a. {föhnige} Grüße aus Salzburg (dzt. wie im späten April: knallblauer Himmel bei ca. 15Grad C!
} Wolfgang
} *Von:*Stefan Diller [mailto:stefan.diller-at-t-online.de]
} *Gesendet:* Donnerstag, 06. Februar 2014 14:21
} *An:* Muß Wolfgang
} *Betreff:* Re: persönl. AW(2): [Microscopy] Reichert Ultracut E service manual
} Lieber Wolfgang,
} wie immer der Retter in der Not ;-)
} Herzliche Grüße in den Süden,
} Stefan
} Am 06.02.2014 14:18, schrieb Muß Wolfgang:
} Lieber Stefan,
} das ist alles, was ich in meinen files gefunden habe....
} mhG
} und beste Wünsche beim Basteln...
} Wolfgang
} *Von:*stefan.diller-at-t-online.de {mailto:stefan.diller-at-t-online.de} [mailto:stefan.diller-at-t-online.de]
} *Gesendet:* Donnerstag, 06. Februar 2014 11:02
} *An:* Muß Wolfgang
} *Betreff:* [Microscopy] Reichert Ultracut E service manual
} ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
} The Microscopy ListServer -- CoSponsor: The Microscopy Society of America
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} On-Line Help http://www.microscopy.com/MicroscopyListserver/FAQ.html
} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
} Dear All,
} anybody out there to help me with a service manual and a parts list for
} the Reichert Ultracut E ultramicrotome?
} All I have is the user manual.
} Thanks,
} Stefan
} --
} -----------------------------------------------------
} Stefan Diller - Scientific Photography
} Arndtstrasse 22
} D - 97072 Wuerzburg Germany
} ++49-931-7848700 Phone
} ++49-931-7848701 Fax
} ++49-175-7177051 Mobile
} Websites:
} www.nanoflight.info {http://www.nanoflight.info}
} www.electronmicroscopy.info {http://www.electronmicroscopy.info}
} www.elektronenmikroskopie.info {http://www.elektronenmikroskopie.info}
} www.assisi.de {http://www.assisi.de}
} www.zwillingsprojekt.de {http://www.zwillingsprojekt.de}
} www.stefan-diller.com {http://www.stefan-diller.com}
} Anfahrt: http://Mail.map24.com/Stefan.Diller
} -----------------------------------------------------
} ==============================Original Headers==============================
} 9, 20 -- From stefan.diller-at-t-online.de {mailto:stefan.diller-at-t-online.de} Thu Feb 6 03:57:17 2014
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} 9, 20 -- Date: Thu, 06 Feb 2014 10:57:08 +0100
} 9, 20 -- From: Stefan Diller {stefan.diller-at-t-online.de {mailto:stefan.diller-at-t-online.de} }
} 9, 20 -- User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/24.3.0
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} 9, 20 -- To: microscopy-at-microscopy.com {mailto:microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
} 9, 20 -- Subject: Reichert Ultracut E service manual
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} 9, 20 -- X-TOI-MSGID: bd40bafa-19ef-4dcc-b708-8ce2056c24bc
} ==============================End of - Headers==============================
} --
} -----------------------------------------------------
} Stefan Diller - Scientific Photography
} Arndtstrasse 22
} D - 97072 Wuerzburg Germany
} ++49-931-7848700 Phone
} ++49-931-7848701 Fax
} ++49-175-7177051 Mobile
} Websites:
} www.nanoflight.info {http://www.nanoflight.info}
} www.electronmicroscopy.info {http://www.electronmicroscopy.info}
} www.elektronenmikroskopie.info {http://www.elektronenmikroskopie.info}
} www.assisi.de {http://www.assisi.de}
} www.zwillingsprojekt.de {http://www.zwillingsprojekt.de}
} www.stefan-diller.com {http://www.stefan-diller.com}
} Anfahrt:http://Mail.map24.com/Stefan.Diller
} -----------------------------------------------------

==============================Original Headers==============================
9, 23 -- From stefan.diller-at-t-online.de Thu Feb 6 08:43:56 2014
9, 23 -- Received: from mailout07.t-online.de (mailout07.t-online.de [])
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9, 23 -- Message-ID: {52F39FA9.6030306-at-t-online.de}
9, 23 -- Date: Thu, 06 Feb 2014 15:43:53 +0100
9, 23 -- From: Stefan Diller {stefan.diller-at-t-online.de}
9, 23 -- User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.9; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/24.3.0
9, 23 -- MIME-Version: 1.0
9, 23 -- To: microscopy-at-microscopy.com
9, 23 -- Subject: Re: [Microscopy] Reichert Ultracut E service manual
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From: jehrman-at-mta.ca
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2014 13:17:12 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] zero cost SEM

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

I originally posted this as "free SEM" but Nestor's spam filter threw me
under the bus...

A friend of mine passed this ad on to me. I have no connection to the
people giving this away, just thought someone out there might be
interested. I'm not familiar with the make/model. Anybody? It does
appear to be "vintage"...





James M. Ehrman
Digital Microscopy Facility
Mount Allison University
63B York St.
Sackville, NB E4L 1G7

phone: 506-364-2519
fax: 506-364-2505
email: jehrman-at-mta.ca
www: http://www.mta.ca/dmf

If you give some managers an inch they think they’re a ruler.

==============================Original Headers==============================
11, 19 -- From jehrman-at-mta.ca Thu Feb 6 13:17:12 2014
11, 19 -- Received: from smtpy.mta.ca (smtpy.mta.ca [])
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11, 19 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Thu, 6 Feb 2014 13:17:12 -0600
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11, 19 -- id 1WBURk-0005Az-2a
11, 19 -- for Microscopy-at-microscopy.com; Thu, 06 Feb 2014 15:17:12 -0400
11, 19 -- Message-ID: {52F3DFB6.5070308-at-mta.ca}
11, 19 -- Date: Thu, 06 Feb 2014 15:17:10 -0400
11, 19 -- From: "James M. Ehrman" {jehrman-at-mta.ca}
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11, 19 -- MIME-Version: 1.0
11, 19 -- To: Microscopy Listserv {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
11, 19 -- Subject: zero cost SEM
11, 19 -- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed
11, 19 -- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
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From: ahinojos2-at-miners.utep.edu
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2014 20:17:13 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] TEM Acquisition Help

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hello Microscopists,
Here at the University of Texas at El Paso we are searching for a new EM to purchase. We mainly use Hitachi SEM and TEM for Hard materials characterization. We are mainly searching for an EM with specialization in polymers characterization. In our search we stumbled upon the LEVM5 Benchtop TEM from Delong America for polymers. The unit claims to have TEM, SEM, and STEM capabilities. We here in the southwest were wondering what are/were your experiences the LVEM5 or other Delong EM’s? We were also wondering how are the products from the Delong America Company in the perspective of materials characterization? If anybody wouldn't mind sharing those experiences with us that would be great.

Thanks for your thoughts and answers in advance
Alejandro Hinojos

==============================Original Headers==============================
6, 29 -- From ahinojos2-at-miners.utep.edu Thu Feb 6 20:17:12 2014
6, 29 -- Received: from na01-bn1-obe.outbound.protection.outlook.com (mail-bn1blp0181.outbound.protection.outlook.com [])
6, 29 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id s172HCnn004797
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6, 29 -- 15.00.0868.013; Fri, 7 Feb 2014 02:17:10 +0000
6, 29 -- From: "Hinojos, Alejandro" {ahinojos2-at-miners.utep.edu}
6, 29 -- To: "Microscopy-at-Microscopy.Com" {Microscopy-at-Microscopy.Com}
6, 29 -- Subject: TEM Acquisition Help
6, 29 -- Thread-Topic: TEM Acquisition Help
6, 29 -- Thread-Index: AQHPI6qIDXb0k8Img0O3WLndhK0Dmg==
6, 29 -- Date: Fri, 7 Feb 2014 02:17:10 +0000
6, 29 -- Message-ID: {1e44fc83cbc14812ac71282723f64e06-at-BLUPR05MB008.namprd05.prod.outlook.com}
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From: colijn.1-at-osu.edu
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2014 20:27:29 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: TEM Acquisition Help

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hi Alejandro,

It is a 5kV instrument. For TEM (or STEM), ask yourself what thickness
you can look through with a 5kV beam.


On 2/6/2014 9:19 PM, ahinojos2-at-miners.utep.edu wrote:
} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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} Hello Microscopists,
} Here at the University of Texas at El Paso we are searching for a new EM to purchase. We mainly use Hitachi SEM and TEM for Hard materials characterization. We are mainly searching for an EM with specialization in polymers characterization. In our search we stumbled upon the LEVM5 Benchtop TEM from Delong America for polymers. The unit claims to have TEM, SEM, and STEM capabilities. We here in the southwest were wondering what are/were your experiences the LVEM5 or other Delong EM’s? We were also wondering how are the products from the Delong America Company in the perspective of materials characterization? If anybody wouldn't mind sharing those experiences with us that would be great.
} Thanks for your thoughts and answers in advance
} Alejandro Hinojos
} ==============================Original Headers==============================
} 6, 29 -- From ahinojos2-at-miners.utep.edu Thu Feb 6 20:17:12 2014
} 6, 29 -- Received: from na01-bn1-obe.outbound.protection.outlook.com (mail-bn1blp0181.outbound.protection.outlook.com [])
} 6, 29 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id s172HCnn004797
} 6, 29 -- for {Microscopy-at-Microscopy.Com} ; Thu, 6 Feb 2014 20:17:12 -0600
} 6, 29 -- Received: from BLUPR05MB008.namprd05.prod.outlook.com ( by
} 6, 29 -- BLUPR05MB006.namprd05.prod.outlook.com ( with Microsoft SMTP
} 6, 29 -- Server (TLS) id 15.0.868.8; Fri, 7 Feb 2014 02:17:10 +0000
} 6, 29 -- Received: from BLUPR05MB008.namprd05.prod.outlook.com ([]) by
} 6, 29 -- BLUPR05MB008.namprd05.prod.outlook.com ([]) with mapi id
} 6, 29 -- 15.00.0868.013; Fri, 7 Feb 2014 02:17:10 +0000
} 6, 29 -- From: "Hinojos, Alejandro" {ahinojos2-at-miners.utep.edu}
} 6, 29 -- To: "Microscopy-at-Microscopy.Com" {Microscopy-at-Microscopy.Com}
} 6, 29 -- Subject: TEM Acquisition Help
} 6, 29 -- Thread-Topic: TEM Acquisition Help
} 6, 29 -- Thread-Index: AQHPI6qIDXb0k8Img0O3WLndhK0Dmg==
} 6, 29 -- Date: Fri, 7 Feb 2014 02:17:10 +0000
} 6, 29 -- Message-ID: {1e44fc83cbc14812ac71282723f64e06-at-BLUPR05MB008.namprd05.prod.outlook.com}
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==============================Original Headers==============================
8, 49 -- From colijn.1-at-osu.edu Thu Feb 6 20:27:29 2014
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8, 49 -- To: {ahinojos2-at-miners.utep.edu}
8, 49 -- CC: {microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
8, 49 -- Subject: Re: [Microscopy] TEM Acquisition Help
8, 49 -- References: {201402070219.s172JFT5006464-at-ns.microscopy.com}
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From: jacques.faerber-at-ipcms.u-strasbg.fr
Date: Fri, 7 Feb 2014 02:01:35 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: TEM Acquisition Help

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives


A collegue was interested by this instrument last year and made some
tests. His goal was to have an easy access to a TEM like instrument, to
make fast controls in nanoparticules syntesis (organics with heavy
metals), as the acess to our TEMs need some days of delay.

Hearing about the price of that instrument, I proposed him to test too a
STEM device to be fitted on our FE-SEM.
Comparing prices and performences (principally the versatility), the
choice was easy. The STEM device for the SEM gives better images, the
possibility to choose the HV up to 30 keV and a price 8x less expensive...

The real adavantage of this table-top TEM I could see is that it can be
used easy by non-microcopists, like table-top SEMs, with on the other
hand the limitations of the undestanding such people will have of what
they do.

So if you soon have a (FE)SEM, it could be usefull to consider if the
STEM device for SEM would not be a better solution. But I'm interested
on what your tests will bring you as conclusions.

Hope it helps

J. Faerber
Institut de Physique et Chimie des Matériaux de Strasbourg
Département Surfaces et Interfaces
23, rue de Loess ; BP43
67034 Strasbourg CEDEX 2

Tel 00 33(0)3 88 10 71 01
Fax 00 33(0)3 88 10 72 48
E-mail : Jacques.Faerber-at-ipcms.unistra.fr

Le 07/02/2014 03:28, ahinojos2-at-miners.utep.edu a écrit :
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} Hello Microscopists,
} Here at the University of Texas at El Paso we are searching for a new EM to purchase. We mainly use Hitachi SEM and TEM for Hard materials characterization. We are mainly searching for an EM with specialization in polymers characterization. In our search we stumbled upon the LEVM5 Benchtop TEM from Delong America for polymers. The unit claims to have TEM, SEM, and STEM capabilities. We here in the southwest were wondering what are/were your experiences the LVEM5 or other Delong EM’s? We were also wondering how are the products from the Delong America Company in the perspective of materials characterization? If anybody wouldn't mind sharing those experiences with us that would be great.
} Thanks for your thoughts and answers in advance
} Alejandro Hinojos
} ==============================Original Headers==============================
} 6, 29 -- From ahinojos2-at-miners.utep.edu Thu Feb 6 20:17:12 2014
} 6, 29 -- Received: from na01-bn1-obe.outbound.protection.outlook.com (mail-bn1blp0181.outbound.protection.outlook.com [])
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} 6, 29 -- 15.00.0868.013; Fri, 7 Feb 2014 02:17:10 +0000
} 6, 29 -- From: "Hinojos, Alejandro" {ahinojos2-at-miners.utep.edu}
} 6, 29 -- To: "Microscopy-at-Microscopy.Com" {Microscopy-at-Microscopy.Com}
} 6, 29 -- Subject: TEM Acquisition Help
} 6, 29 -- Thread-Topic: TEM Acquisition Help
} 6, 29 -- Thread-Index: AQHPI6qIDXb0k8Img0O3WLndhK0Dmg==
} 6, 29 -- Date: Fri, 7 Feb 2014 02:17:10 +0000
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10, 25 -- From jacques.faerber-at-ipcms.u-strasbg.fr Fri Feb 7 02:01:34 2014
10, 25 -- Received: from ipcms-smtp.u-strasbg.fr (ipcms-smtp.u-strasbg.fr [])
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10, 25 -- Message-ID: {52F492D2.2060601-at-ipcms.u-strasbg.fr}
10, 25 -- Date: Fri, 07 Feb 2014 09:01:22 +0100
10, 25 -- From: "j.faerber" {jacques.faerber-at-ipcms.u-strasbg.fr}
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10, 25 -- To: ahinojos2-at-miners.utep.edu, microscopy-at-microscopy.com
10, 25 -- Subject: Re: [Microscopy] TEM Acquisition Help
10, 25 -- References: {201402070228.s172SkD0020695-at-ns.microscopy.com}
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From: oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu
Date: Fri, 7 Feb 2014 07:17:42 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Questions for users of the DeLong LVEM5 etc.

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives


I have worked with a number of clients over the years, when we have used the
SEM in a STEM mode. The advent of FEG systems dramatically changed the
capabilities of the SEM to produce good quality STEM images, and the use of
these instruments in x-ray analysis has been very fruitful. We have
produced a paper that will be in the March "Microscopy Today", this
summarises some of the work we have been doing. The use of thin films for
x-ray analysis in the SEM, even without a STEM facility, is often a step
forward that would have been more difficult to make if a dedicated TEM were
used. There are many advantages to using a SEM for thin film x-ray
analysis. The spectrum is less likely to be "contaminated" by signals from
the instrument itself, and elemental mapping at high resolution is easily



Steve Chapman FRMS
Protrain for Consultancy and Courses in Electron Microscopy
Mobile +44 (0) 7711 606967 Fax +44 (0)1280 814007

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-----Original Message-----
X-from: jacques.faerber-at-ipcms.u-strasbg.fr
Sent: 07 February 2014 08:03
To: protrain-at-emcourses.com

Forwarded from "Ask a Microscopist"
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realname - Alejandro Hinojos
Email - ahinojos2-at-miners.utep.edu
ORGANIZATION - University of Texas at El Paso
EDUCATION - Undergraduate College
QUESTION - Hello Microscopists,
Here at the University of Texas at El Paso we are searching for a new EM
to purchase. We mainly use Hitachi SEM and TEM for Hard materials
characterization. We are mainly searching for an EM with specialization
in polymers characterization. In our search we stumbled upon the LEVM5
Benchtop TEM from Delong America for polymers. The unit claims to have
TEM, SEM, and STEM capabilities. We here in the southwest were wondering
what are/were your experiences the LVEM5 or other Delong EM's? We were
also wondering how are the products from the Delong America Company in
the perspective of materials characterization? If anybody wouldn't mind
sharing those experiences with us that would be great.

Thanks for your thoughts and answers in advance
Alejandro Hinojos

==============================Original Headers==============================
4, 27 -- From oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu Fri Feb 7 07:17:42 2014
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Fri, 7 Feb 2014 10:34:48 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] via WWW:EM Shopping

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Email: ahinojos2-at-miners.utep.edu
Name: Alejandro Hinojos

Organization: University of Texas at El Paso, Metalurgical & Materials Engineering Department

Title-Subject: [Filtered] EM Shopping

Message: Hello Microscopists,
Here at the University of Texas at El Paso we are searching for a new EM to purchase. We mainly use
Hitachi SEM and TEM for Hard materials characterization. We are mainly searching for an EM with
specialization in polymers characterization. In our search we stumbled upon the LEVM5 Benchtop TEM
from Delong America for polymers. The unit claims to have TEM, SEM, and STEM capabilities. We here
in the southwest were wondering what are/were your experiences the LVEM5 or other Delong EM’s? We
were also wondering how are the products from the Delong America Company in the perspective of
materials characterization. If anybody wouldn't mind sharing those experiences with us that would be

Thanks for your thoughts and answers in advance
Alejandro Hinojos

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From: larry.ackerman-at-ucsf.edu
Date: Fri, 7 Feb 2014 17:58:01 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] unsubscribe

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

While I have a STEM/TEM, from time to time I use SEM/EDS for TEM grids with all advantages Steve mentioned. Just place several TEM grids with thin films on a carbon planchet, and go on! Remember: EDS resolution is determined mostly by thickness of specimen, not by instrument itself. So, EDS spatial resolution in SEM could be measured in nanometers (instead of microns) if thin specimens are used.


Vladimir M. Dusevich, Ph.D.
Electron Microscope Lab Director
(816) 235-2072
371 School of Dentistry
650 E. 25th Street
Kansas City, MO 64108-2784

-----Original Message-----
X-from: protrain-at-emcourses.com [mailto:protrain-at-emcourses.com]
Sent: Friday, February 07, 2014 4:57 AM
To: Dusevich, Vladimir


I have worked with a number of clients over the years, when we have used the SEM in a STEM mode. The advent of FEG systems dramatically changed the capabilities of the SEM to produce good quality STEM images, and the use of these instruments in x-ray analysis has been very fruitful. We have produced a paper that will be in the March "Microscopy Today", this summarises some of the work we have been doing. The use of thin films for x-ray analysis in the SEM, even without a STEM facility, is often a step forward that would have been more difficult to make if a dedicated TEM were used. There are many advantages to using a SEM for thin film x-ray analysis. The spectrum is less likely to be "contaminated" by signals from the instrument itself, and elemental mapping at high resolution is easily accomplished.



Steve Chapman FRMS
Protrain for Consultancy and Courses in Electron Microscopy
Mobile +44 (0) 7711 606967 Fax +44 (0)1280 814007

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-----Original Message-----
X-from: jacques.faerber-at-ipcms.u-strasbg.fr
Sent: 07 February 2014 08:03
To: protrain-at-emcourses.com


Larry Ackerman, Specialist
Electron Microscopy Lab
Manager, Diabetes & Endocrinology Research Center Microscopy Core
UCSF, Dept. of Anatomy, Rm S657
513 Parnassus Ave., Box 0452
San Francisco, CA 94143



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6, 71 -- From btv1==1150ede3fa6==Larry.Ackerman-at-ucsf.edu Fri Feb 7 17:58:01 2014
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Sun, 9 Feb 2014 21:30:32 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:EM Shopping

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X-from: brian.miller-at-bruker-axs.com ()

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Email: brian.miller-at-bruker-axs.com
Name: brian miller

Organization: Bruker AXS

Title-Subject: [Filtered] EM Shopping

Message: in response to Alejandro's question and several responses I have been reading, I thought it
would be good to clarify that the SEM can do nice analytical work in STEM mode and the new Bruker
detector called the Flat Quad is a great contribution to this set up as it overcomes the issue of
low signal from a TEM sample.

Although the LVEM5 from Delongh might be a very nice imaging system (I don't know but it does look
very clever), going to their website and reading the brochure it is obvious that is in no way a
system that can be used with any kind of EDS or EELs. So the analytical technique will be based
entirely on interpreting the diffraction pattern if it is obtainable.

Than you,
Brian Miller
Bruker AXS (an OEM for xray detectors on SEM and TEM)

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From: PhillipsT-at-missouri.edu
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2014 14:08:11 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] ChromaCal

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

I was just reading the article in the January 2014 Microscopy Today issue on standardizing color in digital images using the ChromaCal microscope slide and monitor calibration system. Interesting idea but I have a question. I know the authors Barbara Foster and Jerry Sedgewick participate on the listserver so I thought I would post it here for feedback from both them and others who might have used the system.

The website for Datacolor states "The CHROMACAL slide is not suitable for use with oil immersion objectives" but Figures 1 and 4 in the Microscopy Today article were made with oil immersion objectives. 

The system looks to cost around $1000 so this won't be an impulse purchase for most of us. Anyone have experience or thoughts on this?


Thomas E. Phillips, Ph.D
Professor of Biological Sciences
Director, Molecular Cytology Core
2 Tucker Hall
University of Missouri
Columbia, MO 65211-7400
573-882-4712 (office)
573-882-0123 (fax)

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7, 28 -- From PhillipsT-at-missouri.edu Mon Feb 10 14:08:10 2014
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7, 28 -- Subject: ChromaCal
7, 28 -- Thread-Topic: ChromaCal
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2014 23:26:36 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Electron Microscopist Position Available - The Rockefeller

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X-from: kuryu-at-mail.rockefeller.edu ()
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Email: kuryu-at-mail.rockefeller.edu
Name: Kunihiro Uryu

Organization: The Rockefeller University

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Electron Microscopist Position Available - The Rockefeller University

Message: The Rockefeller University, a premier biomedical research institution, seeks a Research
Support Specialist to join our Electron Microscopy Resource Center (EMRC).

The EMRC provides state of the art electron microscopy support for analysis of a wide variety of
biological samples, including virus, bacteria, insects, animal tissue as well as cultured cell and
isolated cellular components for structural analyses or immuno-electron microscopy. The EMRC is
equipped with two TEMs and one SEM as well as a high pressure freezing and a free substitution unit.

The Research Support Specialist will participate in all of the Electron Microscopy Resource Center's
(EMRC) daily operations, including bench work in preparation for transmission and scanning electron
microscopy and maintenance of the center. Will be responsible for all parts of sample preparation,
including cutting ultrathin sections, maintenance and operation of EM and other equipment, training
users, consulting with scientists on design of experiments, processing/analyzing data and
interpretation of results, ordering and receiving supplies, managing chemical waste compliance,
administrative support for office duties and center billing, and keeping up with the latest
methodology via familiarity with the literature. Ph.D. in biology, cell biology, bioengineering or
a related field required. Must have a minimum of 5 years of hands-on experience in electron
microscopy and have strong communication skills, and the ability to work collaboratively on a team
as well as independently on a wide variety of research projects. Must be detail-oriented, focused,
and highly motivated. Expertise in cryo- 3D is a plus.

Our culture
*inspiring, collaborative atmosphere
*strong social and environmental consciousness
*intellectually curious academic environment
*14-acre campus setting in NYC

We offer a competitive salary, comprehensive benefits, and a beautiful work environment. To apply to
this job, click the following URL, click on 'staff opportunities’ and enter keyword‘IRC11162’:
The Rockefeller University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity/VEVRAA employer.

Kunihiro Uryu, Ph.D., Director of Electron Microscopy Resource Center

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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2014 23:27:43 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Parts to give away Zeiss DSM940

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X-from: valerie.lecomte-at-usherbrooke.ca ()

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Email: valerie.lecomte-at-usherbrooke.ca
Name: Valérie Lecomte

Organization: IOS Services Geoscientifiques

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Parts to give away Zeiss DSM940

Message: Hi everyone,
We have a few parts to give away for a SEM Zeiss DSM940(delivery at your charge)(Tungsten filament,
stage, detector, etc).
Contact me for more information!

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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2014 23:47:06 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Parts to give away Zeiss DSM940

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X-from: valerie.lecomte-at-usherbrooke.ca ()

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Email: valerie.lecomte-at-usherbrooke.ca
Name: Valérie Lecomte

Organization: IOS Services Geoscientifiques

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Parts to give away Zeiss DSM940

Message: Hi everyone,
We have a few parts to give away for a SEM Zeiss DSM940(delivery at your charge)(Tungsten filament,
stage, detector, etc).
Contact me for more information!

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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2014 00:52:51 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Electron Microscopist Position Available - The Rockefeller

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Email: kuryu-at-mail.rockefeller.edu
Name: Kunihiro Uryu

Organization: The Rockefeller University

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Electron Microscopist Position Available - The Rockefeller University

Message: The Rockefeller University, a premier biomedical research institution, seeks a Research
Support Specialist to join our Electron Microscopy Resource Center (EMRC).

The EMRC provides state of the art electron microscopy support for analysis of a wide variety of
biological samples, including virus, bacteria, insects, animal tissue as well as cultured cell and
isolated cellular components for structural analyses or immuno-electron microscopy. The EMRC is
equipped with two TEMs and one SEM as well as a high pressure freezing and a free substitution unit.

The Research Support Specialist will participate in all of the Electron Microscopy Resource Center's
(EMRC) daily operations, including bench work in preparation for transmission and scanning electron
microscopy and maintenance of the center. Will be responsible for all parts of sample preparation,
including cutting ultrathin sections, maintenance and operation of EM and other equipment, training
users, consulting with scientists on design of experiments, processing/analyzing data and
interpretation of results, ordering and receiving supplies, managing chemical waste compliance,
administrative support for office duties and center billing, and keeping up with the latest
methodology via familiarity with the literature. Ph.D. in biology, cell biology, bioengineering or
a related field required. Must have a minimum of 5 years of hands-on experience in electron
microscopy and have strong communication skills, and the ability to work collaboratively on a team
as well as independently on a wide variety of research projects. Must be detail-oriented, focused,
and highly motivated. Expertise in cryo- 3D is a plus.

Our culture
*inspiring, collaborative atmosphere
*strong social and environmental consciousness
*intellectually curious academic environment
*14-acre campus setting in NYC

We offer a competitive salary, comprehensive benefits, and a beautiful work environment. To apply to
this job, click the following URL, click on 'staff opportunities’ and enter keyword‘IRC11162’:
The Rockefeller University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity/VEVRAA employer.

Kunihiro Uryu, Ph.D., Director of Electron Microscopy Resource Center

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From: jerrysedgewick-at-gmail.com
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2014 08:12:00 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: ChromaCal

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hello Tom,

True, the ChromaCal slide is not suitable for oil immersion objectives.
The slide has no coverslip on the chip, and cleaning may damage the
calibration matrix. Figures 1 and 4 were taken using an oil immersion
lens for the sample, and a dry objective was used to image the ChromaCal
slide. I found I could get equivalent results regardless of the
objective used, as long as I kept the white balance the same, and set
Koehler illumination.

Having run a light microscopy lab for 15 years, the issue of color
inconsistency and inaccuracy led me to attempt making a color
calibration slide on my own. I simply could not get the filters small
enough for a microscope. Thus, my delight in working with a company
that has accomplished it at this scale. To make things even better, I
can do morphometry now using consistent color as a means to segment images.

Thanks a million for pointing out the disconnect in the article!

Jerry Sedgewick

On 2/10/2014 2:21 PM, PhillipsT-at-missouri.edu wrote:
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} I was just reading the article in the January 2014 Microscopy Today issue on standardizing color in digital images using the ChromaCal microscope slide and monitor calibration system. Interesting idea but I have a question. I know the authors Barbara Foster and Jerry Sedgewick participate on the listserver so I thought I would post it here for feedback from both them and others who might have used the system.
} The website for Datacolor states "The CHROMACAL slide is not suitable for use with oil immersion objectives" but Figures 1 and 4 in the Microscopy Today article were made with oil immersion objectives.
} The system looks to cost around $1000 so this won't be an impulse purchase for most of us. Anyone have experience or thoughts on this?
} Tom
} Thomas E. Phillips, Ph.D
} Professor of Biological Sciences
} Director, Molecular Cytology Core
} 2 Tucker Hall
} University of Missouri
} Columbia, MO 65211-7400
} 573-882-4712 (office)
} 573-882-0123 (fax)
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} 7, 28 -- From PhillipsT-at-missouri.edu Mon Feb 10 14:08:10 2014
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} 7, 28 -- Subject: ChromaCal
} 7, 28 -- Thread-Topic: ChromaCal
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9, 37 -- From jerrysedgewick-at-gmail.com Tue Feb 11 08:11:59 2014
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2014 10:22:07 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Fwd: [Filtered] MicroscopyListserverviaWWW:Specimen Size and The

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: draichle-at-tampabay.rr.com ()

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please copy both draichle-at-tampabay.rr.com as well as the Microscopy Listserver

Email: draichle-at-tampabay.rr.com
Name: Dr Erik Raichle

Organization: Raichle Diagnostic

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Specimen Size and The Limits of Lens Optics?

Message: I have 2 questions:

IÂ’ve asked this question of many people, therefore,

About what size would a specimen be when viewed through a microscope at 1000x? 70um?

Will we ever be able to view a specimen at 1000x with a field of view of 1cm and a depth of view of

Or, would this exceed the limits of lens of optics?

Also, do we have any other technology beside lens optics that could image a 100um, or less,
specimen, such as, sonor or radar or electron beam that could be handheld?

We have identified and lost an extraordinary Mite specimen a person's skin that was less than 100um.
It was extraordinary because it looked like a spider, mites that small are wormlike. We believe it
is an unclassified pathogen and very much want to capture these specimens on peopleÂ’s skin if we can.

Or perhaps, there is a procedure that will immobilize them and isolate them under a microscope?

Anything you can think of or person who you can refer us to contact, would be most appreciated.
Thank you,
Dr Erik Raichle

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21, 29 -- From microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com Tue Feb 11 10:22:06 2014
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From: fahayes-at-ucdavis.edu
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2014 13:04:54 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] need a recommendation for embedding media

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

I have a customer who needs to measure the coating on 300 micron diameter
sodium sulfate core samples coated with ethyl cellulose. The core surface is
rough. Customer would like to embed in a suitable resin that will not
dissolve the ethyl cellulose coating or cause the coating to shrink/swell.
Can someone recommend an embedding media so we can pot and crossection on a
microtome for SEM ?

Thank you

Fred Hayes
Advanced Materials Characterization and Testing Lab (AMCaT)
Dept of Chemical Engineering and Material Science
3001 Ghausi Hall
Univ of CA Davis
Davis, CA 95616

==============================Original Headers==============================
6, 22 -- From fahayes-at-ucdavis.edu Tue Feb 11 13:04:53 2014
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6, 22 -- From: "Fred Hayes" {fahayes-at-ucdavis.edu}
6, 22 -- To: {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
6, 22 -- Subject: need a recommendation for embedding media
6, 22 -- Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2014 11:04:48 -0800
6, 22 -- Message-ID: {006d01cf275c$23d21a00$6b764e00$-at-ucdavis.edu}
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From: John.Mardinly-at-asu.edu
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2014 17:36:54 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] RE: Fwd: [Filtered]

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Dr. Raichle;
To view a specimen with a 1 cm field of view at 1,000X you would need to have a computer monitor 10 meters across. So it IS possible, just difficult without a Jumbo Tron. Then you would have to stand so far back to see it, that it would get small due to being far away, so what would be the point?

John Mardinly, ASU

The Microscopy ListServer -- CoSponsor: The Microscopy Society of America To Subscribe/Unsubscribe -- http://www.microscopy.com/MicroscopyListserver

X-from: draichle-at-tampabay.rr.com ()

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please copy both draichle-at-tampabay.rr.com as well as the Microscopy Listserver

Email: draichle-at-tampabay.rr.com
Name: Dr Erik Raichle

Organization: Raichle Diagnostic

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Specimen Size and The Limits of Lens Optics?

Message: I have 2 questions:

IÂ've asked this question of many people, therefore,

About what size would a specimen be when viewed through a microscope at 1000x? 70um?

Will we ever be able to view a specimen at 1000x with a field of view of 1cm and a depth of view of 1cm?

Or, would this exceed the limits of lens of optics?

Also, do we have any other technology beside lens optics that could image a 100um, or less, specimen, such as, sonor or radar or electron beam that could be handheld?

We have identified and lost an extraordinary Mite specimen a person's skin that was less than 100um.
It was extraordinary because it looked like a spider, mites that small are wormlike. We believe it is an unclassified pathogen and very much want to capture these specimens on peopleÂ's skin if we can.

Or perhaps, there is a procedure that will immobilize them and isolate them under a microscope?

Anything you can think of or person who you can refer us to contact, would be most appreciated.
Thank you,
Dr Erik Raichle

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27, 43 -- From John.Mardinly-at-asu.edu Tue Feb 11 17:36:54 2014
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27, 43 -- Tue, 11 Feb 2014 16:36:52 -0700
27, 43 -- From: John Mardinly {John.Mardinly-at-asu.edu}
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27, 43 -- Subject: RE: [Microscopy] Fwd: [Filtered]
27, 43 -- MicroscopyListserverviaWWW:Specimen Size and The
27, 43 -- Thread-Topic: [Microscopy] Fwd: [Filtered]
27, 43 -- MicroscopyListserverviaWWW:Specimen Size and The
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27, 43 -- MicroscopyListserverviaWWW:Specimen Size and The
27, 43 -- Thread-Index: AQHPJ0cRbqiyodXEfk+A8PkB3ijSEpqwtAhg
27, 43 -- Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2014 23:36:51 +0000
27, 43 -- Message-ID: {4FFC63ED830B1C41BACD3ABA182BE9400FFC0AB2-at-exmbt05.asurite.ad.asu.edu}
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From: John.Mardinly-at-asu.edu
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2014 17:39:09 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] RE: Fwd: [Filtered]

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Dr. Raichle;
To view a specimen with a 1 cm field of view at 1,000X you would need to have a computer monitor 10 meters across. So it IS possible, just difficult without a Jumbo Tron. Then you would have to stand so far back to see it, that it would get small due to being far away, so what would be the point?

John Mardinly, ASU

==============================Original Headers==============================
4, 43 -- From John.Mardinly-at-asu.edu Tue Feb 11 17:39:08 2014
4, 43 -- Received: from bcnet8.asu.edu (bcnet8.asu.edu [])
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4, 43 -- X-Barracuda-Envelope-From: John.Mardinly-at-asu.edu
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4, 43 -- exhubt01.asurite.ad.asu.edu ([]) with mapi id 14.03.0174.001;
4, 43 -- Tue, 11 Feb 2014 16:39:07 -0700
4, 43 -- From: John Mardinly {John.Mardinly-at-asu.edu}
4, 43 -- To: "microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com"
4, 43 -- {microscopylistserver-noreply-at-Microscopy.com} ,
4, 43 -- "Microscopy-at-Microscopy.com"
4, 43 -- {Microscopy-at-Microscopy.com}
4, 43 -- Subject: RE: [Microscopy] Fwd: [Filtered]
4, 43 -- MicroscopyListserverviaWWW:Specimen Size and The
4, 43 -- Thread-Topic: [Microscopy] Fwd: [Filtered]
4, 43 -- MicroscopyListserverviaWWW:Specimen Size and The
4, 43 -- X-ASG-Orig-Subj: RE: [Microscopy] Fwd: [Filtered]
4, 43 -- MicroscopyListserverviaWWW:Specimen Size and The
4, 43 -- Thread-Index: AQHPJ0cRbqiyodXEfk+A8PkB3ijSEpqwtgRg
4, 43 -- Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2014 23:39:04 +0000
4, 43 -- Message-ID: {4FFC63ED830B1C41BACD3ABA182BE9400FFC1ADF-at-exmbt05.asurite.ad.asu.edu}
4, 43 -- References: {201402111633.s1BGXunm017847-at-ns.microscopy.com}
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From: John.Mardinly-at-asu.edu
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2014 17:43:31 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] RE: Fwd: [Filtered]

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Dr. Raichle;
To view a specimen with a 1 cm field of view at 1,000X you would need to have a computer monitor 10 meters across. So it IS possible, just difficult without a Jumbo Tron. Then you would have to stand so far back to see it, that it would get small due to being far away, so what would be the point?

John Mardinly, ASU

==============================Original Headers==============================
4, 40 -- From John.Mardinly-at-asu.edu Tue Feb 11 17:43:30 2014
4, 40 -- Received: from bcnet8.asu.edu (bcnet8.asu.edu [])
4, 40 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id s1BNhUEX029653
4, 40 -- for {Microscopy-at-Microscopy.com} ; Tue, 11 Feb 2014 17:43:30 -0600
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4, 40 -- X-Barracuda-Envelope-From: John.Mardinly-at-asu.edu
4, 40 -- X-Barracuda-Apparent-Source-IP:
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4, 40 -- exhubt04.asurite.ad.asu.edu ([]) with mapi id 14.03.0174.001;
4, 40 -- Tue, 11 Feb 2014 16:43:28 -0700
4, 40 -- From: John Mardinly {John.Mardinly-at-asu.edu}
4, 40 -- To: "Microscopy-at-Microscopy.com" {Microscopy-at-Microscopy.com}
4, 40 -- Subject: RE: [Microscopy] Fwd: [Filtered]
4, 40 -- MicroscopyListserverviaWWW:Specimen Size and The
4, 40 -- Thread-Topic: [Microscopy] Fwd: [Filtered]
4, 40 -- MicroscopyListserverviaWWW:Specimen Size and The
4, 40 -- X-ASG-Orig-Subj: RE: [Microscopy] Fwd: [Filtered]
4, 40 -- MicroscopyListserverviaWWW:Specimen Size and The
4, 40 -- Thread-Index: AQHPJ0cRbqiyodXEfk+A8PkB3ijSEpqwt1MQ
4, 40 -- Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2014 23:43:28 +0000
4, 40 -- Message-ID: {4FFC63ED830B1C41BACD3ABA182BE9400FFC1B3D-at-exmbt05.asurite.ad.asu.edu}
4, 40 -- References: {201402111633.s1BGXunm017847-at-ns.microscopy.com}
4, 40 -- In-Reply-To: {201402111633.s1BGXunm017847-at-ns.microscopy.com}
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4, 40 -- X-Barracuda-Encrypted: AES128-SHA
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From: JHyun-at-gatan.com
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2014 17:57:23 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] EELS and EFTEM Training School on April 8-11, 2014

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

To All:

I hope all is well. If you are interested in advancing your EELS and EFTEM
(analytical TEM) knowledge, Gatan is offering a 4 day professional
training school on April 8-11, 2014 at its R&D Headquarters in Pleasanton,
CA, USA. Here are all the details and online registration:

EELS & EFTEM Analysis Training School
Gatan, Inc. Pleasanton, California, USA
April 8-11, 2014

Want to refresh or advance your EELS and EFTEM knowledge? Join
us for an intensive 4-day training school that incorporates lectures,
computer laboratories, and microscope practicals to provide
participants with comprehensive, hands-on training on key EELS and EFTEM
topics and technology.

Online registration is now open. Click here
{http://www.gatan.com/resources/training/EELSSchoolApr2014.php} . Space is

Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) reveals details of natural and
man-made structures at the micrometer, nanometer, and even sub-nanometer
scale. Energy-filtered TEM (EFTEM) and electron energy-loss
spectroscopy (EELS) are the ideal analytical partners to the high
spatial resolution provided by TEM in both the conventional and scanned
(STEM) imaging modes.

This course reviews the basic theory and practice of EELS imaging and
analysis in the TEM, but its main emphasis is on practical techniques,
optimum deployment of Gatan hardware and software systems, and advanced
EELS and EFTEM applications. Some prior experience with EELS, EFTEM, and
Gatan systems is recommended, as is a good familiarity with TEM/STEM
instrumentation and techniques. By the end of the course, participants
can expect to know how best to optimize the performance of their Gatan
EELS hardware as well as their EELS and EFTEM experimental setups in
order to capture and extract the maximum amount of information from
their TEM samples.


* Fundamentals of EELS and energy-filtered imaging in TEM

* Principles of operation of Gatan EFTEM and EELS systems

* Optimization of EFTEM and EELS data acquisition

* Quantification of elemental composition

* Other information provided by EFTEM/EELS and how best to extract it

* Use of EELS signals to form maps of elemental and chemical composition

* EFTEM and STEM EELS spectrum imaging techniques

* Identification of material phases via EELS fine structure mapping

* Applications to biological and physical science specimens

Best regards,

Marketing Communications Manager

Gatan, Inc.

Email: info-at-gatan.com
Website: www.gatan.com

==============================Original Headers==============================
15, 25 -- From JHyun-at-gatan.com Tue Feb 11 17:57:23 2014
15, 25 -- Received: from email.gatan.com (autodiscover.gatan.com [])
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15, 25 -- 2014 15:57:21 -0800
15, 25 -- From: John Hyun {JHyun-at-gatan.com}
15, 25 -- To: Microscopy Server {microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
15, 25 -- Subject: EELS and EFTEM Training School on April 8-11, 2014
15, 25 -- Thread-Topic: EELS and EFTEM Training School on April 8-11, 2014
15, 25 -- Thread-Index: AQHPJ4UAzj47fqt6vEO5uWMdfiSf5w==
15, 25 -- Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2014 23:57:20 +0000
15, 25 -- Message-ID: {CF1FF826.2F8A0%jhyun-at-gatan.com}
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2014 18:46:39 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:CM10 troubleshooting

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

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Email: jcsmtf-at-mail.missouri.edu
Name: Josh Schorp

Organization: University of Missouri

Title-Subject: [Filtered] CM10 troubleshooting

Message: Upon first turning our newly renovated Philips CM10 TEM, we cannot get any of the functions
to work. The standby light on the power supply unit is illuminated as well as the ON button by the
display monitor on the electronics rack. When the ON button by the monitor is pressed, the column
makes a sort of electronic noise. Other than that there seems to be no power getting to the monitor
or any controls. Any idea on what our problem may be? Are there any controls on the power supply
that need to be turned on other than the MAINS dial?

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12, 28 -- From microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com Tue Feb 11 18:46:39 2014
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2014 18:47:28 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:need a recommendation for embedding media

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X-from: duraine-at-bcm.edu ()

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Email: duraine-at-bcm.edu
Name: Lita Duraine

Organization: Howar Hughes Research Institute

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Re: need a recommendation for embedding media

Message: Back when I was doing materials science samples I always used Epo-Fix. Check the Electron
Microscopy Sciences website under Materials Science and Meteorology } Embedding, and there are a lot
of new embedding media that may help you.

Best to you,


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From: stefan.diller-at-t-online.de
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2014 00:44:20 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: viaWWW:CM10 troubleshooting

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Dear Josh,
did you check air pressure (4 to 5 bar) and cooling water flow rate?
There are saftey switches which should be activated.

Best wishes,

Stefan Diller - Scientific Photography
Arndtstrasse 22
D - 97072 Wuerzburg Germany
++49-931-7848700 Phone
++49-931-7848701 Fax
++49-175-7177051 Mobile

Anfahrt: http://Mail.map24.com/Stefan.Diller

Am 12.02.14 01:52, schrieb microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com:
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} Email: jcsmtf-at-mail.missouri.edu
} Name: Josh Schorp
} Organization: University of Missouri
} Title-Subject: [Filtered] CM10 troubleshooting
} Message: Upon first turning our newly renovated Philips CM10 TEM, we cannot get any of the functions
} to work. The standby light on the power supply unit is illuminated as well as the ON button by the
} display monitor on the electronics rack. When the ON button by the monitor is pressed, the column
} makes a sort of electronic noise. Other than that there seems to be no power getting to the monitor
} or any controls. Any idea on what our problem may be? Are there any controls on the power supply
} that need to be turned on other than the MAINS dial?
} Login Host:
} Listserver Email Form V - 20120416
} ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

==============================Original Headers==============================
7, 22 -- From stefan.diller-at-t-online.de Wed Feb 12 00:44:20 2014
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7, 22 -- Message-ID: {52FB183A.60505-at-t-online.de}
7, 22 -- Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2014 07:44:10 +0100
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From: E.Chinea-Cano-at-iaea.org
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2014 02:18:58 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] (SEM) The IAEA is seeking manufacturers/authorized agents

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Dear all,

We are currently searching for two SEMs in particular one equipped with a focussed ion beam column and mass spectrometry capabilities. Are any of you aware of manufacturers and does anyone have experience with such instruments?

The formal request for information is available in this link - https://www.ungm.org/Public/Notice/25524

Thanks a lot,

Mr Ernesto CHINEA-CANO | Laboratory Assistant |
Office of Safeguards Analytical Services | Environmental Sample Laboratory | Department of Safeguards |
International Atomic Energy Agency | IAEA Laboratories, Reaktorstrasse 1, A-2444 Seibersdorf, Austria|
Email: E.Chinea-Cano-at-iaea.org | T: (+43-1) 2600-28583 | F: (+43-1) 2600-28577|
Follow us on www.iaea.org

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8, 42 -- CC: {H.Gronnerod-at-iaea.org} , {N.DZIGAL-at-iaea.org} , {K.Vogt-at-iaea.org}
8, 42 -- Subject: (SEM) The IAEA is seeking manufacturers/authorized agents
8, 42 -- Thread-Topic: (SEM) The IAEA is seeking manufacturers/authorized agents
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From: jacques.faerber-at-ipcms.u-strasbg.fr
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2014 02:22:46 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] TEM Acquisition Help : some precisions

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hi all

Following my e-mail in answer to Alejandro Hinojos's question, I was
contacted by the DeLonghi representative. So I want just to add some
precisions to my former comments.

First, I want to point out that I didn't gave any feedback about the
quality of the results that come out of this instrument. To be right and
fair, I must say that the tests which were made for us gave pictures in
the same quality range than with the STEM device for SEM. As we didn't
perform the test ourself, I cannot say anything about the ease of use of
the instrument and so on.

Secondly our final choice has ben dictated by to main raisons :
-first we have a FE-SEM
-second we didn't have the monney for the DeLonghi intrument and no hope
to get it in a near future. But we had enough for the STEM device, to be
fitted to the existing FE-SEM.
The global result is less expend and more flexibility, but less
troughput possibility and no self-service use.

It is evident that all situations are not the same. A lab which has no
SEM or TEM can have benefit to spend 150 kE in a table-tob TEM/SEM for a
fast and easy to use instrument. Or a big EM service may have an
interest too, as a tool usefull to sort TEM grids before going to the
high end TEM.

I hope that these comments will clarify the contexte of my former mail.
My goal was only to point out an other possibility as Alejandro Hinojos
said they have soon SEM and TEM in their lab.

Best Regards

J. Faerber
Institut de Physique et Chimie des Matériaux de Strasbourg
Département Surfaces et Interfaces
23, rue de Loess ; BP43
67034 Strasbourg CEDEX 2

Tel 00 33(0)3 88 10 71 01
Fax 00 33(0)3 88 10 72 48
E-mail : Jacques.Faerber-at-ipcms.unistra.fr

Le 07/02/2014 09:12, jacques.faerber-at-ipcms.u-strasbg.fr a écrit :
} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
} The Microscopy ListServer -- CoSponsor: The Microscopy Society of America
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} Hi
} A collegue was interested by this instrument last year and made some
} tests. His goal was to have an easy access to a TEM like instrument, to
} make fast controls in nanoparticules syntesis (organics with heavy
} metals), as the acess to our TEMs need some days of delay.
} Hearing about the price of that instrument, I proposed him to test too a
} STEM device to be fitted on our FE-SEM.
} Comparing prices and performences (principally the versatility), the
} choice was easy. The STEM device for the SEM gives better images, the
} possibility to choose the HV up to 30 keV and a price 8x less expensive...
} The real adavantage of this table-top TEM I could see is that it can be
} used easy by non-microcopists, like table-top SEMs, with on the other
} hand the limitations of the undestanding such people will have of what
} they do.
} So if you soon have a (FE)SEM, it could be usefull to consider if the
} STEM device for SEM would not be a better solution. But I'm interested
} on what your tests will bring you as conclusions.
} Hope it helps
} J. Faerber
} Institut de Physique et Chimie des Matériaux de Strasbourg
} Département Surfaces et Interfaces
} 23, rue de Loess ; BP43
} 67034 Strasbourg CEDEX 2
} France
} Tel 00 33(0)3 88 10 71 01
} Fax 00 33(0)3 88 10 72 48
} E-mail : Jacques.Faerber-at-ipcms.unistra.fr
} Le 07/02/2014 03:28, ahinojos2-at-miners.utep.edu a écrit :
} } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
} } The Microscopy ListServer -- CoSponsor: The Microscopy Society of America
} } To Subscribe/Unsubscribe -- http://www.microscopy.com/MicroscopyListserver
} } On-Line Help http://www.microscopy.com/MicroscopyListserver/FAQ.html
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} }
} }
} } Hello Microscopists,
} } Here at the University of Texas at El Paso we are searching for a new EM to purchase. We mainly use Hitachi SEM and TEM for Hard materials characterization. We are mainly searching for an EM with specialization in polymers characterization. In our search we stumbled upon the LEVM5 Benchtop TEM from Delong America for polymers. The unit claims to have TEM, SEM, and STEM capabilities. We here in the southwest were wondering what are/were your experiences the LVEM5 or other Delong EM’s? We were also wondering how are the products from the Delong America Company in the perspective of materials characterization? If anybody wouldn't mind sharing those experiences with us that would be great.
} }
} }
} } Thanks for your thoughts and answers in advance
} } Alejandro Hinojos
} }
} }
} }
} }
} } ==============================Original Headers==============================
} } 6, 29 -- From ahinojos2-at-miners.utep.edu Thu Feb 6 20:17:12 2014
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11, 26 -- From jacques.faerber-at-ipcms.u-strasbg.fr Wed Feb 12 02:22:45 2014
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11, 26 -- Subject: TEM Acquisition Help : some precisions
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From: oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2014 07:33:02 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: viaWWW:CM10 troubleshooting

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives


First, is the "Panel Dim" knob pushed in? Turns on the panel. "Data Dim"
has to be up to be able to see anything on the monitor.
There is a delay while the computer runs self tests.
Power supply, left half:
The 4 boxes in the top row should all have green lights on when the
'scope is on, regardless of whether or not the panel is on.
Same for the 30V "dbl" box in the middle row, and the large black box in
the bottom.
When the HT button is pushed, the 24V filament box green light will come
on in the middle row, as well as the left-most box in that row (no label
on our CM-10).
There should be no red lights - check the 2 right-most boxes in the
middle row. Those are safeties, and have reset buttons. If those are
showing red lights, turn off the HT and push the reset buttons.

But. The column shouldn't be making any noise at all. Is it really
electronic, or is it a crackly water-flowing noise? Could be air in the
cooling lines, which is likely if the 'scope was torn apart. The water
lines would need to be disconnected at the exits, and water run through
to remove any air in the lines.
Were the water lines cleaned with H2O2 or CLR (brand) cleaner? If not,
they may be blocked by crud or corrosion. 1 liter 3% H2O2 in the chiller
tank for 2 hr - overnight, then 4 or 5 flushes with clean water should
clear them.

If it is an electronic noise ... check the connections. If they're OK,
then arg. Problem. Get out the sacrificial rooster or undergrad and ...


} Email: jcsmtf-at-mail.missouri.edu
} Name: Josh Schorp
} Organization: University of Missouri
} Title-Subject: [Filtered] CM10 troubleshooting
} Message: Upon first turning our newly renovated Philips CM10 TEM, we cannot get any of the functions
} to work. The standby light on the power supply unit is illuminated as well as the ON button by the
} display monitor on the electronics rack. When the ON button by the monitor is pressed, the column
} makes a sort of electronic noise. Other than that there seems to be no power getting to the monitor
} or any controls. Any idea on what our problem may be? Are there any controls on the power supply
} that need to be turned on other than the MAINS dial?
Philip Oshel
Microscopy Facility Supervisor
Biology Department
024C Brooks Hall
Central Michigan University
Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859
(989) 774-3576

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6, 29 -- From oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu Wed Feb 12 07:33:01 2014
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6, 29 -- Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2014 08:32:46 -0500
6, 29 -- From: Philip Oshel {oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu}
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6, 29 -- Subject: Re: [Microscopy] viaWWW:CM10 troubleshooting
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From: henning.stahlberg-at-unibas.ch
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2014 04:08:04 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] EM Service Engineer Position available at University Basel,

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

The Biozentrum of the University of Basel is one of the leading institutes worldwide for molecular and biomedical basic research and teaching. It is home to more than 30 research groups with scientists from over 40 countries. Research at the Biozentrum focuses on the areas of Cell Growth & Development, Infection Biology, Neurobiology, Structural Biology & Biophysics and Computational & Systems Biology. With its more than 550 employees, the Biozentrum is the largest department at the University of Basel’s Faculty of Science.

The University of Basel maintains two sites for electron microscopy, the C-CINA and the ZMB. The Center for Cellular Imaging and NanoAnalytics (C-CINA) performs advanced electron microscopy research in life sciences, see http://c-cina.org. The ZMB provides TEM and SEM services to the University, see http://zmb.unibas.ch. The C-CINA and the ZMB together operate 15 electron microscopes including a FEI Titan Krios with a Gatan K2 Summit direct electron detector, FEI Polara, CM200FEG, Helios FIB-SEM and a Quanta200FEG with a Gatan 3View.

We have an opening for an

EM Service Engineer

Your responsibilities will include the maintenance and repair of all electron microscopes of C-CINA and the ZMB. We do not have any factory maintenance contracts but may request additional help from the factory when needed. Responsibilities of this position are maintenance and repair of the electron microscopes including; problem diagnosis, ordering replacement parts from the factory, and repair. This includes: the Titan Krios Autoloader, cryo-stages, FEG and high voltage supplies, vacuum systems, mechanics, electronics and software backups.

In addition, upon interest, this engineer may participate in electron microscope hardware development projects, which involve hardware design, fabrication in collaboration with our mechanical workshop, construction, and development of electronic control in collaboration with an electronic workshop. Participation in research projects concerning structural biology data collection with these instruments is also possible. C-CINA is a University research group; we develop instruments and methods, and apply them to study the high-resolution 3D structure of biological specimens.

Salary and living conditions in Basel are attractive. The lab language is English.

Your profile
Experience in EM service for TEM, ideally also for SEM and FIB. Hardware repair experience.

We offer
This is a full-time position permanently funded by the Rektorat of the University of Basel. A highly sought after position in one of the most beautiful countries in Europe. We offer a welcoming working environment in an international and multidisciplinary group covering biochemistry, electron microscopy, structural biology, and data analysis. We are an equal opportunity employer.

Basel is an international city with people from 150 nations. Located at the border where three countries meet - Switzerland-Germany-France. It is Europe’s most important life sciences hub. Basel provides a high standard of living and a rich and varied cultural atmosphere.

For further information, please contact (ABSOLUTE CONFIDENTIALITY IS ASSURED):

Henning Stahlberg, Director
Center for Cellular Imaging and NanoAnalytics (C-CINA)
Prof. for Structural Biology and Biophysics, Biozentrum,
WRO-1058, Mattenstrasse 26
University of Basel, CH-4058 Basel, Switzerland
Tel: +41-61-387 32 62 ; http://c-cina.org

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12, 37 -- From henning.stahlberg-at-unibas.ch Thu Feb 13 04:08:03 2014
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12, 37 -- From: Henning Stahlberg {henning.stahlberg-at-unibas.ch}
12, 37 -- To: "Microscopy-at-microscopy.com" {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
12, 37 -- Subject: EM Service Engineer Position available at University Basel,
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2014 08:00:04 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Using agar to secure cell pellets

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: mamiller-at-coh.org ()

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Email: mamiller-at-coh.org
Name: Marcia M. Miller

Organization: Beckman Research Institute, City of Hope

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Using agar to secure cell pellets

Message: The agar that we are currently using to secure cell pellets is causing a really annoying
background all over the sections both inside and outside of cells. This is a terrible graininess
that we have seen now in several preps. What we have is bacterial grand from Applichem. We are
pretty sure this is the cause of the graininess. Can anyone recommend another agar or another means
of securing cell pellets? Sometimes users of our core can provide only small quantities of cells.
Thanks in advance for suggestions. Best wishes, Marcia

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From: ZZhang-at-uwyo.edu
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2014 09:20:04 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Using agar to secure cell pellets

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hi Marcia:

We have been using the low-melting-point agarose (NOT agar). It works great. You can find it at Sigma (Cat# A9414).


Zhaojie Zhang, Ph. D.
Director, Jenkins Microscopy Facility
University of Wyoming
Laramie, WY 82071
PHONE: 307-766-3038
FAX: 307-766-5625

-----Original Message-----
X-from: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com [mailto:microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com]
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2014 7:06 AM
To: Z.J. Zhang

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Email: mamiller-at-coh.org
Name: Marcia M. Miller

Organization: Beckman Research Institute, City of Hope

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Using agar to secure cell pellets

Message: The agar that we are currently using to secure cell pellets is causing a really annoying background all over the sections both inside and outside of cells. This is a terrible graininess that we have seen now in several preps. What we have is bacterial grand from Applichem. We are pretty sure this is the cause of the graininess. Can anyone recommend another agar or another means of securing cell pellets? Sometimes users of our core can provide only small quantities of cells.
Thanks in advance for suggestions. Best wishes, Marcia

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30, 31 -- From ZZhang-at-uwyo.edu Thu Feb 13 09:20:04 2014
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30, 31 -- 15.00.0878.008; Thu, 13 Feb 2014 15:19:50 +0000
30, 31 -- From: "Z.J. Zhang" {ZZhang-at-uwyo.edu}
30, 31 -- To: "'microscopy-at-microscopy.com'" {microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
30, 31 -- Subject: RE: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Using agar to secure cell pellets
30, 31 -- Thread-Topic: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Using agar to secure cell pellets
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From: baskin-at-bio.umass.edu
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2014 09:28:30 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: viaWWW:Using agar to secure cell pellets

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

We have encase small fragile objects between Formvar films on
a wire loop. Although this does require appropriate obeissance to the
Formvar Spirits, the outcome in terms of structure preservation is
excellent. You can read about it in Wu et al. 2012 Nature Protocols
7: 1113- 1124. (I can send you a pdf off line if you are interested).
That paper describes using the method on a small plant root but there
is no reason in principle why it would not work for a cell pellet.
Probably you won't want to switch horses like this but sending a long
the info in case you are interested. Good luck!

} l
} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
} X-from: mamiller-at-coh.org ()
} This Question/Comment was submitted to the Microscopy Listserver
} using the WWW based Form at
} http://microscopy.com/MicroscopyListserver/MLFormMail.html
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} Remember this posting is most likely not from a Subscriber, so when replying
} please copy both mamiller-at-coh.org as well as the Microscopy Listserver
} ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
} Email: mamiller-at-coh.org
} Name: Marcia M. Miller
} Organization: Beckman Research Institute, City of Hope
} Title-Subject: [Filtered] Using agar to secure cell pellets
} Message: The agar that we are currently using to secure cell pellets
} is causing a really annoying
} background all over the sections both inside and outside of cells.
} This is a terrible graininess
} that we have seen now in several preps. What we have is bacterial
} grand from Applichem. We are
} pretty sure this is the cause of the graininess. Can anyone
} recommend another agar or another means
} of securing cell pellets? Sometimes users of our core can provide
} only small quantities of cells.
} Thanks in advance for suggestions. Best wishes, Marcia
} Login Host:
} Listserver Email Form V - 20120416
} ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

_ ____ __ ____
/ \ / / \ / \ \ Tobias I. Baskin
/ / / / \ \ \ Professor
/_ / __ /__ \ \ \__ Biology Department
/ / / \ \ \ 611 N. Pleasant St.
/ / / \ \ \ University of
/ / ___ / \ \__/ \ ____ Amherst, MA, 01003
Voice: 413 - 545 - 1533 Fax: 413 - 545 - 3243

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4, 21 -- From baskin-at-bio.umass.edu Thu Feb 13 09:28:29 2014
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4, 21 -- Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2014 10:28:24 -0500
4, 21 -- To: microscopy-at-microscopy.com
4, 21 -- From: Tobias Baskin {baskin-at-bio.umass.edu}
4, 21 -- Subject: Re: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Using agar to secure cell pellets
4, 21 -- Cc: mamiller-at-coh.org
4, 21 -- Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed"
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From: ZZhang-at-uwyo.edu
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2014 10:15:01 -0600
Subject: Guidance with LMP Agarose and Cell Pellets?

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hi Erin:

We use 1.5% agarose in PBS (I assume other medium works too). We first mix the agarose with PBS in an eppendorf tube, then immerse the tube in boiling water for a few minutes. The agarose would be completed 'melted' at this point. We then transfer the tube to a 37 degree C water bath, to let it cool down to 37C. The agarose (melting point 36C) will stay melted at 37C.

We then mixed 1 part of cells and 1 part of agarose at 37C, then bring the mixture to room temperature. The mixture will become solid right away (no need for ice)!

Hope this helps.


X-from: Erin Tranfield [mailto:etranfield-at-igc.gulbenkian.pt]
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2014 8:57 AM
To: Z.J. Zhang

Hi Marcia:

We have been using the low-melting-point agarose (NOT agar). It works great. You can find it at Sigma (Cat# A9414).


Zhaojie Zhang, Ph. D.
Director, Jenkins Microscopy Facility
University of Wyoming
Laramie, WY 82071
PHONE: 307-766-3038
FAX: 307-766-5625

==============================Original Headers==============================
30, 33 -- From ZZhang-at-uwyo.edu Thu Feb 13 10:15:00 2014
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30, 33 -- 15.00.0878.008; Thu, 13 Feb 2014 16:14:46 +0000
30, 33 -- From: "Z.J. Zhang" {ZZhang-at-uwyo.edu}
30, 33 -- To: "'Erin Tranfield'" {etranfield-at-igc.gulbenkian.pt}
30, 33 -- CC: "'microscopy-at-microscopy.com'" {microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
30, 33 -- Subject: RE: Guidance with LMP Agarose and Cell Pellets?
30, 33 -- Thread-Topic: Guidance with LMP Agarose and Cell Pellets?
30, 33 -- Thread-Index: AQHPKNRY0HFH/s8gp0C7z9/Nv0rptpqzW6bQ
30, 33 -- Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2014 16:14:45 +0000
30, 33 -- Message-ID: {95688f6dd3dd453d9a662c699413d7c6-at-BN1PR05MB059.namprd05.prod.outlook.com}
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30, 33 -- {AF9E7A88-93B4-453B-806D-9938EDC5F521-at-igc.gulbenkian.pt}
30, 33 -- In-Reply-To: {AF9E7A88-93B4-453B-806D-9938EDC5F521-at-igc.gulbenkian.pt}
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From: stefan.diller-at-t-online.de
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2014 12:56:25 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Identification needed...

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Dear All,
here are some images from a Raspberry leaf:
Can someone please help me identify the structures seen in the mid and right image?
Especially those with the small "spheres" on the surface?
Is this mostly mold on the surface?

Best wishes,


Stefan Diller - Scientific Photography
Arndtstrasse 22
D - 97072 Wuerzburg Germany
++49-931-7848700 Phone
++49-931-7848701 Fax
++49-175-7177051 Mobile

Anfahrt: http://Mail.map24.com/Stefan.Diller

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6, 20 -- From stefan.diller-at-t-online.de Thu Feb 13 12:56:25 2014
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6, 20 -- From: Stefan Diller {stefan.diller-at-t-online.de}
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From: oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2014 15:44:38 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Ask-A-Microscopist Problems with Olympus CCD camera on light microscope

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

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realname - Anne Howson
Email - AKHPhoto-at-pacbell.net
ORGANIZATION - Richardson Bay Audubon Center
EDUCATION - Graduate College
LOCATION - Tiburon, Ca.
QUESTION - We have an Olympus SZ61 Microscope with an Hitachi CCD color
camera (model kP-D20BU attached which we connect to a projector to teach
or docents and trainees about plankton in San Francisco Bay. Several
months ago the system stopped projecting color images and will now only
project black & white. This is not nearly as effective and dramatic.
Can you suggest what might be wrong? We tried buying a new projector,
but that did not fix the problem. Thanks for any help you can give us.
As a small non-profit educational facility, we do not have much $.

==============================Original Headers==============================
2, 27 -- From oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu Thu Feb 13 15:44:37 2014
2, 27 -- Received: from ib8.cmich.edu (ib8.cmich.edu [])
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2, 27 -- Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2014 16:11:46 -0500
2, 27 -- From: Ask a Microscopist {oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu}
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==============================End of - Headers==============================

From: schooley-at-mcn.org
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2014 16:35:20 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: Ask-A-Microscopist Problems with Olympus CCD

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
} The Microscopy ListServer -- CoSponsor: The Microscopy Society of America

You should be able to get excellent in-person help from the San
Francisco Microscopical Society, http://sfmicrosoc.org They're a mix
of professional and amateur microscopists in the SF Bay area who are
dedicated to the sort of educational outreach that you're doing.
Caroline Schooley
Project MICRO Co-Chair
Microscopy Society of America
45301 Caspar Point Road, Box 117
Caspar, CA 95420
Phone/FAX (707)964-9460
Project MICRO: http://www.microscopy.org/education/projectMICRO

==============================Original Headers==============================
2, 19 -- From schooley-at-mcn.org Thu Feb 13 16:35:19 2014
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2, 19 -- Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2014 14:35:06 -0800
2, 19 -- To: Anne Howson {AKHPhoto-at-pacbell.net}
2, 19 -- From: Caroline Schooley {schooley-at-mcn.org}
2, 19 -- Subject: Re: [Microscopy] Ask-A-Microscopist Problems with Olympus CCD
2, 19 -- camera on light microscope
2, 19 -- Cc: Microscopy-at-microscopy.com
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==============================End of - Headers==============================

From: benada-at-biomed.cas.cz
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2014 04:16:56 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] CM100 C2 problem

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hello All,
Please, could anybody give us an advice or hint on following problem?
We have a trouble with our Philips CM100. I can see the light on main
screen but cannot focus the beam with Intensity button. At both end
positions of Intensity button range I can hear the beeps. Microscope
restart did not help.
Without any touching the Intensity button C2 Condenser current in LM
mode is oscillating between 3900 mA and 3924 mA. In M mode it is
oscillating from 3868 mA to 3944 mA.
C1 Condenser currents seem to be OK (389, 424, 470, 550, 640, 748,
855,1026, 1266, 1486, 2166 mA for spotsize from 1 to 11).

Thanking you in advance.

Best regards

Oldrich Benada
Institute of Microbiology AS CR. v.v.i.
Videnska 1083
142 20 Prague 4
Czech Republic

==============================Original Headers==============================
4, 37 -- From benada-at-biomed.cas.cz Fri Feb 14 04:16:55 2014
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4, 37 -- Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2014 11:16:44 +0100
4, 37 -- From: Oldrich Benada {benada-at-biomed.cas.cz}
4, 37 -- To: Microscopy-at-Microscopy.com
4, 37 -- Subject: CM100 C2 problem
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From: oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2014 07:02:23 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Ask-A-Microscopist How helpful are advanced degrees in getting microscopy

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Forwarded from "Ask a Microscopist"
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realname - David Glick
Email - glickdavidb-at-gmail.com
ORGANIZATION - San Joaquin Delta College
EDUCATION - Undergraduate College
LOCATION - Stockton Ca. USA
SUBJECT_OF_QUESTION - Level of Education
QUESTION - I am currently working towards a two year certificate in EM
and considering continuing my education on a part-time basis. My
question is two part: First; If I am considering working in the
materials/crystalline sector how far can I expect to get with just a
certificate? Second; Does obtaining a degree above a bachelors improve
upward mobility in the industry? The Reason I ask these questions is
that I am a 45 year old re-entry student and do not want to needlessly
spend time and money in a university if it won't improve my employment

==============================Original Headers==============================
4, 28 -- From oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu Fri Feb 14 07:02:23 2014
4, 28 -- Received: from ib8.cmich.edu (ib8.cmich.edu [])
4, 28 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id s1ED2NE8012132
4, 28 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Fri, 14 Feb 2014 07:02:23 -0600
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4, 28 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Fri, 14 Feb 2014 07:55:19 -0500
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4, 28 --; Fri, 14 Feb 2014 08:02:07 -0500
4, 28 -- Message-ID: {52FE13D7.2030406-at-cmich.edu}
4, 28 -- Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2014 08:02:15 -0500
4, 28 -- From: Ask a Microscopist {oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu}
4, 28 -- Reply-To: {oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu}
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4, 28 -- MIME-Version: 1.0
4, 28 -- To: micro {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
4, 28 -- Subject: Ask-A-Microscopist How helpful are advanced degrees in getting microscopy
4, 28 -- jobs?
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4, 28 -- X-Scanned-By: CanIt (www . roaringpenguin . com) on
==============================End of - Headers==============================

From: frank_karl-at-ardl.com
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2014 08:50:02 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Ask-A-Microscopist How helpful are advanced degrees in getting microscopy

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

A tough question to answer.

In my 40 years of chemistry and microscopy I've seen changes. Today industry hires BS to do the work technician did 30 years ago. 60 years ago you might have gotten an interview for a position as a technician but now you don't get in the door with out your sheep skin. I took my BS degree in Chemistry and scrambled to take microscopy courses at McCrone and other places. I found a position as a Microscopist and never looked back.

I worked for a man who had a PhD in the metallography of welding, He was moving up the management chain powdered by his drive and the PhD.
So yes, I would say a degree is better than no degree. An advanced degree is better than a BS, but pick your field with care. Add other skill sets, like programming, electronics to round out your skill set.

Nothing is guarantied. I have a friend with a BS in chemical engineering and a masters in chemistry. He's in law school because he couldn't find a job in those fields. But he will not leave California either.......

If it was a perfect world, you could try to find a position which would allow you to finish school while employed. My limited experience is you then need to change job as soon as possible because management will always see you as a technician.

-----Original Message-----
X-from: oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu [mailto:oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu]
Sent: Friday, February 14, 2014 8:12 AM
To: Frank Karl

Forwarded from "Ask a Microscopist"
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as well as to the list.
Using the "reply" function in your email does *not* send your answer
to the person asking the question.
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realname - David Glick
Email - glickdavidb-at-gmail.com
ORGANIZATION - San Joaquin Delta College
EDUCATION - Undergraduate College
LOCATION - Stockton Ca. USA
SUBJECT_OF_QUESTION - Level of Education
QUESTION - I am currently working towards a two year certificate in EM
and considering continuing my education on a part-time basis. My
question is two part: First; If I am considering working in the
materials/crystalline sector how far can I expect to get with just a
certificate? Second; Does obtaining a degree above a bachelors improve
upward mobility in the industry? The Reason I ask these questions is
that I am a 45 year old re-entry student and do not want to needlessly
spend time and money in a university if it won't improve my employment

==============================Original Headers==============================
4, 28 -- From oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu Fri Feb 14 07:02:23 2014
4, 28 -- Received: from ib8.cmich.edu (ib8.cmich.edu [])
4, 28 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id s1ED2NE8012132
4, 28 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Fri, 14 Feb 2014 07:02:23 -0600
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4, 28 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Fri, 14 Feb 2014 07:55:19 -0500
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4, 28 --; Fri, 14 Feb 2014 08:02:07 -0500
4, 28 -- Message-ID: {52FE13D7.2030406-at-cmich.edu}
4, 28 -- Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2014 08:02:15 -0500
4, 28 -- From: Ask a Microscopist {oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu}
4, 28 -- Reply-To: {oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu}
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4, 28 -- MIME-Version: 1.0
4, 28 -- To: micro {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
4, 28 -- Subject: Ask-A-Microscopist How helpful are advanced degrees in getting microscopy
4, 28 -- jobs?
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==============================Original Headers==============================
19, 29 -- From frank_karl-at-ardl.com Fri Feb 14 08:50:01 2014
19, 29 -- Received: from mail2.ardl.com (mail3.ardl.com [])
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19, 29 -- exchange2k7.ad.ardl.com ([fe80::5833:9255:1958:bb83%12]) with mapi; Fri, 14
19, 29 -- Feb 2014 09:50:00 -0500
19, 29 -- From: Frank Karl {frank_karl-at-ardl.com}
19, 29 -- To: "'glickdavidb-at-gmail.com'" {glickdavidb-at-gmail.com}
19, 29 -- CC: "Microscopy Listserver (microscopy-at-microscopy.com)"
19, 29 -- {microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
19, 29 -- Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2014 09:49:59 -0500
19, 29 -- Subject: RE: [Microscopy] Ask-A-Microscopist How helpful are advanced
19, 29 -- degrees in getting microscopy
19, 29 -- Thread-Topic: [Microscopy] Ask-A-Microscopist How helpful are advanced
19, 29 -- degrees in getting microscopy
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19, 29 -- References: {201402141311.s1EDBgFX025803-at-ns.microscopy.com}
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From: david.knecht-at-uconn.edu
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2014 09:22:32 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Microscopy basics- airy disks and fluorescence resolution

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

I am trying to hone my understanding of diffraction in microscopy: particularly the slit diffraction analogy and how diffraction affects resolution in microscopy.
1. If you take a sub-resolution point source of light (GFP molecule) and image it through an objective, you get a central maximum and a series of concentric disks due to diffraction during image formation. Question- What is the source of the diffraction? There are no slit like openings that are less than the wavelength of the light. I am presuming this diffraction due light diffracting at the edges of the objective? (I could not find a good written/diagrammatic description of the issue- can someone point me to one?)

2. The separation of Airy disk central maxima as an explanation for resolution makes some intuitive sense, but is only taking account of the NA of the objective as if there are no other sources of diffraction other than the objective. This would be reasonable for a purified fluorescent molecule/protein attached to a coverslip. However, in cells, you now add many other sources of diffraction as light passes into and out of a cell. So would it be more correct to say that the calculated resolution is a maximal or optimal resolution? I am presuming that this is routinely not acheived in cell/tissue imaging? Do we have an estimate of how much resolution is lost by a molecule being in the middle of a cell (ie. what you get from a single superresolution activated molecule in PALM) as compared to a purified molecules in isolation? Presumably you can back calculate this from the actual diffraction pattern measured for single activated molecules in a cell vs. in isolation?
Thanks- Dave

David Knecht, Ph.D.
Professor and Head of Core Microscopy Facility
Department of Molecular and Cell Biology
91 N. Eagleville Rd.
University of Connecticut
Storrs, CT 06269
860-486-4331 (fax)

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9, 27 -- From david.knecht-at-uconn.edu Fri Feb 14 09:22:32 2014
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9, 27 -- Subject: Microscopy basics- airy disks and fluorescence resolution
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2014 16:50:09 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:CM10 Error Message 1

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hi David,

1) Actually the Young’s slit experiment doesn’t require the width or the distance between the slits to be less than the wavelength of light. You can do it using a slide that you’ve put a thin black coating on (using model airplane paint for example) and then scratch it twice with a razor and shine a light through it. If you do your trigonometry, you’ll find out that if you put the slits really close (as in a few hundred microns or even a mm) you can see the diffraction pattern pretty clearly some feet away. In a microscope, you have apertures, and tubes bounding the light path and that is what is causing your diffraction. If you are operating at high NA then often the limiting aperture is the objective. You’ll get diffraction whenever the light path from one side of the aperture is on the order of one wavelength of light different than in the middle of the aperture, practically speaking, high mag.

2) Point resolution limits described by airy disks etc are really rules of thumb. As you note, the resolution limit is the smallest feature you can separate from your image, nothing more or less. Usually that is much less than the Airy resolution due to inhomogeneities in the sample, like you describe. On the other hand, theoretically, if you know EXACTLY the diffraction characteristics of your entire system, and your sample is composed of point sources, and you have infinite signal to noise, you can separate two different points that are infinitely close together. You can make a quick demonstration with Matlab or a similar program by plotting two Gaussians with FWHM of 100 units, and centroids separated by 1 unit, and then do a fit to extract the separation between the two centroids. You won’t have any trouble even though this scenario is resolving peaks far, far below the "resolution limit." As soon as you add even a little noise, you cannot make the fit work. As soon as you allow for any uncertainty in the FWHM or skewness of the peaks, then you also can’t get a good number from your fit. I encourage you to try this, actually, it is very informative just how little noise or uncertainty in the peak shapes is required to destroy your ability to resolve the two peaks, and if you play with it for a while will wind up deriving a practical resolution limit “law” of your own. Chances are you will wind up with a limit not far from the FWHM of the Gaussians. If you like programming you can do this with Airy disks and you’ll “reinvent” the Airy resolution limit. In a real microscope, you always have some aberrations, and your sample always has some inhomogeneities (otherwise why are you looking at it?). So the Airy resolution is a very practical limit and very useful, but there is no deep fundamental reason why the grand master of the universe says that’s the resolution limit. It’s just a good demarcation that was chosen based on a reasonable application of diffraction through an aperture.

I hope this helps!

Zack Gainsforth
Space Sciences Laboratory, UC Berkeley
7 Gauss Way
Berkeley, CA 94720
cell: 626-437-9186(tel://cell:%20626-437-9186)

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Name: Josh Schorp

Organization: University of Missouri

Title-Subject: [Filtered] CM10 Error Message

Message: Upon turning on our CM10 for the first time after the install there is a message saying
"Pneumatics". I can't seem to get the ODP to turn on, and twice now the viewing glass has been
pushed out by the compressed air. Does anyone have any ideas on what the problem may be?

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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2014 16:51:00 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:CM10 HIVAC

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Email: jcsmtf-at-mail.missouri.edu
Name: Josh Schorp

Organization: University of Missouri

Title-Subject: [Filtered] CM10 HIVAC

Message: I have not been able to activate the HIVAC and UHV on our CM10. The pressures of the pironi
gauges are: P1=82, P2=19, P3=0, IGP=0. This is after the pre-vavc has been running for roughly 20
minutes. Once the pre-vac is turned off P2 goes to about ~70. Is it normal to take longer than this
to get the P2 down below 13.3?

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From: colijn.1-at-osu.edu
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2014 21:08:59 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: viaWWW:CM10 Error Message 1

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hi Josh,

A "pneumatics" error message generally means that your air pressure is
too low to operate the valves of the microscope. The FEI TEMs generally
want to have ~6 bar air pressure.

If your viewing window is being forced out, it sounds like you may have
a more serious problem than the pneumatics error. The viewing chamber
is not supposed to have a positive pressure but be under vacuum. Do you
have a pressurized air supply hooked to the camera vent valve (valve V12
on the vacuum schematic)? It's possible that you have a leaky valve.


On 2/14/2014 5:52 PM, microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com wrote:
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} Name: Josh Schorp
} Organization: University of Missouri
} Title-Subject: [Filtered] CM10 Error Message
} Message: Upon turning on our CM10 for the first time after the install there is a message saying
} "Pneumatics". I can't seem to get the ODP to turn on, and twice now the viewing glass has been
} pushed out by the compressed air. Does anyone have any ideas on what the problem may be?
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From: j.janssen-at-nki.nl
Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2014 08:18:25 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] RE: viaWWW:CM10 HIVAC

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hi Josh,
The ODP needs a heat up time of about 20 min. after the vacuum system has been off for a while. P3 = 0 means it is 100+. When the ODP is heated the vacuum system will continu by opening the valve between the ODP and the camera, then P3 will go down as well.
Hans Janssen
Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI/AvL)

Van: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com [microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com]
Verzonden: vrijdag 14 februari 2014 23:57
Aan: Hans Janssen
Onderwerp: [Microscopy] viaWWW:CM10 HIVAC

The Microscopy ListServer -- CoSponsor: The Microscopy Society of America

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Email: jcsmtf-at-mail.missouri.edu
Name: Josh Schorp

Organization: University of Missouri

Title-Subject: [Filtered] CM10 HIVAC

Message: I have not been able to activate the HIVAC and UHV on our CM10. The pressures of the pironi
gauges are: P1=82, P2=19, P3=0, IGP=0. This is after the pre-vavc has been running for roughly 20
minutes. Once the pre-vac is turned off P2 goes to about ~70. Is it normal to take longer than this
to get the P2 down below 13.3?

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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2014 18:25:41 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:2000FX double tilt holder

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

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Email: rrw3q-at-virginia.edu
Name: Mr Richard Robert White

Organization: UVA

Title-Subject: [Filtered] 2000FX double tilt holder

Message: We are in need of the plug on a double tilt holder which plugs into a JEOL 2000FX TEM. If
you have a broken double tilt holder, we could use the cable and plug from the holder.


Richard White
University of Virginia

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From: oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2014 07:24:53 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: viaWWW:CM10 Error Message 1

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives


The "Pneumatics" error typically means your air pressure from the
compresser to the valves is too low. Ours reads ~90 psi normally.
Do you have any of the manuals? The appendix in the operator's manuals
has the error codes.
The ODP not coming on generally means insufficient cooling water, or the
cooling water is too hot/too cold. It should be ~20-22 deg C (~70 F, if
your Haskris cooler has the usual US temp gauge).

The viewing glass being pushed out means your vent pressure is high.
Your column/camera/specimen airlock vent is hooked up to a dry nitrogen
tank, yes? That should be at 1-2 psi, no more.

Re: your other email about pressures:
I have not been able to activate the HIVAC and UHV on our CM10. The
pressures of the pironi gauges are: P1=82, P2=19, P3=0, IGP=0. This is
after the pre-vavc has been running for roughly 20 minutes. Once the
pre-vac is turned off P2 goes to about ~70. Is it normal to take longer
than this to get the P2 down below 13.3?

Our values in normal operation, after pumping overnight:
P1 = 37
P2 = 74
P3 = 34
IGP = 14

Your P1 is high, which may mean a leak. If the column was taken apart,
the leak is probably in one of those seals, and may not be visible under
inspection. Clean.
I've never seen a P2 value as low as yours. Seems wrong, likely
connected with a leak, but I'd like a service engineer to explain it.
P3 reads 0 either because the pressure is too high for it to come on, or
the pressure is less than 34 - P3 goes to zero when the pressure drops
below 34.

Also the P2 and/or P3 gauges may be malfunctioning. I'd assume a leak to
start with. That's the usual bugaboo after taking apart an EM column.

Do you have an ion getter pump on your CM-10? If yes, disconnect it and
*don't* run it until you get the rest of the vacuum system working
(unplug connector X8, back of the column just below the IGP).


} Email: jcsmtf-at-mail.missouri.edu
} Name: Josh Schorp
} Organization: University of Missouri
} Title-Subject: [Filtered] CM10 Error Message
} Message: Upon turning on our CM10 for the first time after the install there is a message saying
} "Pneumatics". I can't seem to get the ODP to turn on, and twice now the viewing glass has been
} pushed out by the compressed air. Does anyone have any ideas on what the problem may be?

Philip Oshel
Microscopy Facility Supervisor
Biology Department
024C Brooks Hall
Central Michigan University
Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859
(989) 774-3576

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11, 31 -- From oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu Mon Feb 17 07:24:53 2014
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From: oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2014 07:38:46 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Ask-A-Microscopist: etchant for lead alloys & any advantage to color

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realname - M Raja
Email - plspce-at-amararaja.co.in
ORGANIZATION - Amararaja Batteries Ltd
EDUCATION - Undergraduate College
LOCATION - Tirupathi, Andhra pradesh, India
SUBJECT_OF_QUESTION - Color metallography-reg
QUESTION - how to prepare etchent for lead base alloys and hardware &
software requirement and also difficulties / limitations of color
metallographic analysis. Actually i need details about benefits of color
Please revert back in above mail as soon as possible. Thank you in
advance for your support.

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3, 28 -- From oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu Mon Feb 17 07:38:45 2014
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3, 28 -- To: micro {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
3, 28 -- Subject: Ask-A-Microscopist: etchant for lead alloys & any advantage to color
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From: frank_karl-at-ardl.com
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2014 09:32:27 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Ask-A-Microscopist: etchant for lead alloys & any advantage to color

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

I'd try "Metallogtaphy: Principles and Practices by George F Vander Voot

It's an excellent book.

In some color staining systems, as I understand it, the physical orientation of the metal crystal results in a coloration that is constant for that orientation in that specific sample. Color photomicroscopy lets you image where these orientations are. Color provides contrast that simple gray scale may not.

-----Original Message-----
X-from: oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu [mailto:oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu]
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2014 8:49 AM
To: Frank Karl

Forwarded from "Ask a Microscopist"
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realname - M Raja
Email - plspce-at-amararaja.co.in
ORGANIZATION - Amararaja Batteries Ltd
EDUCATION - Undergraduate College
LOCATION - Tirupathi, Andhra pradesh, India
SUBJECT_OF_QUESTION - Color metallography-reg
QUESTION - how to prepare etchent for lead base alloys and hardware &
software requirement and also difficulties / limitations of color
metallographic analysis. Actually i need details about benefits of color
Please revert back in above mail as soon as possible. Thank you in
advance for your support.

==============================Original Headers==============================
3, 28 -- From oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu Mon Feb 17 07:38:45 2014
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3, 28 -- To: micro {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
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15, 29 -- Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2014 10:32:25 -0500
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From: eric-miller-at-northwestern.edu
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 14:11:42 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Basic Photoshop for Electron Micrscopy

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

We've just updated our image processing instructions here at the NUANCE Center from Northwestern University.

These instructions are super easy to use and walk the user step-by-(sometimes painful) step to do all sorts of normal image processing procedures one might normally come across, from adjusting levels, to calculations, to some totally cheating techniques of drawing a mag line marker, to several different procedures to apply false color to an image.

THE EXTRA SPECIAL PART is the chapter on what I call Multi-Detector Color. Now I know I did not invent this technique, BUT I've worked out some pretty simple procedures that will allow you to make these really fantastic color images, even if you only have 1 SE detector in your SEM.
It's totally free, so please check it out and let us know if you have corrections or suggestions.


ERiC Jay Miller
Microscopy & Imaging Specialist
Electron Probe Instrumentation Center

Northwestern University
Mail: 2036 Cook Hall
Office: 1152 Cook Hall
2220 Campus Drive
Evanston, IL 60208-3108

ph: (847) 467-0789
fax: (847) 467-657


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12, 48 -- From: Eric Jay Miller {eric-miller-at-northwestern.edu}
12, 48 -- To: "Microscopy-at-microscopy.com" {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
12, 48 -- Subject: Basic Photoshop for Electron Micrscopy
12, 48 -- Thread-Topic: Basic Photoshop for Electron Micrscopy
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From: mike-at-materialanalyzers.com
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 14:54:42 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] SEM - Suggested mounting method for Carbon particles

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

I would appreciate hearing suggestions for a good mounting technique for
imaging activated carbon and synthetic diamond particles (1-200 micron).
When using standard conductive double sided adhesive carbon tabs on stubs,
it is obviously quite challenging to get adequate contrast between the
particles and the background (carbon tab).

Likewise, in doing particle size analysis it helps to not have touching
particles and clumps. Any techniques that have been found to be successful
would be interesting to hear.

Thank You!!

Mike Toalson
Western Analytical Solutions, LLC
o • 208.899.4425    m • 208.340.3895   
w • www.materialanalyzers.com e • mike-at-materialanalyzers.com

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9, 36 -- From mike-at-materialanalyzers.com Tue Feb 18 14:54:42 2014
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9, 36 -- To: {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
9, 36 -- Subject: SEM - Suggested mounting method for Carbon particles
9, 36 -- Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 13:54:30 -0700
9, 36 -- Organization: Western Analytical Solutions, LLC
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From: peter.eschbach-at-comcast.net
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 16:18:45 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Montage software?

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Does anybody know of software for building Montage images for a Titan TEM? We would like to build a large image from a multitude of high resolution plant cell images.

Pete Eschbach
Oregon State University

Sent from my iPhone

==============================Original Headers==============================
3, 32 -- From peter.eschbach-at-comcast.net Tue Feb 18 16:18:45 2014
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3, 32 -- for {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Tue, 18 Feb 2014 16:18:45 -0600
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3, 32 -- id TyJP1n00702dqGn8UyJUxb; Tue, 18 Feb 2014 22:18:39 +0000
3, 32 -- Subject: Montage software?
3, 32 -- From: Peter Eschbach {peter.eschbach-at-comcast.net}
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From: nwbotto-at-ucdavis.edu
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 16:37:00 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: Montage software?

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

I use ImageJ for that, not sure if it's suited for your type of images

Nick Botto
Microprobe Specialist
UC Davis Earth and Planetary Sciences Microprobe Lab
Website: http://microprobe.geology.ucdavis.edu/index.html
Calendar: http://microprobe.geology.ucdavis.edu/calendar/probe.htm
ph. 530-752-6582

On 2/18/14, 2:29 PM, peter.eschbach-at-comcast.net wrote:
} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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} Does anybody know of software for building Montage images for a Titan TEM? We would like to build a large image from a multitude of high resolution plant cell images.
} Pete Eschbach
} Oregon State University
} Sent from my iPhone
} ==============================Original Headers==============================
} 3, 32 -- From peter.eschbach-at-comcast.net Tue Feb 18 16:18:45 2014
} 3, 32 -- Received: from qmta05.emeryville.ca.mail.comcast.net (qmta05.emeryville.ca.mail.comcast.net [])
} 3, 32 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id s1IMIi4s005720
} 3, 32 -- for {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Tue, 18 Feb 2014 16:18:45 -0600
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} 3, 32 -- by qmta05.emeryville.ca.mail.comcast.net with comcast
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} 3, 32 -- id TyJP1n00702dqGn8UyJUxb; Tue, 18 Feb 2014 22:18:39 +0000
} 3, 32 -- Subject: Montage software?
} 3, 32 -- From: Peter Eschbach {peter.eschbach-at-comcast.net}
} 3, 32 -- Content-Type: text/plain;
} 3, 32 -- charset=us-ascii
} 3, 32 -- X-Mailer: iPhone Mail (11B554a)
} 3, 32 -- Message-Id: {A8B20AE2-CC8B-4CA7-BD7D-25C7215666A2-at-comcast.net}
} 3, 32 -- Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 14:18:24 -0800
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} 3, 32 -- EisISsoA5uuT2NU3DSMza9HbGGb+FzMj24TBsJJIINs5EsTISaP+n7RUwLADCNcE+Y
} 3, 32 -- Zkp3z+qoR0+Gsxr705uSFY/EYZSe2YkHELmDDSrfTeG1cJOYCghTbzUwsi03uCz35m
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4, 23 -- From nwbotto-at-ucdavis.edu Tue Feb 18 16:37:00 2014
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4, 23 -- Message-ID: {5303E087.5090701-at-ucdavis.edu}
4, 23 -- Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 14:36:55 -0800
4, 23 -- From: Nick Botto {nwbotto-at-ucdavis.edu}
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From: les-at-zsgenetics.com
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 17:41:04 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Montage software?

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

The ImageJ plug-in MosaicJ is pretty easy to use and allows big images. I
believe you need the TurboReg plug-in installed as well, as it can
automatically stitch as long as you put them down close to the right
position. I've used it successfully several times.
Good Luck!
Larry Scipioni
ZS Genetics

-----Original Message-----
X-from: peter.eschbach-at-comcast.net [mailto:peter.eschbach-at-comcast.net]
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2014 5:30 PM

Does anybody know of software for building Montage images for a Titan TEM?
We would like to build a large image from a multitude of high resolution
plant cell images.

Pete Eschbach
Oregon State University

Sent from my iPhone

==============================Original Headers==============================
3, 32 -- From peter.eschbach-at-comcast.net Tue Feb 18 16:18:45 2014 3, 32 --
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3, 32 -- id TyJP1n00702dqGn8UyJUxb; Tue, 18 Feb 2014 22:18:39 +0000
3, 32 -- Subject: Montage software?
3, 32 -- From: Peter Eschbach {peter.eschbach-at-comcast.net} 3, 32 --
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10, 44 -- id 1WFuHe-00006Z-3V; Tue, 18 Feb 2014 17:41:02 -0600
10, 44 -- From: "Larry Scipioni" {les-at-zsgenetics.com}
10, 44 -- To: {peter.eschbach-at-comcast.net}
10, 44 -- Cc: {microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
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10, 44 -- Subject: RE: [Microscopy] Montage software?
10, 44 -- Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 18:41:04 -0500
10, 44 -- Organization: ZS Genetics
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From: jkabel-at-mail.ubc.ca
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 18:33:21 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: Montage software?

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

I've used the GIMP for this application with a lot of success. Something
else to look at would be this:


On 14-02-18 02:29 PM, peter.eschbach-at-comcast.net wrote:
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} Does anybody know of software for building Montage images for a Titan TEM? We would like to build a large image from a multitude of high resolution plant cell images.
} Pete Eschbach
} Oregon State University
} Sent from my iPhone
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From: Duane.Harland-at-agresearch.co.nz
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 20:49:54 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] RE: Montage software?

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hi Pete,

I have used the commercial program Corel Photopaint (part of the Coreldraw suite of programs) extensively over the years for TEM and other montaging.
It is manual montaging, but it handles any file size (I have done up to montage around 300 GB), and it has a feature where the selected image is subtracted from what is under it, meaning you can quickly see which parts of the image are aligned because they go completely black.

The programs others have mentioned are also good options.

Kind regards
Duane Harland
New Zealand

The Microscopy ListServer -- CoSponsor: The Microscopy Society of America To Subscribe/Unsubscribe -- http://www.microscopy.com/MicroscopyListserver

Does anybody know of software for building Montage images for a Titan TEM? We would like to build a large image from a multitude of high resolution plant cell images.

Pete Eschbach
Oregon State University

Sent from my iPhone

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9, 38 -- From Duane.Harland-at-agresearch.co.nz Tue Feb 18 20:49:54 2014
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From: raven2020-at-gmx.de
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2014 08:36:54 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Problem with STEM at 80kV

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives


lead etching you found in the book:

"Metallographic etchnig" by Gűnter Petzow
edited by ASM 1999,
black white photo lead structure was published in the practicall
metalography many years ago (1970 ?)

best regards

best regards

Chris Hűbner

Cracow University of Technology
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

----- Original Message -----
X-from: {oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu}
To: {hubner-at-mech.pk.edu.pl}
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2014 2:50 PM

Dear Microscopists,

maybe someone can give me a hint on how to proceed now.
We just encountered a problem with our Tecnai Osiris in
STEM mode:
We reduced the acceleration voltage from 200kV to 80kV
to deal with a little bit sensitive samples. In TEM Mode
we didn´t had any problems, but in STEM we see a distortion.
I uploaded a picture* of the problem.
We suspect some magnetic field could be responsible for this

What do you think? And what could we do to find the reason?

Thank you in advance!

best regards,


* https://www.dropbox.com/s/1ued2rl94y81rfo/19-02-2014-80kV_HAADF.jpg

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8, 21 -- From raven2020-at-gmx.de Wed Feb 19 08:36:53 2014
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8, 21 -- Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2014 15:36:49 +0100
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From: frank_karl-at-ardl.com
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2014 09:26:38 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] SEM - Suggested mounting method for Carbon particles

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

I'm going to assume you have a powder.

I start with double sticky conductive tape on a stub. I spread the powder out on a glass slide and blow the powder off the slide and onto the stub. Just a puff, a little breath, a mouse fart. A small mouse.

You can position the stub below or across from your slide. Too much powder on stub? Blow it off, use a bigger mouse this time.

What you want is a single layer of crystals/particles, separated as much as possible from each other. The stub will look sample deficient to the eye, check it with a stereomicroscope and I suspect you'll find plenty.

I coat these samples with Au or Pt, twice. One coating straight on and then I lay the SEM mount in the chamber at an angle to get the "underside" of the particles. Works great. I've been running organic accelerators for rubber this way for years and have always been happy with results.

Good Luck!


-----Original Message-----
X-from: mike-at-materialanalyzers.com [mailto:mike-at-materialanalyzers.com]
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2014 4:03 PM
To: Frank Karl

I would appreciate hearing suggestions for a good mounting technique for
imaging activated carbon and synthetic diamond particles (1-200 micron).
When using standard conductive double sided adhesive carbon tabs on stubs,
it is obviously quite challenging to get adequate contrast between the
particles and the background (carbon tab).

Likewise, in doing particle size analysis it helps to not have touching
particles and clumps. Any techniques that have been found to be successful
would be interesting to hear.

Thank You!!

Mike Toalson
Western Analytical Solutions, LLC
o * 208.899.4425 m * 208.340.3895
w * www.materialanalyzers.com e * mike-at-materialanalyzers.com

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9, 36 -- To: {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
9, 36 -- Subject: SEM - Suggested mounting method for Carbon particles
9, 36 -- Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 13:54:30 -0700
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27, 29 -- From frank_karl-at-ardl.com Wed Feb 19 09:26:37 2014
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27, 29 -- Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2014 10:26:34 -0500
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From: jacques.faerber-at-ipcms.u-strasbg.fr
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2014 11:06:36 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: etchant for lead alloys & any advantage to color

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

1. "Metallographic etching", 2nd by Gűnter Petzow , ASM 1999
Or "Metallographic etching", 1st by Gűnter Petzow , ASM 1978

Have about 2-3 pages each with several comments, but no photomicrographs.

2. For a good discussion and B&W photomicrographs see:

Allen, Metallographic Tech for Lead-Acid Battery Plates, Microstructural
Science, Vol 6, 31-43, 1978

3. For coloring lead phases try the Copper Alloy etch set out by:

Beraha: Color Metallography. ASM 1977.

4. Coloring can be an advantage if it adds to the contrast desired to
detect or demonstrate a particular phase. This will depend on the material
at hand.

5. M Raja, please report back how it turns out.


Andrew Anthony “Tony” Havics, CIH, PE
Environmental, Health & Safety, Microscopy, Materials Science & Forensic
pH2, LLC
5250 E US Highway 36, Suite 830
Avon, IN 46123
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-----Original Message-----
X-from: hubner-at-mech.pk.edu.pl [mailto:hubner-at-mech.pk.edu.pl]
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2014 7:19 AM
To: ph2-at-sprynet.com


lead etching you found in the book:

"Metallographic etchnig" by Gűnter Petzow
edited by ASM 1999,
black white photo lead structure was published in the practicall
metalography many years ago (1970 ?)

best regards

best regards

Chris Hűbner

Cracow University of Technology
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

----- Original Message -----
X-from: {oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu}
To: {hubner-at-mech.pk.edu.pl}
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2014 2:50 PM


Beckert - Klemm "Handbuch der metallographischen Ätzverfahren"
VEB Deutsch. Verlag f. Grundstoffindustrie - 1962

Sorry, it's in german, but very usefull. Always on my shelf !

There are 10 pages with different solutions vor lead and lead alloys,
with 2 BW pictures and an (old now) bibliography.

Hope it helps

J. Faerber
Institut de Physique et Chimie des Matériaux de Strasbourg
Département Surfaces et Interfaces
23, rue de Loess ; BP43
67034 Strasbourg CEDEX 2

Tel 00 33(0)3 88 10 71 01
Fax 00 33(0)3 88 10 72 48
E-mail : Jacques.Faerber-at-ipcms.unistra.fr

Le 19/02/2014 13:25, hubner-at-mech.pk.edu.pl a écrit :
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} Hello,
} lead etching you found in the book:
} "Metallographic etchnig" by Gűnter Petzow
} edited by ASM 1999,
} black white photo lead structure was published in the practicall
} metalography many years ago (1970 ?)
} best regards
} best regards
} Chris Hűbner
} Cracow University of Technology
} Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
} ----- Original Message -----
} X-from: {oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu}
} To: {hubner-at-mech.pk.edu.pl}
} Sent: Monday, February 17, 2014 2:50 PM
} Subject: [Microscopy] Ask-A-Microscopist: etchant for lead alloys & any
} advantage to color
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} } realname - M Raja
} } Email - plspce-at-amararaja.co.in
} } ORGANIZATION - Amararaja Batteries Ltd
} } EDUCATION - Undergraduate College
} } LOCATION - Tirupathi, Andhra pradesh, India
} } SUBJECT_OF_QUESTION - Color metallography-reg
} } QUESTION - how to prepare etchent for lead base alloys and hardware &
} } software requirement and also difficulties / limitations of color
} } metallographic analysis. Actually i need details about benefits of color
} } micrograph.
} } Please revert back in above mail as soon as possible. Thank you in
} } advance for your support.
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From: lists-at-nexperion.net
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2014 11:33:43 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: Montage software?

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hi Peter,

} Does anybody know of software for building Montage images for a Titan TEM? We would like to build a large image from a multitude of high resolution plant cell images.

a number of options to stitch existing images has been discussed already - if you are interested in software that drives automated acquisition to build montages, have a look at SerialEM (actually a tomography software):


It works on the Titan platform and can also do the stitching.



Dr. Guenter Resch
Nexperion e.U. - Solutions for Electron Microscopy - www.nexperion.net
Mattiellistrasse 3/17, 1040 Vienna, Austria - Phone +43 664 94 17 210
Registered at Commercial Court Vienna, FN 397677w - VAT Reg. ATU67962234

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From: DRK-at-shcc.org
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2014 11:56:28 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Montage software?

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

The Montage building software you use will be dependent not so much on the microscope but how the images are named and in what order they are collected. If you are using a FEI Eagle camera, you will need to convert the proprietary image format to .tif or .jpg then proceed. GIMP does this well. We use an AMT camera and the images are automatically named according to their x-y position in the montage, for example 0006R1C6 refers to an image in the first row and the sixth column. How the stage moves from one image to the next during collection is essential information. We have used AdobePhotoshop for image montages, but it is slow compared to FIJI and may not complete large montages. For montages up to 19x19 images, I would suggest using FIJI. For image sets of this size you will also want a 64 bit operating system with exceptional graphics capabilities. Download Fiji (http://fiji.sc/wiki/index.php/Downloads). Fiji is a distribution of ImageJ together with Java, Java 3D and several plugins organized to assist research in life sciences, targeting image registration, stitching, segmentation, feature extraction and 3D visualization, among others. Using FIJI you can direct the program to the folder in which the images are stored and also define the naming nomenclature so that the montage software will find each successive image. There is quite a bit of flexibility built into FIJI as to how the program finds the images; we have had the most success with the position defined by the file name. Once you download FIJI, bring up the screen where images in this format can be loaded (FIJI/Stitching/Deprecated/Stitch grid of images). I would be happy to send a word document with specific instructions with screen shots on how to work with images in this format to anyone who might find it useful.



Douglas R. Keene
Assistant Investigator
Micro-Imaging Center
Shriners Hospital for Children
3101 SW Sam Jackson Park Road
Portland, Oregon 97239
Office: 503-221-3434
Mobile: 503-819-3600

} Does anybody know of software for building Montage images for a Titan TEM? We would like to build a large image from a multitude of high resolution plant cell images.
} Pete Eschbach
} Oregon State University
} Sent from my iPhone
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6, 36 -- Message-ID: {1DDBEFFEDA3EED4B8817469E593164AA6BC94881DA-at-AUSP01VMBX30.collaborationhost.net}
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From: jquinn11733-at-gmail.com
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2014 14:46:22 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] montage with PTGUI

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

MSA Listserver -

There are many montaging programs.
I can suggest PTGUI which some
of our SEM users have used for
montages with hundreds of images.
It is not picky on the filenames, filetypes,
and/or file order.

PTGUI stands for Panorama Tools (Graphic User Interface).


- Jim

==============================Original Headers==============================
5, 26 -- From jquinn11733-at-gmail.com Wed Feb 19 14:46:21 2014
5, 26 -- Received: from mail-la0-f51.google.com (mail-la0-f51.google.com [])
5, 26 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id s1JKkKcq026122
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5, 26 -- Received: by mail-la0-f51.google.com with SMTP id c6so688718lan.24
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5, 26 -- Subject: montage with PTGUI
5, 26 -- From: Jim Quinn {jquinn11733-at-gmail.com}
5, 26 -- To: Microscopy-at-microscopy.com
5, 26 -- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
==============================End of - Headers==============================

From: connellyps-at-nhlbi.nih.gov
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2014 16:31:31 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] URGENT Do not open earlier email from me

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

I did not send any of you a message in the last two days. Please do not open if you did receive one for I do not know where the message originated.
-- Pat
Patricia Stranen Connelly
NHLBI EM Core Facility
National Institutes of Health
Building 14E Room 111B
Bethesda, MD 20892-5570

==============================Original Headers==============================
3, 58 -- From connellyps-at-nhlbi.nih.gov Wed Feb 19 16:31:06 2014
3, 58 -- Received: from nihxway3out.hub.nih.gov (nihxway3out.hub.nih.gov [])
3, 58 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id s1JMV6wx014141
3, 58 -- for {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Wed, 19 Feb 2014 16:31:06 -0600
3, 58 -- X-IronPortListener: Outbound_SMTP
3, 58 -- X-IronPort-Anti-Spam-Filtered: true
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3, 58 -- Received: from unknown (HELO CASHTV01.nih.gov) ([])
3, 58 -- by nihxway3out.hub.nih.gov with ESMTP/TLS/AES128-SHA; 19 Feb 2014 17:31:05 -0500
3, 58 -- Received: from MLBXV14.nih.gov ([]) by CASHTV01.nih.gov
3, 58 -- ([]) with mapi id 14.03.0174.001; Wed, 19 Feb 2014 17:31:01
3, 58 -- -0500
3, 58 -- From: "Connelly, Patricia (NIH/NHLBI) [E]" {connellyps-at-nhlbi.nih.gov}
3, 58 -- To: ChuckCharles A Garber {cgarber-at-2spi.com} ,
3, 58 -- DanDan Connelly
3, 58 -- {dansconnelly-at-hotmail.com} ,
3, 58 -- "Sherman, Debra" {dsherman-at-purdue.edu} ,
3, 58 -- "DeeDee
3, 58 -- Breger" {deebre-at-coe.drexel.edu} ,
3, 58 -- DottyDorothy Sorenson {dsoren-at-umich.edu} ,
3, 58 -- GregGreg Guild {gguild-at-sas.upenn.edu} ,
3, 58 -- JoelJoel Sheffield {jbs-at-temple.edu} ,
3, 58 -- LouiseLouise Harner {louise_harner-at-albint.com} ,
3, 58 -- mePat Connelly
3, 58 -- {stranen_connelly-at-yahoo.com} ,
3, 58 -- MSA {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ,
3, 58 -- "NoelNoel
3, 58 -- Stranen" {noeltimbo-at-aol.com} ,
3, 58 -- SheilaSheila Connelly
3, 58 -- {sheila.connelly-at-avtxinc.com} ,
3, 58 -- suekiShoji Ueki {sueki-at-wharton.upenn.edu} ,
3, 58 -- TatyanaTatyana Svitkina {svitkina-at-sas.upenn.edu} ,
3, 58 -- "Connelly, Patricia
3, 58 -- (NIH/NHLBI) [E]" {connellyps-at-nhlbi.nih.gov} ,
3, 58 -- Bernadette Lawrence
3, 58 -- {bmcl80-at-comcast.net} ,
3, 58 -- borders {borders-at-e.bordersstores.com} ,
3, 58 -- Dave Heminghaus
3, 58 -- {dheminghaus-at-semtechsolutions.com} ,
3, 58 -- David L Jones {dljones-at-bestweb.net} , David Roos {droos-at-sas.upenn.edu}
3, 58 -- Subject: URGENT Do not open earlier email from me
3, 58 -- Thread-Topic: URGENT Do not open earlier email from me
3, 58 -- Thread-Index: AQHPLcJGL9dWjyyUyEePDnY0awitNw==
3, 58 -- Importance: high
3, 58 -- X-Priority: 1
3, 58 -- Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2014 22:31:04 +0000
3, 58 -- Message-ID: {CF2A9AD5.17C2%connellyps-at-mail.nih.gov}
3, 58 -- Accept-Language: en-US
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==============================End of - Headers==============================

From: connellyps-at-nhlbi.nih.gov
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2014 16:42:44 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] URGENT do NOT open any mail from Pat Connelly today

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Deal Listers,

My mail has been hacked or whatever you you call it. I am attempting to find which email was broken into but this was the fastest way to get to a lot of you. I have not sent any messages to the Listerv earlier today.

-- Pat
Patricia Stranen Connelly
NHLBI EM Core Facility
National Institutes of Health
Building 14E Room 111B
Bethesda, MD 20892-5570

==============================Original Headers==============================
5, 30 -- From connellyps-at-nhlbi.nih.gov Wed Feb 19 16:42:44 2014
5, 30 -- Received: from nihxway4out.hub.nih.gov (nihxway4out.hub.nih.gov [])
5, 30 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id s1JMgh2C027234
5, 30 -- for {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Wed, 19 Feb 2014 16:42:43 -0600
5, 30 -- X-IronPortListener: Outbound_SMTP
5, 30 -- X-IronPort-Anti-Spam-Filtered: true
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5, 30 -- Received: from unknown (HELO CASHTV04.nih.gov) ([])
5, 30 -- by nihxway4out.hub.nih.gov with ESMTP/TLS/AES128-SHA; 19 Feb 2014 17:42:43 -0500
5, 30 -- Received: from MLBXV14.nih.gov ([]) by CASHTV04.nih.gov
5, 30 -- ([]) with mapi id 14.03.0174.001; Wed, 19 Feb 2014 17:42:43
5, 30 -- -0500
5, 30 -- From: "Connelly, Patricia (NIH/NHLBI) [E]" {connellyps-at-nhlbi.nih.gov}
5, 30 -- To: MSA {microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
5, 30 -- Subject: URGENT do NOT open any mail from Pat Connelly today
5, 30 -- Thread-Topic: URGENT do NOT open any mail from Pat Connelly today
5, 30 -- Thread-Index: AQHPLcPm1AJBqxCyf0WpHAg2ovBQWA==
5, 30 -- Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2014 22:42:42 +0000
5, 30 -- Message-ID: {CF2A9D91.17E5%connellyps-at-mail.nih.gov}
5, 30 -- Accept-Language: en-US
5, 30 -- Content-Language: en-US
5, 30 -- X-MS-Has-Attach:
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==============================End of - Headers==============================

From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2014 17:08:09 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:JEOL JEM-100CX II diaphragms

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: alpinto-at-fm.ul.pt ()

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Email: alpinto-at-fm.ul.pt
Name: Andreia Pinto

Organization: Instituto de Medicina Molecular

Title-Subject: [Filtered] JEOL JEM-100CX II diaphragms

Message: We have here at the Institute an old Jeol JEM-100CX II that was disconnected for many
years, now it is finally working again, but, it needs new diaphragms, so, we are searching for good
options in acquiring/buying diaphragms for this brand/model, can you help me??
We really can't spend a lot of money, so, we are also prone to accept used diaphragms, if they are
in good shape.

Thank you very much!!

Andreia L. Pinto
Comparative Pathology Laboratory
Instituto Medicina Molecular
Lisbon - Portugal

e-mail: alpinto-at-fm.ul.pt

Login Host:
Listserver Email Form V - 20120416

Do not reply to this message it is from
the Microscopy Listserver NO-REPLY forwarding
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19, 28 -- From microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com Wed Feb 19 17:08:09 2014
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==============================End of - Headers==============================

From: trh-at-uoregon.edu
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2014 19:37:52 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: Problem with STEM at 80kV

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hi Max,
You're probably seeing the effect of a stray AC field on your scan. A
paper by Muller et al. from Ultramicroscopy describes ways to design a
room to minimize this kind of distortion:

Do you notice the distortion change when you change your scan rate?
Right now, it appears that the period of the field's oscillation is
equal to the time necessary to complete a couple of scan lines. If you
can find a scan rate at which the distortion period is equal to the time
necessary to complete an integer number of scan lines, you should be
able to calculate the frequency of the distortion (I bet it's 60 Hz!)
which may help you locate the source of the field.


On 2014-02-19 6:50, raven2020-at-gmx.de wrote:
} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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} Dear Microscopists,
} maybe someone can give me a hint on how to proceed now.
} We just encountered a problem with our Tecnai Osiris in
} STEM mode:
} We reduced the acceleration voltage from 200kV to 80kV
} to deal with a little bit sensitive samples. In TEM Mode
} we didn´t had any problems, but in STEM we see a distortion.
} I uploaded a picture* of the problem.
} We suspect some magnetic field could be responsible for this
} behavior.
} What do you think? And what could we do to find the reason?
} Thank you in advance!
} best regards,
} Max
} * https://www.dropbox.com/s/1ued2rl94y81rfo/19-02-2014-80kV_HAADF.jpg
} ==============================Original
} Headers==============================
} 8, 21 -- From raven2020-at-gmx.de Wed Feb 19 08:36:53 2014
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} mail.gmx.com (mrgmx001)
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} 8, 21 -- Message-ID: {5304C181.1080301-at-gmx.de}
} 8, 21 -- Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2014 15:36:49 +0100
} 8, 21 -- From: Max Klingsporn {raven2020-at-gmx.de}
} 8, 21 -- User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:24.0)
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} 8, 21 -- MIME-Version: 1.0
} 8, 21 -- To: microscopy-at-microscopy.com
} 8, 21 -- Subject: Problem with STEM at 80kV
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==============================Original Headers==============================
4, 31 -- From trh-at-uoregon.edu Wed Feb 19 19:37:51 2014
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4, 31 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id s1K1bpE9019685
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4, 31 -- (version=TLSv1/SSLv3 cipher=DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA bits=256 verify=NOT);
4, 31 -- Wed, 19 Feb 2014 17:37:45 -0800
4, 31 -- Received: from [2001:468:d01:14:223:aeff:fe71:fe9d]
4, 31 -- by webmail.uoregon.edu
4, 31 -- with HTTP (HTTP/1.1 POST); Wed, 19 Feb 2014 17:37:44 -0800
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4, 31 -- Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2014 17:37:44 -0800
4, 31 -- From: Tyler R Harvey {trh-at-uoregon.edu}
4, 31 -- To: raven2020-at-gmx.de
4, 31 -- Cc: microscopy-at-microscopy.com
4, 31 -- Subject: Re: [Microscopy] Problem with STEM at 80kV
4, 31 -- In-Reply-To: {201402191450.s1JEoOAI021491-at-ns.microscopy.com}
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4, 31 -- Message-ID: {94c5a17e18192630ad49aeb3e0d52338-at-uoregon.edu}
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From: amit.welcomes.u-at-gmail.com
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2014 23:51:11 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Formvar grids having static?

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Good evening everyone,
I am have some problem with my formvar grids. till 6 months ago they
were all good but now all (i even checked new one from sealed box) of
them are extremely fragile under beam (they tear apart even while
going from low mag to high mag mode). Not only that, it seems they are
developing some sort of static charge as beam shifts can be seen
inside microscope when i insert those grids. here is attached pics of
how a beam edge (a shadow of objective aperture) is behaving near a
hole (made during changing mode) in formvar substrate. Any ideas what
am doing wrong?


Amit Gupta
Research Scholar
Dept. of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, IISc

==============================Original Headers==============================
3, 26 -- From amit.welcomes.u-at-gmail.com Wed Feb 19 23:51:11 2014
3, 26 -- Received: from mail-wg0-f43.google.com (mail-wg0-f43.google.com [])
3, 26 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id s1K5pBpx009868
3, 26 -- for {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Wed, 19 Feb 2014 23:51:11 -0600
3, 26 -- Received: by mail-wg0-f43.google.com with SMTP id a1so1104068wgh.22
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Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2014 07:21:43 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Two PhD positions open in electron microscopy of processes

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Organization: Technical University of Denmark, Dept. of Micro and Nanotechnology

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Two PhD positions open in electron microscopy of processes in liquids

Message: The Department of Micro- and Nanotechnology invites applications for two 3-year PhD
Scholarships on studying nanoscale processes in liquids with electron microscopy:

PhD scholarship in Electron microscopy of electrochemical processes in liquids

for more information see


PhD scholarship in Nanoscale Imaging of the Aqueous Processes of Precipitation, Dispersion, and

for more information see

The Deadline for applications is 27 and 28th february.

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From: amit.welcomes.u-at-gmail.com
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2014 08:24:39 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: Formvar grids having static?

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RJ Perz-Edwards- I also suspected the same problem hence cleaned the
holder properly, though did not check the top part. Well most of grids
are little vulnerable during that transition but now they are almost
sure to break apart. also if u do stem you can see them expanding and
breaking. It reders them almost useless.
shashi singh- no we are buying it. Glow discharge is not available at
the moment to try but i did try grounding them while making sample...
did not help. Will try ethanol shortly.
Ross- Although manufacturer is same but they are copper only, we can
see it in EDS. Besides they were working perfectly before, how come
all of sudden?

Amit Gupta
Research Scholar
Prof. S.Vasudevan's lab
Dept. of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, IISc

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From: delannoy-at-jhmi.edu
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2014 12:40:42 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] HEPES and HPF

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Dear Listservers,
I am planning an HPF hybrid (pre-light chemical fixation) technique on attached cells, for HM-20 post embed IEM. My plan is to lightly fix the cells for 1 hr (4% PF 0.5% Ga 0.1M HEPES with 5mM MgCl2), rinse in 0.1M HEPES 3.5% sucrose with 5mM MgCl2 (243 mOsmols), then scrape and pellet the cells. I will resuspend the pellet in 2% agarose (in the cells media minus serum) just before HPF. My question is has anyone used HEPES as an IEM buffer, and at what concentration (molarity)? I have read that a slightly hypotonic solution is better for IEM, I believe the cultured cells are isotonic at 300 mOsmols. Also for IEM, is there really a difference between 4% PF and 2% PF? Any suggestions are welcome.

Michael Delannoy

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From: PhillipsT-at-missouri.edu
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2014 17:19:15 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] HEPES and HPF

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Michael - I use HEPES routinely in my regular fix and for immunocytochemistry. I typically use 70 mM NaCl, 30 mM HEPES, 2 mM CaCl2, pH 7.4. I based my choice of osmolarity on the old half-strength Karnovsky's buffer which if I remember was 100 mM cacodylate. You see a lot of people referring to half-strength Karnovsky's as being ~1000 mOsm (or full-strength as being 2010 mOsm). These numbers assume the formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde contribute to the osmolarity of the fix. They might count in an osmometer measurement but if something crosses the membrane it doesn't count to the cell. My buffer is clearly "hypo-osmotic" to a mammalian cell at ~300 mOsm but empirically it seems to cause the least shrinkage or swelling. Your results may vary. Somebody once told me that Karnovsky picked a high aldehyde concentration to show they didn't contribute to the osmolarity but I don't know if that is true.

Is there a difference between 2% PF and 4% PF? Yes, I believe 4% has twice as much PF! Sorry, I couldn't resist the joke. I know exactly what you mean. I haven't seen much difference for cell lines and almost always use 2%. I use 2% PF by itself based on my use of "half-strength" Karnovsky's. The old "full-strength Karnovsky's fix was 4% PF and 5% glutaraldehyde - half-strength cut the aldehyde concentrations in half but not the buffer concentration. I suspect with an excess of aldehyde, the same amount of crosslinking occurs if you wait long enough.

Good luck. Tom

Thomas E. Phillips, Ph.D
Professor of Biological Sciences
Director, Molecular Cytology Core
2 Tucker Hall
University of Missouri
Columbia, MO 65211-7400
573-882-4712 (office)
573-882-0123 (fax)


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X-from: delannoy-at-jhmi.edu [mailto:delannoy-at-jhmi.edu]
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2014 12:42 PM
To: Phillips, Thomas E.

Dear Listservers,
I am planning an HPF hybrid (pre-light chemical fixation) technique on attached cells, for HM-20 post embed IEM. My plan is to lightly fix the cells for 1 hr (4% PF 0.5% Ga 0.1M HEPES with 5mM MgCl2), rinse in 0.1M HEPES 3.5% sucrose with 5mM MgCl2 (243 mOsmols), then scrape and pellet the cells. I will resuspend the pellet in 2% agarose (in the cells media minus serum) just before HPF. My question is has anyone used HEPES as an IEM buffer, and at what concentration (molarity)? I have read that a slightly hypotonic solution is better for IEM, I believe the cultured cells are isotonic at 300 mOsmols. Also for IEM, is there really a difference between 4% PF and 2% PF? Any suggestions are welcome.

Michael Delannoy

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14, 32 -- From PhillipsT-at-missouri.edu Thu Feb 20 17:19:15 2014
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2014 18:13:46 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:An Analytical Scientist position open in BP Petrochemical

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in Naperville, IL

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scientist will prepare samples tailored to research and plant problems, develop sample prep and
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From: W.Muss-at-salk.at
Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2014 03:39:09 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] RE: HEPES and HPF (apologize for lengthiness)

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Dear Michael,
dear all,

I thank Prof. Phillips for the thorough explanation of his opinion on the matter.
I also would like to second use of 2%PFA (FA made from paraformaldehyde powder right before)instead of 4% for cell cultures/cultured cells.
I have read papers stating 30 min. initial fixation ( -at-room temperature ) would be sufficient for cultured cells.
Needless to say it would be of advantage to block unreacted aldehydes after fixation by washes in your buffer + 50mM NH4Cl
(ROTH J et al, Enhancement of Structural Preservation and Immunohistochemical Staining in low temperature embedded pancreatic tissue, JHC 29,663-671(1981)

I have seen also an interesting post (on ResearchGate, www.researchgate.net,
Thread: http://www.researchgate.net/topic/Histology/post/Alternatives_to_formalin_fixation
Re by Thomas Kroneis . Medizinische Universität Graz = Med. Univ. Graz, Austria) on using HOPE(R) as an alternative for FA-fixation in IHC.
HOPE. HOPE = Hepes-glutamic acid buffer mediated Organic solvent Protection Effect
T. Kroneis wrote in his post :

{ { ....Additionally to what has been posted above: there is another fixation around: HOPE.
HOPE = Hepes-glutamic acid buffer mediated Organic solvent Protection Effect
(German: http://dcs-diagnostics.de; http://dcs-diagnostics.de/index.php?sprache=de ;
ENGL: http://dcs-diagnostics.de/index.php?sprache=en ),

GERM: http://dcs-diagnostics.de/index.php?sprache=de&&qid=48 ,
ENGL: http://dcs-diagnostics.de/index.php?sprache=en&&qid=63 ).
This fixation yields as good morphological quality as FFPE material and circumvents the problem with the antibodies not recognizing the epitopes! Now the bad news: You need to place your sample directly into the pre-cooled HOPE I solution, second, it takes you quite some time (fixation 16h - 72h plus another day). - So if there is just no possibility to have it snap frozen, maybe it would be possible to have the respective solution stored there (crucial: at +2°C!). If you do not perform RNA analysis afterwards (do you?), you also might think of having the sample just stored in a tube and transferred to your site (in case of HOPE - just cooling, do not use buffers etc.). Maybe you should also think of getting solved the logical issue. Good science needs perfect conditions (you know: shit in - shit out!) Hope this helped, contact me, if you need further assistance (our lab protocol, ...)} } ,
and, same thread:
Re by: Sebastian Marwitz . Research Center Borstel
{ { The probably best described alternative to PFA is the HOPE-technique:
(Olert et al.,Pathol Res Pract. 2001;197(12):823-6); Wiedorn et al., Pathol Res Pract. 2002;198(11):735-40; Kähler et al., J Histochem Cytochem. 2010 Mar;58(3):221-8; Marwitz et al., J Histochem Cytochem. 2011 Jun;59(6):601-14.; Vollmer et al., Rom J Morphol Embryol. 2006;47(1):15-9; Goldmann et al., Pathol Res Pract. 2005;201(8-9):599-602.; Goldmann et al., Am J Pathol. 2003 Dec;163(6):2638-40) .
It is a non-crosslinking fixation with acetone dehydration und subsequent paraffin-embedding. There is compared to PFA only minimal denaturation of nucleic acids and allows a multitude of read-outs from one tissue/cell block (qPCR, proteomics, RNA in situ hybridization, microarrays, ...). Most important, you don´t need any antigen-retrieval and are able to dilute your primary antibodies very high. If you are skilled in handling PFA-fixed specimen, there will be no big difference in tissue processing and cutting. End of citation} }

Also I have a pdf in my files, written by T.W. BRIMBLE: The developing Role of the Zwitterionic Buffer (1981) wherein use of HEPES buffer in various combinations or molar concentrations in Cell/organ culture, bacterial culture, blood proteins, cryogenic tissue storage and chemical data will be presented and discussed. Since at the beginning of the "era of zwitterionic buffers" there is only a small subtitle "EM" showing interesting effects in fixation of plant material (total 48 references, file= 5,5MB).
So if anyone is interested, I could send that file to any requester..

Have a nice and warm weekend,
especially in the US,

best regards,

Wolfgang MUSS
SALK-LKH(Gen. Hosp.) and PMU
(Private Paracelsus Medical University SALZBURG)
DISCLAIMER: no affiliation, or financial interest in any of the companies or their products.

} -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
} Von: PhillipsT-at-missouri.edu [mailto:PhillipsT-at-missouri.edu]
} Gesendet: Freitag, 21. Februar 2014 00:25
} An: Muß Wolfgang
} Betreff: [Microscopy] RE: HEPES and HPF
} -----------------------------------------------------------------------
} -----
} The Microscopy ListServer -- CoSponsor: The Microscopy Society of
} America
} To Subscribe/Unsubscribe --
} http://www.microscopy.com/MicroscopyListserver
} On-Line Help http://www.microscopy.com/MicroscopyListserver/FAQ.html
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} (Re: PhillipsT-at-missouri.edu)
} Michael - I use HEPES routinely in my regular fix and for
} immunocytochemistry. I typically use 70 mM NaCl, 30 mM HEPES, 2 mM
} CaCl2, pH 7.4. I based my choice of osmolarity on the old half-strength
} Karnovsky's buffer which if I remember was 100 mM cacodylate. You see a
} lot of people referring to half-strength Karnovsky's as being ~1000
} mOsm (or full-strength as being 2010 mOsm). These numbers assume the
} formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde contribute to the osmolarity of the
} fix. They might count in an osmometer measurement but if something
} crosses the membrane it doesn't count to the cell. My buffer is clearly
} "hypo-osmotic" to a mammalian cell at ~300 mOsm but empirically it
} seems to cause the least shrinkage or swelling. Your results may vary.
} Somebody once told me that Karnovsky picked a high aldehyde
} concentration to show they didn't contribute to the osmolarity but I
} don't know if that is true.
} Is there a difference between 2% PF and 4% PF? Yes, I believe 4% has
} twice as much PF! Sorry, I couldn't resist the joke. I know exactly
} what you mean. I haven't seen much difference for cell lines and almost
} always use 2%. I use 2% PF by itself based on my use of "half-strength"
} Karnovsky's. The old "full-strength Karnovsky's fix was 4% PF and 5%
} glutaraldehyde - half-strength cut the aldehyde concentrations in half
} but not the buffer concentration. I suspect with an excess of aldehyde,
} the same amount of crosslinking occurs if you wait long enough.
} Good luck. Tom
} Thomas E. Phillips, Ph.D
} Professor of Biological Sciences
} Director, Molecular Cytology Core
} 2 Tucker Hall
} University of Missouri
} Columbia, MO 65211-7400
} 573-882-4712 (office)
} 573-882-0123 (fax)
} phillipst-at-missouri.edu
} http://biology.missouri.edu/people/?person=88
} http://www.biotech.missouri.edu/mcc/
} -----Original Message-----
} X-from: delannoy-at-jhmi.edu [mailto:delannoy-at-jhmi.edu]
} Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2014 12:42 PM
} To: Phillips, Thomas E.
} Subject: [Microscopy] HEPES and HPF
} -----------------------------------------------------------------------
} -----
} The Microscopy ListServer -- CoSponsor: The Microscopy Society of
} America To Subscribe/Unsubscribe --
} http://www.microscopy.com/MicroscopyListserver
} On-Line Help http://www.microscopy.com/MicroscopyListserver/FAQ.html
} -----------------------------------------------------------------------
} -----
} Dear Listservers,
} I am planning an HPF hybrid (pre-light chemical fixation) technique on
} attached cells, for HM-20 post embed IEM. My plan is to lightly fix
} the cells for 1 hr (4% PF 0.5% Ga 0.1M HEPES with 5mM MgCl2), rinse in
} 0.1M HEPES 3.5% sucrose with 5mM MgCl2 (243 mOsmols), then scrape and
} pellet the cells. I will resuspend the pellet in 2% agarose (in the
} cells media minus serum) just before HPF. My question is has anyone
} used HEPES as an IEM buffer, and at what concentration (molarity)? I
} have read that a slightly hypotonic solution is better for IEM, I
} believe the cultured cells are isotonic at 300 mOsmols. Also for IEM,
} is there really a difference between 4% PF and 2% PF? Any suggestions
} are welcome.
} sincerely,
} Michael Delannoy
} ==============================Original
} Headers==============================
} 2, 32 -- From prvs=1211802d7=delannoy-at-jhmi.edu Thu Feb 20 12:40:37 2014
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2014 07:47:32 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW: Microscopy training workshop 2014 at Montclair State University

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

A while ago while working on the histology of naturally distended rabbit urinary bladders that had been subjected to outlet obstruction, I used a (P)HCHO at 4% in a buffer (probably phosphate) at 4 degrees C as a 'quick' fix (10 minutes) of the whole, distended, bladder followed by removal of the urine and replacement with more cold buffered (P)HCHO to further fix the mucosal side of the bladder wall. The point here is that the 10 minute immersion 'froze' the smooth muscle so that the bladder did not contract when removing the urine and replacing with fixative.

This method worked as well on muscle that had been used in physiologic contraction studies to preclude contraction when the tissue was stimulated/studied in Hank's Balanced Salt Solution rather than in traditional phosphate or Tyrode buffer. The problem is that Hank's is not approved via general use, but if you want your muscle to look like muscle when you are done, something like Hank's is helpful.

As to the concentration of HCHO, it is my belief that all histologic protocols support/require the use of excesses of formaldehyde, and everything else. This is an edgy topic, and likely not worth too much time. The key issue with all methods of tissue preservation lies with the necessity to avoid having to provide an explanation for why one's tissue looks so bad!!! What IS/WAS liver must LOOK like liver!

Cheers, and hope this starts arguments,

Fred Monson.

What else does one do when one gets old other than get cranky?

Frederick C. Monson, PhD
Technical Director
Center for Microanalysis and Imaging, Research and Training (CMIRT)
West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Schmucker Science South - Room SSS-024
MailDrop: Geology-Astronomy
750 South Church Street
West Chester, PA, 19383

HomePage: http://cmirt.wcupa.edu (with link to instrument Scheduler)

-----Original Message-----
X-from: W.Muss-at-salk.at [mailto:W.Muss-at-salk.at]
Sent: Friday, February 21, 2014 4:49 AM
To: Monson, Frederick

Dear Michael,
dear all,

I thank Prof. Phillips for the thorough explanation of his opinion on the matter.
I also would like to second use of 2%PFA (FA made from paraformaldehyde powder right before)instead of 4% for cell cultures/cultured cells.
I have read papers stating 30 min. initial fixation ( -at-room temperature ) would be sufficient for cultured cells.
Needless to say it would be of advantage to block unreacted aldehydes after fixation by washes in your buffer + 50mM NH4Cl
(ROTH J et al, Enhancement of Structural Preservation and Immunohistochemical Staining in low temperature embedded pancreatic tissue, JHC 29,663-671(1981)

I have seen also an interesting post (on ResearchGate, www.researchgate.net,
Thread: http://www.researchgate.net/topic/Histology/post/Alternatives_to_formalin_fixation
Re by Thomas Kroneis . Medizinische Universität Graz = Med. Univ. Graz, Austria) on using HOPE(R) as an alternative for FA-fixation in IHC.
HOPE. HOPE = Hepes-glutamic acid buffer mediated Organic solvent Protection Effect T. Kroneis wrote in his post :

{ { ....Additionally to what has been posted above: there is another fixation around: HOPE.
HOPE = Hepes-glutamic acid buffer mediated Organic solvent Protection Effect
(German: http://dcs-diagnostics.de; http://dcs-diagnostics.de/index.php?sprache=de ;
ENGL: http://dcs-diagnostics.de/index.php?sprache=en ),

GERM: http://dcs-diagnostics.de/index.php?sprache=de&&qid=48 ,
ENGL: http://dcs-diagnostics.de/index.php?sprache=en&&qid=63 ).
This fixation yields as good morphological quality as FFPE material and circumvents the problem with the antibodies not recognizing the epitopes! Now the bad news: You need to place your sample directly into the pre-cooled HOPE I solution, second, it takes you quite some time (fixation 16h - 72h plus another day). - So if there is just no possibility to have it snap frozen, maybe it would be possible to have the respective solution stored there (crucial: at +2°C!). If you do not perform RNA analysis afterwards (do you?), you also might think of having the sample just stored in a tube and transferred to your site (in case of HOPE - just cooling, do not use buffers etc.). Maybe you should also think of getting solved the logical issue. Good science needs perfect conditions (you know: shit in - shit out!) Hope this helped, contact me, if you need further assistance (our lab protocol, ...)} } , and, same thread:
Re by: Sebastian Marwitz . Research Center Borstel { { The probably best described alternative to PFA is the HOPE-technique:
(Olert et al.,Pathol Res Pract. 2001;197(12):823-6); Wiedorn et al., Pathol Res Pract. 2002;198(11):735-40; Kähler et al., J Histochem Cytochem. 2010 Mar;58(3):221-8; Marwitz et al., J Histochem Cytochem. 2011 Jun;59(6):601-14.; Vollmer et al., Rom J Morphol Embryol. 2006;47(1):15-9; Goldmann et al., Pathol Res Pract. 2005;201(8-9):599-602.; Goldmann et al., Am J Pathol. 2003 Dec;163(6):2638-40) .
It is a non-crosslinking fixation with acetone dehydration und subsequent paraffin-embedding. There is compared to PFA only minimal denaturation of nucleic acids and allows a multitude of read-outs from one tissue/cell block (qPCR, proteomics, RNA in situ hybridization, microarrays, ...). Most important, you don´t need any antigen-retrieval and are able to dilute your primary antibodies very high. If you are skilled in handling PFA-fixed specimen, there will be no big difference in tissue processing and cutting. End of citation} }

Also I have a pdf in my files, written by T.W. BRIMBLE: The developing Role of the Zwitterionic Buffer (1981) wherein use of HEPES buffer in various combinations or molar concentrations in Cell/organ culture, bacterial culture, blood proteins, cryogenic tissue storage and chemical data will be presented and discussed. Since at the beginning of the "era of zwitterionic buffers" there is only a small subtitle "EM" showing interesting effects in fixation of plant material (total 48 references, file= 5,5MB).
So if anyone is interested, I could send that file to any requester..

Have a nice and warm weekend,
especially in the US,

best regards,

Wolfgang MUSS
SALK-LKH(Gen. Hosp.) and PMU
(Private Paracelsus Medical University SALZBURG) SALZBURG-AUSTRIA
DISCLAIMER: no affiliation, or financial interest in any of the companies or their products.

} -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
} Von: PhillipsT-at-missouri.edu [mailto:PhillipsT-at-missouri.edu]
} Gesendet: Freitag, 21. Februar 2014 00:25
} An: Muß Wolfgang
} Betreff: [Microscopy] RE: HEPES and HPF
} ----------------------------------------------------------------------
} -
} -----
} The Microscopy ListServer -- CoSponsor: The Microscopy Society of
} America To Subscribe/Unsubscribe --
} http://www.microscopy.com/MicroscopyListserver
} On-Line Help http://www.microscopy.com/MicroscopyListserver/FAQ.html
} ----------------------------------------------------------------------
} -
} -----
} (Re: PhillipsT-at-missouri.edu)
} Michael - I use HEPES routinely in my regular fix and for
} immunocytochemistry. I typically use 70 mM NaCl, 30 mM HEPES, 2 mM
} CaCl2, pH 7.4. I based my choice of osmolarity on the old
} half-strength Karnovsky's buffer which if I remember was 100 mM
} cacodylate. You see a lot of people referring to half-strength
} Karnovsky's as being ~1000 mOsm (or full-strength as being 2010
} mOsm). These numbers assume the formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde
} contribute to the osmolarity of the fix. They might count in an
} osmometer measurement but if something crosses the membrane it doesn't
} count to the cell. My buffer is clearly "hypo-osmotic" to a mammalian
} cell at ~300 mOsm but empirically it seems to cause the least shrinkage or swelling. Your results may vary.
} Somebody once told me that Karnovsky picked a high aldehyde
} concentration to show they didn't contribute to the osmolarity but I
} don't know if that is true.
} Is there a difference between 2% PF and 4% PF? Yes, I believe 4% has
} twice as much PF! Sorry, I couldn't resist the joke. I know exactly
} what you mean. I haven't seen much difference for cell lines and
} almost always use 2%. I use 2% PF by itself based on my use of "half-strength"
} Karnovsky's. The old "full-strength Karnovsky's fix was 4% PF and 5%
} glutaraldehyde - half-strength cut the aldehyde concentrations in half
} but not the buffer concentration. I suspect with an excess of
} aldehyde, the same amount of crosslinking occurs if you wait long enough.
} Good luck. Tom
} Thomas E. Phillips, Ph.D
} Professor of Biological Sciences
} Director, Molecular Cytology Core
} 2 Tucker Hall
} University of Missouri
} Columbia, MO 65211-7400
} 573-882-4712 (office)
} 573-882-0123 (fax)
} phillipst-at-missouri.edu
} http://biology.missouri.edu/people/?person=88
} http://www.biotech.missouri.edu/mcc/
} -----Original Message-----
} X-from: delannoy-at-jhmi.edu [mailto:delannoy-at-jhmi.edu]
} Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2014 12:42 PM
} To: Phillips, Thomas E.
} Subject: [Microscopy] HEPES and HPF
} ----------------------------------------------------------------------
} -
} -----
} The Microscopy ListServer -- CoSponsor: The Microscopy Society of
} America To Subscribe/Unsubscribe --
} http://www.microscopy.com/MicroscopyListserver
} On-Line Help http://www.microscopy.com/MicroscopyListserver/FAQ.html
} ----------------------------------------------------------------------
} -
} -----
} Dear Listservers,
} I am planning an HPF hybrid (pre-light chemical fixation) technique on
} attached cells, for HM-20 post embed IEM. My plan is to lightly fix
} the cells for 1 hr (4% PF 0.5% Ga 0.1M HEPES with 5mM MgCl2), rinse in
} 0.1M HEPES 3.5% sucrose with 5mM MgCl2 (243 mOsmols), then scrape and
} pellet the cells. I will resuspend the pellet in 2% agarose (in the
} cells media minus serum) just before HPF. My question is has anyone
} used HEPES as an IEM buffer, and at what concentration (molarity)? I
} have read that a slightly hypotonic solution is better for IEM, I
} believe the cultured cells are isotonic at 300 mOsmols. Also for IEM,
} is there really a difference between 4% PF and 2% PF? Any suggestions
} are welcome.
} sincerely,
} Michael Delannoy
} ==============================Original
} Headers==============================
} 2, 32 -- From prvs=1211802d7=delannoy-at-jhmi.edu Thu Feb 20 12:40:37
} 2014 2, 32 -- Received: from IPEX5.johnshopkins.edu
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} [])
} 2, 32 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP
} id s1KIeb4e013212;
} 2, 32 -- Thu, 20 Feb 2014 12:40:37 -0600
} 2, 32 -- X-IronPort-AV: E=Sophos;i="4.97,513,1389762000";
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} (Forwarded-For: []) 2, 32 -- by commsmail.johnshopkins.edu
} (mshttpd); Thu, 20 Feb 2014 13:40:36 -0500 2, 32 -- From: Michael J
} Delannoy {delannoy-at-jhmi.edu} 2, 32 -- To: "microscopy-at-microscopy.com"
} {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ,
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} 14, 32 -- From PhillipsT-at-missouri.edu Thu Feb 20 17:19:15 2014 14, 32
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} "delannoy-at-jhmi.edu" {delannoy-at-jhmi.edu} ,
} 14, 32 -- "'microscopy-at-microscopy.com'"
} 14, 32 -- {microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
} 14, 32 -- Subject: RE: [Microscopy] HEPES and HPF 14, 32 --
} Thread-Topic: [Microscopy] HEPES and HPF 14, 32 -- Thread-Index:
} AQHPLmtlpsZ4x+1j6Eefm0lyGFg1L5q+wryg
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14, 38 -- From W.Muss-at-salk.at Fri Feb 21 03:39:09 2014 14, 38 -- Received: from hermes.salk.at (hermes.salk.at [])
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28, 38 -- From FMonson-at-wcupa.edu Fri Feb 21 12:14:36 2014
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From lytcinhu-at-natm.ru Sat Feb 22 04:37:38 2014
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X-from: wul-at-mail.montclair.edu ()

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Email: wul-at-mail.montclair.edu
Name: Laying Wu

Organization: education

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Microscopy training workshop 2014

Message: Dear Listservers,

Montclair State University and Hitachi High Technologies Inc. are pleased to announce a low-cost,
one-day Light and Electron Microscopy workshop for new and intermediate-level microscopists. The
workshop will take place on Friday, March 21, 2014 at Montclair State University, Montclair New
Jersey. The workshop will introduce participants to a wide range of the techniques associated with
light microscopy, electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy and sample preparation. Guest
presenters will join us from Hitachi High Technologies of America, Bruker AXS Inc., and Hitech
Instruments Inc. Students, faculty, researchers, and industry users working in biology, geology,
environmental science and material science are encouraged to apply.

Please visit the workshop website for further details and registration instructions:

Montclair State University is located in Montclair, NJ. We are reachable via the New Jersey Transit
train system (Montclair Heights and Montclair State University stations) and by bus. Please visit us
at www.montclair.edu.

with best wishes,

Laying Wu

TEL: 973-655-2028

Dr. Laying Wu
Director, Microscopy and Microanalysis Research Laboratory
Montclair State University
1 Normal Ave, Montclair, NJ 07043

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23, 28 -- From microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com Sat Feb 22 07:47:31 2014
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2014 07:48:37 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Job Opportunity at Bruker - Applications Specialist

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: doug.skinner-at-bruker-nano.com ()

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using the WWW based Form at http://microscopy.com/MLFormMail.html
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Email: doug.skinner-at-bruker-nano.com
Name: Doug Skinner

Organization: Bruker Nano Analytics

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Job Opportunity at Bruker - Applications Specialist

Message: Bruker Nano Analytics, a leading manufacturer of Analytical Instrumentation, has a job
opening for an Applications Specialist in their Billerica, MA Microanalysis Lab. This division
specializes in EDS, WDS, micro-XRF and EBSD on electron microscopes.

The Applications Specialist position is a Sales, Service and Customer support position. The
responsibilities are to assist customers, demonstrate the microanalysis instruments and to provide
technical sales support for the Microanalysis Product Line.

Primary Responsibilities:
* Demonstrate equipment at Bruker and customer sites
* Analysis of customer samples
* Customer support on-site and via phone/e-mail
* User training of the Bruker Microanalysis System
* Produce appropriate materials for customer training
* Preparation of technical sales materials
* Assist Service in resolving customer problems
* Perform other tasks as assigned by manager

This position involves up to 50% travel, primarily in North America and Latin America.

Candidates interested in this position require a minimum of a BachelorÂ’s degree in a Physical
Science discipline with a degree in Chemistry, Geology or Materials Science preferred. Two years
SEM/X-ray microanalysis and EBSD experience, including sample preparation, is preferred.

Requirements include excellent communication skills and proficiency with Microsoft Office.
Language: English fluent; preferably Spanish as a second language.

Interested candidates should complete an online application at: www.bruker.com

Bruker Nano Analytics offers a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package including
health and dental insurance, Flexible Spending Account, company sponsored life and disability
insurance, 401(k) plan with company matching components, and vacation and sick days.

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From: andrei.kolmakov-at-nist.gov
Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2014 13:01:09 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] AVS 61st International Symposium & Exhibition (AVS-61) and focus

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Dear Colleagues,
We would like to bring your attention to the call for abstracts:
to the AVS 61st International Symposium & Exhibition (AVS-61),
which will be held November 9-14, 2014 in Baltimore, Maryland.
It is a good opportunity to explore and report on new developments
in microscopy techniques applied to new materials, devices and interfaces.
In addition, on the behalf of the organizers, we invite you to submit an abstract
before the deadline of Monday, May 5th, to the special topical session
"Novel Trends in Synchrotron and FEL-Based Analysis"
This focus session is organized for the first time and aims at dissemination of
the unique research opportunities, offered by the advanced experimental techniques
at X-ray, VUV or IR synchrotron and free electron laser facilities, to investigate
the properties of matter with unprecedented space, spectral and time resolution.
One or two more invited presentation will be selected by the program committee
evaluating the abstracts. We look forward to receiving your abstract and seeing
you November in Baltimore, Maryland!
Andrei Kolmakov, PhD
Project Leader
Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology
National Institute of Standards and Technology

NIST 100 Bureau Drive
Bldg. 216/Rm.B117
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-6204
Phone: (301) 975-4724
Fax: (301) 975-2303
E-mail: andrei.kolmakov-at-nist.gov
URL: http://www.nist.gov/cnst/kolmakov.cfm

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3, 31 -- From andrei.kolmakov-at-nist.gov Sat Feb 22 13:01:09 2014
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3, 31 -- 15.00.0883.010; Sat, 22 Feb 2014 19:00:59 +0000
3, 31 -- From: "Kolmakov, Andrei A." {andrei.kolmakov-at-nist.gov}
3, 31 -- To: "'Microscopy-at-microscopy.com'" {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
3, 31 -- Subject: AVS 61st International Symposium & Exhibition (AVS-61) and focus
3, 31 -- sessions
3, 31 -- Thread-Topic: AVS 61st International Symposium & Exhibition (AVS-61) and
3, 31 -- focus sessions
3, 31 -- Thread-Index: Ac8wAGDm3OS9PtBAQXW5rLDjDSU0zg==
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From: jquinn11733-at-gmail.com
Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2014 16:10:30 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Gatan 600 ion-mills up for grabs and need manual for 691

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Folks -
I have two Gatan 600 ion-mills that
are up for grabs on Long Island, NY.
Both are not 100% working, put
contain 90% of parts. Together,
you can easily make a working unit.
You would have to come here yourself
and load (or crate) them yourself.

If nobody offers to take them in their entirety,
then anyone is welcome to come here to
strip them for parts. I am out that business.

Either way, they are being surplussed in one month.

Next, does anyone have a PDF copy of the
instruction manual and schematics for a Gatan 691
thank you and regards,
- Jim

==============================Original Headers==============================
4, 26 -- From jquinn11733-at-gmail.com Sat Feb 22 16:10:07 2014
4, 26 -- Received: from mail-la0-f54.google.com (mail-la0-f54.google.com [])
4, 26 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id s1MMA1mO019338
4, 26 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Sat, 22 Feb 2014 16:10:01 -0600
4, 26 -- Received: by mail-la0-f54.google.com with SMTP id mc6so376969lab.27
4, 26 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Sat, 22 Feb 2014 14:10:00 -0800 (PST)
4, 26 -- DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;
4, 26 -- d=gmail.com; s=20120113;
4, 26 -- h=mime-version:date:message-id:subject:from:to:content-type;
4, 26 -- bh=5t1qAZth4wl4XiRf5nbs2fkeJMdtnubmtEwJi0ZW6bg=;
4, 26 -- b=tpP4pcWiJC0E3IvCxTik4bV6NyQJI8i6RDVWbDE1H3MGWSP+jhxc+fJYbNyvUsFcc/
4, 26 -- +f0yVsKIO0r53pOsVRONcwG9MMvk+0dlr/ZC0sF8rbCiBoxS0HtyVLQVefZmQlm/VKyN
4, 26 -- MKe3XRKOq0YZ8jpKZCtY9Sxa5b6tt8vkUKkSmcp/2EqZnpoa3E7ghxEQLYkRKFGeryDb
4, 26 -- SJkfdAmU9donJwhgOWFtJdLZb0hBVvnUI467WJmws7SE8mPR0emb84S26RfSH9dJlkwq
4, 26 -- RKVbeHZ7Xy6bbLm4yHWCnj6KB1Ggu4hAtWYV9//yi9J/6oB8XMMW7FYADDbFDMeKltHO
4, 26 -- zXlA==
4, 26 -- MIME-Version: 1.0
4, 26 -- X-Received: by with SMTP id lc11mr7996429lac.29.1393107000474;
4, 26 -- Sat, 22 Feb 2014 14:10:00 -0800 (PST)
4, 26 -- Received: by with HTTP; Sat, 22 Feb 2014 14:10:00 -0800 (PST)
4, 26 -- Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2014 17:10:00 -0500
4, 26 -- Message-ID: {CAO_SM8Kk_7H504-iMRzp+2-eY5tcQZXje=LD6JCp2cneKFNBZQ-at-mail.gmail.com}
4, 26 -- Subject: Gatan 600 ion-mills up for grabs and need manual for 691
4, 26 -- From: Jim Quinn {jquinn11733-at-gmail.com}
4, 26 -- To: Microscopy-at-microscopy.com
4, 26 -- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
==============================End of - Headers==============================

From: jquinn11733-at-gmail.com
Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2014 18:02:25 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Gatan 600 ion-mills up for grabs and need manual for 691

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Folks -
I have two Gatan 600 ion-mills that
are up for grabs on Long Island, NY.
Both are not 100% working, put
contain 90% of parts. Together,
you can easily make a working unit.
You would have to come here yourself
and load (or crate) them yourself.

If nobody offers to take them in their entirety,
then anyone is welcome to come here to
strip them for parts. I am out that business.

Either way, they are being surplussed in one month.

Next, does anyone have a PDF copy of the
instruction manual and schematics for a Gatan 691
thank you and regards,
- Jim

==============================Original Headers==============================
4, 26 -- From jquinn11733-at-gmail.com Sat Feb 22 18:02:24 2014
4, 26 -- Received: from mail-la0-f54.google.com (mail-la0-f54.google.com [])
4, 26 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id s1MMA1mO019338
4, 26 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Sat, 22 Feb 2014 16:10:01 -0600
4, 26 -- Received: by mail-la0-f54.google.com with SMTP id mc6so376969lab.27
4, 26 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Sat, 22 Feb 2014 14:10:00 -0800 (PST)
4, 26 -- DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;
4, 26 -- d=gmail.com; s=20120113;
4, 26 -- h=mime-version:date:message-id:subject:from:to:content-type;
4, 26 -- bh=5t1qAZth4wl4XiRf5nbs2fkeJMdtnubmtEwJi0ZW6bg=;
4, 26 -- b=tpP4pcWiJC0E3IvCxTik4bV6NyQJI8i6RDVWbDE1H3MGWSP+jhxc+fJYbNyvUsFcc/
4, 26 -- +f0yVsKIO0r53pOsVRONcwG9MMvk+0dlr/ZC0sF8rbCiBoxS0HtyVLQVefZmQlm/VKyN
4, 26 -- MKe3XRKOq0YZ8jpKZCtY9Sxa5b6tt8vkUKkSmcp/2EqZnpoa3E7ghxEQLYkRKFGeryDb
4, 26 -- SJkfdAmU9donJwhgOWFtJdLZb0hBVvnUI467WJmws7SE8mPR0emb84S26RfSH9dJlkwq
4, 26 -- RKVbeHZ7Xy6bbLm4yHWCnj6KB1Ggu4hAtWYV9//yi9J/6oB8XMMW7FYADDbFDMeKltHO
4, 26 -- zXlA==
4, 26 -- MIME-Version: 1.0
4, 26 -- X-Received: by with SMTP id lc11mr7996429lac.29.1393107000474;
4, 26 -- Sat, 22 Feb 2014 14:10:00 -0800 (PST)
4, 26 -- Received: by with HTTP; Sat, 22 Feb 2014 14:10:00 -0800 (PST)
4, 26 -- Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2014 17:10:00 -0500
4, 26 -- Message-ID: {CAO_SM8Kk_7H504-iMRzp+2-eY5tcQZXje=LD6JCp2cneKFNBZQ-at-mail.gmail.com}
4, 26 -- Subject: Gatan 600 ion-mills up for grabs and need manual for 691
4, 26 -- From: Jim Quinn {jquinn11733-at-gmail.com}
4, 26 -- To: Microscopy-at-microscopy.com
4, 26 -- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
==============================End of - Headers==============================

From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2014 08:57:20 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:CM10 pneumatics

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: jcsmtf-at-mail.missouri.edu ()

This Question/Comment was submitted to the Microscopy Listserver
using the WWW based Form at http://microscopy.com/MLFormMail.html
Remember this posting is most likely not from a Subscriber, so when replying
please copy both jcsmtf-at-mail.missouri.edu as well as the Microscopy Listserver

Email: jcsmtf-at-mail.missouri.edu
Name: Josh Schorp

Organization: University of Missouri

Title-Subject: [Filtered] CM10 pneumatics

Message: I am receiving a Pneumatics message on the screen of our CM10 and I believe this to be the
reason while none of the vacuums will start. The air line on our machine runs first to V11, but it
has not been allowed past V11. Is there a reason for this? I'm not sure how this valve works, I took
it off and it seems to be just a metal unit with no moving parts. I'm guessing the black electrical
piece that connects to it has something to do with its operations. Does anyone have any insight on
how to open this valve? I am running ~90 psi to it.

Login Host:
Listserver Email Form V - 20120416

Do not reply to this message it is from
the Microscopy Listserver NO-REPLY forwarding
system. You should send a new message to



==============================Original Headers==============================
12, 28 -- From microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com Sun Feb 23 08:57:20 2014
12, 28 -- Received: from znl.com ([])
12, 28 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id s1NEvKo2014694
12, 28 -- for {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Sun, 23 Feb 2014 08:57:20 -0600
12, 28 -- Received: from localhost (localhost [])
12, 28 -- by znl.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id F2F186C40A5
12, 28 -- for {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Sun, 23 Feb 2014 08:57:19 -0600 (CST)
12, 28 -- X-Virus-Scanned: amavisd-new at localhost.localdomain
12, 28 -- Received: from znl.com ([])
12, 28 -- by localhost (server.microscopy.com []) (amavisd-new, port 10024)
12, 28 -- with ESMTP id xJNd9kWLSO3n for {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ;
12, 28 -- Sun, 23 Feb 2014 08:57:12 -0600 (CST)
12, 28 -- Received: from Nestor-Mac-Pro--ZNL.local (mac22.zaluzec.com [])
12, 28 -- by znl.com (Postfix) with ESMTPA id AECB96C4093
12, 28 -- for {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Sun, 23 Feb 2014 08:57:12 -0600 (CST)
12, 28 -- Message-ID: {530A0C47.40906-at-microscopy.com}
12, 28 -- Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2014 08:57:11 -0600
12, 28 -- From: MicroscopyListserver-NoReply {microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com}
12, 28 -- Reply-To: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
12, 28 -- User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.7; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/24.3.0
12, 28 -- MIME-Version: 1.0
12, 28 -- To: MicroscopyListServer-Forward {microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
12, 28 -- Subject: viaWWW:CM10 pneumatics
12, 28 -- References: {201402230100.s1N10rDF021223-at-ns.microscopy.com}
12, 28 -- In-Reply-To: {201402230100.s1N10rDF021223-at-ns.microscopy.com}
12, 28 -- X-Forwarded-Message-Id: {201402230100.s1N10rDF021223-at-ns.microscopy.com}
12, 28 -- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
12, 28 -- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
==============================End of - Headers==============================

From: jquinn11733-at-gmail.com
Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2014 14:28:47 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] ion-mills are now spoken for

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Folks -
Those two ion-mills are spoken for.
Also, I now have the manual for the 691.
Thank you Justin and Mike!
- Jim

} Folks -
} I have two Gatan 600 ion-mills that
} are up for grabs on Long Island, NY.
} Both are not 100% working, put
} contain 90% of parts. Together,
} you can easily make a working unit.
} You would have to come here yourself
} and load (or crate) them yourself.
} If nobody offers to take them in their entirety,
} then anyone is welcome to come here to
} strip them for parts. I am out that business.
} Either way, they are being surplussed in one month.
} Next, does anyone have a PDF copy of the
} instruction manual and schematics for a Gatan 691
} ion-mill?
} thank you and regards,
} - Jim

==============================Original Headers==============================
3, 26 -- From jquinn11733-at-gmail.com Sun Feb 23 14:28:46 2014
3, 26 -- Received: from mail-la0-f46.google.com (mail-la0-f46.google.com [])
3, 26 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id s1NKSkZ6006324
3, 26 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Sun, 23 Feb 2014 14:28:46 -0600
3, 26 -- Received: by mail-la0-f46.google.com with SMTP id b8so4575577lan.5
3, 26 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Sun, 23 Feb 2014 12:28:45 -0800 (PST)
3, 26 -- DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;
3, 26 -- d=gmail.com; s=20120113;
3, 26 -- h=mime-version:date:message-id:subject:from:to:content-type;
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3, 26 -- tLo+V1xZmtDvnB8RTk5nJYdOaw7YdGA+q7T7RrZ/Kq/I9Wvu16yf8QoY5AqTgtNFvEYW
3, 26 -- /OYdK+cLEgQuIblm27yNTU/2+mx5YzcAonhav+fyCO9sfSx8o4s112Bzc9/kYo7oL2kG
3, 26 -- DoMC6X74+Nsc8ZTgXoOckeKkITJ12qUzPUzJ73f89ErP0jCZU6EbgquE74FV0mT+Wq9P
3, 26 -- FtUA==
3, 26 -- MIME-Version: 1.0
3, 26 -- X-Received: by with SMTP id ei1mr10054261lad.78.1393187325420;
3, 26 -- Sun, 23 Feb 2014 12:28:45 -0800 (PST)
3, 26 -- Received: by with HTTP; Sun, 23 Feb 2014 12:28:45 -0800 (PST)
3, 26 -- Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2014 15:28:45 -0500
3, 26 -- Message-ID: {CAO_SM8KzJZfTY_hz+maALJ-uQ4a+WGSaVFVnm_242=hHyJPf0g-at-mail.gmail.com}
3, 26 -- Subject: ion-mills are now spoken for
3, 26 -- From: Jim Quinn {jquinn11733-at-gmail.com}
3, 26 -- To: Microscopy-at-microscopy.com
3, 26 -- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
==============================End of - Headers==============================

From: colijn.1-at-osu.edu
Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2014 15:19:42 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: viaWWW:CM10 pneumatics

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hi Josh,

The microscope air supply should *NOT* be attached to V11. V11 is the
microscope vent valve and is used to release the vacuum in the column
and camera chamber. It should never have more than a fraction of a psi
supplied to it. Higher pressure can force the viewing chamber window
out with great force and cause serious injury to anyone nearby! Venting
the column with high pressure air when the sample rod is inserted can
also blow the sample rod out with some force and damage it.

The air for the valves is supplied through the "Watts" regulator to the
distribution block on the rear of the microscope column. This air
ACTIVATES the valves; it doesn't pass through the valve.


On 2/23/2014 9:59 AM, microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com wrote:
} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
} The Microscopy ListServer -- CoSponsor: The Microscopy Society of America
} To Subscribe/Unsubscribe -- http://www.microscopy.com/MicroscopyListserver
} On-Line Help http://www.microscopy.com/MicroscopyListserver/FAQ.html
} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
} X-from: jcsmtf-at-mail.missouri.edu ()
} This Question/Comment was submitted to the Microscopy Listserver
} using the WWW based Form at http://microscopy.com/MLFormMail.html
} ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
} Remember this posting is most likely not from a Subscriber, so when replying
} please copy both jcsmtf-at-mail.missouri.edu as well as the Microscopy Listserver
} ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
} Email: jcsmtf-at-mail.missouri.edu
} Name: Josh Schorp
} Organization: University of Missouri
} Title-Subject: [Filtered] CM10 pneumatics
} Message: I am receiving a Pneumatics message on the screen of our CM10 and I believe this to be the
} reason while none of the vacuums will start. The air line on our machine runs first to V11, but it
} has not been allowed past V11. Is there a reason for this? I'm not sure how this valve works, I took
} it off and it seems to be just a metal unit with no moving parts. I'm guessing the black electrical
} piece that connects to it has something to do with its operations. Does anyone have any insight on
} how to open this valve? I am running ~90 psi to it.
} Login Host:
} Listserver Email Form V - 20120416
} ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
} ---===[|]===---

==============================Original Headers==============================
8, 47 -- From colijn.1-at-osu.edu Sun Feb 23 15:19:41 2014
8, 47 -- Received: from va3outboundpool.messaging.microsoft.com (va3ehsobe010.messaging.microsoft.com [])
8, 47 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id s1NLJfFZ002234
8, 47 -- for {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Sun, 23 Feb 2014 15:19:41 -0600
8, 47 -- Received: from mail211-va3-R.bigfish.com ( by
8, 47 -- VA3EHSOBE012.bigfish.com ( with Microsoft SMTP Server id
8, 47 --; Sun, 23 Feb 2014 21:19:41 +0000
8, 47 -- Received: from mail211-va3 (localhost []) by
8, 47 -- mail211-va3-R.bigfish.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 267679801EC for
8, 47 -- {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Sun, 23 Feb 2014 21:19:41 +0000 (UTC)
8, 47 -- X-Forefront-Antispam-Report: CIP:;KIP:(null);UIP:(null);IPV:NLI;H:cio-krc-pf05;RD:none;EFVD:NLI
8, 47 -- X-SpamScore: 2
8, 47 -- X-BigFish: VPS2(zzbb2dI62a3I98dI9371I1432Izz1f42h2148h1d77h208ch1ee6h1de0h1fdah2073h2146h1202h1e76h2189h1d1ah1d2ah21bch1fc6hzd9hz1de098h177df4h17326ah8275bh1de097h186068hz2fh2a8h839h947hd25he5bhf0ah1288h12a5h12a9h12bdh137ah13b6h1441h1504h1537h153bh162dh1631h1758h1765h18e1h190ch1946h19b4h19c3h19ceh1ad9h1b0ah224fh1d0ch1d2eh1d3fh1dfeh1dffh1f5fh1fe8h1ff5h209eh21e4h22d0h2336h2438h2461h2476h2487h24d7h2516h2545h255eh1b1cn1b1bi1155h)
8, 47 -- Received-SPF: pass (mail211-va3: domain of osu.edu designates as permitted sender) client-ip=; envelope-from=colijn.1-at-osu.edu; helo=cio-krc-pf05 ;cio-krc-pf05 ;
8, 47 -- Received: from mail211-va3 (localhost.localdomain []) by mail211-va3
8, 47 -- (MessageSwitch) id 1393190378901058_23421; Sun, 23 Feb 2014 21:19:38 +0000
8, 47 -- (UTC)
8, 47 -- Received: from VA3EHSMHS031.bigfish.com (unknown []) by
8, 47 -- mail211-va3.bigfish.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id CD13D80064; Sun, 23 Feb 2014
8, 47 -- 21:19:38 +0000 (UTC)
8, 47 -- Received: from cio-krc-pf05 ( by VA3EHSMHS031.bigfish.com
8, 47 -- ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (TLS) id; Sun, 23 Feb
8, 47 -- 2014 21:19:33 +0000
8, 47 -- Received: from CIO-TNC-HT06.osuad.osu.edu (localhost []) (using TLSv1
8, 47 -- with cipher RC4-MD5 (128/128 bits)) (No client certificate requested) by
8, 47 -- cio-krc-pf05 (Postfix) with ESMTPS id F0DEA60056; Sun, 23 Feb 2014 16:19:32
8, 47 -- -0500 (EST)
8, 47 -- Received: from [] ( by smtp.service.osu.edu
8, 47 -- ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (TLS) id; Sun, 23 Feb
8, 47 -- 2014 16:19:32 -0500
8, 47 -- Message-ID: {530A65E0.7020808-at-osu.edu}
8, 47 -- Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2014 16:19:28 -0500
8, 47 -- From: Henk Colijn {colijn.1-at-osu.edu}
8, 47 -- User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/24.3.0
8, 47 -- MIME-Version: 1.0
8, 47 -- To: {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} , {jcsmtf-at-mail.missouri.edu}
8, 47 -- Subject: Re: [Microscopy] viaWWW:CM10 pneumatics
8, 47 -- References: {201402231459.s1NExkMp016345-at-ns.microscopy.com}
8, 47 -- In-Reply-To: {201402231459.s1NExkMp016345-at-ns.microscopy.com}
8, 47 -- Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1"; format=flowed
8, 47 -- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
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8, 47 -- X-CFilter-Loop: Forward
8, 47 -- X-FOPE-CRA-Verdict:$mail.missouri.edu%0%1%osu.edu%False%False%0$
8, 47 -- X-OriginatorOrg: osu.edu
8, 47 -- X-FOPE-CONNECTOR: Id%0$Dn%*$RO%0$TLS%0$FQDN%$TlsDn%
==============================End of - Headers==============================

From: colijn.1-at-osu.edu
Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2014 15:19:52 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: viaWWW:CM10 pneumatics

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hi Josh,

The microscope air supply should *NOT* be attached to V11. V11 is the
microscope vent valve and is used to release the vacuum in the column
and camera chamber. It should never have more than a fraction of a psi
supplied to it. Higher pressure can force the viewing chamber window
out with great force and cause serious injury to anyone nearby! Venting
the column with high pressure air when the sample rod is inserted can
also blow the sample rod out with some force and damage it.

The air for the valves is supplied through the "Watts" regulator to the
distribution block on the rear of the microscope column. This air
ACTIVATES the valves; it doesn't pass through the valve.


On 2/23/2014 9:59 AM, microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com wrote:
} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
} The Microscopy ListServer -- CoSponsor: The Microscopy Society of America
} To Subscribe/Unsubscribe -- http://www.microscopy.com/MicroscopyListserver
} On-Line Help http://www.microscopy.com/MicroscopyListserver/FAQ.html
} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
} X-from: jcsmtf-at-mail.missouri.edu ()
} This Question/Comment was submitted to the Microscopy Listserver
} using the WWW based Form at http://microscopy.com/MLFormMail.html
} ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
} Remember this posting is most likely not from a Subscriber, so when replying
} please copy both jcsmtf-at-mail.missouri.edu as well as the Microscopy Listserver
} ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
} Email: jcsmtf-at-mail.missouri.edu
} Name: Josh Schorp
} Organization: University of Missouri
} Title-Subject: [Filtered] CM10 pneumatics
} Message: I am receiving a Pneumatics message on the screen of our CM10 and I believe this to be the
} reason while none of the vacuums will start. The air line on our machine runs first to V11, but it
} has not been allowed past V11. Is there a reason for this? I'm not sure how this valve works, I took
} it off and it seems to be just a metal unit with no moving parts. I'm guessing the black electrical
} piece that connects to it has something to do with its operations. Does anyone have any insight on
} how to open this valve? I am running ~90 psi to it.
} Login Host:
} Listserver Email Form V - 20120416
} ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
} ---===[|]===---

==============================Original Headers==============================
8, 47 -- From colijn.1-at-osu.edu Sun Feb 23 15:19:52 2014
8, 47 -- Received: from ch1outboundpool.messaging.microsoft.com (ch1ehsobe006.messaging.microsoft.com [])
8, 47 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id s1NLJqrO002523
8, 47 -- for {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Sun, 23 Feb 2014 15:19:52 -0600
8, 47 -- Received: from mail151-ch1-R.bigfish.com ( by
8, 47 -- CH1EHSOBE021.bigfish.com ( with Microsoft SMTP Server id
8, 47 --; Sun, 23 Feb 2014 21:19:52 +0000
8, 47 -- Received: from mail151-ch1 (localhost []) by
8, 47 -- mail151-ch1-R.bigfish.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id D9A711A036E for
8, 47 -- {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Sun, 23 Feb 2014 21:19:51 +0000 (UTC)
8, 47 -- X-Forefront-Antispam-Report: CIP:;KIP:(null);UIP:(null);IPV:NLI;H:cio-tnc-pf04;RD:none;EFVD:NLI
8, 47 -- X-SpamScore: 2
8, 47 -- X-BigFish: VPS2(zzbb2dI62a3I98dI9371I1432Izz1f42h2148h1d77h208ch1ee6h1de0h1fdah2073h2146h1202h1e76h2189h1d1ah1d2ah21bch1fc6hzd9hz1de098h177df4h17326ah8275bh1de097h186068hz2fh2a8h839h947hd25he5bhf0ah1288h12a5h12a9h12bdh137ah13b6h1441h1504h1537h153bh162dh1631h1758h1765h18e1h190ch1946h19b4h19c3h19ceh1ad9h1b0ah224fh1d0ch1d2eh1d3fh1dfeh1dffh1f5fh1fe8h1ff5h209eh22d0h2336h2438h2461h2476h2487h24d7h2516h2545h255eh1b1cn1b1bi1155h)
8, 47 -- Received-SPF: pass (mail151-ch1: domain of osu.edu designates as permitted sender) client-ip=; envelope-from=colijn.1-at-osu.edu; helo=cio-tnc-pf04 ;cio-tnc-pf04 ;
8, 47 -- Received: from mail151-ch1 (localhost.localdomain []) by mail151-ch1
8, 47 -- (MessageSwitch) id 1393190390194971_11380; Sun, 23 Feb 2014 21:19:50 +0000
8, 47 -- (UTC)
8, 47 -- Received: from CH1EHSMHS019.bigfish.com (snatpool3.int.messaging.microsoft.com
8, 47 -- []) by mail151-ch1.bigfish.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id
8, 47 -- 16C744004F; Sun, 23 Feb 2014 21:19:50 +0000 (UTC)
8, 47 -- Received: from cio-tnc-pf04 ( by CH1EHSMHS019.bigfish.com
8, 47 -- ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (TLS) id; Sun, 23 Feb
8, 47 -- 2014 21:19:47 +0000
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8, 47 -- -0500 (EST)
8, 47 -- Received: from [] ( by smtp.service.osu.edu
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8, 47 -- 2014 16:19:46 -0500
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8, 47 -- Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2014 16:19:41 -0500
8, 47 -- From: Henk Colijn {colijn.1-at-osu.edu}
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8, 47 -- Subject: Re: [Microscopy] viaWWW:CM10 pneumatics
8, 47 -- References: {201402231459.s1NExkMp016345-at-ns.microscopy.com}
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==============================End of - Headers==============================

From: Elisabeth.Liebler-Tenorio-at-fli.bund.de
Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2014 04:57:35 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] SEM XL20 (FEI) operating system/drivers

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Dear members of the listserver:

We have a very old SEM XL20 (FEI, runs under Windows 3.11, engl. version). Our hard disk crashed and we don't have a backup.

We have replaced the hard disk and got MS DOS and Win 3.11. installed, but we have problems with the operating system for the SEM. FEI is not able to help us, because the XL20 is so old.

Thus we are looking for:
- a backup of the XL20 operating system or
-  XL20 - software V 5.24 (on discs or CD-ROM) including driver software or
-  MACH 64- Driver or
-  ATI-Driver for Win 3.11 (engl. Version).

Sincerely, Elisabeth Liebler-Tenorio

==============================Original Headers==============================
9, 29 -- From Elisabeth.Liebler-Tenorio-at-fli.bund.de Wed Feb 26 04:57:35 2014
9, 29 -- Received: from mx022.fli.bund.de (mx022.fli.bund.de [])
9, 29 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id s1QAvYMK027973
9, 29 -- for {Microscopy-at-Microscopy.Com} ; Wed, 26 Feb 2014 04:57:34 -0600
9, 29 -- Received: from FLI-RIE-HT039.intern.fli.bund.local (Not Verified[]) by mx022.fli.bund.de with MailMarshal (v7,2,2,6606)
9, 29 -- id {B530dc8900000} ; Wed, 26 Feb 2014 11:57:20 +0100
9, 29 -- Received: from FLI-JE-MB031.intern.fli.bund.local ( by
9, 29 -- FLI-RIE-HT039.intern.fli.bund.local ( with Microsoft SMTP Server
9, 29 -- (TLS) id; Wed, 26 Feb 2014 11:57:34 +0100
9, 29 -- Received: from FLI-JE-MB031.intern.fli.bund.local ([fe80::9167:29a:d9b4:9c20])
9, 29 -- by FLI-JE-MB031.intern.fli.bund.local ([fe80::9167:29a:d9b4:9c20%10]) with
9, 29 -- mapi id 14.03.0174.001; Wed, 26 Feb 2014 11:57:33 +0100
9, 29 -- From: "Liebler-Tenorio, Elisabeth" {Elisabeth.Liebler-Tenorio-at-fli.bund.de}
9, 29 -- To: "Microscopy-at-Microscopy.Com" {Microscopy-at-Microscopy.Com}
9, 29 -- CC: "ethalmann-at-t-online.de" {ethalmann-at-t-online.de}
9, 29 -- Subject: SEM XL20 (FEI) operating system/drivers
9, 29 -- Thread-Topic: SEM XL20 (FEI) operating system/drivers
9, 29 -- Thread-Index: Ac8y4WJQgviqvi0tQz6N3f8e25e20g==
9, 29 -- Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2014 10:57:32 +0000
9, 29 -- Message-ID: {6936FD3A0444524A8FA0A7FB2BBAFDB40C3EBCCA-at-FLI-JE-MB031.intern.fli.bund.local}
9, 29 -- Accept-Language: de-DE, en-US
9, 29 -- Content-Language: de-DE
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==============================End of - Headers==============================

From: benada-at-biomed.cas.cz
Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2014 08:09:02 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: SEM XL20 (FEI) operating system/drivers

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Dear Elisabeth,
I found some old diskettes with following ATI MACH-64 drivers for

ATI Mach-64_2012
ATI Mach-64_222
ATI Mach-64_303

If you like, I can send you an archiv (zip) with all the files I have
found on them.

Best regards from Prague


Oldrich Benada
Institute of Microbiology AS CR, v.v.i.
Videnska 1083
142 20 Prague 4
Czech Republic

On Wed, 26 Feb 2014 05:02:18 -0600,
Elisabeth.Liebler-Tenorio-at-fli.bund.de wrote :
} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
} The Microscopy ListServer -- CoSponsor: The Microscopy Society of
} America To Subscribe/Unsubscribe --
} http://www.microscopy.com/MicroscopyListserver On-Line Help
} http://www.microscopy.com/MicroscopyListserver/FAQ.html
} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
} Dear members of the listserver:
} We have a very old SEM XL20 (FEI, runs under Windows 3.11, engl.
} version). Our hard disk crashed and we don't have a backup.
} We have replaced the hard disk and got MS DOS and Win 3.11.
} installed, but we have problems with the operating system for the
} SEM. FEI is not able to help us, because the XL20 is so old.
} Thus we are looking for:
} - a backup of the XL20 operating system or
} -  XL20 - software V 5.24 (on discs or CD-ROM) including driver
} software or
} -  EZ-SCSI-Driver (v3). (ADAPTEC-SCSI-SOFTWARE) or
} -  MACH 64- Driver or
} -  ATI-Driver for Win 3.11 (engl. Version).
} Sincerely, Elisabeth Liebler-Tenorio
} ==============================Original
} Headers============================== 9, 29 -- From
} Elisabeth.Liebler-Tenorio-at-fli.bund.de Wed Feb 26 04:57:35 2014 9, 29
} -- Received: from mx022.fli.bund.de (mx022.fli.bund.de
} []) 9, 29 -- by ns.microscopy.com
} ( with ESMTP id s1QAvYMK027973 9, 29 --
} for {Microscopy-at-Microscopy.Com} ; Wed, 26 Feb 2014 04:57:34
} -0600 9, 29 -- Received: from FLI-RIE-HT039.intern.fli.bund.local
} (Not Verified[]) by mx022.fli.bund.de with MailMarshal
} (v7,2,2,6606) 9, 29 -- id {B530dc8900000} ; Wed, 26 Feb 2014
} 11:57:20 +0100 9, 29 -- Received: from
} FLI-JE-MB031.intern.fli.bund.local ( by 9, 29 --
} FLI-RIE-HT039.intern.fli.bund.local ( with Microsoft SMTP
} Server 9, 29 -- (TLS) id; Wed, 26 Feb 2014 11:57:34 +0100
} 9, 29 -- Received: from FLI-JE-MB031.intern.fli.bund.local
} ([fe80::9167:29a:d9b4:9c20]) 9, 29 -- by
} FLI-JE-MB031.intern.fli.bund.local ([fe80::9167:29a:d9b4:9c20%10])
} with 9, 29 -- mapi id 14.03.0174.001; Wed, 26 Feb 2014 11:57:33
} +0100 9, 29 -- From: "Liebler-Tenorio, Elisabeth"
} {Elisabeth.Liebler-Tenorio-at-fli.bund.de} 9, 29 -- To:
} "Microscopy-at-Microscopy.Com" {Microscopy-at-Microscopy.Com} 9, 29 -- CC:
} "ethalmann-at-t-online.de" {ethalmann-at-t-online.de} 9, 29 -- Subject: SEM
} XL20 (FEI) operating system/drivers 9, 29 -- Thread-Topic: SEM XL20
} (FEI) operating system/drivers 9, 29 -- Thread-Index:
} Ac8y4WJQgviqvi0tQz6N3f8e25e20g== 9, 29 -- Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2014
} 10:57:32 +0000 9, 29 -- Message-ID:
} {6936FD3A0444524A8FA0A7FB2BBAFDB40C3EBCCA-at-FLI-JE-MB031.intern.fli.bund.local}
} 9, 29 -- Accept-Language: de-DE, en-US 9, 29 -- Content-Language:
} de-DE 9, 29 -- X-MS-Has-Attach: 9, 29 -- X-MS-TNEF-Correlator: 9, 29
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} Headers==============================

==============================Original Headers==============================
8, 40 -- From benada-at-biomed.cas.cz Wed Feb 26 08:09:01 2014
8, 40 -- Received: from barracuda.biomed.cas.cz (barracuda.biomed.cas.cz [])
8, 40 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id s1QE90Ln019616
8, 40 -- for {Microscopy-at-Microscopy.com} ; Wed, 26 Feb 2014 08:09:01 -0600
8, 40 -- X-ASG-Debug-ID: 1393423738-05011e721bd0290001-FOsErg
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8, 40 -- X-Barracuda-Envelope-From: benada-at-biomed.cas.cz
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8, 40 -- by mail2.biomed.cas.cz (Postfix) with ESMTPSA id 54B132C81A0;
8, 40 -- Wed, 26 Feb 2014 15:08:58 +0100 (CET)
8, 40 -- Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2014 15:08:56 +0100
8, 40 -- From: Oldrich Benada {benada-at-biomed.cas.cz}
8, 40 -- To: Elisabeth.Liebler-Tenorio-at-fli.bund.de, Microscopy-at-Microscopy.com
8, 40 -- Subject: Re: [Microscopy] SEM XL20 (FEI) operating system/drivers
8, 40 -- Message-ID: {20140226150856.562b7ae3-at-u117fs}
8, 40 -- X-ASG-Orig-Subj: Re: [Microscopy] SEM XL20 (FEI) operating system/drivers
8, 40 -- In-Reply-To: {201402261102.s1QB2I7a030920-at-ns.microscopy.com}
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8, 40 -- Organization: =?UTF-8?B?TWlrcm9iaW9sb2dpY2vDvSDDunN0YXY=?= AV
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==============================End of - Headers==============================

From: vray-at-partbeamsystech.com
Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2014 08:23:30 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: SEM XL20 (FEI) operating system/drivers

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Dear Elisabeth,

Last summer I had fun recovering WIN-NT PC on FEI FIB620 (Phillips XL30
SEM with ion beam column added) from a hard disk crash.

If your original disk is physically operational, then recovering SEM
software from it may still be possible. Not sure if PC "hackery" is of
interest for everyone, so please contact me off list you want/need to
give it a try.

Valery Ray
PBS&T, MEO Engineering Co., Inc.
290 Broadway, Suite 298
Methuen, MA 01844 USA
Phone: +1-978-296-5063 - leave a message with call-back number
US Mobile: +1-978-305-0479
Skype: pbstmeo
E-mail: vray-at-partbeamsystech.com
Web: www.partbeamsystech.com
Web: www.freudlabs.com

On 2/26/2014 5:59 AM, Elisabeth.Liebler-Tenorio-at-fli.bund.de wrote:
} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
} The Microscopy ListServer -- CoSponsor: The Microscopy Society of America
} To Subscribe/Unsubscribe -- http://www.microscopy.com/MicroscopyListserver
} On-Line Help http://www.microscopy.com/MicroscopyListserver/FAQ.html
} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
} Dear members of the listserver:
} We have a very old SEM XL20 (FEI, runs under Windows 3.11, engl. version). Our hard disk crashed and we don't have a backup.
} We have replaced the hard disk and got MS DOS and Win 3.11. installed, but we have problems with the operating system for the SEM. FEI is not able to help us, because the XL20 is so old.
} Thus we are looking for:
} - a backup of the XL20 operating system or
} - XL20 - software V 5.24 (on discs or CD-ROM) including driver software or
} - MACH 64- Driver or
} - ATI-Driver for Win 3.11 (engl. Version).
} Sincerely, Elisabeth Liebler-Tenorio
} ==============================Original Headers==============================
} 9, 29 -- From Elisabeth.Liebler-Tenorio-at-fli.bund.de Wed Feb 26 04:57:35 2014
} 9, 29 -- Received: from mx022.fli.bund.de (mx022.fli.bund.de [])
} 9, 29 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id s1QAvYMK027973
} 9, 29 -- for {Microscopy-at-Microscopy.Com} ; Wed, 26 Feb 2014 04:57:34 -0600
} 9, 29 -- Received: from FLI-RIE-HT039.intern.fli.bund.local (Not Verified[]) by mx022.fli.bund.de with MailMarshal (v7,2,2,6606)
} 9, 29 -- id {B530dc8900000} ; Wed, 26 Feb 2014 11:57:20 +0100
} 9, 29 -- Received: from FLI-JE-MB031.intern.fli.bund.local ( by
} 9, 29 -- FLI-RIE-HT039.intern.fli.bund.local ( with Microsoft SMTP Server
} 9, 29 -- (TLS) id; Wed, 26 Feb 2014 11:57:34 +0100
} 9, 29 -- Received: from FLI-JE-MB031.intern.fli.bund.local ([fe80::9167:29a:d9b4:9c20])
} 9, 29 -- by FLI-JE-MB031.intern.fli.bund.local ([fe80::9167:29a:d9b4:9c20%10]) with
} 9, 29 -- mapi id 14.03.0174.001; Wed, 26 Feb 2014 11:57:33 +0100
} 9, 29 -- From: "Liebler-Tenorio, Elisabeth" {Elisabeth.Liebler-Tenorio-at-fli.bund.de}
} 9, 29 -- To: "Microscopy-at-Microscopy.Com" {Microscopy-at-Microscopy.Com}
} 9, 29 -- CC: "ethalmann-at-t-online.de" {ethalmann-at-t-online.de}
} 9, 29 -- Subject: SEM XL20 (FEI) operating system/drivers
} 9, 29 -- Thread-Topic: SEM XL20 (FEI) operating system/drivers
} 9, 29 -- Thread-Index: Ac8y4WJQgviqvi0tQz6N3f8e25e20g==
} 9, 29 -- Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2014 10:57:32 +0000
} 9, 29 -- Message-ID: {6936FD3A0444524A8FA0A7FB2BBAFDB40C3EBCCA-at-FLI-JE-MB031.intern.fli.bund.local}
} 9, 29 -- Accept-Language: de-DE, en-US
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5, 43 -- From vray-at-partbeamsystech.com Wed Feb 26 08:23:26 2014
5, 43 -- Received: from nm16-vm6.bullet.mail.ne1.yahoo.com (nm16-vm6.bullet.mail.ne1.yahoo.com [])
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5, 43 -- for {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Wed, 26 Feb 2014 08:23:25 -0600
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5, 43 -- Message-ID: {530DF8DB.6050206-at-partbeamsystech.com}
5, 43 -- Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2014 09:23:23 -0500
5, 43 -- From: "vray-at-partbeamsystech.com" {vray-at-partbeamsystech.com}
5, 43 -- Reply-To: vray-at-partbeamsystech.com
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5, 43 -- MIME-Version: 1.0
5, 43 -- To: Elisabeth.Liebler-Tenorio-at-fli.bund.de
5, 43 -- CC: microscopy-at-microscopy.com
5, 43 -- Subject: Re: [Microscopy] SEM XL20 (FEI) operating system/drivers
5, 43 -- References: {201402261059.s1QAx9uw029163-at-ns.microscopy.com}
5, 43 -- In-Reply-To: {201402261059.s1QAx9uw029163-at-ns.microscopy.com}
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==============================End of - Headers==============================

From: microwink-at-gmail.com
Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2014 17:23:29 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Anomalous diffraction rings in JEOL 2100

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hello all,

A user of our JEOL 2100 TEM informed me that he was noticing anomalous
rings appearing in diffraction patterns acquired with the SAD aperture
centered over vacuum (he's developing a quantitative diffraction
technique and presumably is acquiring a background diffraction
spectrum). I triple checked the microscope alignment in TEM mode,
STEM, nanobeam diffraction, convergent beam diffraction, and the high
current EDS mode are all well aligned over the full range of spot
sizes and convergence angles. The lens voltages and alignment coils
all fall within their suitable ranges as well. When I acquired
diffraction patterns of actual sample I don't see the artifacts in the
DP, presumably because the intensity of the actual diffraction
rings/spots washes out the weak artifact rings.

I checked all the condensor and selected area apertures, and all
exhibit the problem as far as I can tell. I also triple checked to
ensure all other apertures were removed and not displaced into a wrong
position by a user, and they all checked out as well.

I'm attaching a link to two images of the artifact. These were taken
at 200kV but the same is seen at 120kV (and probably 80kV--have not
checked). You can see that there are two rings and their size and
spacing change with changing camera lengths. Is this caused by
diffraction of something in the beam path--either an aperture carrier
or lost sample--or another effect, or am I missing something simple?
Thanks for any hints or help directed my way.

Link to DPs showing artifacts: http://imgur.com/a/xCV4R

Virginia Tech

==============================Original Headers==============================
6, 26 -- From microwink-at-gmail.com Wed Feb 26 17:23:29 2014
6, 26 -- Received: from mail-yh0-f44.google.com (mail-yh0-f44.google.com [])
6, 26 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id s1QNNSl2004342
6, 26 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Wed, 26 Feb 2014 17:23:28 -0600
6, 26 -- Received: by mail-yh0-f44.google.com with SMTP id f73so1872230yha.17
6, 26 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Wed, 26 Feb 2014 15:23:28 -0800 (PST)
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6, 26 -- Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2014 18:23:28 -0500
6, 26 -- Message-ID: {CAA8T2PO4yOMNE7O7XY=H-AzOvCq3H7pAQNOE=oUq4F_0TvrGRg-at-mail.gmail.com}
6, 26 -- Subject: Anomalous diffraction rings in JEOL 2100
6, 26 -- From: Christopher Winkler {microwink-at-gmail.com}
6, 26 -- To: Microscopy-at-microscopy.com
6, 26 -- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
==============================End of - Headers==============================

From: wtivol-at-sbcglobal.net
Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2014 20:49:06 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: Anomalous diffraction rings in JEOL 2100

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

On Feb 26, 2014, at 3:34 PM, microwink-at-gmail.com wrote:

} A user of our JEOL 2100 TEM informed me that he was noticing anomalous
} rings appearing in diffraction patterns acquired with the SAD aperture
} centered over vacuum (he's developing a quantitative diffraction
} technique and presumably is acquiring a background diffraction
} spectrum). I triple checked the microscope alignment in TEM mode,
} STEM, nanobeam diffraction, convergent beam diffraction, and the high
} current EDS mode are all well aligned over the full range of spot
} sizes and convergence angles. The lens voltages and alignment coils
} all fall within their suitable ranges as well. When I acquired
} diffraction patterns of actual sample I don't see the artifacts in the
} DP, presumably because the intensity of the actual diffraction
} rings/spots washes out the weak artifact rings.
} I checked all the condensor and selected area apertures, and all
} exhibit the problem as far as I can tell. I also triple checked to
} ensure all other apertures were removed and not displaced into a wrong
} position by a user, and they all checked out as well.
} I'm attaching a link to two images of the artifact. These were taken
} at 200kV but the same is seen at 120kV (and probably 80kV--have not
} checked). You can see that there are two rings and their size and
} spacing change with changing camera lengths. Is this caused by
} diffraction of something in the beam path--either an aperture carrier
} or lost sample--or another effect, or am I missing something simple?
} Thanks for any hints or help directed my way.
} Link to DPs showing artifacts: http://imgur.com/a/xCV4R
} Thanks,
} Chris
} Virginia Tech
Dear Chris,
I noticed that the rings are not centered with the undiffracted
beam. Also, the pattern appears to be from a polycrystalline
specimen. It may be that the beam emitted by the FEG/filament is
split in two--either by having two points emitting from the source or
by the beam hitting something near the top of the column producing a
scattered beam. If this second beam strikes some polycrystalline
substance, such as a grid near the point of vacuum where the main beam
is directed, it could produce something like the DPs on the web site.
Do the DPs change when the stage is moved (while keeping the beam over
vacuum, of course)?

==============================Original Headers==============================
6, 37 -- From wtivol-at-sbcglobal.net Wed Feb 26 20:49:06 2014
6, 37 -- Received: from nm4.access.bullet.mail.gq1.yahoo.com (nm4.access.bullet.mail.gq1.yahoo.com [])
6, 37 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id s1R2n5rD026815
6, 37 -- for {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Wed, 26 Feb 2014 20:49:06 -0600
6, 37 -- Received: from [] by nm4.access.bullet.mail.gq1.yahoo.com with NNFMP; 27 Feb 2014 02:49:05 -0000
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6, 37 -- Cc: microscopy-at-microscopy.com
6, 37 -- Message-Id: {77CAAC6F-3B04-4011-9597-B2C9840AC9C2-at-sbcglobal.net}
6, 37 -- From: Bill & Sue Tivol {wtivol-at-sbcglobal.net}
6, 37 -- To: microwink-at-gmail.com
6, 37 -- In-Reply-To: {201402262334.s1QNYjkh019441-at-ns.microscopy.com}
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6, 37 -- Mime-Version: 1.0 (Apple Message framework v936)
6, 37 -- Subject: Re: [Microscopy] Anomalous diffraction rings in JEOL 2100
6, 37 -- Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2014 18:49:03 -0800
6, 37 -- References: {201402262334.s1QNYjkh019441-at-ns.microscopy.com}
6, 37 -- X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.936)
==============================End of - Headers==============================

From: peter.eschbach-at-comcast.net
Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2014 11:07:48 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Re: Anomalous diffraction rings in JEOL 2100

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Yes, I used to see these on our JEOL 2500 when I was at HP. Tomba San, Mr Tomba at JEOL fixed it by always having us do diffraction left of crossover- where the beam is more parallel! That will most likely give the heave ho to your rings!

Good Luck or Hang in there!

Pete Eschbach
Oregon State EM Facility

Sent from my iPhone

} On Feb 26, 2014, at 3:35 PM, microwink-at-gmail.com wrote:
} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
} The Microscopy ListServer -- CoSponsor: The Microscopy Society of America
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} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
} Hello all,
} A user of our JEOL 2100 TEM informed me that he was noticing anomalous
} rings appearing in diffraction patterns acquired with the SAD aperture
} centered over vacuum (he's developing a quantitative diffraction
} technique and presumably is acquiring a background diffraction
} spectrum). I triple checked the microscope alignment in TEM mode,
} STEM, nanobeam diffraction, convergent beam diffraction, and the high
} current EDS mode are all well aligned over the full range of spot
} sizes and convergence angles. The lens voltages and alignment coils
} all fall within their suitable ranges as well. When I acquired
} diffraction patterns of actual sample I don't see the artifacts in the
} DP, presumably because the intensity of the actual diffraction
} rings/spots washes out the weak artifact rings.
} I checked all the condensor and selected area apertures, and all
} exhibit the problem as far as I can tell. I also triple checked to
} ensure all other apertures were removed and not displaced into a wrong
} position by a user, and they all checked out as well.
} I'm attaching a link to two images of the artifact. These were taken
} at 200kV but the same is seen at 120kV (and probably 80kV--have not
} checked). You can see that there are two rings and their size and
} spacing change with changing camera lengths. Is this caused by
} diffraction of something in the beam path--either an aperture carrier
} or lost sample--or another effect, or am I missing something simple?
} Thanks for any hints or help directed my way.
} Link to DPs showing artifacts: http://imgur.com/a/xCV4R
} Thanks,
} Chris
} Virginia Tech
} ==============================Original Headers==============================
} 6, 26 -- From microwink-at-gmail.com Wed Feb 26 17:23:29 2014
} 6, 26 -- Received: from mail-yh0-f44.google.com (mail-yh0-f44.google.com [])
} 6, 26 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id s1QNNSl2004342
} 6, 26 -- for {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Wed, 26 Feb 2014 17:23:28 -0600
} 6, 26 -- Received: by mail-yh0-f44.google.com with SMTP id f73so1872230yha.17
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} 6, 26 -- Subject: Anomalous diffraction rings in JEOL 2100
} 6, 26 -- From: Christopher Winkler {microwink-at-gmail.com}
} 6, 26 -- To: Microscopy-at-microscopy.com
} 6, 26 -- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
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==============================Original Headers==============================
7, 35 -- From peter.eschbach-at-comcast.net Thu Feb 27 11:07:48 2014
7, 35 -- Received: from qmta08.emeryville.ca.mail.comcast.net (qmta08.emeryville.ca.mail.comcast.net [])
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7, 35 -- for {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Thu, 27 Feb 2014 11:07:48 -0600
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7, 35 -- id XV7m1n00J3S7LFo8jV7mj1; Thu, 27 Feb 2014 17:07:47 +0000
7, 35 -- Subject: Re: [Microscopy] Anomalous diffraction rings in JEOL 2100
7, 35 -- References: {201402262335.s1QNZFrh020221-at-ns.microscopy.com}
7, 35 -- From: Peter Eschbach {peter.eschbach-at-comcast.net}
7, 35 -- Content-Type: text/plain;
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7, 35 -- Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2014 09:07:47 -0800
7, 35 -- To: "microwink-at-gmail.com" {microwink-at-gmail.com} ,
7, 35 -- "Microscopy-at-Microscopy.com" {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
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From: ALawrence-at-i2at.msstate.edu
Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2014 14:28:22 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] M&M 2014 Student Bursaries and Volunteers

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

The deadline for abstract submission has passed and as you are making
plans to attend the Hartford meetings Aug. 3-7, please don*t forget
about MSA*s student bursary program.
Its purpose is to encourage students to attend the meetings by helping
to defray some of the costs; giving them an opportunity to meet and
interact with the established microscopy community.

The students will be paid $10 an hour to work for ~20 hours (up to 40
hours) during the meeting or pre-meeting events. The jobs involve such
things as providing support in the different symposia (assisting with
audio-visual needs, speaker set-up, maintaining an attendance count),
staffing the volunteer office, monitoring use of the Internet Café, and
helping with vendor tutorial sign-up. Payment is given as a check at
the end of the meetings or when the student leaves Hartford.

Once the program has been finalized, each registered bursary will be
contacted and allowed to choose the times and activities they would like
to work. Many times they end up *working* sessions they would
attend anyway. There is an added bonus of $10 cash to help with meals
for each morning and/or afternoon session worked and a meeting shirt.

If anyone would like to participate in the bursary program, please
check the *I wish to apply for a student bursary* box in section 2
of the registration form and send me an email of your intention.
Bursary space is limited, so sign-up early. Applicants for the
bursaries must be members of MSA or MAS, enrolled as students at a
recognized educational institution, and have paid their registration

For those *non-students* volunteers are also needed to help with
the above mentioned meeting activities. Although not paid on an hourly
basis as the student bursaries, volunteers do receive a meeting shirt
and the same cash allotment to help with meals. Volunteers also have
the opportunity to interact more with the microscopy community as they
assist with meeting tasks.

If anyone has any questions about the bursary/volunteer program, or
would like to participate, please contact:

Amanda Lawrence
Institute for Imaging and Analytical Technologies
Mississippi State University

==============================Original Headers==============================
11, 23 -- From ALawrence-at-i2at.msstate.edu Thu Feb 27 14:28:21 2014
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11, 23 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id s1RKSLes019434
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11, 23 -- X-Mailer: Novell GroupWise Internet Agent 12.0.2
11, 23 -- Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2014 14:28:19 -0600
11, 23 -- From: "Amanda Lawrence" {ALawrence-at-i2at.msstate.edu}
11, 23 -- To: {microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
11, 23 -- Subject: M&M 2014 Student Bursaries and Volunteers
11, 23 -- References: {530F3EE6020000E6000DA088-at-mailhost.groupwise.msstate.edu}
11, 23 -- {530F4B83020000E6000DA098-at-mailhost.groupwise.msstate.edu}
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2014 07:23:19 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:UIUC MRL Biological microscopy and analysis work shop Opportunity

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: lamiller-at-illinois.edu ()

This Question/Comment was submitted to the Microscopy Listserver
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please copy both lamiller-at-illinois.edu as well as the Microscopy Listserver

Email: lamiller-at-illinois.edu
Name: Lou Ann Miller

Organization: Materials Research Lab, U of Illinois

Title-Subject: [Filtered] MRL Biological microscopy and analysis work shop Opportunity for vendors,
and for students

Message: Hello!

Many thanks to many of you for helping out with our fall biological conference in 2013!

This year, we hope to have the conference November 12 & 13th, 2014.

Students: There will be a poster and presentation Competition at this year's MRL Biological
microscopy and analysis work shop.

Each year we have had a different theme, 1st Biostructures and "what are we looking at", last
year Techniques: " how do we do that?"

This year, I'm hoping to pull in more students and participation by having a student presentation
and poster competition as well as talks by those who have specialties here on campus.. The subject
will be how students put biological microscopy techniques into use.


We would like to offer prizes for the best presentations with posters. Of course this is where you
can come in. :-)

Because you are vendors with the university, we checked all the rules, and it appears that a
check from a vendor straight to the prize winner can be up to , but not exceed $100.

The first 3 vendors, who can offer a nice monetary prize($100 or less), will get to be on the
judges panel, as well as have the prize named after your company. We can send the results with
images with your company's name to our paper, and to the university paper.

Vendors, please let me know by March 30th if you are interested.

If you miss this, and still would like mention around the conference, feel free to email me about
sponsoring a break for food.

Students, more information will be forthcoming for you. With biological applications also mixing
with material science these days, you may be interested if you mix the two disciplines as well.


Lou Ann Miller
Biology Specialist, Frederick Seitz Materials Research Lab

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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2014 07:23:52 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW: Chromium sputtering target

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: ghoshroy-at-sc.edu ()

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Email: ghoshroy-at-sc.edu
Name: Soumitra Ghoshroy

Organization: University of South Carolina

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Chromium sputtering target

Message: Dear Colleagues,

We have Denton DESK II Turbo Sputter Coater and are planning to use a chromium sputtering target for
the first time. We intend to use this coating for FESEM observation of a variety of specimens.We are
familiar with gold and gold-palladium targets but never used a chromium target before. This morning
we coated a sample with chromium, but seems like it didn't get any coating at all. I did see the
plasma. When we use gold or gold-palladium in the same coater, it works fine and we can see the
coating on the surface. Is it possible to see a color difference after Cr coating for 60-100 sec. We
are using 40-60% power.I noticed the Cr target is much thicker than the gold target.

I will appreciate someone telling if we are doing something wrong or it is just our simple ignorance
about chromium target. Any help will be very much appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


Soumitra Ghoshroy
EM Center
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC 29208

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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2014 07:24:51 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Needed ISI DS-130 - schematics

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: gcat84-at-gmail.com ()

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Email: gcat84-at-gmail.com
Name: Glenn

Organization: University of Delaware

Title-Subject: [Filtered] ISI DS-130 - schematics

Message: Hello,

I have an ISI DS-130 in mostly working condition. However, it recently gave up on producing some of
the +/- 15 V outputs. The first indication was when the vacuum would kick out when enabling the
filament. Then, the emission displays 200 uA even when the voltage and current are set to zero.

Does anyone have original wiring diagrams for this model SEM unit? It would be greatly appreciated.


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From: protrain-at-emcourses.com
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2014 08:03:44 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] RE: viaWWW: Chromium sputtering target

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives


I do not know the Denton Turbo Sputter Coater, but I was involved with the
development of Chromium coating many years ago!

To sputter chromium is not like sputtering any of the more familiar
materials. Firstly, you need a high vacuum and a power supply that is rated
much higher than for the conventional sputtering materials. Secondly,
before you are able to sputter the chromium the oxide coating has to be
removed, and this has to happen every time you use the unit. So the first
part of the sputter process is oxide removal, most dedicated systems have a
shutter to catch the oxide, thus leave the specimens clean. You know when
all of the oxide has been removed as the plasma will have a nice pale blue
colour. Once you have this level of target cleaning you switch off the
plasma, remove the protective shutter, and coat for about 2 to 5 seconds.
You should not expect to be able to see the coating.

It's a very long time since I was involved with this work but I hope I have
been able to provide some assistance?

Good luck


Steve Chapman FRMS
Protrain for Consultancy and Courses in Electron Microscopy
Mobile +44 (0) 7711 606967 Fax +44 (0)1280 814007


Email: ghoshroy-at-sc.edu
Name: Soumitra Ghoshroy

Organization: University of South Carolina

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Chromium sputtering target

Message: Dear Colleagues,

We have Denton DESK II Turbo Sputter Coater and are planning to use a
chromium sputtering target for the first time. We intend to use this coating
for FESEM observation of a variety of specimens.We are familiar with gold
and gold-palladium targets but never used a chromium target before. This
morning we coated a sample with chromium, but seems like it didn't get any
coating at all. I did see the plasma. When we use gold or gold-palladium in
the same coater, it works fine and we can see the coating on the surface. Is
it possible to see a color difference after Cr coating for 60-100 sec. We
are using 40-60% power.I noticed the Cr target is much thicker than the gold

I will appreciate someone telling if we are doing something wrong or it is
just our simple ignorance about chromium target. Any help will be very much

Thanks in advance,


Soumitra Ghoshroy
EM Center
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC 29208

==============================Original Headers==============================
20, 24 -- From protrain-at-emcourses.com Fri Feb 28 08:03:44 2014
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20, 24 -- To: {ghoshroy-at-sc.edu}
20, 24 -- Cc: "Microscopical Soc of America" {microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
20, 24 -- References: {201402281325.s1SDPkKA001008-at-ns.microscopy.com}
20, 24 -- In-Reply-To: {201402281325.s1SDPkKA001008-at-ns.microscopy.com}
20, 24 -- Subject: RE: [Microscopy] viaWWW: Chromium sputtering target
20, 24 -- Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2014 14:03:41 -0000
20, 24 -- Organization: Protrain
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From: stefan.wernitznig-at-medunigraz.at
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2014 08:36:34 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Pressure stability problems in the low vacuum mode of an ESEM

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Dear all,

We are working with an ESEM Quanta 600 in the low vacuum mode. We need a pressure of 0.18 Torr, but when we choose it via the UI the pressure is not constant but jumps between ~0.17 and ~0.28 Torr.
At our second ESEM Quanta 200 we experience no problems with the pressure stability at 0.18 Torr.

Do you have an idea, which parameter or defect is responsible?

Thank you in advance!


==============================Original Headers==============================
6, 30 -- From stefan.wernitznig-at-medunigraz.at Fri Feb 28 08:36:34 2014
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6, 30 -- Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2014 15:36:31 +0100
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6, 30 -- Subject: Pressure stability problems in the low vacuum mode of an ESEM
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From: john.robson-at-boehringer-ingelheim.com
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2014 09:05:22 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] RE: viaWWW: Chromium sputtering target

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Soumitra, as a compromise might I suggest using Pt, it will definitely give you better results than Au or Au/Pd.

Good Luck,
John Robson

-----Original Message-----
X-from: protrain-at-emcourses.com [mailto:protrain-at-emcourses.com]
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2014 9:13 AM
To: Robson,John (AN) BIP-US-R


I do not know the Denton Turbo Sputter Coater, but I was involved with the development of Chromium coating many years ago!

To sputter chromium is not like sputtering any of the more familiar materials. Firstly, you need a high vacuum and a power supply that is rated much higher than for the conventional sputtering materials. Secondly, before you are able to sputter the chromium the oxide coating has to be removed, and this has to happen every time you use the unit. So the first part of the sputter process is oxide removal, most dedicated systems have a shutter to catch the oxide, thus leave the specimens clean. You know when all of the oxide has been removed as the plasma will have a nice pale blue colour. Once you have this level of target cleaning you switch off the plasma, remove the protective shutter, and coat for about 2 to 5 seconds.
You should not expect to be able to see the coating.

It's a very long time since I was involved with this work but I hope I have been able to provide some assistance?

Good luck


Steve Chapman FRMS
Protrain for Consultancy and Courses in Electron Microscopy
Mobile +44 (0) 7711 606967 Fax +44 (0)1280 814007


Email: ghoshroy-at-sc.edu
Name: Soumitra Ghoshroy

Organization: University of South Carolina

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Chromium sputtering target

Message: Dear Colleagues,

We have Denton DESK II Turbo Sputter Coater and are planning to use a chromium sputtering target for the first time. We intend to use this coating for FESEM observation of a variety of specimens.We are familiar with gold and gold-palladium targets but never used a chromium target before. This morning we coated a sample with chromium, but seems like it didn't get any coating at all. I did see the plasma. When we use gold or gold-palladium in the same coater, it works fine and we can see the coating on the surface. Is it possible to see a color difference after Cr coating for 60-100 sec. We are using 40-60% power.I noticed the Cr target is much thicker than the gold target.

I will appreciate someone telling if we are doing something wrong or it is just our simple ignorance about chromium target. Any help will be very much appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


Soumitra Ghoshroy
EM Center
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC 29208

==============================Original Headers==============================
20, 24 -- From protrain-at-emcourses.com Fri Feb 28 08:03:44 2014 20, 24 -- Received: from mail.esentra.net (mail.esentra.net [])
20, 24 -- by ns.microscopy.com ( with ESMTP id s1SE3h0X023155
20, 24 -- for {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} ; Fri, 28 Feb 2014 08:03:44 -0600
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20, 24 -- Received: from ([]) with MailEnable ESMTP; Fri, 28 Feb 2014 14:03:41 +0000 20, 24 -- Reply-To: {protrain-at-emcourses.com} 20, 24 -- From: "Steve Chapman" {protrain-at-emcourses.com} 20, 24 -- To: {ghoshroy-at-sc.edu} 20, 24 -- Cc: "Microscopical Soc of America" {microscopy-at-microscopy.com} 20, 24 -- References: {201402281325.s1SDPkKA001008-at-ns.microscopy.com}
20, 24 -- In-Reply-To: {201402281325.s1SDPkKA001008-at-ns.microscopy.com}
20, 24 -- Subject: RE: [Microscopy] viaWWW: Chromium sputtering target 20, 24 -- Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2014 14:03:41 -0000 20, 24 -- Organization: Protrain 20, 24 -- Message-ID: {001d01cf348d$e3309a00$a991ce00$-at-com}
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29, 26 -- From prvs=129e7d229=john.robson-at-boehringer-ingelheim.com Fri Feb 28 09:05:22 2014
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29, 26 -- 14.02.0387.000; Fri, 28 Feb 2014 10:05:21 -0500
29, 26 -- From: {john.robson-at-boehringer-ingelheim.com}
29, 26 -- To: {Microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
29, 26 -- CC: {ghoshroy-at-sc.edu}
29, 26 -- Subject: RE: [Microscopy] RE: viaWWW: Chromium sputtering target
29, 26 -- Thread-Topic: [Microscopy] RE: viaWWW: Chromium sputtering target
29, 26 -- Thread-Index: AQHPNI83iyZcdqcy10meMJHXITB2dprKwrnA
29, 26 -- Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2014 15:05:21 +0000
29, 26 -- Message-ID: {0505FBCD63EE71428E13EBEEFC2C4E432275AC45-at-NAHEXMB02.am.boehringer.com}
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From: John.Mardinly-at-asu.edu
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2014 13:36:05 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW: Chromium sputtering target

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Chromium is extremely reactive with oxygen. Even with a UHV system, chromium deposits tend to be chromium oxide. The best way to deposit chromium is with an ion beam sputtering system. Plasma sputtering, as you have discovered, does not work well for chromium. You see the glow of the plasma, but not much else happens.

John Mardinly, ASU

-----Original Message-----
X-from: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com [mailto:microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com]
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2014 6:43 AM
To: John Mardinly

X-from: ghoshroy-at-sc.edu ()

This Question/Comment was submitted to the Microscopy Listserver using the WWW based Form at http://microscopy.com/MLFormMail.html
Remember this posting is most likely not from a Subscriber, so when replying
please copy both ghoshroy-at-sc.edu as well as the Microscopy Listserver

Email: ghoshroy-at-sc.edu
Name: Soumitra Ghoshroy

Organization: University of South Carolina

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Chromium sputtering target

Message: Dear Colleagues,

We have Denton DESK II Turbo Sputter Coater and are planning to use a chromium sputtering target for the first time. We intend to use this coating for FESEM observation of a variety of specimens.We are familiar with gold and gold-palladium targets but never used a chromium target before. This morning we coated a sample with chromium, but seems like it didn't get any coating at all. I did see the plasma. When we use gold or gold-palladium in the same coater, it works fine and we can see the coating on the surface. Is it possible to see a color difference after Cr coating for 60-100 sec. We are using 40-60% power.I noticed the Cr target is much thicker than the gold target.

I will appreciate someone telling if we are doing something wrong or it is just our simple ignorance about chromium target. Any help will be very much appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


Soumitra Ghoshroy
EM Center
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC 29208

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24, 37 -- From John.Mardinly-at-asu.edu Fri Feb 28 13:36:04 2014
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From: nairvinods-at-gmail.com
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2014 17:44:12 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Microscopy of Infectious Disease Agents Symposia (MIDAS)

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of the organizing committee, I’d like to extend an
invitation for you to attend the first Microscopy of Infectious
Disease Agents Symposia we are hosting at Rocky Mountain
Laboratories/NIAID/NIH in Hamilton, Montana July 24th and 25th.
Please feel free to pass this along to anyone who might be interested
in attending.

The 2014 Microscopy of Infectious Disease Agents Symposia (MIDAS) will
provide an opportunity to bring together leading researchers of
microscopic imaging and related techniques as they apply to the study
of human pathogens. Organized by the National Institute of Allergy of
Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, this meeting will
provide a venue for recent progress in areas of both light and
electron microscopies relevant to imaging viruses, bacteria, prions,
host cells and tissues. In addition to scientific presentations,
workshops will be organized to teach various aspects of emerging
technologies. The field of microscopic imaging is rapidly evolving
as advances in both instrumentation and computational sciences are
enabling a greatly expanding range of analyses to be performed. A
broad theme at the conference will be on technological advances and on
future developments needed to increase the application and impact of
microscopic imaging for understanding the biology of human pathogens
with the goal of improving the treatment, diagnosis, and prevention of
infectious diseases. The conference will bring together a diverse
group of scientists at senior and junior levels. Seminars and posters
at the conference will provide an opportunity to present research
findings and exchange of ideas.

Please visit our registration site for more information and the
preliminary agenda.

Keynote speakers:

Sriram Subramaniam, Ph.D., National Cancer Institute, NIH

Dr. Sriram Subramaniam received his Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from
Stanford University and completed postdoctoral training in the
Departments of Chemistry and Biology at M.I.T. He is chief of the
Biophysics Section in the Laboratory of Cell Biology at the Center for
Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute. He holds a visiting
faculty appointment at the Johns Hopkins University School of
Medicine. His current work is focused on the development of advanced
technologies for imaging macromolecular assemblies using 3D electron
microscopy, and their application to address fundamental problems in
HIV/AIDS and cancer research.
Hari Shroff , Ph.D., National Ins titute of Biomedical Imaging and
Bioengineering, NIH
Dr. Hari Shroff received a B.S.E. in bioengineering from the
University of Washington in 2001, and under the supervision of Dr. Jan
Liphardt, completed his Ph.D. in biophysics at the University of
California at Berkeley in 2006. He spent the next three years
performing postdoctoral research under the mentorship of Eric Betzig
at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute's Janelia Farm Research Campus
where his research focused on development of photo-activated
localization microscopy (PALM), an optical super resolution technique.
Dr. Shroff is now chief of NIBIB's section on high resolution optical
imaging laboratory, where he and his staff are developing new imaging
tools for application in biological and clinical research. Dr
Shroff’s lab has recently developed two new microscope systems: The
first, iSIM, uses structured illumination and high speed processing to
render images with double the resolution of conventional fluorescence
microscope. The second, diSPIM, is a light sheet microscope which
uses two objectives to achieve isotropic resolution with minimal

Organizing committee:
Elizabeth Fischer, NIH/NIAID, Audray Harris, NIH/NIAID, and Owen
Schwartz, NIH/NIAID

Elizabeth R. Fischer
Microscopy Unit Manager
Research Technologies Section/RTB
Rocky Mountain Laboratories/NIAID/NIH
903 South 4th Street
Hamilton, MT 59840

==============================Original Headers==============================
10, 29 -- From nairvinods-at-gmail.com Fri Feb 28 17:44:11 2014
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10, 29 -- Subject: Microscopy of Infectious Disease Agents Symposia (MIDAS)
10, 29 -- From: Vinod Nair {nairvinods-at-gmail.com}
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2014 18:19:10 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Question: vacuum oven polymerization: Vent to hood?

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

X-from: tina.williams-at-ars.usda.gov ()

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Email: tina.williams-at-ars.usda.gov
Name: Tina Williams

Organization: USDA

Title-Subject: [Filtered] vacuum oven polymerization: Vent to hood?

Message: Hello,

While polymerizing your resins, do you vent your oven in a fume hood or to the lab? Safety
Thank you,

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From: bfoster-at-the-mip.com
Date: Sat, 1 Mar 2014 19:51:35 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Review of Microsccopy Exhibits & Seminars at PITTCON 2014

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Dear Listers,

PITTCON is not typically considered an important venue for microscopy, but
there will be at least three dozen microscopy and related technology
companies exhibiting at Chicago's McCormick Center, March 2-6. In
addition, there will be a number of seminars, tutorials, and lunch&learn
opportunities. American Lab asked that I do a review of Microscopy at
PITTCON. That article is now posted at:


Caveat: I have no commercial interest in any of the companies represented

Best regards,
Barbara Foster
Microscopy/Microscopy Education
P: (972)924-5310 E: bfoster-at-mme1.com

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6, 33 -- From bfoster-at-the-mip.com Sat Mar 1 19:51:34 2014
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6, 33 -- Date: Sat, 1 Mar 2014 19:51:34 -0600
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From: oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu
Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2014 07:18:11 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Ask-A-Microscopist: Reference slide set for pharmaceuticals needed

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

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realname - Pamela Coker, Ph.D.
Email - pjcoker-at-pima.edu
EDUCATION - Undergraduate College
LOCATION - Tucson, AZ 85743
SUBJECT_OF_QUESTION - Looking for a reference slide set for pharmaceuticals

I am writing a proposal for a new course in forensic microscopy. I have
found most of the reference slide sets I need, however I am coming up
empty handed on a pharmaceutical slide set.

Can anyone point me in the right direction? I'm not finding one at
Thanks, Dr. C.

==============================Original Headers==============================
6, 27 -- From oshel1pe-at-cmich.edu Mon Mar 3 07:18:10 2014
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From: dsherman-at-purdue.edu
Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2014 11:37:59 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Hitachi user manuals

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives

Hitachi owners,

I was wondering if there are digital versions of the user manuals for the
Hitachi 7000 transmission EM and Hitachi S-3000N scanning EM? If so, I
would very much appreciate a copy of them. Please contact me off-line and
we can see how this can be arranged.

Many thanks,

Debra Sherman, Founder & CSO
DS imaging LLC
Purdue Kurz Technology Center
1281 Win Hentschel Blvd
West Lafayette, IN 47906
E-mail: debby.sherman-at-dsimagingllc.com
Mobile: 765-418-8540

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8, 31 -- From dsherman-at-purdue.edu Mon Mar 3 11:37:59 2014
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8, 31 -- To: "message to: MSA list" {microscopy-at-microscopy.com}
8, 31 -- Subject: Hitachi user manuals
8, 31 -- Thread-Topic: Hitachi user manuals
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8, 31 -- Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2014 17:37:58 +0000
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From: rbeavers-at-mail.smu.edu
Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2014 14:13:39 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] Leo 906E TEM Temperature Issue

Contents Retrieved from Microscopy Listserver Archives


Trying to address an electronics high temperature error on our Leo 906E TEM.

Would like to know where the temperature sensor is located on the system (column chassis or power supply rack) in order to troubleshoot the problem further.

Have thought for some time the issue was with the chiller but its running at 58 degrees F at a flow rate of 54 gph and the room is 70 degrees F.

On our coldest days this winter we have successfully run the instrument but we had a warm spell last week and the problem reappeared.

All rack cooling fans are running and filters are clean.

Any ideas are appreciated.

Roy Beavers
Southern Methodist University

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10, 28 -- From rbeavers-at-mail.smu.edu Mon Mar 3 14:13:36 2014
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10, 28 -- Subject: Leo 906E TEM Temperature Issue
10, 28 -- Thread-Topic: Leo 906E TEM Temperature Issue
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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2014 18:49:22 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW: vacuum oven polymerization: Vent to hood- Thanks for all

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X-from: tina.williams-at-ars.usda.gov ()

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Email: tina.williams-at-ars.usda.gov
Name: Tina Williams

Organization: USDA

Title-Subject: [Filtered] vacuum oven polymerization: Vent to hood- Thanks for all the

Message: Hello again,

Thank you to all who replied to my question regarding venting in a fume hood during polymerization
of resins. I especially appreciated the references and safety reminders to reduce
respiratory/skin/immuno sensitivities by venting in a fume hood.

I wanted to confirm, by having your collective experiences working with resins, that we continue
working in harmony with these safety protocols. We have been venting the resin polymerization in
the fume hood. However our current EHS officer, brought up the concern regarding the oven
effecting the airflow in the hood. Since we have a large/heavy oven, and the same issue may apply
with a small oven (if one could be found), we have kept the oven in the hood.

Your answers help us have a basis to continue with our current safety protocols, until a safer
alternative is found.


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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2014 18:50:02 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:Networking Opportunities In CT

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X-from: gr3g0rr33-at-gmail.com ()

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Email: gr3g0rr33-at-gmail.com
Name: Gregory Wyche

Organization: University of South Carolina

Title-Subject: [Filtered] Networking Opportunities In CT

Message: Hi, I'm a microscopist in CT (currently between jobs) looking for opportunities to network
in that state. The Connecticut Microscopy Society website has not been updated in a long time so I
can't get in touch with any of the members. If you know of any groups that meet, please forward
them. I'll very much appreciate it.

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From: microscopylistserver-noreply-at-microscopy.com
Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2014 18:52:42 -0600
Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:FTIR Microscope

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X-from: dvanhart-at-binghamton.edu ()

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Email: dvanhart-at-binghamton.edu
Name: Daniel VanHart

Organization: Binghamton University

Title-Subject: [Filtered] FTIR Microscope

Message: Does anyone have any experience with a Pike Technologies microMax Microscope?

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